cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
i wanna take a nap
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
What are ya’ll up to?
cuz I’m just layin’ in bed like a lump
blogging and considering a nap in this sweet ass ac
i got my murder of crows chillin w me
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
If I ever say somethin’ ya’ll don’t understand just lemmie know, I ain’t got no issues explainin’ myself
its nice to meet ya!
gotcha dude ive made a mental note of it and locked that shit away in my head
nice ta meet ya too
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
like that fat kid in elementary school who would punch kids to see if they cry and then takes their lunchmoney hes always had it coming hell get the payback in college be careful with them dinoskeles theyre sensitive and fragile mmmmmladies
fuck that fat kid in elementry school his college loan got denied and now look at him with his life in the dumps
i just take pictures of them but i do have a few bones they let me keep
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
That.. that is quite the intro there
I’m Bro an’ I’m so homo i’m pretty sure I was actually birthed by a rainbow
welcome to my world of overly informational intros ill be your duide
also just as a warning english isnt my first language so if i misconstrue something tell me 
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
hey im d and my day is definetley not boring in the least
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
oh hey my name is d and im actually considering punching myself in the face im also bisexual for birds as pointed out by my sister
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
also it never occured to me that i didnt even finish school
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
fuck english dude
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
a legend
im here for not even two days and im already being creeped by a pornbot
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
oh fuckin god me returned from the endless void in all glory with only the sickest kinds of photography skills hows it goin man
im photographin these dino bones dude but its going never a dull moment aparently like the wheel of life is constantly throwing shit our way to see what happens
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
holy shit hey dude its been ages
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
this is what hppens when you are related to me folks
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
What have you accomplished with this.
showing what its like to be related to me
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
floatlngs: Stop being gay for birds. It's creepy.
cawingpolaroids: im not even gay dude @cawingpolaroids:im bisexual for these birds
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
You deleted my period and made me think for a moment that I forgot to use ending punctuation on my post. Shameful.
oh shit did i do that probably an accident
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cawingpolaroids-blog · 8 years
who is mother mother why are there two mothers  what are their plans
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