Caution Tape & The Crime Scene (CT&TCS) is a fictional band created by Charles Jonah C. (Charlie-GamerDude on YouTube).
Their story has mostly been portrayed through writing (thus far), but their first actual song is in the works.
The whole premise is they were an obscure band that were picked off one-by-one before their big show, ending with Caution Tape himself, who died of a broken heart.
More information will be revealed in time, but we thought we’s post an introduction post to have the premise down to avoid any confusion :)
[Character List/Info]
We have wanted to make this blog for some time now, and now we finally have!
Please note:
N/S/F/T content has been written by me about these characters. They are my OCs to do with as I please. I am an adult.
If you’re some puritan weirdo who is pro-censorship or harassment, then my work isn’t for you. Thanks.
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“Caution Tape & The Crime Scene” Members
(tw: death)
Carlton Tarnish/Caution Tape:
Pronouns - He/him, That/Thats
Appearance - short ginger hair with parted and frayed bangs; green eyes; tan freckled skin; medium build with a bit of softness around the middle. often wears merch of his own band.
Role In Band - lead singer
Likes - music, especially the rock genre; hanging out with his band; animals
Dislikes - betrayal; being late; authority figures
Additional Info - he has always been passionate about music, but his father- a Bobby -tried to smother that interest. clearly, that didn't work.
that died due to Broken Heart Syndrome.
Brick Forester/Blunt Force:
Pronouns - He/him, they/them
Appearance - long, dark-brown hair tipped with green and purple, typically tied into a ponytail; deep brown eyes (usually covered by his long bangs); medium-brown skin; muscular build. usually wears a denim jacket over a cut-up shirt.
Role In Band - drummer
Likes - music, animals, reading, working out
Dislikes - authority figures (especially cops and psychiatrists); people who assume things about him and his band
Additional Info - he's usually quiet around strangers, but opens up around his band. he exercises a lot to be able to stay in shape and be able to carry his drum set around easily.
they died to blunt force trauma.
Rover Crossroads/Rotty Corpse:
Pronouns - It/its, he/him
Appearance - short, somewhat messy brassy hair; brown eyes; tan skin (slightly darker than Carlton's); short and slightly chubby build. usually wears biffed-up jeans and a tee shirt with the sleeves cut off.
Role In Band - guitarist
Likes - music; tuning his guitar; writing letters
Dislikes - being ignored; lying; sharp objects; authority figures of any kind (except his band's leader, Carlton)
Additional Info - it has a major fear of dying, but being around its band members and calling himself after something he never wants to become has helped him feel less afraid.
it eventually gets lobotomized.
Samuel Woods/Stab Wound:
Pronouns - He/him, she/her
Appearance - black, partially-shaved hair with long side-swept bangs; eye color unknown (wears colored contacts); pale skin; thin, lanky build. usually wears a black tee shirt and lots of bracelets.
Role In Band - keyboarder
Likes - music, dancing, dressing up
Dislikes - authority figures; getting hurt; making mistakes; his eye color
Additional Info - she feels very insecure about her eyes, as she worries how she'll be perceived if she doesn't wear her colored contacts. her favorite of the colors she wears is purple.
she was found stabbed to death in an alley.
Graham Popper/Guilty Party:
Pronouns: He/him, or none
Appearance - curly chin-length, silver-streaked brown hair; brown eyes; speckled warm-toned skin; broad-shouldered. usually wears old rock-n-roll type clothes from the 30s (they were his father's).
Role In Band - secondary singer
Likes - music; spending time in the sun; reading; writing
Dislikes - authority figures (especially the Constabulary); stress; sunburns; being falsely accused of things because of his stage name
Additional Info - the oldest of the group. the grey streaks in his hair are from the stressful environment he grew up in. on more than one occasion, he's been falsely accused of committing crimes just because he calls himself "Guilty Party". believes in a better future.
was found dead with "martyr" written on his forehead.
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