cbenchtrio · 3 months
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echoes of an older sister
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
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shelby’s recent statement on twitter
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
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Important tweet from Rue
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
i don’t normally talk about many mcyters anymore BUT i want to say I’m seeing a lot more discourse about wilbur rn than i’m seeing support for shelby. y’all should evaluate your priorities rn and focus your energy towards shelby who took SO much emotional energy and bravery to speak up about abuse she went through. she deserves the fucking world and especially right now she needs all the positivity we can possibly give her.
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
give all your love to shelby shubble forever and always, btw
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
I'm begging you people to unlearn bioessentialism 'all men are abusive' rhetoric besides being sloppily disguised radfem rhetoric implicitly absolves men of their responsibility as if something is inherent to one group (outside of their control) it is then logical to assume they cannot be held to accountability as well, that's just natural behavior. But men are not wild animals, who cannot be held accountable for their actions like how you cannot hold a dog accountable for eating an unsupervised pet rabbit 'that's just how they are' they are humans. And like all humans, they have a choice. There are men who choose not to be active misogynists. There are men who choose not to be abusive. This is just rebranded 'boys will be boys' with an added layer of cynicism and I'm so tired of it.
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
things that do not cause abuse:
-being male
-being a man
-being a straight white man specifically
-being mentally ill
-being an ontologically evil person who can never not be evil and who everyone should have known was evil the whole time
things that cause abuse:
-repeated refusal to respect other peoples' boundaries, needs, and trust
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
reiterating that trans women arent men and ARE women when being told not to regurgitate terf rhetoric isnt the move u think it is
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
generalizing statements like 'all men are evil' are for sure wrong but also i think its important not to cut discussions of gender out of the picture esp bc they are extremely relevant in this case as misogyny is a big part of wilbur's abusive actions and the wider discussion of the. social environment of cc spaces that enables things like this. so.
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
Actually, before I log off for the day, I will say, please don't go labelling Wilbur a narcissist or trying to armchair diagnose him with any cluster B disorders. Having NPD doesn't make someone abusive. Being abusive is what makes someone abusive. By armchair diagnosing an abuser with NPD, it's not only just further stigmatising an already very stigmatised and often misunderstood disorder but also, by framing a mental disorder as "abuser disorder", it almost unintentionally shifts blame away from them as a person and their actions and more towards the mental illness that they may or may not have. This isn't to excuse anything Wilbur's done. Just please keep in mind, people with NPD aren't inherently abusive. Wilbur isn't an abuser because he's a "narcissist", he's an abuser because he's abused people
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
I would trust like none of you with my story if I was a cc. People like you are the reason people like me don’t talk about being hurt.
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
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This is awful and I come here to beg again, stop to pressure people to speak up when the stantment happend hours ago.
You are just harming more people you are not helping Shelby, send support for her, share her stuff, watch her lives, uplift her voice, you can also share the posts of people that are supporting her.
Do not make this into a witch hunt, she shared her story so other people could be safe from him. So help build a healthier community.
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
i genuinely don't know how to explain to you guys that "if they knew wilbur was shitty because wilbur was shitty to them too and didn't mention it earlier they're complicit" is literally just victim blaming. like. i'm sorry. i don't know what to tell you
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
some more cc/circle of friends responses speaking out in support of shelby/against wilburs statement: This is not to give them acknowledgement I do believe we should be critical of the circle of friends in their history of silence against abusers. I just want to catalogue their tweets here.
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I am not aware of anymore at this time feel free to add on
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
Onstream, Tubbo called Wilbur's response "fucking vile" and made it clear that no one who defends abusers has a place in his chat. He's visibly pissed and talks about how angry the apology made him
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
Everyone say “thank you, Shubble”
And, if you’ve got time, I would say that while we should be worrying about deplatforming an abuser, supporting Shubble is really what’s most important!
I recommend watching a few of her videos to give her that boost! You can throw a like and a comment her way. Remember that content creation is a job and we can contribute even if just a little.
Her recent hide and seek video featuring Gem, Jimmy, Lizzie and Scott is incredibly cozy, her SOS video is cute and for a series that’s just barely started, both her empires seasons are solid (one link because they’re on the same playlist), her Witchcraft smp series is fun! She has a bunch of videos on other assorted games, and a small AITA podcast series featuring HBomb!
Send all the love to Shelby! Let’s put our time where our hearts are 💗
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cbenchtrio · 4 months
I am once again wishing Shubble a very fun and happy life surrounded by people who love and care for her where she doesn't have to ever acknowledge that man ever again
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