catslick · 1 day
everyone is strange, and being passionate is attractive. don’t be afraid to be who you are and enjoy life the way you want to
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catslick · 8 days
Every time we vend at Pride, there are times when I have to fight breaking down.
It's probably not when you'd expect. Yes, I get misty at the Big Moments and the Conversations, and we have those every time. I love seeing the parents who are buying their kid's first Pride item, the trans girls spinning in skirts they just bought, the curve of fresh scars across a chest that's clearly seeing sunlight for the first time this summer. I love it all. I devour every minute of it.
But it's the parents who hand their kid a $20 or tap their Apple watch on our card reader and look slightly bored that get me, sometimes.
My G-d. It's not scary, it's not overwhelming, it's not tense and nervewacking. It's boring to them.
2 weeks ago, my brother tells me, my parents used the right name and pronouns for me through an entire dinner with Jake and his partner.
I turned 47 three days ago.
Today, a parent looked bored escorting their teenager around at Pride.
My G-d.
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catslick · 9 days
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- letters from the end of the world
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catslick · 11 days
This Pride I hope that all of you never ever forget that no amount of sanitizing your sex life or sanding down of your LGBT edges will make bigots accept you. So, don’t debase yourself by capitulating an inch to them, especially in ways that throw your fellow community members under the bus.
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catslick · 18 days
"nauseated" and "hungry" are two feelings that should NOT be allowed to coincide
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catslick · 26 days
I’m doing test stream!
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catslick · 28 days
hey if you died right now whats your ghost outfit you cant change it be honest
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catslick · 28 days
I've seen posts going around claiming that petting animals is basically tricking them into thinking they're being groomed, and it's bugging me because, like, there's no trickery afoot. Petting and scritching are grooming activities. They help to dislodge loose fur and foreign objects and more evenly distribute protective oils, among other things. Primates are social groomers, and the human impulse to scritch is the legacy of our primate ancestors. We see an animal we like, even a dangerous one, and the monkey brain says "groom that thing".
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catslick · 1 month
Scenario: somebody you know casually, but not, like, that well has cheaply obtained some rare article that happens to be related to a special interest of yours. However, they're not sure if it's genuine or a knockoff, and – being aware of your special interest – they reach out to you to confirm its authenticity. The results of examining photos being inconclusive, they insist on showing it to you in person; upon arrival, they point the way to a musty, ill-lit basement where item in question is ostensibly kept.
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catslick · 1 month
Rapper Macklemore posts on Instagram a song in support of Palestine called “HIND’S HALL” that will be on streaming platforms soon and all proceeds will go to UNRWA
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catslick · 1 month
why did no one tell me quantum computers looked like that
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catslick · 1 month
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art by @BottlngSunshine
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catslick · 1 month
*NOTE: in this case, phobia refers to a very strong irrational fear, not being a little scared of something. if you can handle snakes but they make you nervous, that's not a phobia.
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catslick · 1 month
You know, that Mythbusters post legitimately changed my life. Before seeing it, I had exponentially more guilt and stress about not being able to sleep, which of course, further exacerbated my inability to sleep.
Now, every time I wake up about three am, knowing I have to get up at 6.45, instead of stressing and panicking about how my day is going to be sleep deprived and miserable, I just tell myself 'Time to activate Mythbusters Protocol' and lie there with my eyes closed safe in the knowledge that I am measurably reducing later feelings of exhaustion.
And when this happens, about 70% of the time the reduction of guilt and stress means I actually do fall back asleep, so all in all instead of getting only three or four hours sleep, I get five to six and a half.
Which y'know, major improvement in health and energy.
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catslick · 1 month
anyway. onto better things
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catslick · 1 month
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official art draw overs for fun
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catslick · 1 month
Commissions babeeeyy
Ya boy needs money. Here we go:
$5 Sketch or full color Icon. Basically either small stuff or sketches with little to no shading, tho i like to throw in color blocks or whatever
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$10 Line art+basic shading. So basically its one color but ill shade it for ya.
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$15 Full color! lotsa detail, the works. I've recently gotten an interest in doing character info sheets, so those would be cool.
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I would tack on a dollar per extra character, just cause if im doing like, an ensemble of course I'd want to account for that.
I'm flexible! if theres a concept you have that you're not sure what price itd be lemme know. Not gonna do heavy mecha stuff cause im not confident with that, but if you want me to take a crack at a robot im willing!
-> tons more examples on my blog!
I've got quite a few different payment methods. DM me for the info and any reference pics you'd like to share for what you want me to draw!
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