cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
Ornithological Divination
-The counting or divining of birds in real life or dreams to predict future outcomes for oneself or others
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☼ Magpies
Possibly one of the more well known birds to count and divine from especially in the British Isles. Saluting magpies or acknowledging them is a sure way to make sure they do not pass on bad luck to you as they are proud and temperamental creatures.
A popular rhyme to determine how your fate or that of those around you by counting how many magpies you see in a day is as follows: One for sorrow, Two for joy, Three for a girl, Four for a boy, Five for silver, Six for gold, Seven for a secret, Never to be told. Eight for a wish, Nine for a kiss, Ten a surprise you should be careful not to miss, Eleven for health, Twelve for wealth, Thirteen beware it’s the devil himself.
Magpies may also represent these attributes or signs both in dreams and in real life: cunning, resolution, good luck, love, deception, pride, thievery and gossip.
☼ Crows
Likely the most well known bird to divine from, crows have been used in literature, poetry and plays to signify a great many things (though not many of them pleasant). However, seeing a crow or hearing its call may not always be a bad omen- as you will see below.
Crows typically symbolise the following (keep in mind that different cultures view crows in different ways): magick, mystery, death, bad luck, rebirth, change, intelligence, overlooking something, lingering sadness and solitude.
Hearing a crow’s call in the morning may indicate trouble ahead in the day, in the early afternoon indicates a fortuitous day, in the late afternoon it may mean that there is something crucial in the day you have forgotten, in the evening it may mean they are bringing you messages from the spirits and at night it may mean that bad luck is headed your way.
☼Pigeons and Doves
Perhaps the most endearing birds on the list (and personal favourites of mine), pigeons and doves are often overlooked because there are just so many of them around- especially if you live in a city. However, their presence and behaviour is notable when you see them where you might not expect or if they seem particularly keen on being close to you.
Pigeons and doves typically represent the following characteristics, however they are seen as a pest in many cultures so these have been derived from more ancient ideas: adaptation, resilience, meekness, modesty, purity, peace, love, devotion, kindness, embarrassment, sacrifice and discomfort.
If a pigeon or dove is near to you or if one appears seemingly from nowhere, it is typically a good omen and likely means that people have thought positively of you that day. If you see two pigeons or doves fighting however it can indicate that whilst good intentions were meant, a situation has become sour due to misunderstanding and a sacrifice must be made on both sides.
☼Hawks/Birds of Prey
Hawks and BoP are a really common bird in the countryside and wooded areas, although they can sometimes be seen in cities that are close to these areas too. These birds have been used in literature and in divination for a long time and in many cultures represent messengers from the spirit world.
Hawks and Birds of Prey are often thought to represent the following in divination: spirituality, connection to the earth, focus, clear vision, intuition, precision, unseen knowledge, danger, wiseness and elders.
Typically if you see a hawk or BoP it might signify that you are close to gaining knowledge and intellect that was previously unknown to you- that you will likely gain this knowledge through your own intuitive means. However, this knowledge may be dangerous and could lead to unwanted scenarios and situations so caution is advised.
☼ Owls
Owls are sure signposts in divination as they are usually quite rarely seen due to their behaviour. For this reason, seeing an owl can often give you a very straightforward glimpse into future events and emotions. Despite this however, owls are incredibly spiritual birds so making sure to understand their message fully is vital to proper divination and respect for owls.
Owls in tradition and literature have typically been viewed as showing the following things: wisdom, clarity, knowledge, retribution, deceit, a battle in one’s mind, change, death, illusion and transformation.
It is likely that if you see an owl you have been given a special insight through the spirit world to hidden information and wisdom that will guide you for the rest of your life. Omens such as death and deceit should, however, also be noted as key factors in whether your future with this new knowledge will be pleasant or a battle yet to be won.
Robins are beautiful and often shy birds that are found across the world. They often have a beautiful red coloration on their chest and have deep spiritual meanings and connections.
Seeing a robin may indicate the following: good luck, passion, bravery, fleeting love, an accident, a secret admirer, good news, new beginnings, honour, joy, patience and renewal.
If you see a robin it is likely that there is positivity to look forward to in the future, especially in love and in your own self. Expect good news soon that will transform your life, even in the smallest ways, and make it a whole lot better. Although, it is possible that with this positivity comes loss of something dear such as a lover leaving or movement from a path you were sure you would take.
☼ Swans
Swans are another example of birds that are frequently used to divine from, simply because of their clear connotations and meanings. Although they can be temperamental, these birds are very much intertwined with fate and divination as a whole.
When you see a swan it is likely that it may mean one of these things: motherhood, love, devotion, partnership, loyalty, youth, children, pride, dreams, strong emotions, creativity, purity, transformation, jealousy, arrogance and stubbornness.
Swans in dreams and in real life usually mean that a relationship with someone is strengthening or changing in some way, whether it be for better or for worse. Whilst swans do show the positive side to relationships with traits such as loyalty and devotion, they can also show the negative side where jealousy and stubbornness can halt the progress of a blooming connection as doubt becomes the main thing on someone’s mind. Therefore, it should be noted that caution should be taken in divining from swans as all may not be as it seems.
One of the few birds that everyone knows has one meaning in particular. Birth, children, fertility etc show a clear pattern in the meaning behind a stork. Storks however, have some other surprising meanings that may show how ungeneric a stork can be.
Aside from the aforementioned meanings, storks can also represent: regality, longevity, fidelity, purity, prosperity, protection, good luck, renewal, moving on, femininity, war, greed, theft, sin and cleansing of sin.
Many of a stork’s meanings have to do with key traits we typically want to see in ourselves. Storks may represent what we long for in life and that eventually, we will achieve it. Its negative meanings may show what we have to go through in order to get to where we want to be with ourselves as we learn how to overcome adversity and challenge ourselves to be better. Tossing aside negativity, prejudice, hate and fear seem to be the goals that storks typically entail.
These are just a few birds you can divine from but there are so many more with lots of different meanings like hummingbirds, kingfishers, cuckoos etc.
I hope this brief list has helped and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Blessed be and good luck upon you all ☼
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
“I stepped into the bookshop and breathed in that perfume of paper and magic that strangely no one had ever thought of bottling.”
— Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Angel’s Game
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”
— A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh (via books-n-quotes)
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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“I can astral project and I can lucid dream.”
Requested by @gossamerskulls
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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On becoming lucid:
💫keep a dream journal. This one is at least 80% of what’s going to get you to achieve lucid dreams. Record every dream you have when you wake up, and read over all your dreams at the end of each week. Find patterns, know your dreams inside out.
💫reality checks. Ask yourself throughout the day “am I dreaming?” Find something that taps you into reality, maybe one of your tattoos or a piece of jewelry you wear daily. Ask yourself if you’re dreaming, check if it’s there, then assess that you are awake. Eventually you will do this in your dreams, and you will become lucid.
💫meditation. This will increase your attention and focus and help you better tap into your subconscious. You will also achieve deeper sleep, which means better, longer R.E.M. Cycles.
💫wake yourself up. If you can’t remember your dreams, or you’ve been trying these tips for longer than a month with no success, you may need to interrupt your R.E.M. cycle. Set an alarm for the middle of the night or early in the morning. Just make sure you’ve been sleeping for at least 4 hrs before the alarm goes off. Record your dream when you wake up. It will be clearer in your mind because you will not have passed your R.E.M. cycle. Immediately go back to sleep. Try to visualize a scene as you fall back to sleep. Imagine yourself dreaming. You will be more likely to become lucid after a R.E.M. interruption.
Witchcraft for lucidity:
🌙mugwort(ingested through tea or used in spells)
On staying lucid:
✨calm down. When you become lucid, your subconscious self will probably start freaking out a bit. Try your best to calm yourself. Breath. Say to yourself “I am safe. I am in control of this dream,” until your anxieties leave you.
✨spin. If you feel yourself waking up as soon as you become lucid(very common), try to spin your body around. Twirl in a circle or jump really high. Do some erratic movement and it will ground you in the dream.
Sweet dreams! 🌙💫✨
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
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mythology family ⤞ the morrigan for @demaesthetic
phantom queen
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
“When you’re young, thunderstorms seem scary, like the sky is angry at you. But now I’m old, something about it’s roar soothes me; it’s comforting to know that even nature needs to scream sometimes.”
— Unknown (via darkkiss0fdeath)
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cauldronofthenight · 8 months
“Learn to be alone, and to like it. There’s nothing more freeing and empowering than learning to like your own company.”
— Mandy Hale
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