ccbloggerhre · 2 years
Ethics of posting!
Ethics and Etiquette within the world of Social Media
By Haily Records
     The world today is run by rules and leaders. Our leaders create laws and standards for our daily lives. Each individual has their own rules, or values. Unwritten for all, and individualized to each person. In a similar sense our social, virtual, and digital lives are ruled in other ways. Each social media platform provides a set of guidelines that are expected to be followed. This is the written expectation, it is understood by all. Alongside that we have the unwritten rules that are in place, these are considered to keep social media ethical with high etiquette standards. Overtime it have been given the nickname of Netiquette. 
The following is a list of examples which are considered the best practices of ethical social media. 
- You give what you get, since we want to be respected, we also need to be respectful to others. 
- Take your time when reacting to another individual. If the situation is heating up, take a step back and don’t say something that you may regret at a later time. 
- Re-read what you are posting. Sometimes things get lost in translation. Make sure that the message that other people receive is the message you want to be sending. 
- Social media is not a place to vent you’re anger. This could draw in negativity.
- Always give credit to any source you use. 
One topic that may not be considered by all is Gender Sensitivity. When we think about acting in ethical ways we want to make sure that we are considering sensitivities and identities. Times are changing, ideas are changing. On social media we need to ensure that we are sensitive and inclusive to all identities.  
The Markkula Center has Provided me with two cases. The first being in politics and unfriending an ethics case study. This case study focuses on whether we have an ethical duty to unfriend the people whose political views disagree ours, and social media efforts to identify Charlottesville marchers internet ethics study. This study questions whether it is ethical or not to identify white nationalist protesters using social media. In this case, investigators would use social media posts to find and Identify individuals who were protesting.
Cape Gemini has provided me with a great guide of their social media ethics. The three main points are as follows, first Get engaged: Act as a role model, second: Get the Basics Right: safeguard you’re account and our network, third, Protect the Business: think before you post. The company also provides a list of rules that should be followed for the best social media outcome.
 There are many brands that I have looked into because I work with them. The social media pages are professional, clear, creative, honest, and colorful.  When these brands post about sensitive topics they are careful, and they  think about the message the post will be sending. The O’Neill women’s instagram page is filled with happy and colorful postings which provide great insight into the brand and items that are currently in stock. For my own practices I would bring my focus to creativity and sensitivity. In the past If there was a sensitive topic I would avoid bringing it to social media. From this lesson I have learned that it is okay to talk about sensitive matters as long as you are compassionate and caring when you mention them. 
Key concepts
- Think before posting 
- Consider the audience
- Protect yourself and your clients, private information can stay private.
- Be creative and professional
- Be a role model
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ccbloggerhre · 2 years
A Non-Profit’s Reach
By Haily Records
A Nonprofit and its Reach. 
The Johnny Cake Center Wakefield and its connection to the local communities. 
In this session I have decided to focus on a community organization which provides many benefits throughout southern Rhode Island. In my town, community members are able to shop through the food bank, join in on events, and shop at the Johnnycake store. The storefront collects donations and sells them to raise money for the Johnnycake Center of Hope. 
            The facebook page of the Johnnycake Center of Hope in Wakefield, RI is a great resource for community members. I am taking a deeper look into the the vanity metrics of this organization’s social media pages. In reviewing their work I found that this organization uses facebook and a webpage directly for them. They also use YouTube, through an account run by another organization in town. The YouTube account is for Wakefield Village Association, who advertises, and hosts events that accept food donations for the Johnnycake Center. 
            The Johnnycake Center uses facebook as their main way to connect with others. When considering the basic vanity metrics of their social media I decided to take a deeper look into Followers, Impressions, Influence, Activity, Actions, Votes, Shares. This facebook page is filled with engagement. The account managers make sure to post 2-3 times each day. They receive upwards of 50 to 200 likes and 15 shares on each of their posts. Not only are their followers engaging enough to like and share, but they are also commenting. The behaviors associated with the posts that the Johnnycake Center makes include taking actions like connecting with the website, attending events, and applying to volunteer. 
            Although I think this level of engagement is good, there are many ways in which this organization can improve. The first thing I would suggest is to add more links to other web pages. The second action I would take is to connect more with the community and other places. I work in the local mall, which is a place that we hold many events with other community businesses. 
In the future there are many other steps that could be taken to improve the connection between the community, and the organization. I believe that two forms of social media that will assist this would be Instagram and Twitter. On these platforms I would focus on the Story completion rate, and posting stories, click rough rate, and saves. Since they are working in a small community I think these aspects would be important for the organization. 
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ccbloggerhre · 2 years
Understanding Social Media as a College Student
By: Haily Records
Social Media, How do I use that? Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are three platforms that are used by millions of people around the world almost daily, the purpose is simple, social media. But, what is social media? For some, it is a way to share photos and memories, a way to meet people and connect, or maybe it’s a way to start social change. My definition of social media comes from a combination of its uses. Social media is digital, it is a way to connect and share through many different platforms. Social media is a way to express yourself through creativity where you as the individual have the freedom to post and share whatever you please.
In the physical world I am a student, a retail manager, a team leader, and a small business owner. In the digital world I work in marketing, advertising, and networking. My purpose for using social media is based on the needs and wants of the customer and the business. On a daily basis I am required to connect with individuals from the perspective of the company. I use instagram to advertise items and brands that we currently have in the store. The page is a representation of what is available and how customers can get it. I have started to use TikTok to form a connection with more customers and make more creative advertisements.
In social media use and creation I believe my strengths fall close within the range of my hobbies. I enjoy photography and art, so these two ideas play into the creation of my posts. Another one of my strengths is listening to the data. There is a feature on instagram that allows me to look at the post engagement so that I can understand what type of content the customers are interested in. My challenges with social media comes with understanding the trends and using that to my advantage. I also struggle to understand the way in which social media influencers work. I think this is a very important aspect of social media as so many people are using this. I think it is important for businesses to have relationships with influencers, however to do that I need to understand it more.
During this semester in school as I take a social media centered class there are many things on my mind that I hope to learn about. I would like to improve my understanding of the way that influencing works. I believe this could be a huge asset to me in my current job. I also want to learn more about the way in which social media will affect advertising in the future.
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