cbfr91 · 8 years
I have a double chin-in-the-making. My face stays broke out. One of my ear piercings is a millimeter higher than the other one. I grow a unibrow if I miss grooming even once. My hair is flat, thick, and always oily. It also needs dyed but I’m too lazy and cheap to find a salon/ make an appointment. I survive on dry shampoo and messy buns. I eat Dunkin’ Donuts by the dozen. I binge-watched 12 seasons of Greg’s Anatomy on Netflix in 2 weeks. I stay up all night and sleep during the day. I have dark circles under my eyes that my best concealor doesn’t cover. My teeth aren’t as white as I’d like them to be. I only shave my legs when I’m going to wear a dress or have sex (maybe). My back hurts from big boobs so I hardly ever wear a bra. I gained so much weight since this summer that my jeans don’t fit anymore. I have back rolls, a rib roll, love handles, my thighs ripple, and my butt jiggles. My chubby arms and shoulder roll are what I’m most self-conscious about. I have really muscular calves which, coupled with being 4'10", make wearing tall boots Hell. I don’t even wear pants anymore, just dresses and leggings. My lips are chapped. I haven’t painted my nails in 3 months. I gave up on my dreams of college once I became a mom and I don’t know what I would even want to do anyways. I never really grew up, I was just handed responsibilities that I take care of from time to time. I have no energy. I can’t remember anything, ever. I’m blind as a bat and my glasses make me look dorky. I’m impatient. I refuse to fold laundry. I cuss too much. I have a bad temper. I pick on people. I’m a smartass. I use acronyms and emojis excessively. I’m a grammar Nazi. I’m not religious. I like corny jokes. I can’t sing. I have a thick accent. I have bad credit and an awful driving record. I sleep in makeup sometimes. I hate socks. And I hate people.
Everyday we get on here and post our selfies and statuses and memes and act like we have our shit together so people don’t realize what a mess we truly are. I’m tired of it! I’m tired of not liking who I am. I don’t care to admit my flaws, I wish more people would! Maybe then we wouldn’t feel so shamed all the time as mothers, as women, as humans. So I’m letting go of my flaws and making changes starting NOW. I don’t care what any of y'all think. I’m still not going to fold laundry or stop eating Dunkin Donuts by the dozen, but I’m not going to feel guilty about it either. This is me, flaws and all. *mic drop* 🙃
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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cbfr91 · 8 years
Parents and friends assured us that he would catch up, and that his delays were likely due to me being at home with him as a baby. They were wrong. I was wrong.
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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Did you know 1 in 68 children has Autism? Know the early warning signs. If something is off, tell your doctor. If your doctor doesn’t listen, GET A 2ND OPINION! I must stress this, doctors are not always right and this could put your child further behind in development!!! ASD can be caught as early as 18 months and the earlier it’s caught, the better. ❤💛️💚💙💜
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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“He doesn’t look like he has autism.” “But he seems so normal.” “Oh my kid does that too.”
What does Autism look like? For us, it looks like brown eyes and a mischievous grin. It’s a face that lights up with joy over the sight of a train or Mickey Mouse. It can also look frightened, confused, or bothered by loud noises. Autism can look like blue eyes or green eyes, blond hair or black hair or brown hair or red hair. Autism can look like eyes that never quite meet your gaze or eyes that have learned to make contact. Autism can look like diapers at five or potty trained by three. Autism doesn’t always include hand-flapping, rocking, or speech delay. It can include self-harm, tantrums, or sleep issues. Autism doesn’t “look like” anything but what it is. For us, it’s a little boy who just sees the world differently. If you spent time with him, you’d never know. He’s sweet, smart, funny, handsome, kind of mean, and really rotten, and we love him unconditionally. ❤💛️💚💙💜
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cbfr91 · 8 years
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Toodles the poodle 🐩
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