ccapome · 5 years
Can you give me one more chance please
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ccapome · 5 years
Can you remember!
Can you reember 1 year ago you cheated at that one party. I was ready to break up but I did’nt becouse I know you wouldnt do it anymore. Please I.. I dont know anymore. I miss you.
It feels like everything i say is bad. I want to shut up but I cant I want you nothing more than you.
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ccapome · 5 years
Is this what you really want?
From the moment you send me the text I couldnt face the fear. Was it true did I really mest up everything. I already knew that I was  the bad guy. Its me that did it. Its me that forced her to do it. 
However ever since we talked my mind asks: is this what we want. Is this what you want. Is this what i want. I can talk for my self that this isnt the way that I wnat it. 
I talk and think about every second and minute about it. Every little bit of you that I know says to me that this isnt what you want. But who am I to tell now that you. Becouse I cant do that and im sorry that I made you feel the way you do now.
Im sorry my true love for not giving something that you deserve. Im sorry for that.
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ccapome · 5 years
Is it my fault?
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ccapome · 5 years
Just want to be sure that your not the problem or making it
I'm scared that you think it is or feel that way
- your sincerely shitty person
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ccapome · 6 years
Is there actually a limit how much care you can give. Is there any limit until its frustrating. DO I CARE TO MUCH, or to little. Am I just making it a bigger deal than it is. Is it all my fault. it isnt my fault but it feels like it. I got so much questions about it and no one can awnsere them.
Am I going crazy or am I already crazy. Is it just me that care so much or is it everyone that takes care. I just dont know and it feels good what I do but sometimes I think im taking to much care and should back off
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ccapome · 6 years
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A friendly reminder that spending  Valentines with friends and family is just as awesome as spending it with a significant other~
Happy Valentines day. Hope everyone enjoys this heavily commercialized holiday!
You might ask, why did zoe invite ezreal? her “crush on ez” is her decoy so the boi doesn’t find out. She’s bold but not that bold.
Disclaimer: casual outfits of some champions were designs by Soonwoang (Twitter)
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ccapome · 6 years
Darkness is what I see. Left, right, right in front of me or behind me only darkness.
Darkness is all I want to accept, let it take me away. It looks so peaceful. No worries just nothing eternal of darkness.
Darkness, I tried to grab it. I feel something on my finger a ring, a ring that is all powerfull. A ring with a other story than Lord of the rings
A ring that has a secret meaning for me. A ring that I want to give to someone special.
A ring for the future with my special person. That takes me back.
Back to her
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ccapome · 6 years
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Happy 2nd Steam anniversary, OneShot! ❤️
I initially wanted to create a huge piece for this occassion, but I’ve been very busy with other projects so I haven’t been able to. I still wanted to create something though, so I made a happy little Niko!
I still love this cat child so much. ❤️
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ccapome · 6 years
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Happy 2nd Steam anniversary, OneShot! ❤️
I initially wanted to create a huge piece for this occassion, but I’ve been very busy with other projects so I haven’t been able to. I still wanted to create something though, so I made a happy little Niko!
I still love this cat child so much. ❤️
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ccapome · 6 years
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i’m sorry
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ccapome · 6 years
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Even more delightful than this set of six cosmic knives from Chef’s Vision, with their authentic astronomical images printed on the sheaths and bright matching handles is the Twitter threads they inspired after Prof. Julianne Dalcanton originally shared them, and we continued the fun.
Plus, the space knives actually get rave reviews from none other than planetary scientist Dr. Julie Rathbun and astronomer & artist Tyler Nordgren, aka an official Awesome Astronomy Couple (or maybe they’re Binary Stars? I’ll see myself out…).
This post contains an affiliate link.
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ccapome · 6 years
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ccapome · 6 years
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there can only be one cute one and it’s Alula
holy shit
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ccapome · 6 years
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ccapome · 6 years
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Pj pants
But they are from Zara
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ccapome · 6 years
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