cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 13: Genesis
Amelia lays in her bed, cuddling with Skye. "Shh, it's alright, sweetie. It was just a bad dream." She says gently, soothing her. Skye sniffles, hugging her. "How about we go see your other mother?" Amelia smiles.
Skye nods. "Y-yes please, mommy."
Amelia gets out of bed, not bothering to get dressed as she leads Skye out, giving the sleeping Integra a kiss on the cheek. "Love you..." They leave and head to the food hall, to go see Terra.
Terra is making food, Looking at Amelia when she enters the room. "Hey Amelia!"
Amelia smiles. "Hey, Terra! Skye had a nightmare and wanted to come see you." She says, picking up Skye.
"Hi, mommy!" Skye smiles brightly.
Terra smiles and hugs Skye. "Hello dear!"
Skye giggles and hugs her back, nuzzling her.
"Is Athena around?" Amelia asks. Athena had been helping Terra around the kitchen recently.
Terra shrugs. "Earlier, But Many of our guards were called out to investigate the black horn succubus threat."
Amelia nods. "Hmm, that would explain why Artemis was up early for the first time in months. Has anything new developed on our investigation?"
"Multiple disappearances, Probable kidnappings. The blackhorn succubi Burned down a Waspkin Hive, Which, According to our scouts, Increased Waspkin Activity as a whole."
"Hmm, I guess they kicked the hornets nest. We need to make sure the waspkin don't start targeting us. I'll have to talk to my advisors about sending aid." Amelia says. "Whoever these succubi are, it seems like they want a war. It's my job to make sure they don't have one."
"Queen Claudette Is up in arms. Messenger waspkin have been sent to nearby nests. Their kingdom is Locked down."
"Queen Claudette is smart. She won't start attacking another kingdom unless she's certain they did it." Amelia says confidently. "We need to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to us. Can you take care of Skye? I need to go see my advisors."
Terra nods. "C'mere, dear." she coos at Skye.
Skye giggles and nods. "Okay, bye mommy!" She waves goodbye to Amelia, hugging Terra.
"Thanks, Terra." She gives Terra a quick kiss before walking off to go find her advisors.
The advisors are waiting at the table, Already talking.
Amelia smiles. "Ah, everyone's here. Good." She sits down at her seat. "Anything new to report?"
"Claudette is readying a Legion of waspkin for one of the largest village raids we've ever seen." she says. "We need to defuse the situation, And fast. I'm not sure of their plans,And i think the village is readying it's forces."
"Gods, this is exactly what we need to avoid." Amelia says, standing. "Have the guards prepare my armor and sword. I'm going to go talk to Queen Claudette."
The advisors stand. "Good. We will have your Armor prepared."
Amelia nods. "And have a squad ready." She steps out to get equipped for the mission.
A guard bursts into the room. "Queen Amelia! There's a congregation of Black-Horned succubi in the village, They're performing a ritual!"
"How many are there?" Amelia asks.
" Five, And one of them looks...different!"
"Hmm, that might be their leader. Lets not take any chances. I want our best soldiers with me." Amelia says.
The guard nods. "I will gather the top graduates for you, My queen."
"Good. We leave as soon as possible. While I'm gone make sure no one enters the castle without thorough screening. They might be planning on attacking while our troops are gone." Amelia says, leaving to go get her armor.
The guard nods quickly and rushes from the room.
Amelia heads to the armoury, putting on her armor and grabbing her sword. "It's been a while since I had to fight..." She says uncertainly, heading out to the entrance.
Meanwhile in the nearby town...
Astaroth falls to her knees. "It's time...." She grins. "My children! create the Signs!"
Faye and the other succubi begin making the signs, working quickly. "Um... mistress? What exactly will these do?" Faye asks.
Astaroth cuts her arm, Her blood dripping into the middle of the Middle sign. "Deumos....Old one! Give me my reward!"
"Deumos? Mistress, are you sure this is wise?" Faye asks, looking on nervously.
"No, My child...Not deumos...Not yet." She grins, Her golden eyes glow bright as the Signs glow red.
The signs spread out into a black liquid. "Arise, Genesis!" she yells, Throwing her hands outward.
"G-genesis...?" Faye nervously backs away from the black liquid.
The liquid rises and begins to take a human shape.
"Take your place upon this plane!" she slams her hand into the ground. The liquid thickens and black wings burst forth, revealing the slender body of a very attractive woman. Her skin is a Tan hue and she has a Feathery black tail, Pointed ears, And what appears to be the remains of a Halo above her head.
Genesis looks at her hands. "W-What? where am i?"
Astaroth smiles. "You are home, My dear. You are going to help me get Deumos to return."
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 12: Up in Smoke
She's wearing her panties and Bra and a Chitinous Light armor which covers her body, But is still comfy and flexible, As a queen should have.
As Claudette walks through the forest, she hears the birds singing happily. It seems perfectly peaceful. There's even a friendly little rabbit bouncing along beside her.
Claudette smiles, Looking down at the rabbit. "It's such a nice day."she giggles.
The rabbit hops up to her, looking up at her with eyes that give off a sort of human-like intelligence.
Claudette watches it for a minute. "Hmm?"
The rabbit nuzzles her, as the clouds overhead darken.
Claudette looks up, Then at the Rabbit. She walks over to a tree so the leaves block the rain.
The rabbit follows her under the tree as it begins to rain. It lays down next to her, munching on the grass.
Claudette watches it, Thinking. Maybe if she layed eggs in it, The hatchlings would make a nest elsewhere and spread her species?
A bolt of lightning strikes nearby, and the sound of thunder startles the rabbit, causing it to run between Claudette's legs, quivering with fear. It seems like it'll be a while till the rain stops, maybe Claudette should get some sleep.
Claudette picks the little rabbit up and hugs it, Falling asleep.
When she wakes up, Claudette is cuddling with a small, green-haired girl who's fast asleep.
Claudette jumps. "Guh?" she looks at the girl.
"Mhh..." The girl starts to stir. It's stopped raining, and the little rabbit is nowhere to be seen.
Claudette pokes her. "Hey."
The girl opens her eyes. She has tribal-like tattoos on her naked body. "Huh... oh! You're that nice bee lady!" She says, hugging her. "Thank you for letting me sleep with you!"
Claudette looks confused. "Were you that rabbit?"
"Yep! I'm a Druid. We can turn into certain animals." She says happily. "Thunder scares me... I'm glad you were here."
Claudette nods, Standing. "I should be off." she begins to walk away.
"Wait!" The Druid calls out to her. "U-um..." she shifts nervously. "C-can I travel with you? For just a bit longer? I promise I won't be a burden! Pleaaaase?"
Claudette stops. "Lean on the tree near me, And let me lay my eggs in you, and I'll allow it, Druid."
The Druid nods happily. "And then you'll let me go with you? Okay!" She leans on the tree, humming happily. "So... how do you lay your eggs?"
Her ovipositor extends from her tail, And she takes of her lower armor and panties, Growing a cock. She walks up to the druid and slides her cock into her ass, Her ovipositor Sliding into the Druid's pussy.
The Druid squeals, blushing brightly as both of her holes are filled. "Mhh, b-bee lady?"
Claudette begins fucking her ass as she begins to lay her eggs, Her own pussy sliding across her Tail and leaking juices.
The Druid moans loudly as Claudette fucks her tight ass. "Ahhn, c-can you go... harder please, bee lady?"
Claudette speeds up, fucking the druid's ass harder.
She moans happily, her tongue lolling out as she gets filled with eggs. "Ahhn, yes! I-I'm gonna- mhh- cum!"
Claudette cums, her golden goo filling the druid's ass as she finishes egging her.
The Druid cums too, squealing loudly. She pants softly and rubs her egg-filled belly. "Mhh, I really like you, bee lady."
Claudette nods, Pulling out. "I'm going, Keep up."
"Okay!" The Druid smiles and follows after her, struggling a bit with her newly filled belly.
Claudette stops, Looking at The druid. "When we return, you'll have to get converted or stay with the other stock."
"The other stock? What do you mean?" The Druid asks, catching up to her. "Gods, I'm not used to this extra weight."
"Non-Waspkin Are breeding stock in the Hive."
"Th-that doesn't sound very fun..." She whimpers.
"You'd be treated well.....you'd just be at the command of the waspkin in the hive."
"Oh, well that doesn't sound so bad." The Druid smiles. "I like helping people anyway."
"You'd be a good help, I think. The eggs your body keeps warm will birth larvae that grow into more waspkin."
"Then I wanna be breeding stock and make lots of little waspkin like you, bee-lady!" She hugs her.
"Claudette. Queen Claudette."
She gasps. "You're a queen?! I got to have sex with a queen?" She smiles brightly. "You're the best queen ever!"
Claudette blushes. "Thank you, Dear. What is your name?"
"My parents named me Little Paw but you can just call me Lil." She smiles. "So what's a queen doing so far away from her hive, anyway?"
Claudette looks at her. "There's a Hive nearby that burned. The Queen Died. I want to collect the waspkin there and bring them to my nest."
Lil nods. "Ohh, that doesn't sound so hard. Lets go!"
"I don't think it will be. I don't think many are left."
"Oh... well... it shouldn't be too hard to get the ones that are left to join you, right?"
"I think they are all larvae and birthers. Surely most of the drones flew off...??"
"Then lets not keep those adorable little larvae waiting any longer!" Lil smiles happily, grabbing Claudette's hand and walking down the path. "C'mon!"
Claudette follows, Nodding. "You're very considerate of waspkin. It's interesting to see."
Lil smiles. "I just hate seeing people unhappy, that's all."
Claudette keeps walking, Watching little paw curiously.
Lil hums happily as they walk. "So how were you planning on getting all those Larvae to your hive safely?" She asks. "This is a dangerous road. Not place for kids."
"Well, Me and you will have to lead them back with the birthers." she says simply.
"Leave it to me!" Lil says confidently. "I may not look it, but I'm pretty tough!" She puffs her chest trying to look tough, but instead looks adorable.
Claudette giggles. "I'm sure. I'm quite tough myself."
"Then together we can handle anything! Dragon, demon, whatever comes!" She says cheerfully.
Claudette smiles. "I wonder if laying eggs in a dragon would work..." she says, Walking.
Lil shrugs. "I dunno. Maybe one day you'll find out." She giggles.
The Ruined hive is just up ahead.
Claudette bites her finger. "Oh my." she says.
"Hm? What is it?" Lil asks. "Are we almost there?"
The ruined hive is so damaged, that it doesn't even look like a hive anymore.
"Is it past that... what is that? A bunch of flaky rocks?"
"That's the Hive." Claudette says sadly. "Damn Vandals."
"That's the hive?" Lil asks. "Oh no... could anyone even live there?"
It looks like the inner parts of the hive managed to avoid most of the fire, if anyone's left, it's in there.
Claudette walks into the wreckage. "Dammit. This is why you keep it moist. And destroy old sectors. Dry sectors are how this happens..." she says sadly.
Lil follows her in. "Gods... so many people lived here and it all went up in smoke." She stops. "I hear someone crying. Further in the hive! It must be the larvae!"
Claudette quickly tears through the wreckage, Looking for the larvae. "The royal sector must've fallen."
Underneath some of the wreckage is the body of the queen. It looks like she died when part of the roof collapsed on her. There's a small child crying under her, most likely the queen sacrificed herself to shield this larvae from the falling debris.
"One larva." Claudette says sadly. "She must be a Royal Hatchling." she picks the larva up.
The larvae looks up at Claudette. She looks dehydrated and malnourished, but otherwise okay. "Wh-who are you?" She asks, both confused and afraid.
"I'm a Queen, Love. Are you all that's left?"
Claudette had expected a refugee group. Birthers, Or a clutch of Larvae. One Larva was worse then she thought.
"I-I don't know... There was screaming, and fire... a-and then the queen... the roof fell and she..." She clutches tightly onto Claudette, sobbing.
Claudette looks at Lil. "Check the upper sector. Be careful. If there's survivors, they must be up there."
Lil nods. "Alright. Be careful." She climbs up the wreckage to the upper sector.
"Mommy..." The larvae sobs.
Claudette looks up at Lil, hugging the larva. "Did you find anything, Dear?"
"Um... not ye-" Lil gets kicked in the face by a waspkin, falling back down to the floor of the hive. "Ow... I think I found something."
"Who are you?! What are you doing here?" A drone asks, holding a spear.
Claudette quickly flies up to the upper sector with the Larva. "Easy, I'm a Queen. Queen Claudette."
"How do I know you're not with those damn succubi?" The drone asks, pointing the spear at her. The drone's wing looks badly damaged, probably permanently.
Claudette raises an eyebrow. "You can't sense my phermones?"
"W-well... I-I..." The drone puts down the spear. "I just wanted to make sure is all. But... if you saved that Larvae then I guess you're not with them." She looks back. "It's safe! She's a queen!" About half a dozen birthers and a dozen larvae step out from hiding.
Claudette smiles. "Good, More survivors. Now, What attacked you? succubi?"
The drone nods. "Some succubi set fire to our hive. We don't have many enemies, and we'd never seen them before. We don't know what they want." She says. "They didn't look like normal succubi either. They had dark blue skin and black horns."
"I see. How were they able to destroy the entire Hive? I've never seen one burned this horribly."
"They... they had a Mage with them. A powerful one. They started burning one side of the hive, and when we all rushed over to stop the flame, their Mage just burned through the other side like paper."
Claudette sighs sadly. "Gods.....What a disaster. The queen died in the blaze?"
The drone nods. "The body you found protecting that larvae. That was her. You're holding her youngest daughter. And the heir to the throne now."
"Poor dear.....I'm here to relocate you all to my kingdom."
The drone nods. "Good, I wasn't sure how much longer we could hold out here. I'm the only drone left to protect them, if those succubi come back..." She shudders. "It doesn't matter. We should get going."
"Your wing is broken.." Claudette says sadly.
The drone nods. "It... it was damaged in the fire. I understand if you don't want a drone that can't fly burdening your hive. I just ask that you please give these larvae and birthers a home."
"I won't leave you here. Come on. I have a use for you, Dear."
The drone smiles. "You do?" She picks up her spear and whistles. "Come on, we're relocating to a new hive. Everyone stick together."
The little larvae in Claudette's arms sniffles. "M-mommy?" She looks up at Claudette. "I'm hungry, mommy..."
Claudette nods. "I need a birther." she says.
"I... I've never laid eggs before." The drone smiles. "But I can serve you as best I can, my queen." She bows.
"Are you producing milk? I'm sure the birthers are dry..."
She nods. "They are. But... I have a... the queen called it a blessing." She says. "I've never been pregnant but I still produce milk. I've been feeding most of the larvae recently."
"You'll have to feed her too. The birthers will need to be nursed back to health and the larvae will be fed by our birthers."
The drone nods. She looks exhausted, but determined. "Alright, give the little darling here." She drops her spear and holds out her hands to take the larvae. "I still have enough milk in me to feed her before we travel back to your hive."
Claudette hands the larva to the Drone. "Feed her quick, i don't want to be here by night fall."
The drone nods, holding the larva gently. "Here, love. Drink up." The little larvae starts suckling her breast. The drone looks down at her with a motherly love in her eyes. "My queen? Could I... stay with her? I owe her mother a great debt."
Claudette nods. "If you wish, Dear."
The drone smiles. "Thank you, my queen. I'll see to it no harm befalls her."
"Claudette!" Lil calls up. "We should get going if we want to get home by nightfall."
Claudette nods. "Come on, We need to go." she flies down.
The drone nods, picking up her spear with one arm while holding the larvae with her other, walking down the wreckage of the hive. The other birthers and larvae follow after her.
Claudette leads them, Hopeful she"ll make it back before sundown.
Lil looks around nervously as they get about halfway home. "I... I have a bad feeling, Claudette."
Claudette stops,Looking around. "Huh?"
A figure flies overhead. The figure has bright red scales and large wings, but a humanoid figure.
Claudette raises an eyebrow. "A dragon?"
"Oh gods, I-I know I said we could take on a dragon, but now I'm not so sure..." Lil says nervously.
The figure lands in front of them, flaring its wings. It's a tall, toned dragonkin with bright red scales. She's as big as a Minotaur. "Where do you think you're going?" She grins, baring her fangs.
"Home." claudette growls. "Blocking us will get you enslaved. Move."
"Enslaved? Are you threatening me?" The dragonkin says, frowning.
"I'm warning you. Step aside."
"Not gonna happen. You're gonna have to find another path. Or you could always try going through the forest." The smirks.
"Last warning to step aside." Claudette gets in position.
The drone puts down the larvae, standing next to Claudette and raising her spear. Lil stands nervously.
Claudette narrows her eyes. "Looks like you'd rather be enslaved."
"I don't think you could ever enslave me. Even if you did, I'd just burn down your hive." She grins. "But go ahead. Just try to enslave me."
Claudette growls, Flying towards her, Stinger beared.
The dragoness steps out of the way, grabbing Claudette by the throat.
Claudette gags, Pushing forward to try and sting her.
The drone charges, trying to stab the dragoness with the spear. The dragoness holds Claudette in the way, forcing the drone to pull up to avoid stabbing her. "That stinger looks dangerous. Maybe I should just rip it off."
Lil is still quivering in fear, not sure what to do.
"Y-You would bring the wrath of legions of waspkin down on you." Claudette hisses.
The dragoness grins. "Good. I'll be waiting."
She reaches down to grab Claudette's stinger when Lil lets out a roar, her body transforming into a dragon the size of a large horse, tackling the dragoness to the ground and making her drop Claudette. "Don't you dare hurt Claudette!" Lil roars.
Claudette takes the oppurtunity to sting her quickly.
The dragoness struggles as hard as she can, before the venom begins to take its effect. She quickly falls asleep.
Lil gets off of her, looking down at her dragon body. "Wow... I... I didn't know I could do that."
"Let's restrain and muzzle this slut."
The drone nods. "But... with what?"
"Find something! There has to be some rope or something around here..."
The drone nods. "Right!" She runs off into the forest, returning a few moments later. "I found some tough vines, they'll have to do."
"Tie her arms and legs and Muzzle her."
"What about her wings?" The drone asks, tying the dragoness' arms and legs and muzzling her.
"Wings as well, We will reeducate her in the hive."
The drone nods, tying up her wings too. "Alright, that should hold until we get to the hive."
Lil nods, turning back into a human. "I can carry her until she wakes up."
The drone shakes her head. "You are carrying eggs. I shall carry her."
"Are you sure you can handle it? You look exhausted."
"I'll be fine."
Claudette nods, Walking with the group back towards her hive.
The rest of the trip proceeds quietly and soon they are back home at the hive. "Wow... I didn't know your hive was so big!" Lil smiles.
"It's about as big as our old hive... we will be happy here." The drone says, her arms starting to tremble from the weight of carrying the dragoness.
Claudette crosses her arms. "Drones! Escort this dragoness to the prisons. She will be reeducated and used as breeding stock."
Drones fly out from the hive and take the dragoness. "Would you like to personally oversee her reeducation, or shall we have one of our wardens handle it?"
"I will personally oversee it. Keep her sedated and clip the tips of her wings."
The drone nods. "It shall be done." They carry the unconscious dragoness into the hive.
"Show Little paw to her new dwelling, And all the birthers and larvae to the infirmary. I need to take care of our new dragoness." Claudette walks towards the prisons.
The drones nod, leading the injured drone, Little Paw, and the others into the hive.
Claudette walks down. She smiles, Pledging to show the dragoness the error of her ways.
A drone shows her to the dragoness' new cell. Her vine restraints have been replaced with metal, and the tips of her wings have been clipped. She's still unconscious.
"Good. Sedate her and feed her lots of honey so she can't use her fire breath."
"Yes, my queen." The drone nods, whistling. Another drone comes in with a bowl of honey, unmuzzling the dragoness and feeding it to her.
Claudette sits down and grins, Waiting for the dragoness to wake up.
The drones leave, and It's a few minutes before the dragoness begins to stir. "Mhh... my head..."
"You're finally awake." Claudette smiles.
"What the- where am I?!" The dragoness sits up, pulling at her restraints. "Damnit, let me go before I turn this place to ashes!"
"Try. You've been sedated and fattened with honey." she grins.
The dragoness grins. "Honey? Stopping my flame?" She breathes in, holds it for a moment, and then simply blows cool air, a single pathetic bit of smoke raising from her mouth. "What?! My flame?! You bitch, I swear I'll make you pay!" She growls.
"There's nothing you can do, dear." claudette says. "You're at my mercy. I've been thinking of all sorts of uses for you."
The dragoness huffs. "Like what?"
"Injecting phermones into your breasts so you lactate honey, And Injecting them into your Womb so you'll Produce and incubate waspkin Eggs, For starters."
The dragoness frowns. "So that's what I am to you? A breeding cow?" She growls, pulling at her restraints. "I swear when I get free I'm gonna make make you regret this!"
"With that attitude, You'll never be free." Claudette retorts. "You're at my mercy. Like it or not, you're a slave of the hive now. And your large, Warm body makes for a nice breeding center."
The dragoness' bold attitude weakens slightly. "Y-you'll let me go if I do what you say, right?"
"You're never leaving this hive." claudette growls. "You sealed your fate when you tried to tear off my stinger."
"I-i was just bluffing! I wasn't really going to hurt you, honest!" The dragoness says.
Claudette stands, Her ovipositor revealed as she flies up and sticks it into one of the dragoness's nipples. "Let's begin your repurposing."
"No, please! I'm sorry!" The dragoness cries out. "I'll do anything you want, I'm begging you! I don't want to be breeding stock!"
Claudette growls, Injecting her phermones into the dragoness's Breast. Her anatomy is changed, Causing her to begin to lactate honey.
The dragoness whimpers as she feels her body changing, honey starting to leak from her large breasts. "I said I was sorry..."
"Apologize all you like." Claudette says, Moving down and sliding her ovipositor into the Dragoness's pussy. She lays her eggs and injects her phermones, Turning the Dragoness's Womb into a Waspkin Egg incubator.
The dragoness stops struggling as her body finishes changing, her belly now filled with eggs. "So what now? I stay locked up for the rest of my life making more waspkin for you?" She asks, gritting her teeth in frustration at her helplessness.
Claudette slides her ovipositor into the dragoness's mouth, Squirting phermones down her throat, Rendering her flameless and reprogramming her stomach to accept honey and waspkin cum.
The dragoness looks up at Claudette angrily as her body changes.
Claudette flies back. "Are you going to attack me if I release you?"
The dragoness looks at her angrily for a moment before sighing and shaking her head sadly. "No... I won't..."
"You're going to be a good girl?"
She nods. "I'll be a good girl..."
"Address me as 'my queen'."
"Yes... my queen. I'll be a good girl." She says submissively.
Claudette unchains her, Letting her down.
The dragoness rubs her sore wrists. "What now... my queen? If I'm stuck in here, where am I going? With the other breeding stock?"
Claudette nods. "On all fours. Now."
The dragoness opens her mouth to object, but stops when she realizes it's pointless. She gets down on all fours, her tail slowly swishing back and forth.
"Good girl. What's your name? "
"Ember..." She tells her. "My name is Ember."
Claudette smiles. "Do you want a treat, Ember?"
"Y-yes please... my queen."
Claudette grows her cock. "Be a good girl. No teeth."
Ember nods and opens her mouth submissively, feeling a craving for waspkin cum because of her new anatomy.
Claudette slides her cock into Ember's mouth. "Good girl. Now suck."
Ember does as she's told, sucking Claudette's cock obediently.
Claudette thrusts forward, Facefucking ember and watching her sway her tail.
Ember lets out a muffled moan as Claudette thrusts in and out of her mouth, her tail swaying faster.
"Get ready to swallow my load, slut." Claudette grunts as she nears orgasm,Facefucking ember faster.
Ember moans, licking at Claudette's cock, trying to get the biggest load she can.
Claudette cums, Filling her mouth and throat with her sticky load.
Ember eagerly swallows her cum, enjoying the taste and continuing to lick Claudette's cock to try and get more.
Claudette smiles as her cock disappears. "Good girl. "
Ember looks up at her, blushing lightly. "Th-thank you, my queen."
Claudette pets her head. "Come now, I need to talk to someone."
"Hm? Who?" She asks, standing up. "And why am I needed?"
"On all fours." Claudette commands. "That's how you will be around your queen."
"What?! But that's..." she sighs. "Yes, my queen." She gets down on all fours. "Just don't ask me to roll over and wag my tail."
"Roll over and wag your tail." Claudette commands.
"I shouldn't have said anything." Ember grumbles, rolling over onto her back and wagging her tail. "Happy?"
Claudette rubs her belly. "Are you?"
Ember blushes. "Well... a little bit..."
Claudette scratches Ember's scaly body like she's a dog.
Ember's tail starts to wag faster. "Mhh, s-stop it. I'm not a dogkin."
"Oh, But you're acting like it." she giggles, Scratching the once proud dragoness's neck.
"I-I am not!" She says, leaning against Claudette's hand. "Mhh, right there..."
Claudette giggles and scratches her where she wants. "Just admit it. You're my good little pet dragoness."
"P-preening is a common social activity among dragons, that's all!" She says, her tail wagging faster.
"You're my good little dragon, aren't you?" she smiles, Continuing her assault.
"I'm... your good little dragon." Ember admits shyly, blushing.
"Mhm, You're a very good little dragon." Claudette smiles and hugs her.
Ember blushes brighter, her cheeks matching her scales as she hugs her back. "I am?"
"You are. Carry me to the historian sector. It's ahead."
"Carry you? On my back?" Ember asks.
"You can do that, can't you?"
"I-I can. Just... tell me where to go." Ember says, getting back on all fours.
Claudette sits on her back. "Up ahead. Crawl forward."
Ember nods, crawling forward. She keeps her gaze downwards to avoid making eye contact with all the drones watching them.
"Good girl. Turn Right up here."
Ember does as she's told, turning right and continuing onwards.
Claudette smiles. "Don't look so glum, Dear."
"I-I'm not glum... I'm embarrassed. All these drones are staring at me."
"You're not a waspkin. They're just not used to seeing different species out much."
"I think it has more to do with you riding on my back." Ember says. "Please tell me we're close to wherever you're taking me."
"Keep going straight." Claudette smiles.
"Do you even know where you're going, or do you just feel like parading me around?"
"If you keep getting lippy, I will parade you around."
"U-understood, my queen." Ember says, staying quiet as she crawls.
"Left up here." Claudette points at the opening.
Ember turns left and keeps going. "Are we there yet?"
"Here we are." she smiles. "Be a good girl and stay behind me."
Ember nods. "Yes, my queen. Who are you going to talk to?"
"The historian, And you're my pet. Pets are seen, Not heard."
"Y-yes, my queen..." Ember says. "I'll be quiet."
Claudette walks into the room and looks around. "Hello?"
A refined looking waspkin wearing reading glasses is sitting by a table, reading a book when Claudette walks in. "Ah, my queen!" She puts the book down and stands up. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?"
Ember crawls in after Claudette.
"I need information about Succubi with black horns."
"Black horns?" The historian thinks for a moment. "Hmm, maybe there's something in here..." She pulls out a large book with the mark of lust on the cover, flipping through it. "Golden sentinels... Castle Amber, hmm, should change that... The seven queens..." She continues looking through. "Noctis, Aamu, Jeda, Versu, Matsu, Gabriella, Deumos..." The historian flips through the pages. "Ah, black horns!" She smiles and begins to read. "Deumos would typically convert others into what is now known as the corrupted, however, it has been documented on rare occasions that she has performed a different ritual. One that left the recipient with dark blue skin and black horns. A succubus like this has never been caught."
Claudette crosses her arms. "A succubus like that Destroyed a neighboring hive."
The historian looks up. "Are you sure? They haven't been seen in centuries. If they're back then... could Deumos be back?"
Claudette narrows her eyes. "Is that what it means?'
"I don't know, I'm only a historian. But a ritual capable of changing someone like that would require a very powerful caster. Someone who was gifted in dark magic. Someone like Deumos."
Claudette nods. "If deumos was vanqiuished, Though......Could anyone else cast such a spell?"
"I suppose so, but they'd need to be very talented with dark magic." The historian says.
Claudette nods. "Why would a black horn sucucbus vandalize a waspkin nest?"
The historian shrugs. "For the same reason anyone else would. To eliminate foes and spread fear."
Claudette crosses her arms. "I see. I'll have the scouts find as much as they can about the black-Horned Succubi. Ember, Come up here so you can take me to the barracks."
Ember crawls over. "Yes, my queen." She says submissively.
The historian smiles. "I'll keep searching and let you know if I find anything, my queen."
"Thank you." she sits down on Ember's back. "Go back to the Central Sector, Ember."
Ember blushes and nods, crawling to the central sector.
Claudette gently scratches her, Wanting to keep her comfortable.
Ember's tail starts to wag as she crawls, smiling faintly.
Claudette giggles. "Oh, Your tail started right up."
"I-it just does that." Ember says shyly.
Claudette giggles. "You want to go somewhere private, Ember?"
Ember blushes and nods. "Y-yes please, my queen."
"We'll take a little break. Take us into that little sector there." she points at a little room nearby.
Ember nods and crawls into the room, starting to get wet.
Claudette giggles and climbs onto a bed in the room. "Come up here, Love."
Ember follows her onto the bed. "Wh-what are we gonna do, my queen?"
Claudette hugs Ember's scaly body, Giving her harder scratches.
Ember blushes, her tail wagging faster. "Mhh, my queen..."
"Yeah, You're my good girl, Aren't you?" she smiles, Scratching behind Ember's ears.
"I-I'm your good girl..." She admits, leaning against her.
Claudette smiles. "You're cute, For a big strong dragoness."
"I'm not cute, I'm scary..."
"You're a good little pet dragon." Claudette smiles and Squeezes Ember's nipples.
Ember gasps, moaning cutely. "Ahhn, my queen..." she nuzzles Claudette.
Claudette hugs her. "You love being a pet, Don't you?"
"I-I do..." Ember admits. "I love being your pet."
Claudette begins to fall asleep on top of Ember.
Ember smiles, cuddling with Claudette and wrapping her wings around her to keep her warm. "I love you, my queen." She whispers.
Claudette snuggles into her pet's larger body.
Ember closes her eyes, falling asleep with her new owner.
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 11: Waspkin Hive
Meanwhile, The waspkin are in the progress of building a new nest, Very close to the village. The queen, Claudette, is directing her drones, Who are constructing it.
Claudette smiles. "Keep it up, While it's warm!" she says.
The drones continue to work hard building the hive, tirelessly serving their queen.
"M-my queen?" A small waspkin asks. Her body is slim and fit, with large wings. She's most likely part of the scouting team.
Claudette shifts her eyes to the girl."yes, What is it? I need to make sure the drones know what sectors to build and how big."
"W-well... about that, my queen." She shifts nervously. "I know that a drone of my position should never question their orders but... is it wise to place our hive so close to the town?"
"This is a Nice, Warm place." She says confidently. "We will have no problems here. We have enough soldiers to handle potential threats."
"I-I'm not worried about us, my queen. I'm worried about them." The drone says. "What will happen to them?"
"The town?" she looks at the drone quizzically. "Once our drones retrieve enough materials, We'll leave them be."
"B-but will retrieving materials be... harmful to the town?" She asks.
"You ask many questions." she tells the drone.
"I-I just... don't want to ruin the lives of the townspeople." She says. "Th-they've been here longer than us and... there are children there."
Claudette looks at her. "We have children too. We need to make this hive. Go help your sisters. " she says.
"Right, yes my queen." She nods, going to help the other drones work on the hive.
Claudette sits down, Adjusting her well endowed chest. She was attractive, as a queen should be.
The drones keep working on the hive, making quick progress.
Claudette gets the feeling she's being watched as flashes of bright yellow move through the tree line.
Claudette's antennae twitch as she stands, Quickly looking around. "Soldiers! To me!"
The drones stop working on the hive, most of them flying further into the hive for safety while the strongest of them fly over to their queen, including the small drone.
Three waspkin step out from the tree line. The first is tall, with a heavily toned body, almost as big as a salamanderkin. The second is shorter with red markings on her body. Lastly, the third queen is beautiful, with a well endowed body only slightly slimmer than Claudette's. She's clearly a queen. She looks young, especially for a queen. "Your hive belongs to me now. Surrender your crown willingly and we won't have to exile you." The third says.
She growls. "You're hopelessly outnumbered. You surrender, And you won't be used as egg vessels for the rest of your days."
The queen giggles. "We won't be outnumbered for long. I had been hoping to avoid killing your soldiers but... oh well. Mila!"
The large waspkin steps forward, grinning. "Who's first?"
Claudette growls. "Preatoreans,To me!" she calls.
Claduette's preatorian guard were her personal royal soldiers, Hand-Picked from birth to serve her.
A squad of waspkin step in front of Claudette, all equipped with thick chitin armour and carrying weapons. "Permission to engage the enemy, my queen?" One of them asks.
"Offensive formation. Subdue, No lethal force."
"As you command." The squad moves with precise coordination, two of them staying back with Claudette to guard her. The rest circle the three waspkin, keeping their shields raised.
"Mila, try not to kill them." The queen grins.
"I'll try, my queen." The large wasp spits on a shield, her saliva dissolving the material and forcing the guard to drop her shield. Mila charges forward, kneeing them in the head and grabbing the guards adjacent to her, smashing their heads against eachother to knock them both out.
Claudette growls. "Don't let her walk all over you, Attack!"
The guards charge her, one of them managing to shield bash her, but Mila barely even flinches, grabbing the shield and ripping it out of the waspkins grip, kicking a waspkin away as she throws the shield at the head of another. She moves with incredible strength and speed, and every time she gets hit she doesn't even flinch. She quickly works her way through most of the guards, leaving only one left, and the two guarding Claudette.
Claudette crosses her arms. "Move up."
The two nod and move forward to help the remaining guard. Only now does Claudette notice that in the chaos of the fight, the red waspkin has vanished from view.
Claudette looks around. "Hmm?" her antennae twitch as she tries to find her.
"Right here, your majesty." A voice taunts her as she's suddenly grabbed from behind, a knife being pressed to her throat. "Don't move."
she looks back. "You won't kill me. My Kingdom would Destroy you."
"Oh yeah? Are you willing to test that theory? My queen has been known to be very... persuasive." The wasp grins.
She growls, moving back slowly.
"Hey, stop moving! I'm warning you!" The wasp says, a hint of nervousness in their voice.
Her tail quickly swipes up and she stings the waspkin behind her.
The waspkin gasps, dropping the knife and stumbling back. "D-damnit... Elena... I messed up..."
Claudette pushed her back and walks towards Mila.
The red wasp falls back, collapsing to the ground.
The queen looks over, concern flashing across her face for a moment. "Mila! Get the queen!"
Mila has just finished knocking out the last guard, grinning as she charges at Claudette. Suddenly a yellow blur hits Mila in the face. The hit doesn't seem to hurt her, but she looks annoyed.
"Hey! Psycho bee! Get away from my queen!" It's the small drone from earlier, her large wings fluttering rapidly. Mila tries to grab her, but the drone uses her superior speed to duck out of the way.
Claudette's eyes narrow as she aims her stinger at Mila and flies directly at her.
Mila is too distracted by the small drone to notice, gasping as Claudette's stinger pierces her tough skin.
Claudette smiles as her venom is injected into Mila, Landing and turning to the rival queen. "You owe me your lives for attacking my kingdom. Bow."
The queen looks both stunned and horrified as Mila collapses to the ground. "B-but... h-how did..." She hurriedly bows. "I-I'm so sorry! We weren't planning on killing anyone, I swear! We're just a couple of stupid kids! Please, you can do whatever you want to me, just don't hurt my friends."
Claudette crosses her arms. "Your incompetence will be punished." she walks over to the red speckled girl. "She must be a hornetkin, Hmm?"
The queen nods. "Y-yes... Ashi is a hornetkin... and Mila is a waspkin from far to the east." She says. "They were just following my orders! Please, I'm begging you, don't hurt them!"
Claudette's stinger Retracts and An oviposotor pops out. "Ashi, Are you fertile? Answer truthfully."
Ashi looks up, whimpering quietly as she looks at Claudette's ovipositor. "Y-yes... I am..."
"I'm going to lay my eggs in you, As punishment. " she tells her.
Ashi whimpers and nods. "I-I've never had eggs laid in me before... please be gentle."
She picks the hornetkin up and looks at Elena. "Anything to say to Ashi?"
"I-I'm sorry, Ashi... I failed you..." She says, starting to cry.
Ashi says nothing, but her lip quivers as she tries to stop herself from crying too.
Claudette sighs. "Come here, little queen."
Elena looks up, wiping away her tears. "Huh?" She nervously stands and slowly walks to Claudette, saying nothing. Her body trembles with fear.
Claudette hugs her. "I won't harm you or your friends. But you will be staying here."
Elena looks up at her. "R-really?" She asks, her voice wavering uncertainly. "B-but we attacked you! You're going to let us stay?"
"Yes. Your friend will still bear my eggs, However." she says.
"Ashi? But she-"
"It's alright, Elena." Ashi says calmly. "If this is our home now, then I'd be happy to bear our queens eggs."
Elena nods. "Then... okay. If Ashi's okay with it, then so am I."
Claudette holds ashi up, Her ovopositor sliding into Ashi's pussy.
Ashi gasps, biting her lip as Claudette slides inside her. "Mhh... my queen..."
Claudette grins, Biting her neck as she begins to lay her eggs.
Ashi whimpers cutely as Claudette bites her neck. She moans with every egg that is pumped inside her, her tongue lolling out and her body trembling.
Claudette playfully kisses her as her eggs are laid one after the other.
Ashi's slim belly is now round and filled with eggs as more fill her womb. "Mhh, my queen! I'm gonna- Ahhn!" She cums, her pussy tightening around Claudette's ovipositor.
Claudette giggles. "You came from that? You're a naughty Little hornet. "
Ashi blushes brightly. "I-I am not!" She says, flustered. "I just- mhh- didn't think it'd feel so good."
Claudette slides out of her and Puts her down.
Ashi's legs tremble lightly as she stands on her own, rubbing her now full belly. "Thank you, my queen."
Elena is blushing brightly, having watched the entire thing. Mila, too.
Claudette smiles. "go inside with your new sisters."
They nod, Mila and Elena helping Ashi inside. The small drone is helping a few of the guards up.
Claudette sits down. "Return to your posts!"
The guards nod, embarrassed by their defeat, and return to their positions around the hive. The small drone, along with the other workers, begin working on the hive again.
Claudette peels off what little clothing she has on, Laying nude in the grass near her hive and soaking in the warmth of the sun.
As Claudette bathes in the sun, she gets the feeling she's being watched. Again.
She opens one eye, Her antennae Twitching. "Mmm?"
She can hear the sound of a pencil on paper, and see a small figure hiding behind a tree.
She squints her eyes. "Come out from behind there." she commands.
The figure lets out a startled peep, nervously stepping out from behind the tree. It's a cute boy, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He's quite small, with a thin, almost feminine body. He's holding a sketchbook and a pencil.
she watches him for a moment. "What're you doing?"
"I-i was... sketching you..." He admits shyly, blushing faintly.
"Come and lay with me." she says, Nodding for him.
"R-really?" He steps forward anxiously, clutching his sketchbook close to his body.
She nods, Waiting for him to join her.
He looks down at her naked body, laying down next to her. His blush grows, and he rolls so that he's facing away from her.
She moves, Wrapping her arms around him. "Pants off."
"W-wait, no! I-I can't!" He says frantically, squirming in her arms.
Claudette lets him go. "Why not?"
"B-because I..." There's a cute little tent in his pants.
"Because you're enjoying my company?" she giggles.
"I-its embarrassing..." he says, clutching his sketchbook even closer to his body.
"Let me see your sketch." she says.
"O-okay... but I didn't manage to finish the shading." He shows her his sketching of her. It perfectly manages to capture the queens beauty as she lies in the grass, bathing in the sun. "D-do you like it?"
"I love it. As a reward,I'll let you touch me."
He blushes brighter. "R-really? A-anywhere I want?" The tent in his pants twitches.
She nods. "Anywhere."
He puts down his clip board and looks at her body, slowly reaching out and playing with her breasts. "They're so big and soft..."
Claudette blushes and Unzips his pants, Taking them off. "Keep playing with them. You can touch me as much as you want." she tells him.
His cute cock is poking a tent in his underwear, leaving a damp spot as he leaks pre. He keeps playing with her body, moving his hands down to play with her pussy, rubbing her clit and fingering her.
She moans softly and takes off his underpants, Stroking his cock and nibbling his neck.
He moans too as she plays with his cock. He gets a little adventurous, groping her butt and prodding her backdoor with a finger.
She bites his neck, Warning him not to get overzealous as she strokes him faster.
He lets out a girlish squeal as she bites his neck, moving one hand back to play with her clit, while the other continues groping her ass.
She pokes his cock with her ovipositor, Moving back. "Do you want to join us?"
"J-join you? B-but I'm a guy. I thought guys weren't allowed to join waspkin hives." The boy says, moaning softly as his cock and her ovipositor touch.
She licks her lips. "I'll turn you female. But you need to beg for my blessing."
"You can do that?" He asks, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Oh then yes! Please! I want to join you!"
Her ovipositor slides into his cock. "Beg."
He squeals, holding onto her. "Ahhn! M-make me into a waspkin, my queen! Please, turn me into a female and fuck my brains out!" He blushes brightly.
she giggles. "This will feel strange." she injects a golden substance into him.
He moans, closing his eyes as he waits for his body to change. "W-will it hurt?"
"Maybe a little." she says as his body begins to change.
He gasps as his body shifts. Luckily, his body was already feminine, so he doesn't change much. He grows small b-cup breasts, his rears grows slightly, and his cock shifts into a cute little slit.
His skin turns yellow and smooth, with black stripes on his legs and chitinous tail. He grows fangs as his face shifts and he grows antenae and wings.
He, now she, holds onto Claudette tightly as his body changes. When it's all done, she looks up at Claudette, panting softly. "My queen..."
claudette smiles. "You need a new name. Any ideas?"
"Well... my old name was Lucas so maybe... Lucy?" She says.
"Why don't you explore your body, Lucy?" claudette giggles.
Lucy blushes and nods, looking down at Claudette's ovipositor. "D-do I have one of those too?"
She nods and retracts it. "You have both an ovipositor and a stinger."
Lucy nods. "Mhh, my body feels so soft..." She feels her own breasts, moaning cutely.
Claudette holds her close. "Snuggle with me, Love."
Lucy nuzzles Claudette lovingly. "Thank you, my queen. I love you."
"I love you too." she smiles, Nuzzling her back.
"S-so now that I have a... a pussy." Lucy's cheeks redden. "Can I have kids now?"
Claudette nods, Giggling.
"C-can I keep... touching your body?" She asks shyly.
Claudette smiles. "You may, My dear."
Lucy continues playing with Claudette's body, hugging her close so their breasts press against eachother. "Yours are so much bigger than mine..."
Claudette giggles, Kissing her neck."you're a cutie."
"Y-you really think so?" Lucy asks, nuzzling her and moving her hands down to play with Claudette's pussy.
Claudette moans a bit. "Mhmm..." she kisses Lucy, Sliding her tounge into lucy's mouth.
Lucy kisses her back, fingering Claudette with one hand while fingering herself with the other, moaning cutely.
"Mmmf..." she massages Lucy's wings as she kisses her, closing her eyes.
Lucy speeds up her fingers as the two relax in eachothers embrace, moaning louder.
Claudette moans too, dominating Lucy's mouth as she squeezes lucy's body
Lucy's body quivers lightly as she nears orgasm, moving her fingers even faster, letting her queen dominate her mouth.
Claudette pulls back, Growing a cock and smiling. "Lay back, Lucy. Let me fill you with my royal seed."
Lucy blushes, looking down at her cock. "Y-yes, my queen." She says, laying back to give Claudette easy access to her wet virgin pussy.
She licks her lips, Sliding her cock into lucy's tight little hole and moaning. "Mmm..."
Lucy holds onto Claudette, moaning loudly as she thrusts inside. "Ahhn, my queen!" She squeals.
She licks Lucy's neck,  Thrusting into her faster.
Lucy moans and quivers, hugging Claudette close to her.
As the two fuck, a small group of four adventurers watch. There's tall blonde one, with green eyes and a well endowed body. There's also a tall, tanned, and toned girl, with dark crimson hair and amber eyes. The third is short, with black hair and blue eyes. The last one is about average height, she has brown hair and brown eyes, and a scar on her left cheek. All of them are wearing skintight jumpsuits.
Claudette pulls out, Cumming On lucy's face and panting. "Go inside and get cleaned up."
Lucy moans as she cums too, panting along with Claudette. "Y-yes, my queen." She stands, walking inside the hive.
"Clover, are you sure this is a good idea?" The tanned one asks.
"Yes, they haven't finished building their hive yet. All the drones are too busy working, meaning that honey in there is just waiting to be taken." The brown haired one says. "That stuff is worth a fortune!"
"As long as Sydney's disguises work, all we have to do is walk in there and grab some, and nobody will be any the wiser, Amber." The blonde girl says.
Sydney, the Black haired one, nods. She has canine ears and a tail. "They'll work. Have they ever failed before, Holly?"
Claudette flies over and sits near the hive, Yawning softly, her razor sharp teeth exposed.
"But the queens right there!" Amber, the tanned one, says.
"And she's yawning. We wait for her to fall asleep, and we head inside." Holly, the blonde one, says. "Now everyone put your disguises on."
Sydney drops a bag, and they all strip. They begin using makeup from the bag to colour their skin bright yellow, adding on black stripes. They do this with incredible speed and quality, looking almost exactly like a waspkin in only a few minutes, except without the antennas, wings, a stinger, or fangs.
"Alright, now put these on." Sydney says, taking out a set of antennas. All of them put on a set, hiding it so that the antennas poke out from their hair. They also put on fake wings and a fake stinger, and fake fangs. "Alright, is everyone ready?" Sydney asks, hiding her ears with a bow, and hiding her tail in her fake stinger.
"Ready." Everyone says, all of them looking like waspkin now.
Claudette lays back against the nest,  Closing her eyes as she falls asleep.
"Alright, lets go. Stick together, keep your head down, and don't talk to anyone." Holly says, the four of them walking out from the forest and start walking inside the hive.
Their honey stock was well protected, And only those authorized by the queen or high ranking members of her court could enter.
The group is unaware of that, for now, as they begin walking through the hive, looking for where they keep the honey.
The hive is warm and Humid, Drones and other Members of the hive zip past busily as they set the hive up.
The group keep walking together, avoiding making eye contact with anyone else as they head towards the centre of the hive.
The hive is still under construction, Drones fussing about as they build the different sectors up and fly around. The Honey stock was near the Royal Armory, Throne, And the Hatchling Incubator. All were heavily protected by The preatorians and Waspkin Guards. That meant it was near the top sectors.
"Damnit, this place is like a maze." Clover says.
"We need to ask someone for directions. Someone who won't suspect anything." Sydney says, her bow moving slightly as her ears twitch nervously.
"I got this. Excuse me?" Holly approaches a drone. "I'm sorry, but my friends and I are a little lost. We were assigned to help on repairs for the honey storage room, can you tell us where it is?"
"Oh, really? That's in the royal sector. You need a Royal escort to get in there." she tells them. "They'll arrest you if you try to get in without one."
"Oh thank you! Do you know where we could get a royal escort?" Holly asks her.
"Mhm! Sector 4 is the offices."
"Excellent. We'll head there right away." Holly smiles. "The offices are that way right?" She points in a random direction.
She shakes her head. "Sector 4 is up there." she points a few rows up.
"U-up?" Holly asks. "We have to get up there? I-I don't suppose there's a staircase anywhere. My friend injured their wing earlier."
She narrows her eyes. "Your friend is conducting maintnance with a broken wing?"
"I-its not broken, she just... sprained it is all. She just needs to take it easy for a day or two and she'll be right as rain!"
"Maybe you should talk to the queen...It sounds like the contractors may have mistakenly hired you for maintenance..."
"R-right, we'll go do that." Holly says. "Wait... she can get us a royal escort right?"
The drone shrugs. "She's the queen,  she can do whatever she wants."
"Oh thank you! Thank you! We'll go see the queen right away!" Holly says happily, turning back to join the others. "Change of plans." She whispers. "We're going to see the queen."
"What? But she could see through-" Amber starts.
"Shh! She's the only one that can get us a way to the honey. We just have to hope she won't notice anything."
"And if she does?" Clover asks.
"Then we run. Fast." Holly smiles. "Now lets go see her."
They head back outside, walking up to the sleeping Claudette. "Excuse me, your majesty?" Holly says.
Claudette opens an eye. "Yes?" she asks, Her antennae twitching.
"Your... advisors told us to give you a massage. Making a new hive must be stressful, and so we're here to help you relax." She smiles.
She raises an eyebrow. "A massage?" she asks, looking at them.
"Yes, your highness." Clover nods. "To help you melt away the stresses of your title."
"We should get started right away, my queen." Holly smiles. "But not out here, we should do it somewhere you can enjoy every little sense. Touch, look, hear, smell... taste. Someplace like the honey storage."
The queen narrows her eyes. "Why yes. Let me talk to my Advisors." She stands, going to walk into the hive.
"No!" Holly says, hurrying in front of her. "I-I mean, they're very busy too."
Sydney nods. "Yes, and they are getting massages too, they need to be able to relax." Her bow moves slightly as her ears twitch.
"They aren't all getting massages, It would sideline this operation." she says. "Also, Since you ladies are here.....I need an egg vessel. One of you is to volunteer." she says, Leaning against the hive.
"E-egg vessel?!" Amber says.
Holly places a hand on Ambers shoulder. "That's perfectly fine, but wouldn't you rather lay eggs in your own private bedroom? We can go there. That way you can get a massage, and lay your eggs."
She narrows her eyes. "Decide. Now. I need to lay this clutch."
The four all look amongst eachother nervously. "Umm..." It seems like they won't be able to come to a decision on their own, as they all are considering running.
"Fine, I'll choose." Claudette says. "After I lay my eggs, We'll head to the royal sector."
"R-really?" Holly asks. "Th-then... yes! Choose one of us!"
Claudette points at Holly.
Holly gasps and blushes brightly. "M-me?!"
She nods. "You."
Holly trembles lightly. "O-okay... a-are you going to lay your eggs in me... here?"
she nods. "Lay down and spread your legs."
Holly slowly does, blushing brightly and looking down as she presents her pussy to Claudette.
The others all blush and look away.
Claudette slides her ovipositor into Holly and grins, Filling her with gold liquid. She begins to transform into a real waspkin.
The others are looking away, and so don't notice as a second pair of antennae sprout from Holly's head, and her fake wings and stinger fall off, being replaced by real ones. Holly gasps and moans. "N-no, w-wait! She kn- Ahhn!"
She grins as Holly's body is converted into a real waspkin's, Standing. "Praetoria! Arrest these imposters!"
The three girls look back, gasping as they realize they've been found out. "Run!" They start to run away, but Claudette's royal guards cut them off, tackling them and pinning them to the ground.
"Take them to my court." she points at holly. "Come with me, Dear."
Holly looks up at her and nods obediently. "Yes... my queen..." she says in a defeated tone, standing.
The guards take the others into the hive.
Claudette flies to her throne, Smiling as they are stuck to the wall. "You'll be licking drone pussies clean for a long time, Since you like honey so much." she crosses her arms.
Clover growls. "Damnit! Let us out of here!"
Sydney says nothing, trying and failing to pull free.
"Please, your majesty, we promise we'll never bother you again if you let us go!" Amber tries to plead with her.
"Holly, Tell the drones in honey storage to get in here. Lather your pussy up while you're in there, They're cleaning you too." Claudette commands.
Holly blushes and nods. "Yes, my queen!" She flies off.
"Damnit... when I get out of here I'm gonna make Holly regret this." Clover growls.
Lots of drones fly into the room, covered in honey.
Holly joins them. "What now, my queen?"
"Take turns putting your pussies in their faces. You're not to stop until they make every drone here cum."
Holly nods happily. "Yes, my queen!" She flies over to Sydney, giggling. "C'mon, it's not the first time I made you do this, love!" Sydney hesitantly starts licking at her pussy.
The other drones fly up, Putting their pussies in Amber and Clover's faces too.
Clover growls, refusing to open her mouth.
Amber looks up with a scared expression at the drone using her.
The drone using clover growls. "She won't lick!"
"I think she'd rather be licked." claudette grins and flies up. "Move over." the drone flies back.
Amber and Sydney continue to obediently lick their drones. Clover growls. "No you don't! Get away from me!"
Claudette slides her Ovipositor into Clover and injects her with the same gold fluid. "You'll make a better Waspkin."
"I don't want to be a waspkin! Stop! No!" She squirms as her body begins to change, whimpering and struggling as she does.
"It's not your choice. This is your new life." Claudette smiles.
Clover pants softly as the transformation ends. "Damnit... you bitch..."
Claudette slaps her. "Be respectful to your queen!"
Clover squeals in pain, whimpering quietly. She looks down sadly as her eyes start to tear up.
Claudette grabs her face and forces her to look at her. "Apologize."
"I-I'm... I'm sorry, my queen..." She says in a frightened little voice.
"You love your queen, Don't you?" she asks, Squeezing her face.
"Y-yes... I love my queen. I love you." She says, her body trembling in fear.
"You live to serve, Don't you?" she asks.
"I do... I live to serve the hive..." She nods weakly.
Claudette smiles. "Do you want to kiss your queen?"
"Yes please..." Clover blushes.
Claudette takes a little honey from a nearby drone and puts it on her lips, Kissing Clover.
Clover shyly kisses her back, starting to get wet. Meanwhile, Holly squeals as she cums, humping Sydneys face.
Claudette looks at Holly, Pulling back. "Convert your friends."
Holly nods obediently. "Yes, my queen!" She puts her ovipositor inside Sydneys pussy, injecting it with the same golden substance. Sydney blushes and moans as her body changes, not fighting it.
Claudette smiles, Looking at Amber. "You're next, Dear."
Amber whimpers. "I knew stealing honey was a bad idea..." she says, starting to cry.
Holly flies over to her, smiling gently. "Shh, it's alright, Amber. You'll love being a waspkin." She says as she slides her ovipositor into her, turning Amber into a waspkin too.
"Release them."
Holly nods, her and a few other drones helping the three down.
Claudette grows a cock, landing. "I want to be punished. Milk my sweet honey cum for turning you..." she grins.
"Mhh, well we did come here for honey." Holly giggles, the four of them getting on their knees and all licking and kissing her cock lovingly.
Claudette moans as they service her, Sitting down.
Holly sucks the tip of Claudettes cock while Clover and Sydney lick the side. Amber moves up, suckling her breast.
Claudette groans, Closing her eyes as they lick and suckle her.
Clover joins Amber, suckling Claudettes other breast as Sydney and Holly take turns sucking her cock, deepthroating it.
Claudette thrusts into their mouths as she nears orgasm.
They both pull back, kissing her cock and aiming it at their faces, stroking it quickly with their hands while Amber and Clover drink faster.
She cums, shooting globs of her golden seed onto their faces. She stands. "I'm going on an expidition, The drones will get you all settled in."
"Yes, my queen. Stay safe!" Holly says cheerfully as Amber and Clover start licking the cum off of their faces.
"My queen, where will you be going?" Amber asks.
"To another kingdom." she says. "I will return." She leaves the Hive and walks into the forest.
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cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 10: Gaius The Warrior
Gaius, A human warrior from a Local village, Began his trek towards one of the closer kingdoms in order to stop the attacks plaguing his village- Beastkin had been invading it for some time, Kidnapping and Ransacking. His armour gleamed as he held onto his sword,Ready for battle- Or so he thought.
Unbeknownst to him, Gaius was being watched. A figure moved silently through the underbrush, stalking him.
He walked down the dirt path, Looking around the treeline, None the wiser.
The figure grins as he keeps walking, moving ever closer towards a trap hidden on the path. The trap is designed like a bear trap, intending to trap the preys leg without injuring them.
His eyes go wide as he is suddenly immobile, Caught in the trap. He tries to figure out how to get it off.
The figure steps out from the tree line. It's a beautiful and naked woman. The woman's body is toned, with large breasts and wide hips. She's most likely an Amazon, with tribal tattoos on her body. Her hair is long and black, and her eyes are a bright green. "It's no use struggling, you will make good breeding stock." She grins, approaching him.
He tries to pull away, Unsheathing his sword. "Back away."
"Your weapons are worthless. Surrender, or I will take you by force." She says, moving closer.
he swings the sword at her. "Back off!"
The Amazon ducks under his blade and tackles him to the ground, pinning his arms down. "I'm going to drain every drop from your balls before I take you back to camp. You're getting me pregnant, slave, and soon you will be doing the same for countless others from my tribe."
He struggles. "You won't best me."
She grins, her strong body keeping him held down. "I already have. And now I shall claim my prize." She reaches down with one hand to take out his cock.
He struggles, grunting as she reveals his hard cock. "I'll get free, and you won't be so confident."
"The day you manage to do that, is the day a Minotaur marries a princess." She smirks, stroking his cock. "Now don't bother resisting, unless you want me to get rough." She throws his sword out of reach, moving down to lick and tease his cock.
He groans. "You're not even decent with your mouth,Slut." he says, Trying to move his cock away from her.
She frowns, seeming a little insulted. "I am no slut! And I'm more than decent with my mouth!" She says, starting to suck his cock intently.
he groans. "Nrrrgh, Stop that. I won't obey you." he growls.
She keeps sucking his cock, although she does seem quite inexperienced. "Mhnhm hmmh!" She says with her mouth full as she keeps going, shying away as his cock nears the back of her mouth.
he raises an eyebrow. "You're embarassing yourself. I've been pleasured by far better women."
She stops and looks up at him. "R-really?" She asks, pouting for a moment. "I-I mean, silence, slave! Your tricks are worthless!"
"Get me out of this trap. I'll impregnate you, if that's what you want, but you're bearing children in my care."
"B-but, I'm supposed to take you back to the camp." She pouts. "That's what mommy told me to do, it's what all amazons have to do!"
"You don't have to listen. I want you to bear my children, But I need to be freed to do it."
"Well... okay..." The Amazon sits down by his feet dejectedly and opens up the trap, feeling as though she is betraying her tribe by freeing him.
He hugs her. "Thank you."
She blushes, slowly hugging him back. "Y-you are... welcome." She says. "I'm Maya, the youngest princess of my tribe."
"I'm Gaius, Defender of my village. I'd be happy to take you as my Lover, Maya."
"Gaius..." She smiles. "I knew when I saw you you'd make a fine father for my children."
He lays Maya back, Spreading her legs.
Maya blushes brighter as her wet slit is exposed. "I-isn't the woman supposed to be on top? That's what mommy always told me."
he smiles. "You can be on the bottom too." he prods her pussy with his cock. "Hold on to me."
She nods shyly and holds onto him tightly. "I must not show pain, I must now show pain..." she whispers to herself nervously as he presses against her virgin slit.
he rubs her back as he slides his cock into her, Nibbling her neck.
She moans cutely, holding onto him as she trembles lightly. "Ahhn, Gaius!"
"Squeal, my dear. You're allowed to enjoy yourself." he suckles one of her breasts as he thrusts
She moans and squeals, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Mhh, I-I didn't know it would feel so- ahhn- good!"
He looks into her eyes as he thrusts. "I want you to take me to your tribe when we're done. I'm going to assume command."
"I-I don't know if mommy will like that..." Maya says uncertainly. "A-and what about my other sisters? They- mhh- will want to enslave you!"
"I will dominate them, And take you as my queen." He pounds her quickly.
She gasps as he speeds up, moaning louder. "Ahhn, y-yes, Gaius!" She trembles as she nears orgasm, her legs keeping him inside her. "Cum in me! Fill me with your seed!"
He slams his cock forward, Filling her womb with his cum. "Take me to your tribe so I can do the same to them."
She squeals as she cums too, her pussy milking his cock for as much cum as possible. She pants softly. "Yes, Gaius." She blushes brightly. "I... I..." she mumbles.
"What is it, Love?"
"I... love you." She says, looking down shyly. "W-will you please... kiss me?"
"I love you too, Maya." He pulls her in, Kissing her lovingly.
She happily kisses him back, hugging him tightly.
He lets go. "Lead the way, Dear."
Maya nods, standing up, a bit of his cum leaking from her pussy. "My tribe is that way. The forest can be dangerous, so stay close to me. And bring your sword." She points into the forest. "What are we going to do? You can't just walk in there and charge my mother."
"What about an Aphrodisiac?"
"Well... we do put aphrodisiacs in the slaves food, it wouldn't be hard to get ahold of some." Maya says. "But what then?" She asks as she leads him through the forest.
"I dominate her until she gives me the tribe." he says.
"Well... if you think it will work..." She says. "But how will we get you alone with my mother? She has many guards."
"We'll dominate them too. I'll rut every woman in your tribe if i Must. I need them, For my Village."
Maya nods. "The woman at my camp are strong warriors. You will have quite the challenge ahead of you." She says. "I might be able to slip aphrodisiac in the entire camps food."
He nods. "Do what you can."
She stops as they near the camp, the faint sounds of people talking, singing, and even fucking can be heard. "If a man walks in on his own, every woman there will try to detain him. Should I have you wait out here, or is there a way I could sneak you in?"
"I'll wait for a signal. Every woman in the camp needs to be vulnerable. "
Maya nods. "Very well. Stay here. And don't make any noise. When the cooking fire is put out, and the torches are lit for the night, it is time. And..." She gives him a quick kiss. "Good luck." She walks into camp, and Gaius can faintly hear some Amazons talking to her.
"Welcome back, sister. How was your first hunting trip?"
"It was... unsuccessful, sister. I saw no men on the trail."
"Oh really?" A third voice asks. "Then what's that dripping between your legs?"
Gaius sighs. "Damn. Hold it together, Maya." he whispers.
"Well... I-I did find one male. B-but he managed to get away." Maya says nervously.
"Hmm, you didn't let him dominate you, did you sister? Did he catch you? Pin you down?"
"N-no! He just escaped after I finished mating with him! I swear!"
"Leave Maya alone, Nala. She's one of the chieftains daughters. She would never let a man control her. No men, but a womb full of cum, is still a successful first hunting trip."
Gaius eyes up the nude and scantly clad amazons, waiting for Maya to work her magic.
Many amazons move around the camp as Maya walks into a tent. Some of them are singing and drinking, others are walking into tents and leaving full of cum. There are a few males in the camp, and all of them seem to be mere toys for the amazons, being constantly fucked without any chance for rest. A few amazons are kissing and fingering eachother. A short while later, a bell rings and the sun begins to set, all of the amazons going into a large tent. They can be heard eating and chatting amongst eachother. Eventually some of the amazons come outside, their cheeks flushed and femcum coating their inner thighs. A few light the torches around the camp, and the campfire next to the large tent where they had previously been cooking meat has died down to smouldering ashes.
Gaius smiles, Awaiting a signal. Maya had done it.
Some of the amazons outside begin to kiss and fuck eachother, or jump on the nearest male and begin riding his cock. He hears lots of moaning coming from the large tent, including what sounds like Maya squealing.
Gaius walks into the camp, Figuring that's the signal.
Most of the amazons are already too busy fucking one another to notice him, giving him easy access to the large tent.
He walks into the tent curiously.
Inside there are long tables and benches, clearly the place is some kind of mess hall. There are many amazons in the tent, all either fucking of being fucked by one of their tribesisters. Maya is seated at the head of the table, where a girl is making Maya eat her out, while another is tongue fucking her.
Gaius looks around for who would perhaps be the Chieftan.
There is an Amazon sitting near Maya, on a throne at the head of the largest table. She is the only one that isn't having sex, instead watching Maya and the other two amazons, with only a faint blush on her cheeks. She has long black hair and bright green eyes like Maya, but is more tanned, and with a more voluptuous figure.
"You must be the chieftan." he says. "I'm here to take command of your tribe."
The woman looks up. "You must be the one who's tricked my daughter." She smirks. "I'm surprised you didn't just try to take her and run. No, you needed more. You needed an entire harem." She frowns. "Men, always so greedy. And overconfident too. How do you intend to take command of my tribe, when I still live?"
"By rutting you raw." he says. "I intend to take you while your tribe is distracted."
"You assume I am unable to defend myself." She smirks, standing. "Unlike in your land, where royalty is something you are born into, here, royalty is something that must be earned, proven. The strongest are made chieftain, bloodlines are irrelevant." She says. "A fool like you could never take me."
He quickly gropes her breasts.
She flinches slightly, stopping herself from moaning. "Do you know what the greatest humiliation is for an Amazon?" She asks, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up.
He struggles, Grabbing her hand. "I don't care. You'll succumb to lust soon enough."
"It's being dominated by an outsider. Especially a male." She says, growling. "And if they are impregnated, then the humiliation is even greater." She stares Gaius in the eyes threateningly. "You tricked my daughter, and then came inside her. As a mother, I cannot let this disgrace go unpunished."
He pushes off the wall, Trying to overwhelm her.
Her grip loosens and she drops him, growling. "You're not getting out of this one! The only way for my daughter to restore her honor is to dominate you!" She says, trying to grab him again.
He slides under her, Grabbing her legs and Suckling her clit as hard as he can.
Her legs shudder and she squeals loudly. "Ahhn, d-damnit, you use dirty- mhh- tricks!"
He spreads her legs wider, eating her out Quickly, His tounge sliding into her Slit.
She moans louder, already soaking wet from the aphrodisiac. Her legs tremble and threaten to buckle as she weakly grabs his head, trying to push him away.
He keeps licking, swallowing her sweet femcum as she begins to stop resisting.
She has to place her hands on her throne to keep herself from collapsing as he continues to tongue fuck her, moaning and squealing like a slut. "Nhh- no, stop! I command you!"
He pushes her arms back as he gets on top of her. "You're going to surrender the tribe to me."
"N-never." She says, looking up at him defiantly. "Y-you bastard."
He slides his cock into her,  Thrusting quickly. "Then i'll make you."
She squeals, her body quivering with every thrust. "Mhh, w-wait! Slow down!"
He thrusts faster,Fucking her pussy hard. He licks her neck.
She cums, her pussy tightening and quivering around his cock and her breasts bounce. "Please! Stop! I- ahh- can't keep going!"
He thrusts harder. "Give me what i want." he growls, Fucking her still.
"I-I can't! I can't give my title to- mhh- an outsider!" She moans weakly.
"Give it to me, Or I'll empty my balls in your rear in front of your entire tribe."
"Ahhn, n-no, please! I'll give you my title, just please stop!" She begs.
He grabs her, Bending her over her throne. "Submit, Slut."
"I submit!" She whimpers. "You are now chieftain of this tribe! You are the strongest warrior here!"
He spreads her legs wide. "Then my tribe will watch me fill you with my seed."
She whimpers and squirms. "Y-you said you'd stop if I gave you the title!"
He slams his cock into her ass. "Your body wants more. I can tell."
She squeals loudly as he starts to fuck her tight ass. Most of the amazons- including Maya- have started watching by now, fingering either themselves, or the Amazon next to them as they watch. The ex-chieftain moans, unable to admit she wants more.
He grunts as he rams her, Giving her kisses as he ruts her. He grabs her sides as he speeds up.
She moans louder, femcum leaking down her thighs as she quivers with pleasure. "Mhh! Ahhn!" She squeals like a cumdumpster as she nears climax.
"Cum." He slaps her expansive rear as he plows her ass, Balls slapping her pussy.
She squeals as he slaps her behind, her tongue lolling out. Her legs tremble as she cums in front of her tribe, moaning loudly.
He cums, grunting as he gets off her. "I need your tribe to help my village. We've been getting raided by Beastkin."
She pants softly, still lightly quivering. "S-so what? You want us to guard your town?"
He nods. "My village,Yes."
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cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 9: Gregor Returns
Cadence smiles, leading a very beautiful and fancily dressed siren to Gregor's house. "We're almost there, princess. I can't wait to introduce you!" She says excitedly, knocking on the front door.
Griggs opens the door, his cock already erect and throbbing.
Cadence smiles and hugs him tightly. "We're back! Oh I missed you so much, Griggs!" She says, nuzzling him. "Octavia, this is Griggs! Griggs, this is princess Octavia!"
Octavia blushes looking down at his cock. "H-he certainly is... b-big."
Griggs grabs Cadence and sits her on the shaft of his Massive cock, So her pussy is rubbing against it.
Cadence blushes and moans. She's already soaking wet. "Mhh, you must've really missed me. Are the others asleep right now?" She asks, slowly moving her hips back and forth on his cock, covering it in her femcum.
Griggs nods and grabs octavia, shoving her face into his massive balls.
Octavia lets out a startled squeak as he grabs her, blushing even brighter as her face is shoved into his cum-filled balls. She breathes in his manly scent, feeling a growing heat in her nethers.
He grabs cadence and lifts his cock, letting octavia breathe.
Cadence smiles. "Mhh, I missed your cock so much."
Octavia shyly moves a hand between her legs, unable to draw her focus away from the massive cock in front of her.
He growls, putting her down and grabbing octavia.
Octavia whimpers. "Wh-what is it?"
"Don't worry, Octavia. Griggs will be a perfect gentleman. Well... mostly."
He lifts her dress, Sniffing her nethers.
Her under her dress she's wearing a set of white lingerie, with stockings, a garter belt, and expensive looking bra and panties. The panties are already soaked with her sweet femcum, marking them with a womanly scent.
He tears off her panties, Quickly licking at her exposed pussy as his cock gets harder.
She moans, her long, thin legs quivering. "Ahhn, wh-what is he doing?"
Cadence grins. "Getting you ready. I knew he'd like you."
His large tounge moves to her ass ,Licking that hole too.
She gasps and jumps lightly in his grip. "B-back there too?!"
Cadence giggles and nods. "He's making sure both your holes are ready for him."
He grunts, lowering her to his cock and sliding it into her little ass slowly.
Octavia looks down at his cock in amazement as he presses against her tight butt. "I-its so big... p-please go slow..." She squeals as the head of his cock pops inside her ass.
He slides his cock deep into her ass, Until she's almost to his heavy balls he grunts in pleasure.
She squeals and trembles, holding onto him tightly as his cock fills her ass.
Ayla gets out of bed, sleepily rubbing her eyes and getting up to go get a glass of water. She's wearing a nightie as she walks out of her room and hears Octavia's moans. She blushes and peeks around the corner, watching Griggs fuck Octavia. "Mhh... he grew up to be so big..." Gregor still hasn't returned yet, and Ayla and his other wives are all growing more and more needy.
Griggs lets out another groan as he thrusts into her slowly, Holding her close to him.
She moans and holds onto him as he starts to thrust. "Mhh, kiss me..."
Ayla watches, her cheeks flushed. She subconsciously reaches between her legs, touching herself.
The next day, Gregor finally returns.
All of his family comes to hug him as he returns, all smiling happily as they welcome him back. "Welcome back, sweetie." Trina smiles, kissing him. All of his wives take turns giving him a kiss.
He nods, Going to see Griggs. He takes him to a private area to speak with him.
Farrah and Leo grin, planning to eavesdrop on them. Rebecca catches them, raising an eyebrow. "Where do you two think you're going?"
Leo grins nervously. "N-nothing, mom. We were just... g-going to go for a swim!"
After a while, Gregor returns to the house to fetch his amazon wife.
Jezebel smiles as she sees him approach. "Greggy!" She hugs and kisses him. "What is it?"
He points outside, grunts and grabs her hand, Walking with her outside.
"Outside?" She blushes. "Mmh, did you want to do me outside~" she asks, as they walk.
Gregor walks to the lake. Griggs is waiting. They both put their cocks in her face.
Jezebel blushes brighter, looking at both of their cocks and licking her lips. "Both of you? Mhh, you two are so sweet!" She happily gets on her knees, licking and kissing their cocks lovingly.
Gregor Roars for Bigsy and Ruby, Thrusting forward for Jezebel.
Bigsy and Ruby come outside in a hurry, thinking it's an emergency. "What is it? What's wr-" Ruby blushes watching as Jezebel sucks on Gregor's cock, using her skilled hands on Griggs'. Bigsy is already starting to get hard.
Gregor grunts, Nodding for them to come over.
Ruby blushes. "B-but you tw-"
Bigsy gently urges her forward, following beside her.
"Wh-what do you want us to do?" Ruby asks shyly.
Gregor points to ruby, Then the ground near jezebel.
Ruby nods and gets on her knees next to Jezebel. She looks at their cocks, fidgeting nervously.
Griggs growls at bigsy, nodding for him to come over.
Bigsy does as he's told, standing with them. Jezebel giggles and kisses his cock. "Mhh, c'mon, Ruby! How about servicing your superiors? I know you want to." She grins.
Griggs moves behind Bigsy and slams his cock into Bigsy's ass dominantly.
Bigsy cries out in surprise as Griggs suddenly thrusts inside his remarkably tight ass. His already hard cock twitches, leaking precum. Jezebel giggles, taking some of his sticky precum on her finger, then gently wiping it on Ruby's lips. "Tastes good, huh? Why don't you try to get a little more?"
Ruby licks her lips and nods shyly, kissing Bigsy's cock, licking up his precum.
Griggs groans, Slamming his cock forward as he Dominates Bigsy. He growls as he does.
Ruby continues sucking his cock as Bigsy groans and moans submissively. Jezebel giggles and looks up at Gregor. "Are you gonna join in too?"
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 8: Blackhorn Raid
"Sylvana, Anything Interesting Come up?" Astaroth asks.
Sylvana looks up from her seat in the main hall, having been reading reports from some of the specialists. "Yes, mistress." Sylvana smiles. "There's a small kingdom nearby that recently had an attempt by a radical group to usurp the throne. It was unsuccessful, but they managed to take out most of the guard. They should be easy pickings now."
Astaroth nods."Faye, With me. This should be easy."
Faye grins. "Of course, mistress. When do we depart?"
"Now." she takes off, A map in hand.
Faye flies after her. "So what's the plan once we get there?"
"The same as last time. We drop in and they all submit."
Faye nods. "I was hoping you'd say that."
They keep flying until they reach a small castle, with a few houses within its courtyard. Most of the land around it is farmland, save for a small village outside the castle.
Astaroth lands at the castle, Expecting an easy victory.
There's a single guard there. "Oy! Whada you doin ere?" He asks. He's clearly drunk, and is openly staring at Astaroth's chest.
Astaroth laughs, Charging up a ball of energy in one hand to kill him.
Faye quickly punches him in the face, knocking him into a nearby wall and rendering him unconscious. "Mistress, leave the fighting to me." She says, not wanting anyone to die unnecessarily.
She huffs, Walking with faye.
"I think the throne rooms... this way." She says. There aren't any other guards until they reach a set of large wooden doors, with two guards that Faye quickly dispatches. "This must be it!" She kicks the heavy oak doors open, causing them to crack and splinter where she kicked.
astaroth hurls the energy ball at the door, Turning it into Small splinters with a golden explosion.
Faye looks at where the door once was. "I softened the door up for you."
"Come on, Let's take this kingdom." she walks into the Throne room.
"The king isn't here." A voice says as they enter. "Leave now."
Astaroth Smiles."good, I'll just take the entire kingdom, If he's already gone."
"I'm not going to let that happen." The voice says, all the torches illuminating the room go out, making it pitch black. "I swore an oath to protect this kingdom."
"Your oath is moot. This kingdom belongs to the black horn succubi now."
Faye grins. "All though you're welcome to join us. We have great benefits."
"I'd rather die!" A dart whizzes past Astaroth.
"Ow! What hit me?" It's too dark to even see Faye, but the sound of her collapsing to the ground is clear.
Astaroth smiles and walks forward. "Interesting. But you underestimate me, It seems."
"You say that, but how do you expect to fight in the dark?" The voice asks. She can hear movement from the other side of a room, and a dart whizzing through the air towards her.
She grabs the dart out of the air. "Simple. Light up the room." an Energy ball forms in her hand and she hurls in front of her.
As the energy ball flies through the room, she can make out a figure. It's definitely a female, with a skimpy, skintight leotard and a hood. Her body is fit, with decent curves. The hood conceals her face, but the black tail behind her reveals her feline heritage. The figure growls, grabbing a sword and charging Astaroth with surprising speed.
Astaroth grins and snaps, Black tentacles rising from the ground in front of her and snapping at her assailant.
The girl slashes at the tentacles, continuing to charge towards her.
Astaroth Uses her wings to fly back, Spawning a sword of gold energy and swinging it at her.
The girl raises her sword to block Astaroth's.
As she does, Astaroth whirls around as the tentacles snap at her again.
The girl uses her feline agility to slip out of the tentacles grip, continuing to slash at Astaroth, aiming for her wings.
Astaroth smiles and flaps her wings hard, Shooting bladed Feathers at the girl.
The girl gasps and jumps away, a few just barely hitting her, giving her a few light cuts. "What are you?!" She growls, jumping in for another attack.
"I am your new mistress." She stomps, Tentacles sprouting from the ground and wall.
"Never!" She tries slashing the tentacles away as fast as she can, but she's quickly getting overwhelmed.
Astaroth grins and closes her hand. All the tentacles snap towards her.
The girl keeps slashing them away as fast as she can, but she can't move fast enough for all of them.
They wrap around her body, Keeping her legs apart and her arms out.
"Damnit, let go of me, monster!" The girl growls, trying to bite and claw out of their grip.
They tighten around her as they lower her in front of Astaroth.
The girl keeps struggling. "As soon as I get out of here, you're dead!"
"Silence." A tentacle pulls at her Leotard, Ripping it.
The girl squeals as her body is exposed. "You bitch! Trying to make me into another one of your fucktoys?! All you demons are the same!"
Astaroth smiles as the tentacles spread her legs wide and lower her. Astaroth begins to lick the girl's lower lips.
The girl bites her lip to stop herself from moaning. "Mn, pathetic. I would have a better time with those drunken louts outside." She taunts Astaroth.
Astaroth Stops, Looking up at her. "I'm sure you're very experienced at letting them lick you with dirty tounges and taking dirty cock. Maybe i should just hang you from the rafters in your dungeon and leave you."
The girl grins. "You're bluffing. You wouldn't leave me to be someone else's. I'm too attractive for that. You want me and you know it."
Astaroth smiles. "You'd belong to the stone cold walls and skeletons down there. Nobody would dare look for you. They'd think you were dead."
The girl's grin drops for a moment. "Y-you're still bluffing!"
Astaroth smiles as the tentacles stretch, Moving towards the dungeon doors.
The girl is silent for a moment, waiting for the tentacles to stop. When they don't she starts to panic. "W-wait! Okay, you're not bluffing! I get it, you don't need to put me in the dungeon!"
Astaroth pulls her back over. "How many men have violated you?"
"Wh-what?!" The girl blushes. "None! Why do you care?!" She lies.
"How many?" Astaroth growls. "Or you'll room with the a skeletons."
The girl whimpers and is silent for a moment. "M-many... I-I used to be a slave..."
"Are you sick?" She growls.
"No... The king had his healers look at me. He rescued me..."
"You will serve me faithfully, Now." Astaroth commands.
The girl looks up at her with a weakening determination. "No, I swore that I'd serve my king. He saved me, I owe him my life!" She says. "While the two of us still draw breath, my oath shall remain upheld!"
Astaroth spreads her legs and her lips wrap around the girl's clit, Suckling it gently.
The girl mewls, her tail flicking with pleasure. "Nhh, I-I won't let you trick me!"
Astaroth licks her, Wanting to taste her sweet femcum.
She moans and trembles. "S-stop... I- ahhn- won't fall for this!" She says as she starts to get wet.
Astaroth smiles and keeps it up, Fingering her as she licks her clit.
"Mhh, n-no..." She moans louder as she nears orgasm, her pantherkin ears twitching with pleasure as she mewls. "W-wait, I-I'm gonna- nhh!"
Astaroth grins, Continuing to pleasure the pantherkin with her talented tounge.
The pantherkin cums, squealing shamelessly as she does, squirting webs of femcum. "Ahhn!" She shudders in the tentacles grip, panting softly.
Astaroth smiles. "Obey me."
The girl whimpers. "I-I can't... I-I'm sorry... not until the king has passed away..."
Astaroth growls and grows a cock, Lowering her down and sliding her cock into The girl's pussy, Ramming her hard.
The girl squeals as Astaroth fucks her mercilessly. "W-wait- ahh- slow down!"
Astaroth growls. "You have no choice. Obey." she thrusts faster.
The girl whimpers and mewls. "I-I'll obey! Just- nhh- please slow down!"
Astaroth growls and keeps thrusting. "I need a bodyguard. Do you know of any dragonkin in the Area?"
"There's- mhh- a dragonkin in the dungeon!" She answers, mewling submissively.
"Her name?" Astaroth Asks.
"K-Kaia. The other rebels said her name is Kaia." She says. "She lead the assault on the castle, and killed most of our guards."
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 7: Astaroth's Wife
Astaroth is outside of her castle, With a group of black horn succubi, Getting ready to raid a village. This will be their first raid, and others will definitely take notice.
Sylvana and Faye are with her. Sylvana looks at Astaroth. "Are you certain about this, mistress? Others are sure to notice. That may not be a good thing."
Faye seems nervous.
"We will build our army here. Everything will work in our favor." Astaroth reassures her.
Sylvana nods. "Of course, mistress. Should we let a few escape? To spread word of us."
"Indeed." she nods, Smiling.
Sylvana grins. "Excellent. And the rest shall be captured and made into one of us." She looks over at Faye. "Our combat specialist looks anxious. Are you sure she is up to this?"
Astaroth nods. "We will be victorious."
"Very well then. Lets not waste anymore time. The grumpy girl is already set up near the town for us." Sylvana says.
Astaroth nods. "Bring any particularly interesting specimens to me. The rest are to be elimintated or turned." she walks towards the town.
"As you wish, mistress." She smiles, her and the others following Astaroth to the town.
She looks around, Snapping her fingers. "Begin."
Sylvana grins and her and the other black horn succubi fly into town, causing chaos in the streets as they start to round up most of the villagers. Aversa's group on the other side of town does the same.
Astaroth walks through town as her Black horn succubi do her bidding, Toward the village capital.
Hiding in the town hall is a beautiful foxkin and her young sister. "Shh... they won't find us in here." The older sister tries to console the crying little foxkin. They are hidden in a small room, hidden in the back of the building.
Astaroth looks at them. "Hello, Dear."
The girl looks up and her little sister screams. "Get away from us! What the hell do you want?!" She says, standing in front of her sister defensively. She's clearly afraid, but willing to fight.
"Don't be afraid, Dears....I won't harm you."
"You're lying. You're with all those demons outside!" The girl says.
She giggles. "Demons?" she gets a good look at the girl and her little sister.
The girl has long red hair, with two cute fox ears poking up from her head. Her face is beautiful, and her skin is flawless. The girl's eyes are bright blue. Her body is slim, but with ample curves, like Faye. Behind her, her tail swishes nervously. She's wearing a simple outfit, a skirt and a tight shirt. Her sister looks like her, but a few years younger, with the same red hair and blue eyes. She looks about as old physically as Athena.
"Yeah, demons!" The girl says. "You have those horns, and those wings, what else could you be?!"
She smiles. "We mean you no harm. You should come with us."
"Why should we trust you? Listen to all those screams from outside!" She says.
The younger sister coughs. "Evelyn, I don't feel well..." She says, coughing again.
Astaroth frowns. "What ails your sister, Dear?"
"She's sick, why do you care?!" Evelyn says.
Both of them look tired, especially the younger sister.
"What is she sick with?" astaroth says, trying to soothe them.
"I... I don't know. I can't afford to have a doctor look at her, and she's been sick for months." Evelyn says, starting to lower her guard.
Astaroth nods. "I can help her, If you come with me."
"R-really?" The girl asks. "No tricks? You promise?"
Astaroth nods. "I promise."
Evelyn is silent for a moment. "...Alright. We'll go with you. But if you, or anyone else there, tries anything, then I'm holding you accountable." She says sternly. "And I want my sister looked at as soon as possible." Evelyn adds.
Astaroth nods. "In return, you will remain with me,as will she."
Evelyn nods. "Okay." She turns around and crouches down, hugging her sister. "It's okay, Alice. She can help you get better. We're going to go with her." She says gently. "I'Il be there to keep you safe."
Alice nods. "O-okay..." she holds Evelyn's hand as the two stand, coughing again.
"Where are we following you to?" Evelyn asks Astaroth.
"Up the stairs, my dears. I need to grab something."
Evelyn nods, her and Alice following Astaroth. Alice stays close to Evelyn, keeping her hand held tight.
She smiles and kneels down near a safe. "Here we are..."
"A safe?" Evelyn asks. "You came here for gold?"
"No." she says. "Both of you need to strip, By the way." she smiles as her tail slides onto the safe's dial.
"Strip?! Why do we need to strip?!" Evelyn blushes.
"If you want your sister to be healthy, Strip."
"A-alright..." She takes off her skirt and shirt, revealing her red panties and bra. "You too, Alice."
Alice nods, taking off her clothes, leaving on her cute white underwear.
"Underwear and bra too. You will be given new clothes when we arrive at my kingdom."
Evelyn blushes brighter. "R-really?" She hesitates for a moment before sighing. "You heard her, Alice. You have to do this if you want to get better." The two strip down, exposing their naked bodies to the open air.
"Good." her tail quickly clicks in numbers and the safe opens. She grabs a Crown out of it with a black crystal. "This is what I wanted."
"A crown? What do you need a crown for?" Evelyn asks, her and Alice both shyly covering their bodies.
She puts it on her head. "For when I am queen of this realm." she gently Scoops up Alice.
"Queen? Just who are you?" Evelyn asks. Alice blushes as Astaroth picks her up, her ears raised curiously as she looks up at her. Evelyn seems nervous, but doesn't try to stop her.
Astaroth holds Alice close, comforting her. "I am Queen Astaroth of the Black Horn Kingdom."
Alice smiles softly, her tail slowly wagging. "You're a really pretty queen."
"The black horn kingdom? I've never heard of it." Evelyn says. "And... you're really a queen? You're not just some demon with delusions of grandeur?"
"I'm a queen. My subjects are outside." she smiles. She coos at Alice, Kissing her.
Alice giggles, her tail wagging happily.
"So you want us to become your subjects? Is that why you want us to stay with you?" Evelyn asks.
"No. You two wouldn't be Black horn Succubi. I want you as my queen."
"W-what?! S-so then is this..." Evelyn blushes. "Are you proposing to me?"
Alice smiles brightly. "Oh! Can I be a princess?"
She nods. "And Alice will be our Princess, as requested."
"I-I don't know what to say..." Evelyn says, clearly flustered.
"Say yes! Say yes!" Alice says cheerfully.
She smiles. "Your sister likes the idea."
"Well... I guess... if Alice feels safe around you then..." Evelyn smiles. "Yes. I'll be your queen."
"Yay!" Alice cheers, nuzzling Astaroth.
astaroth kisses Alice and wraps her arms around her, Enveloping Alice in a Golden Glow.
"Astaroth? What are you doing?" Evelyn asks.
"Shh, My dear. Wait a moment...." The glowing brightens and Alice Feels Warm.
Alice blushes. She's not bothered by the glowing. Astaroth wouldn't do anything bad to her. She was so nice, and now she was going to make Alice a princess!
Astaroth nuzzles her as she stops glowing. "There. Take a nice breath for me."
Alice nods, taking in a deep breath.
"Do you feel better?"
Alice is silent for a moment. She takes in another breath, giggling and smiling brightly. "Yeah!" She hugs Astaroth tightly. "Thank you, Astaroth!"
Evelyn sighs in relief. She's smiling too. "Y-you cured her? Oh thank you so much, Astaroth." She hugs both of them. "Gods, I can't thank you enough."
Astaroth hugs them both. "I love you two."
Their tails are wagging happily. "I love you too!" Alice smiles.
Evelyn blushes. "I... I love you too."
Astaroth kisses them both and carries Alice down the stairs.
Evelyn stays at Astaroth's side. "If you're a queen, do you have a castle?" She asks.
"I do. A very nice one. With a bed for us three."
Evelyn and Alice smile. "It'll be nice to finally be able to rest now."
Alice nods. "Mhm..." She yawns, nuzzling Astaroth and closing her eyes.
"She hasn't been able to sleep well with her coughing. She must be exhausted." Evelyn says. "Um... Astaroth?" Evelyn asks as they walk. "Why'd you... choose me to be your queen?"
Astaroth looks at her. "I have been looking for someone with your level of beauty and conviction for a long time."
Evelyn blushes. "B-beauty?"
Alice nods. "Evelyn is really pretty. Everyone says so." She sleepily mumbles. "She's even had people propose to her."
"Ooh! I'm glad i'm the lucky one." astaroth giggles, Petting Alice's head.
Alice nods. "Me too... you're a really cool big sis."
Evelyn smiles. "I feel pretty lucky too, you're quite the catch. You are a queen after all. I think I'm the first girl in the village to marry a monarch."
Astaroth smiles as she walks outside with them.
The village is quiet, the black horn succubi having already taken most of the village people back to the castle. "It's... like a ghost town now..." Evelyn says, looking around. She shivers in the open air. "D-do I still have to stay like this? What if someone sees?"
Astaroth coughs. "Yes. We need to find my healer. Now."
"What's wrong?" Evelyn asks. "Oh no... you didn't get sick, did you? Is that how you cured Alice?"
She nods. "My healer will fix me right up. And purge it from All of us."
"Then we need to get home fast." Evelyn says. "Lets hurry. Where's your home?"
Alice looks up at Astaroth. "You got sick because of me?" She asks worriedly.
"Shh, I took the ailment from you. I can swap my condition with someone Else's."
Alice frowns. "But... that means it's my fault for making you sick."
"Alice, don't blame yourself. Astaroth will be fine once we see her healer."
Astaroth kisses Alice. "Don't be concerned,Little one. I will be okay."
"W-well... okay." Alice says, nuzzling Astaroth. "I always felt better when Evelyn was with me, so I'll stay with you until you're cured to make you feel better!"
Astaroth smiles as she walks outside. "You're a little angel." she kisses alice. "Sylvana! Get the healslut."
Sylvana looks up. "Oh mistress, you're back!" She looks at Evelyn and Alice, raising an eyebrow. "I'll... fetch her right away." She leaves to go find Celica.
Alice giggles, her tail wagging again. Evelyn blushes. "Can we get some clothes now?"
"We need to get to my home first."
"Alright, well lets hurry back then."
Celica hurries over. "You called, mistress?"
"I need you to restore us all to normal health, Healslut." she tells celica.
Celica nods obediently. "As you command, mistress." She closes her eyes and her feathers bristle as Astaroth and the others feel a warmth in their core. She opens her eyes and smiles. "There you go, mistress. You should all be perfectly healthy. Thank you for letting a dumb bimbo like me be your healslut, mistress."
Alice looks at Celica's cheek. "Cumslut? What does that mean?" She looks up at Astaroth.
Evelyn blushes.
Astaroth giggles. "It's a secret. You can't know it yet."
Alice frowns. "Aww, no fair! What about healslut?"
"You'll know when you're older." Evelyn says.
Astaroth kisses Alice, Then Celica. "Let's all fly home. Faye, Carry evelyn." she nods at the foxkin girl.
Faye nods. "Sure thing, mistress." She grins, gently holding Evelyn. "Try not to look down once we're in the air."
Alice holds onto Astaroth. "We're gonna fly?" She smiles.
Astaroth smiles, Unfolding her wings. "Hold onto me, Little one."
"I-I'm afraid of heights." Evelyn says.
"Then just look at me, and enjoy the view." Faye grins. "See you at the castle, mistress!" She flies off with Evelyn towards the castle.
Celica smiles and flies after her.
Sylvana and the others have already left for the castle.
Astaroth smiles and watches them all leave. When she's alone, She smiles at Alice.
Alice smiles back at her. "Your wings are pretty."
Astaroth kisses her on the lips.
Alice blushes. "A-Asty?"
Astaroth giggles, Nuzzling her and laying her in the grass.
"I-I thought we were gonna fly home." Alice says.
"We are, I wanna have time alone with you first." She gently spreads Alice's legs.
Alice blushes brighter. "Time alone? What are we gonna do?" She asks. "Can you tell me what Cumslut means now?"
Astaroth smiles. "I'll tell you what it means if you trust me."
Alice smiles and nods. "Okay, I trust you!"
She moves down and touches Alice's little tight pussy. "Mm." she gives alice a lick.
Alice moans, already starting to leak her sweet girl cum. "Mhh, that feels really good, Asty."
She smiles and licks more. "Do you want me to keep going?"
Alice nods, her little body quivering with every lick. "Ahhn, y-yes please."
She grins and slides one finger into Alice.
Alice moans louder, her tight little hole wrapping tightly around her finger and soaking her with her juices. Her small hips buck weakly.
Astaroth kisses her on the lips again.
Alice kisses her back, starting to grind her hips against Astaroth's hand.
Astaroth smiles and pulls back,  growing a cock. "You have to use your mouth now."
Alice looks at her cock with a curious gaze. "Is this what boys have?" She asks. "It'll feel good if I use my mouth?" She pokes at Astaroth's cock.
She nods, Smiling. "You have to make it squirt white sticky stuff. That's cum. A cumslut is someone who likes to be a good girl and make their partner shoot out lots of cum." she says, Simplifying it for Alice.
Alice nods. "Ohh... then I wanna be a Cumslut!" She smiles brightly, licking Astaroth's cock.
"Mmm, Keep sucking, My dear...You have an Amazing mouth." she encourages Alice.
Alice nods, sucking on her cock lovingly, feeling Astaroth's cum-filled balls as she does, her tongue licking the underside of her cock.
Astaroth grunts,Pushing forward as alice sucks her.
Alice takes more of Astaroth's cock into her mouth, stopping when she presses against the back of her mouth. "Mhmm mhhh nmhhh!" She says with her mouth full.
Astaroth giggles,Pulling out of Alice's mouth. "Spread your legs, Dear."
Alice blushes, spreading her small legs and presenting her wet little virgin pussy to Astaroth. "A-are you going to cum in my honeypot?"
Astaroth smiles and nods. "Mhm! I'm gonna fill it up."
"Then will I be a good Cumslut?" She asks excitedly.
"Mhm! I'll get some in your mouth, Too." Astaroth prods Alice's little hole.
"Yeah! Cum lots for me!" Alice smiles, moaning softly. "Nmm, will it fit?"
Astaroth nods, Sliding her cock in slowly and moaning. "Y-You're so tight.."
Alice squeals cutely, holding tightly onto Astaroth. "Ahhn, and you're so big!" She moans. "I-is this what mommies and daddies do?"
Astaroth nods, Smiling. "It is, Sweetie~" she coos, Thrusting faster.
"Mnn, I love you, Asty!" She moans. "I wanna stay with you and Evelyn and do lots of mommy and daddy things, like a good little Cumslut!"
Astaroth moans and hugs her, Cumming hard. after filling her, she quickly pulls out and shoots the rest of her gooey load on Alice's face.
Alice cums as she's stuffed full of Astaroth's hot seed, squealing cutely. She holds out her tongue obediently and lets Astaroth cover her face in cum. "Was I a good Cumslut?"
Astaroth nods, Panting. "A very good cumslut."
Alice giggles as she licks up some of the cum on her lips. "Mmm, it's so gooey." She giggles. "I can't wait to tell Evelyn what a good Cumslut I was!"
"N-No!" Astaroth blushes. "Our secret. I'll give you as much cum as you want if you keep it between us."
Alice smiles brightly. "You will? Okay then!" She hugs Astaroth. "Um, this stuff is really sticky. Can I wash it off?"
Astaroth smiles and nods, Walking her to a pond.
Alice steps into the water, cleaning off her body and clearing the cum off her face. She giggles, her tail wagging as she steps out. "Are we gonna fly home now?"
Astaroth hugs her tightly. "I love you, Alice."
Alice giggles. "I love you too, Asty!" She hugs her back.
Astaroth unfolds her wings, Flying alice back to the castle.
Alice giggles and enjoys the ride as the two fly, enjoying the view below her.
Astaroth lands in the castle. "Someone get the cowkin, Alice needs milk." she commands when she arrives, Looking for evelyn.
Sylvana is obediently waiting her mistress' return, and smiles when she sees them. "Of course, mistress. I'll go fetch her."
Evelyn is with Faye and Aversa. Aversa seems angry, as usual. "I'm saying why the hell isn't she being converted like the others?!"
Faye is defending Evelyn. "Because mistress said so."
Aversa scowls. "I'll believe that when I hear it from her. Why would she pick a scrawny pup like that to be her favourite?" She growls.
Faye grins, looking over at Astaroth. "Well here she is now."
Astaroth looks at them. "Hmm?"
"Mistress, Aversa here was about to take Evelyn to be converted with the rest of the townsfolk. I was telling her that you said otherwise." Faye explains.
Astaroth nods. "Alice and Evelyn are to stay unconverted."
Aversa scowls. "Are you sure that is wise, mistress? What if they betray you?" She says, looking at Alice and growling. "Letting such weak mongrels into the castle is a mistake."
Alice whimpers, hiding behind Astaroth.
Astaroth grabs Aversa's hair, Pushing her to her knees. "My word is law." Her cock leaks pre, Throbbing in Aversa's face. "Suck, for your insolence."
Aversa gasps as she's forced down. She blushes and looks down in embarrassment. "A-as you wish, mistress..." she says meekly, her fiery anger having been extinguished by the scolding. She starts to suck Astaroth's cock, licking up her pre.
"Good girl. Apologize." She still has Aversa's hair in her hand.
"Mm shwry...." she says, still sucking on Aversa's cock obediently.
"Good girl. Evelyn, be a dear and lick her folds for being a good girl." Astaroth smiles as she keeps moving aversa's head.
Evelyn blushes. "O-okay..." she says, already horny from watching. She lays down under Aversa, raising her butt and lowering it on her face, licking at her wet pussy.
"Say thank you, Aversa." she keeps forcing aversa's head forward.
"Ahmhh mhn." Aversa says as Astaroth forces her cock down her throat, moaning and trembling lightly as the foxkin below her expertly uses her tongue.
Astaroth smiles. "Use your tounge too, Aversa. You should be doing all you can to please your mistress."
Aversa starts to eagerly licks at Astaroth's cock, licking up all her tasty precum. She starts moving forward on her own, wanting to go balls-deep.
Astaroth slams her head forward so Aversa's taking her cock all the way. "Mmm, Get ready to gulp it all down."
Aversa sticks her tongue out and licks at the heavy balls pressed against her chin, feeling them twitch and pulse with cum, trying to coax out as big a load as possible from them.
Evelyn speeds up her tongue-fucking, and Aversa's moans get louder as she nears orgasm.
Astaroth cums, Filling Aversa's throat as her cock shrinks and disappears.
Aversa gulps down her cum, the quantity overfilling her mouth, causing some to leak down past her belly and to her nethers, where Evelyn happily licks it up along with Aversa's girlcum, causing the grumpy succubus to cum too.
Astaroth smiles. "Good aversa." she pets aversa's head.
Aversa pants softly, looking up at Astaroth. "Th-thank you, mistress..." She smiles, swallowing the last of the cum in her mouth. Evelyn moves from under Aversa, her cheeks are flushed.
"Apologize to Evelyn and give her a kiss." astaroth commands.
Aversa nods and slowly turns to Evelyn, looking down like a scolded puppy. "S-sorry, Evelyn..." She says, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Evelyn giggles. "Apology accepted." She leans in, kissing Aversa on the lips.
"Good girl." Astaroth Smiles.
Faye giggles. "That's a good look for her."
Sylvana returns with Angela. "Mistress, I brought the cowkin."
"Angela!" Astaroth smiles. "Meet Alice." She nudges the little foxkin forward.
Alice blushes and looks up at Angela. "H-hi..."
Angela giggles, leaning down. "Aww, hey sweetie! Do you want some of my milk?"
Alice nods shyly, she was quite hungry. "Y-yes please."
Astaroth smiles. "Let her drink as much as she wants, angela."
Angela nods. "Thank you, mistress. I've been needing a milking." She offers her hand. "Come with me, little one. I'll get us somewhere to relax while you drink."
Alice blushes and nods shyly. "O-okay..." She takes her hand.
Angela leads her away to go find a bed. "Say bye-bye to mistress!"
Alice turns around. "Bye-bye, mistress!" She waves happily.
Astaroth smiles and waves at her.
They walk off, starting to talk with eachother.
Evelyn smiles. "I haven't seen her this happy in years." She says, nuzzling Astaroth. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, My love." astaroth kisses her. "Shall we adopt her a sister?"
"Adopt?" Evelyn asks. "Who? Where would we get her a sister?"
"Surely there are many villages with foxkin in them?"
"Well... yeah. Are you suggesting we just abduct someone and force them to be her sister?" Evelyn asks, frowning.
Astaroth raises an eyebrow. "Well, We could easily condition her..."
"Alice wouldn't be happy." Evelyn says. "If she knew that she was here against her will, she'd want us to let her go." Evelyn thinks for a moment. "But... what if we found a foxkin that wanted to be here? I'm sure there's a little foxkin girl somewhere without a family."
Astaroth nods. "Perhaps one of the small refugee camps? We could take her during the night.."
Evelyn smiles. "I'm sure Alice would be happy with that. And we'd be doing a good thing." She says happily. "Lets go tonight."
She nods, Hugging evelyn.
Evelyn hugs her back. "So... what should we do while we wait for nighttime?"
Astaroth smiles."invade villages and Have our way with them whilst invisible?~"
Evelyn bites her lip. "Mmm, that could be fun."
"Let's go, I'm sure there are lots of Girls ripe for the rutting."
"Alright." Evelyn smiles. "But um... how am I gonna turn invisible?"
"You'll be my distraction~"
"Distraction? Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Evelyn raises an eyebrow.
"I won't let you get hurt, Love."
Evelyn smiles. "I know..." she nuzzles her. "I'm not worried about getting hurt. I'm worried about getting embarrassed."
She giggles. "It'll be the people we find that get embarassed."
"What did you have in mind?"
"You distract a person, Make them Conscious....And I fuck them silly and fill them with seed."
Evelyn grins. "Mm, so I get to watch them squirm~ Let's go then!"
She smiles and nods, Flying to find a village.
Evelyn holds onto her tightly, not looking down as they fly.
she lands in a small town nearby, Snapling her fingers as she turns invisible.
Evelyn looks at the town, smiling. "This place looks quiet. I'm sure we can find a cute gi-" she turns around, looking to Astaroth. "Astaroth? Did you turn invisible already?"
astaroth pokes her. "Yes. Lead the way, My dear."
Evelyn jumps, letting out a startled squeal. "You jerk!" She giggles. "Alright, lets try to..." she stops, blushing brightly. "A-Astaroth? I-I'm still naked."
Astaroth strips nude, dropping her clothes on Evelyn.
Evelyn takes them and hurriedly puts them on. "Huh... they fit pretty well." She smiles. "Now then, lets go find some cute girls!" She says, walking into town with Astaroth.
They walk to the centre of town, where a fountain is set up. In front of the fountain is a bench with a person on it, gently playing a lute. They're slim and dainty, and their face is cute, with short red, almost pink hair and amber eyes. They look feminine, but without any noticeable curves it's hard to tell.
"Astaroth, what about her?" Evelyn asks. "At least... I think that's a girl. Either that or a really cute boy."
Astaroth giggles. "A fine first choice."
"Alright, I'll go talk to them. Have fun!" Evelyn giggles, sitting down next to them. "Whatcha playing?"
The girl looks over, blushing lightly. "O-oh, just a simple folk song. It's about an unknown hero who saved a town from a hydra." She explains.
Astaroth sneaks behind them and listens.
Evelyn smiles and nods. "It sounds really pretty. Know any others?"
The girl nods. "Y-yeah." She starts playing on her lute again. "This one is about two adventurers, one male, and one female, that travel together across the world, fight evil, and fall in love." She says.
"Are those stories true?" Evelyn asks.
"Well... I don't know. They're centuries old. Most folk songs back then were based on real people, but it's hard to tell what parts of the stories were added on later, or exaggerated."
Astaroth looks her over, Smiling. "Hmmm..."
The girl is wearing a skirt that goes down to just above her knees, and a simple shirt.
"Does the story end with them falling in love?" Evelyn asks.
"No, the last few lines are about them getting married and having a child." The girl says.
Astaroth smiles and lifts the girl's skirt, Touching the front of her panties to see what she actually is.
"The story says that the two lovers find a magical artifact that allows them to live fore- eek!" The girl squeals and instinctively presses her thighs together, but not before Astaroth has a chance to feel a bulge under her cute striped panties.
"Are you okay?" Evelyn asks, trying her hardest to not grin.
"I-I'm fine." The girl(?) says, pressing her skirt down to make sure it covers her.
"Then can you keep playing? I really liked how that one sounded."
The girl nods. "Yeah, no problem!" She smiles, thinking it was just the wind, despite there being no wind today.
Astaroth smiles and slides her hand down the girl(?)'s panties.
The girl(?) squeals as she does. Astaroth can feel a cute little cock, balls, and below them, a tight slit. The feminine herm presses her legs together again, blushing brighter.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Evelyn asks.
"I-I just... just my imagination is all. You have to experience the story in your mind to play it." The herm says.
Evelyn giggles. "Ohh, sounds intense, you must have quite the imagination then."
Astaroth grins and slides off the girl's panties, Sitting her up and sitting her on her lap.
The girl looks incredibly confused for a moment.
"What's wrong? The story getting too scary?" Evelyn asks.
The girl pauses for a moment. Her skirt blocks her view of her panties, which she could swear were just removed, but she can't just lift up her skirt to check in front of this beautiful foxkin. She also felt like she had been lifted up slightly, and was now on a soft, comfortable, and warm seat. But the foxkin didn't seem to notice anything weird. Maybe it really was her imagination. "Y-yeah... I don't normally get this into a story..." She says as she continues to play.
Evelyn giggles. "Well I like watching you get into it."
Astaroth grabs the herm's cock and begins to quickly stroke her.
She's already starting to get hard, her little cock growing to an impressive length. She bites her lip to keep herself from moaning as she struggles to keep playing.
Evelyn grins. "This stories about two lovers right? I wonder what you must be imagining then."
Astaroth grins and surrounds the herm's cock in magic. She feels like she's fucking a wonderfully tight pussy as Astaroth keeps stroking quickly.
A moan escapes the herms lips, precum leaking from her cock as her feminine juices leak down to Astaroth's lap. "Ahhn, I-its too intense!"
Evelyn giggles. "Hmm? What does it feel like? Are the two lovers fighting evil? Or maybe they're doing something a little more... indecent."
Astaroth grins and snaps quietly. The herm's body begins to become more feminine and voluptuous. Her breasts enlarge as milk fills them....
The herm starts to moan shamelessly. "What's going on?" She asks, looking down as her growing breasts press against her now very-tight shirt, damp spots forming as her nipples leak milk.
Astaroth smiles, And begins to fill the herm's mind with the story of the two lovers, So she thinks she's just really into the story. Her cock and balls enlarge, Filling with thick cum.
The girl moans, her cheeks flushed with both embarrassment and lust as she starts to buck her hips, trying to thrust deeper into the magical pussy enveloping her cock. She knows she's doing this right in front of that foxkin, but it just feels too real and too good for her to stop. Her cock twitches as she nears orgasm.
Evelyn giggles. "Try not to break her."
Astaroth smiles and snaps, Filling the herm with lust. Evelyn was the other lover. She needed to fuck evelyn.
The herm looks over at her. "You're so beautiful, my love..."
Evelyn frowns. "Astaroth, what did you do?"
The herm grabs Evelyn, her cock poking a tent in her skirt.
Astaroth giggles. "I made her happy."
"Maybe a little too happy!" Evelyn says as the herm pins her back against the bench, moving over Evelyn and pinning her down, their breasts pressing together, her shirt threatening to tear open.
"Lets make a baby, my wife." She smiles, moving Evelyn's clothes aside and pressing her cock against Evelyn's tight pussy.
"Astaroth, help!"
Astaroth giggles, Snapping again. The herm's body reverts to normal, as does her mind.
The herm stops as she realizes what she's doing. Her and Evelyn locks eyes for a moment before she hurriedly gets off of her, pulling her skirt down to hide her cock. "I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me! I-I'll leave..."
Astaroth feels bad for the poor herm, Sitting her lute near the fountain.
"Wh-where is it?" She looks around, getting up and picking up her lute. She looks at Evelyn. "A-again, I'm really sorry... I understand if you never want to see me again."
Astaroth giggles, Knowing evelyn will forgive her.
Evelyn smiles gently. "It's... it's okay." She says. "You don't have to go. I didn't mind it. In fact... I'd like if you finished your song for me."
"R-really? You want me to stay? Even after I almost..."
Evelyn nods. "Yes please. I know you didn't mean to do it."
Astaroth smiles and thinks about giving her the voluptious body back. "Hmmm..."
The herm sits back down. "Well... okay." She smiles. "O-oh, and... p-please don't tell anyone about my... extra parts." She blushes. "I-I've always wanted to look more womanly, but I was born like that, and my bodies always been slim."
Astaroth smiles."her wish is my command." she whispers, snapping. The herm's body becomes much more voluptuous and curvy, but astaroth doesn't fill her tits with milk or Enlarge her cock.
Evelyn giggles. "Well... I might know someone who can help you with that."
The herm gasps as her body shifts and changes. "H-how are you doing this?"
Evelyn grins. "It's not me."
Astaroth smiles. "Do you want your...member to be bigger too, Dear?" she asks, Still invisible.
The herm gasps. "Who was that?!"
"The person who can change your body to your liking. Don't worry, you can trust them."
The herm blushes, looking around. "U-um... y-yes please."
"How big?" She giggles.
"A-as big as it was before... m-maybe a little bigger..."
Astaroth grins. "What a naughty girl!" she snaps, And the Herm's cock enlarges, becoming much bigger than before.
The herm gasps, her legs trembling as her cock grows, her entire body now much to big for her clothing, her cock poking out from under her skirt. "Mhh! A-and big, cum-filled balls too, please, miss! Ones that never run dry!"
Astaroth smiles and snaps, Giving her balls like a tigershark.
Evelyn giggles. "Happy now?"
The herm pants and nods, smiling. "Yeah... thank you." She says, her cock throbbing and dripping pre. "U-Um, did you still want to hear that song?"
Astaroth smiles and snaps, enlarging the Herm's tits more abd filling them with milk again so her body is perfectly proportioned and voluptious.
The herm feels her breasts, moaning as milk leaks out, further staining her tight shirt. "M-milk?" She asks. "I-is that permanent? But I'm not pregnant." She says.
"You don't like it?" Evelyn asks.
"N-no, I... I love it." The herm smiles, looking around. "Thank you, whoever you are."
Astaroth appears next to her. "I can bless you with even further beauty,If you let me."
The herm looks Astaroth up and down, her cock leaking a bead of pre. "You're beautiful..." She blushes and nods. "Yes please."
Astaroth smiles and snaps, Puting her hand on the herm's belly. "What's your name,Dear?"
"Nira." She answers. "I'm Nira."
"Nira..." Nira's body undergoes some slight changes to proportion before growing wings, a tail, and black horns. Her skin turns deep blue and her eyes yellow with black scalera. "Play us that song, my love."
Nira smiles and nods, picking up her lute and sitting down. "I-I don't normally sing the lyrics but... I-I'll do it for you two."
Astaroth sits, inexplicably Clothed, And nods. "I'd love to hear."
Nira smiles and starts to play. "There once was a girl with hair golden and fair... and a man who lived without a care~" She continues to sing beautifully. The song tells a story of the two lovers meeting in the midst of a great battle, on opposite sides. They fall in love with eachother, and unite the two sides, ending the bloodshed. They then leave to explore the world together, slaying beasts and saving towns across the map. The two find a magical artifact that stops both of them from aging, and allowing them to live forever. They then return to the two kingdoms, now one peaceful land, and get married, and have a child.
astaroth smiles as she listens, Inspired to continue her conquest.
"The child was born on a midsummer's day~ A beautiful daughter who's name was May~" She finishes.
Evelyn claps. "That was great!"
Astaroth nods, Hugging her. "Come home with us, Dear."
Nira nods happily. "Thank you. I'd love to." She hugs her back.
Astaroth smiles and teleports them back to the kingdom, Being in close enough proximity to do so.
Nira takes off her tight clothing. "Mhm, thank you again!" She hugs Astaroth.
Faye is in the main hall. "Oh, mistress, you're back!" She looks at Nira, her eyes stopping to look at her cock for a moment. "Who's... who's this?"
"Nira! She's a bard." Astsroth smiles. "Another of your new sisters."
Evelyn nods. "Mhm! She just sang us a beautiful song, you should listen to her sing it too!"
Nira nods. "It's a song of two lovers from warring kingdoms, have you heard of it?"
Faye grins. "Oh, I've heard of it." She looks at Astaroth. "What now, mistress?"
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 6: In The Hive
Akta, one of Nilsine's sisters, runs up to Maline. "Maline! Are we ready to decide who the newest queen is?" She asks excitedly, knowing that it has to be her. "I-I mean, whoever wins I wish them the best of luck as queen."
Maline blushes. "It was decided that Nilsine, Being Jeda's last born, And most fit for Reproduction, Which our kingdom has need for, Will act as queen until further notice. A proper election will take place once jeda is buried and the reproduction crisis is solved."
"Nilsine!?" Akta frowns. "But she's-" she sighs. It wasn't fair. Nilsine was only younger by a minute at most. Why should she get to be Queen? "Are you sure that is wise?"
"But she's the weakest! The runt of the litter! And she's only the youngest by a couple seconds!"
Akta argues.
"She's acting queen. Period. Jeda told me to choose a hatchling to act as queen until our kingdom's population was stable again. Until then, She's figurehead. I make decisions,She repopulates. A true queen will be chosen from the hatchlings when the population is stable. No more arguments, Young lady."
Akta frowns. "That's not fair!" She pouts. "Fine! I'll just wait till she's removed. I doubt it will take long."
"I will have no more of your sass, Akta! You will wish your sister luck, Then you, Too, Will fulfill your duty of populating this kingdom."
Akta sighs and nods. "Yes, Maline..." She angrily walks away. "The only thing I'd wish my sister is a swift usurpation." She mutters under her breath.
"Wait in the throne room, Akta." Maline tells her.
"Fine, I'll be there." She says, heading off towards the throne room, resisting the urge to hit the hive walls and scream in frustration as she walks there.
One of Jeda's Weavers is fixing some old webs on the wall. "Hello, Little hatchling." she says.
"Hey." She grumbles back, her arms crossed as she waits.
"Waiting for someone?" she asks, Looking at her.
Akta nods. "Maline told me to wait in the throne room. She didn't say for what. Probably to congratulate her royal highness." She frowns.
She slinks down from the webs. "You don't seem happy, For a queen."
"Because I'm not queen. Naline's queen. And it's just because she was born a few seconds behind me."
"Poor thing." She hugs Akta. "Maybe you will win the elections."
Akta smiles faintly. "Thanks... I hope so." She hugs her back.
"You are one of Jeda's brood...You need to be Strong."
"You're right. Thank you." She nuzzles the weaver. "I'm sure the hive will elect me. I have faith in our people."
The weaver picks her up. "You are of breeding age. That must be why Maline wanted to see you."
Akta blushes. "Y-yeah." She nods shyly.
"Your body is unused, Yes?" she asks.
"Mhm...." She blushes brighter.
"I want to have a brood with you, Little Hatchling. Perhaps we will birth a future queen. "
Akta nods. "Yeah... I'd like that." She smiles. "J-just... go slow please."
She grows a cock. "Let's start."
Akta looks down at her cock, spreading her legs. "Hold me close..." She says, nuzzling her.
She picks up the little attention starved hatchling, Nuzzling her as she slides her cock into her.
Akta lets out a cute moan, smiling as the two embrace. "Ahhn, I want to have lots of little hatchlings with you."
"I want to do the same with you." she thrusts into Akta quickly.
Akta moans as the weaver fucks her tight little pussy. "Mhh!" Her tail twitches with pleasure.
"You will be a nice queen." she thrusts harder as she nears orgasm.
Akta moans louder. "I love you!" She squeals as she cums, her lithe body trembling with pleasure.
The weaver cums in Akta and stuffs her with her tail, Beginning to lay her eggs.
Akta pants and moans softly as she feels the weavers eggs start to fill her. She smiles, nuzzling her.
"You are a sweet girl. You have traits of both of your mothers."
"Really? I never got a chance to know Jeda well. And I never even met my other mother." She says, blushing faintly at the compliment. "But... thank you. It means a lot."
The weaver's tail slides out once akta is full of eggs. "Let me take you to the back, so you can eat."
Akta nods. "Thank you." She smiles, feeling her full belly. "I am pretty hungry..."
"You deserve to be pampered." she smiles gently,Putting her down.
Akta blushes. "Just being with you is nice enough for me." She smiles, holding the weavers hand.
Her touch is almost overly gentle and she's very motherly, She's an older weaver and she has been working on the hive for a very long time. She kisses Akta.
Akta kisses her back, smiling. "I... I've forgotten where the food hall is." She lies. "Can you lead me there?"
She nods,Picking up akta and carrying her to the food hall. She sits the Hatchling down. "I need to return to my duties, Little one."
Akta nods. "Okay..." she says sadly. "But... you'll come see me later, right?"
"Is that what you want, Little hatchling?"
Akta nods. "Yeah! I-I mean... if you're not too busy, a-and you don't mind then... I want to spend more time with you."
The weaver smiles. "My name is Jeasa. I will be in the throne room today." she walks away.
Akta watches as she walks away, smiling. "Jeasa..." She sighs happily, before getting some food. She eats her food quietly, wondering what to do today. She could go back to the throne room and spend more time with Jeasa, but maybe she'd seem too clingy. Besides, she should probably show Maline her egg-filled belly. Or, if nothing else, she could go for a relaxing walk.
Cleaners come by, A few stopping to groom her and clean her body as she eats. Their Fuzzy bodies gave them a cute and gentle appearance.
Akta giggles as the cleaners groom her. She's quite ticklish, and she tries not to laugh as they clean her.
One of them sniffs her, Spreading her legs and beginning to clean the excess juices from her.
Akta blushes and gasps. "H-hey, wa- ahhh!" She moans, her legs trembling.
She continues to clean, But doesn't realize that by licking Akta's folds, She's making more mess to clean.
Akta bites her lip to try and keep her moans quiet. Her delicate frame quivers from the cleaners skilled tongue.
She keeps going, Trying to clean a seemingly endless Flow of juices.
"Mhm, w-wai- nhh!" Her girlcum flows even faster as the cleaner continues. "I-if you keep licking there then I'm gonna- mhh!"
She keeps it up, Her tounge moving faster to lick up the cum.
Akta lets out a girlish squeal as she cums, more of her feminine juices leaking from her slit.
The cleaner keeps licking, Trying her best to clean up Akta's mess.
"Nhh, wait! Wait!" She manages to say between moans and gasps. "I-I'm clean, you can stop!"
She looks up, Squeaking a bit.
Akta pants softly. "Y-you... did a good job." She smiles, patting the cleaners head. She really was quite cute. "I'm all clean now. Thank you."
She nuzzles Akta, Beginning to leave.
"U-um... miss!" She calls. "D-do you think you could stay for... a bit longer?"
She walks over to akta, Sitting down near her.
Akta smiles, nuzzling her. "Thank you. Do you want some food?"
She snuggles up to akta, squeaking as she falls asleep.
Akta blushes. "O-oh. Well... I guess sleeping is good too." She rests her head on the cleaner, closing her eyes.
When akta wakes up, she's in one of the spiderkin dens, being snuggled by the cleaner and other spiderkin.
Akta blushes as she opens her eyes and looks around. "Oh, good morning." She smiles shyly.
They nuzzle her, wanting her to keep snuggling them.
Akta giggles. "Well... I guess I can stay for a little bit longer." She says, snuggling them.
Jeasa is laying above her. "Hi, little hatchling." she kisses akta.
Akta smiles brightly as she sees her. "Jeasa!" She kisses her back.
"Mhm. You got carried here after you fell asleep."
Akta blushes. "I-I just needed a little nap is all. Carrying eggs is more tiring then I thought. What about you? Are you done your work in the throne room?"
"Mhm. I have time to cuddle with you."
Akta smiles, hugging her. "I never got to cuddle with anyone before." She admits. "It's nice."
"You're attention starved, aren't you little hatchling?" She hugs Akta.
"W-well... m-maybe." Akta blushes, nuzzling her. "I just... never stood out among my sisters, that's all."
"I think you're very pretty, Little one.'
Akta smiles shyly, looking up at her. "Y-you really think so?"
"If you aren't queen, you'll make a wonderful advisor, and a wonderful birthmother."
Akta hugs Jeasa tightly, her eyes watering up. "Thank you, Jeasa. I couldn't have picked a better spiderkin the carry the eggs of."
"Oh, you give me too much credit. You're such a sweetheart."
Akta nuzzles her. "I should probably go tell Maline why I wasn't at the throne room today."
"Why don't you tell her after i stuff you again?" Jaesa smiles, trying to get Akta horny.
"Again?" She feels her egg-filled belly. "Will more eggs fit in me?"
She blushes.
"We can fill your butt." Jaesa smiles.
Akta bites her lip, starting to get turned on at the thought of being stuffed with more eggs. "Okay." She nods. "I want you to fill me with as many eggs as you can!"
Jaesa smelis and spreads akta's legs, Sliding her cock into Akta's other hole.
Akta moans, holding onto Jeasa. "Mhh... I love you."
Jaesa thrusts faster, Grabbing Akta's sides.
Akta moans louder, her femcum soaking her nethers as Jaesa fucks her tight hole.
Jaesa speeds up, Rutting the little spiderkin hard.
Akta squeals cutely. "Mhh, g-gonna cum!" She moans, kissing Jaesa.
Jaesa cums first, Lubing her up as she begins to lay her eggs.
Akta squeals and moans as she cums, feeling Jaesa's eggs slowly fill her tight butt.
Jaesa finishes,Pulling out and kissing her. "Better go talk to maline."
Akta nods, kissing her back. "Alright. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear the news." She smiles, nuzzling her. "Oh, and... it's Akta. My names Akta." She walks back to the throne room to go find Maline.
Maline is sitting near Nilsine, with a web made over a hole in the ceiling.
"Maline!" Akta calls as she enters. "Oh... Nilsine. You're here too." Her smile drops slightly.
"Hello, sister!" Nilsine smiles, not seeming to notice.
"Did something happen?" Akta asks, looking at the hole in the ceiling. "A Minotaur walk by?"
"I'm trying to catch humans." Maline says.
"In the throne room?" Akta shrugs. "Whatever." She smiles, rubbing her belly. "Notice anything different?"
"You're full of eggs." Maline nods. "So is Nilsine, I'm going to show the royal hatchlings how to turn a human into a widow and impregnate her."
"Do you think anyone's gonna wander over here?" Akta asks. "I mean, we have better odds of catching an orc."
Meanwhile, above the throne room, a young girl sits down to examine her map. "Hmm... the old cave system should be right here. The owner abandoned it decades ago, but why? There should still be plenty of gems down there." She's young, with a curvy build and a hint of muscle. Her hair is black, and long, and her eyes are bright green.
"Orcs are good eating." Maline says happily. "But i have faith in my bait hole."
Nilsine nods. "Maline's really smart. I'm sure she'll catch a human."
The human girl take a pickaxe out of her bag, and begins walking closer to the webbing, still looking at her map. "Hmm... if I set up some rope then I should be able to drop down right... here?" She stops as she steps on the webbing.
Maline nods. "Thank you, Nilsine."
Akta frowns. "Ass-kisser..." She  mumbles to herself.
The girl tries to step off the webbing, but her feet are caught on it. "Wh-what the?" She starts to pull and struggle, trying to free her feet.
"See? I hear one. Watch her fall." Maline crosses her arms triumphantly.
"Fall? Is something going to catch her?" Akta asks.
The girl growls. "Stupid gunk!" She grabs her pickaxe.
"Yes! The web that Jaesa made." she points at it.
Akta nods. "Oh! By the way, Jaesa's the one who laid her eggs in me-"
The girl above strikes at the webbing, causing it to tear. "Um... maybe this was a bad idea..." suddenly it gives out under her weight, causing her to fall onto Jaesa's webbing. The girl keeps screaming as she lands on the web, before slowly stopping and opening her eyes. "W-wait... I'm alive?"
Maline smiles. "Told you! She's a good specimen too. I can't wait to see her nude."
The girl struggles, trying to get out of the webbing. "Crap... maybe that's why they abandoned it..." She looks at them. "Are uh... you gonna eat me?"
Maline shakes her head. "I'll get to you in a minute. Akta, be a dear and get the other royal hatchlings."
The girl sighs in relief. "Oh good. Take your time then!" She smiles.
Akta nods. "Okay." She leaves, going to get the others.
The girl looks at Maline and Nilsine. "So... what do you want with me then, if you're not gonna eat me?" She asks.
Akta returns with her sisters. "Maline, here's everyone!"
Maline smiles and climbs up to the web. "I'm going to show you how to convert a human and breed with her!" She coos at the hatchlings.
Natalia claps happily. "Really? Cool!"
"W-wait, what?!" The girl starts struggling again. "No! Not cool! Very not cool! Let me go!"
Akta smiles. "Well... that sounds like fun."
Nilsine blushes. "Mhh... I don't know..."
Claire nods. "Are you gonna lay eggs in her?"
Maline smiles. "Mhm!"
"Hold on! I never agreed to this!" The girl squirms. On the shirt of her adventurers outfit, is a name tag that reads "Evie".
"Evie!" Maline smiles. "That's a cute name. Do you want to be my wife, Evie?"
Evie shakes her head. "No, what I want, is to be let down from here, and led safely back outside!"
Maline smiles and bites her neck.
Evie winces. "Stop that! I'm not your prey!" She says, her struggling getting weaker and a blush growing on her cheeks.
She stops biting, looking at the hatchlings. "Never lay eggs in any human you don't bite first. Spiderkin venom kills viruses that might harm your eggs."
Natalia squeals. "Can we bite them lots?"
Maline nods. "As many times as you want, But be careful, Too much venom can cause problems. So only bite if they struggle. "
Akta giggles. Natalia's enthusiasm was contagious. "Mhh... humans are kinda cute when they're tied up."
Evie continues to weakly struggle, barely managing to pull at the webs. "L-let... me go!"
Maline smiles. "You want them to be like she is now before you strip them. She can't resist me now, and if she does try, we'll just give her another love bite." Maline begins to strip evie.
Claire watches intently. "What hole do we lay eggs in?"
"Any of them." Akta answers. "You can fill their womb, their ass, and even their mouth all at once if you want them to carry lots of babies."
"W-wait... stop!" Evie begs as Maline strips her.
Maline nods, Spreading her legs and spreading Evie's pussy lips. "This is the best hole to put babies in." she licks her lips.
Evie moans weakly. "D-don't stare..."
Natalia blushes. "She's pretty, How do we lay our eggs in her?"
"Mm, Use your tail or a cock to mate with her." Maline smiles and bites her again to get her ready.
Evie gasps as Maline bites her again. "Mhh... w-wait..."
"How long do eggs stay in a human for?" Nilsine asks.
"How many eggs should we fill them with?" Akta asks.
"Fill them with as many as you can. Eggs will stay in them for a few weeks before they are laid."
By this point the venom has caused Evie's lower lips to become soaked in girlcum. She can barely even lift a finger as she struggles to move. "Nhh..."
Akta blushes. "Look at how wet she is... I wonder if she wants those eggs now."
Maline Smiles and pinches Evie's tits as they enlarge from being slowly transformed.
Evie gasps and moans. "What- mmn- are you doing?"
"Is the venom doing that?" Nilsine asks.
"The venom will begin to turn suitable hosts if you inject them with a special enzyme. It takes a certain pressure to inject. It'll take a little practice. Her body is changing into a Widow's, Better suited to suit our needs."
Evie's body slowly begins changing to that of a widow. She's too weak from the venom, and can only look down in horror.
"Mhh, she's really pretty now." Akta smiles.
Maline smiles, Moving her cock near evie's mouth. "Open wide, dear."
Evie hesitantly does as she's told, opening her mouth to let Maline do as she pleases.
"What an obedient girl! You'll make a nice wife."
"J-just... let me cum..." Evie says weakly.
"Mhh, and to think she was struggling so hard earlier. Our venom is powerful." Akta grins.
Maline smiles. "I love you, My wife." she tells evie.
Evie looks up at her. "R-really?"
"Mhm. You're going to stay with me and live a nice life as a royal advisor."
Evie smiles faintly. "I'd... I'd like that... but I still don't know your name."
"Maline." She smiles. "Time to lay the eggs." She smiles, Putting her cock in evie's mouth. "Lube it up, Little slut."
Evie obediently starts licking and sucking on Maline's cock, enjoying the feeling of servicing her new wife.
"Mm, You've got a nice mouth, Evie." Maline smiles. She thrusts into her throat.
Evie moans as Maline uses her mouth like a fucktoy.
"Mhh..." Nilsine blushes brightly as she starts to get wet, resisting the urge to touch herself as she watches.
"Mn, drink my thick seed." Maline pounds her throat.
Evie moans and moves her tongue faster, licking at the underside of Maline's cock to try and coax out a big load.
Maline cums, her gooey load Filling Evie's throat.
Evie eagerly swallows her hot seed, gulping it down like a cum-hungry slut.
Above ground, a girl stumbles upon Evie's abandoned map. "Hmm? Who left this here?" She has long black hair and amber eyes. She's taller than Evie, with a curvier, and slightly more toned body. She's wearing tight pants and an skintight undershirt that reveals the shape of her body perfectly, leaving little to the imagination. Above that, she's wearing plated armour, and carrying a large spear.
Maline pulls back, Sniffing Evie and nuzzling her.
Evie smiles. "You know... you're pretty hot, Maline."
The girl above ground picks up the map, looking around. "Hmm... no sign of a struggle. Maybe someone just left it?"
"You're hot too, Evie. Your body is perfection." Maline flirts.
Evie giggles. "Says the girl who made me look like this." She smiles. "But... I'm not complaining."
The girl above ground keeps her spear raised as she looks around. "Something's not right..." She slowly inches closer to the hole, until finally she steps over it, falling in, and right next to Evie. "Damnit, what the hell?!"
Maline looks over at the new girl. "Hmm?"
Nilsine giggles. "You're really good at making pitfalls, Maline."
The girl growls. "A pitfall? I should have known." She looks around. "Spiderkin? As if these webs could hold me!" She starts pulling, the webs straining under her strength.
Maline quickly bites her neck.
The girl squirms and tries to free herself before the venom takes effect. "Bitch! That neck would look better with a collar around it..." She strains, pulling as hard as she can. The webbing around her right arm pulls and tears, and she manages to free her arm, but then the venom weakens her as she reaches out for Maline. She grabs Maline's arm, but her grip is weak. "Y-you'll regret biting me! I think making you eat your meals out of a dog bowl will suffice." She threatens, not seeming to understand that she's clearly in no position to make threats.
Maline bites her arm.
She winces. "Ow! Stop biting me, wench! Or I'll have you lick my boots clean!"
Akta giggles. "She's... not the wisest."
Nilsine blushes. "She's certainly confident..."
Maline smiles, letting the venom take effect.
The girl's cheeks flush as she feels a growing need. "Nhh... dammit..." Her arm goes slack. "You'll regret this. Once I'm able to move my body I'm taking over as Queen and making you my first slave."
Akta giggles. "Maybe she needs a bit more venom."
Evie nods. "Yeah! Make her so horny she has to beg!"
Maline bites her and injects her with more venom, Smiling.
She gasps, her body growing even hotter. Her panties are already soaked with her love juices.
Nilsine smiles. "What are you going to do with her?"
Maline smiles. "You look horny." she teases the girl.
"I-I'm fine..." The girl lies. "N-now let me go!"
"Hmm... She looks uncomfortable. Maybe it's that bulky armour." Evie giggles.
Maline nods and begins to strip off her armor.
As she takes off her armour, the girl's hard nipples can be seen through the tight shirt, and a faint dampness is visible between her legs.
Maline grins. "You're a horny girl." she smiles and rubs at the girl's wet pussy.
The girl bites her lip, trying to keep her moans quiet.
Maline pinches her nipples. "Look at how hard your nipples are.....you want it bad."
She lets out a moan, the venom making every little touch send waves of pleasure up her spine. "Mhh... n-no..."
Maline grins and rips off her Suit Forcefully.
The girl squeals as her clothing is torn off, revealing her needy body. "P-please..." she whimpers.
Maline pokes her body. "Beg."
"P-please... let me cum..." she mumbles weakly, her already flushed cheeks reddening even further.
Akta grins. "I think she can do better."
"Try again, Cow."
The girl is silent for a moment, before swallowing her pride and begging for release. "Please let me cum! Pound my ass! Fill my pussy with your seed! Do whatever you want with me, just please let me cum!"
Maline grins. "You'll be my other wife, Then."
Evie giggles. "Starting your own harem?"
The girl whimpers needily, nodding. "Yes, I'll be your wife! Now you'll let me cum right?"
"No." she grins. "I want you to howl like the slut you are as your tender lower lips get wetter and wetter. That poison will have you wanting anything to touch you."
The girl pouts. "What? No fair!" She whimpers. "Please! I'll do anything! I need to cum!"
She bites the girl's sensitive thigh, the venom making even the air tease her sensitive body.
The girl squeals. "Nhh! Stop teasing me!" She whimpers.
"M-maybe you should let her cum..." Nilsine suggests.
"No... I like hearing her beg." Akta grins.
Maline grins. "You were so dominant a few minutes ago...but now you're a little horny slut."
The girl whimpers. "Stop mocking me! You made me like this, it's not my fault!"
Maline smiles and touches above her pussy teasingly.
She lets out a needy moan. "Nhh, please, I'm begging you..." she whimpers. "I'll do anything you want, just let me free so I can relieve myself."
Maline grins and grows a cock. "Mmm, Do you want it?"
The girl looks at her cock hungrily, nodding. "Yes, I do! Fuck me already, I can't wait any longer!"
Maline smiles and thrusts her cock into her.
The girl squeals loudly, her tongue lolling out. Her pussy is tight around Maline's cock, covering it in her juices.
Maline smiles. "Get ready for my eggs."
"Mhh, wait eggs?! I changed my mind! I don't- ahhn- want them!" She moans, trying to move her body to no avail.
Maline grins. "You're going to turn into one of my kind."
The girl frantically shakes her head. "No! I like being human! Mercy! Please have mercy!" She begs.
"Mmm, You'll enjoy it soon enough."
Evie nods. "Yeah! I love being a spiderkin!"
"You'll love it too!~" Maline speeds up.
The girl moans louder, about to cum as her sensitive pussy is fucked hard. "Mhh, cumming!" She squeals,
Maline closes one eye and her tounge lolls out as she cums, Beginning to lay her eggs.
The girl continues moaning and squealing as the eggs fill her womb, the venom beginning to change her body.
"Mmm, lots of fertile eggs for you!" she says happily.
The girl whimpers and mewls as the transformation finishes.
"Mm, she looks even hotter now!" Evie smiles.
"R-really? I do?" She asks.
Maline squeezes the girl's massive tits. "Mmm, she's got a body like a cowgirl now."
"Too bad she's not lactating." Akta says.
"Mhh, not so rough!" The girl moans. "I'm still sensitive from all that venom."
"She's still got nice nipples to suck~" Maline begins to suckle her.
The girl moans and shivers with pleasure.
"So, cutie, what's your name?" Evie asks.
"Its- mhm- Aurelia." She answers.
Maline grabs Aurelia's hand and moves it to her cock.
Aurelia blushes as she starts stroking Maline's cock. "I-I'm just doing this because you're not giving me a choice. That's all."
Akta giggles. "Sure."
Maline thrusts into her hand as she licks and suckles Aurelia's tits.
Aurelia moans, Maline's pre-cum covering her hand as she continues to stroke her, getting wet again.
Maline looks up. "My dear wife, Aurelia.."
Aurelia blushes. "This has been a really weird engagement... and wedding."
Evie giggles. "And honeymoon!"
Maline lays with them.
Evie nuzzles her. "I love you, Maline."
Aurelia blushes. "M-me too..."
Nilsine smiles. "Aww, what a cute couple... um... triple."
Akta nods. "Well, it was certainly educational."
Maline snuggles up to them.
Aurelia yawns. "That was pretty tiring."
Evie nods. "Yeah..." she closes her eyes.
"Is the lesson over, Maline?" Akta asks
Maline smiles.  "Yes. Come lay with me."
Akta blushes. "M-me? Are you sure you don't mean Nilsine?" She asks, a faint joy in her eyes.
"Nilsine can cuddle too. All the hatchlings can~"
Akta and Nilsine both smile and join them on the web, happily cuddling with them.
Maline falls asleep.
The others all cuddle up to her, falling asleep too.
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 5: A Queen Dies
Jeda wakes up in her nest. She coughs and hacks. Her body is finally beginning to break down from age, and her strength is dwindling.
Kayla, the small guard she met many, many years ago, when she was just starting her hive, is by her side. "Jeda, Are you alright?" She asks, worry filling her voice.
Jeda looks at her. "You know i don't have much longer. Soon, Ruling will be up to my Hatchlings."
Kayla nods sadly. "I know... I just wish we had more time." She says, nuzzling her. "I'll miss you when you're gone."
"I love you, Kayla. You are a treasure." she Hugs Kayla tightly. "Will you get me a glass of water, Please?"
"I love you too, Jeda. I'm so happy we met." She gets up, her belly is full of eggs, like normal. "I'll be right back, love." She leaves the room, returning with a glass of water. "Here."
She drinks it, Holding kayla.
Kayla hugs her close, afraid to let go.
"My queen!" A spiderkin runs in. "Nilsine has gone missing! We can't find her anywhere! She got separated on a hunting trip and hasn't returned!"
Jeda coughs,Standing. "I need to find her.'
Kayla shakes her head. "No, you're in no state to go looking for her!" She says. "I can go- nhh!" She winces as she tries to stand. Her eggs are due very soon.
"You need to lay those eggs.." Jeda Kisses kayla and lays her down. "I need to go. I love you."
Kayla nods sadly, holding her hand tightly and giving her one last kiss. "I love you too. I'll raise them to be just like their mother." She smiles, with tears in her eyes, and lets go of Jeda's hand.
She walks away, A blanket wrapped around her weakened body.
The spiderkin walks with her. "Nilsine was seen with the hunting party last. They were chasing a wounded deer, but they lost its trail. We think Nilsine kept searching for it and... she's most likely headed toward the orchard."
Jeda coughs, Almost falling over. "Let's go."
The spiderkin stays close to her. "M-my queen, are you sure you should be making this trip? I-I can get the guards to search for her."
"She's my hatchling. My responsibility. I only want one Spiderkin with me. Find me a widow without eggs, Please."
The spiderkin nods. "Very well... but do be careful, my queen. I'll have the spiderkin meet you outside."
She coughs, Walking outside with a hood on her head.
"My queen!" There's a widow waiting for her. She's wearing a cloak too. "I'm Sable I was told I'd be looking for the young Nilsine with you."
Jeda hugs her tightly, Coughing. "Thank you, Sable. I need you to help me move. My time is approaching."
She nods. "So I've been told." She hugs her back. "Just tell me what to do, my queen."
"We're going to the orchard." she says.
"The orchard? Isn't that Castle Stonehaven's territory?" Sable asks.
"My dear hatchling seems to have misstepped."
Sable nods. "Then we shouldn't delay. We need to find her before they do."
As Jeda and Sable begin their search for Nilsine, the young recruits are tracking a deer for their survival training.
"This is boring!" Artemis sighs as they walk.
"Shh! The sooner we find the deer the sooner we can eat." Prismere says. "Besides, finding our own food is an important skill."
Artemis frowns. "Yeah... I just wish we could go hunting for something sweet... like cake."
Racheal yawns. "I'm hungry."
Prismere nods, walking close to Racheal. "I hope we find it soon..."
Artemis smiles. "Look!" She points to a faint, but recent looking trail of blood. "I think we found it!"
Racheal nods. "Let's follow it!" she runs,Following the trail.
Lily, Artemis, and Prismere follow after her. "Careful! What it wolves got to it first!" Prismere says as they follow.
Racheal stops as she hears coughing and sees Nilsine.
"What's wrong? Why'd you sto-" Artemis looks over and sees Nilsine. Nilsine looks about as old as them, and incredibly similar to Prismere.
Nilsine looks up, she seems frightened. "Wh-who are you?!" She asks, getting into a defensive position.
Jeda stumbles through the woods. "Nilsine..." she tears up. "My dear hatchling..."
Sable helps her walk, keeping an arm wrapped around her. "We'll find her my queen. We're nearly there."
She squints as she sees both nilsine and prismere.
"Uh oh... she's not alone." Sable says.
"Easy. We're not here to hurt you." Artemis smiles gently. "Did you kill that deer?"
Nilsine nods. "Mhm... which means it belongs to my hive!"
Prismere nods. "Where's the rest of your hunting crew?" She asks, approaching her.
"I... I got separated." Nilsine says.
Jeda stumbles out of the trees. "2....Hatchlings?"
Nilsine looks up, smiling as she sees Jeda. "Mommy! Look what I got for the hive!" She shows her the dead deer.
"Mommy? Who are you?" Artemis asks.
Prismere looks at her. "A-are you... Jeda?"
Jeda smiles, Tearing up. "At least i got to see you two...." she walks towards them
Sable stays back, letting her be with her two hatchlings.
"Y-you don't look so well..." Prismere hurries over to her. "Y-you should lay down. A-are you hurt?"
Nilsine notices this too, and rushes over. "Mommy? Are you okay?"
Jeda hugs them tightly. "I love you, My dear daughters."
They're both shocked. Nilsine hugs her back. "M-mommy?"
Prismere hugs her slowly. "You're dying aren't you?" She asks sadly. "Mom..."
"My body is finally giving out. I'm sterile. I've fulfilled my course."
Prismere nods. "I always wanted to meet you... I just never thought it would be like this..." She hugs her tightly.
Nilsine starts to cry. "Y-you're dying? B-but... what will I do without you?"
"I love you both.... lay with me...please.." she lays back.
They both nod, laying down next to her. "But... who will take over after you?" Prismere asks.
"I love you, mommy..." Nilsine says, hugging her tight.
"One of you....my royal hatchlings."
Prismere nods. "Th-then... is this goodbye?" She asks, hugging her tight.
Nilsine is trembling. "I-I'll miss you, mommy. I-I wanted to make you proud."
"I love you both......i have faith....in you..." she snuggles up to them as her breathing turns shallow.
Prismere and Nilsine both snuggle closer, tears falling down their faces. "I love you, mommy... I'll miss you." Nilsine says.
Prismere nods. "I love you too... mommy. Thank you..."
She closes her eyes as her breath fades and she dies painlessly, Surrounded by her Hatchlings.
Prismere and Nilsine stay with her as she passes away, cuddling close to her. They stay like that until Sable finally steps forward. "She... her body should be brought back to the hive... to have a proper burial."
Nilsine nods, wiping her tears away. "Y-yeah..." Her and Prismere get up, letting Sable carry Jeda's body.
Racheal's eyes widen. "Prismere....that was Jeda?"
Sable looks at Prismere. "If you ever want to return to the hive... we'll always have a place for you."
Nilsine nods. "Stay safe, sister. You can have the deer." Her and Sable begin to walk back to the hive with Jeda's body.
Prismere nods. "Yeah... that was Jeda. My mother."
"She was....Sick?"
"I didn't know until now. I guess her body finally gave out." Prismere says sadly. "I-I wanted to meet her after I became a knight."
"She has a brood of hatchlings....At home, Right?"
Prismere nods. "There are many hatchling at her hive. And there are even a few of my sisters in the castle with us. And soon... my daughters will live there too." She hugs Racheal.
"Should we....send some of our hatchlings to the hive?"
"I... I don't know..." Prismere sighs, hugging her close.
"Well... at least we found our deer." Lily says.
The spiderkin are mournful when they see sable arrive with their late queen's body.
Some guards take Jeda's body for the burial, and Sable accompanies them.
Nilsine returns to her room, sitting in silence as she recalls what Jeda told her. Someone would need to be Queen... but would she be up to the task? She didn't know.
"I know it's soon, But....This kingdom needs a new queen." Maline,The queen's advisor, Says.
Nilsine looks up. "Oh... Maline. Why did you come here? There are other hatchlings better suited to be Queen."
"Nisline, You're her youngest hatchling. You're the most fertile."
"B-but... what if I'm a bad queen? I can't be as good a queen as my mother!" The truth was that she was most afraid of not living up to her mothers legacy.
"This kingdom needs you. It needs eggs..more young."
Nilsine nods. Jeda said she had faith in her. "I-I... I'll do it. For mother."
"Come with me. I need to impregnate you."
Nilsine blushes and nods. "R-right..." She stands. "W-will it hurt?"
"It'll feel good." she smiles.
Nilsine nods. "Th-then lets start."
She smiles and bends nilsine over.
Nilsine's virgin slit is already wet and eager. "Please be gentle..."
She smiles, Her tail Sliding into Nisline's pussy as her hard cock prods her ass.
Nilsine moans, her body trembling as Maline takes her first time, her tail parting her wet folds. Nilsine's tail quivers and twitches and she gasps in pleasure.
Maline Thrusts into nilsine lovingly, biting her neck.
Nilsine moans cutely as she bites her neck. "Mhh, Maline!"
Maline hugs her, Thrusting harder into her holes.
Nilsine blushes and moans. "Ahhn, impregnate me, Maline! Fill me up with lots of eggs!" She squeals as she cums, her legs trembling.
Maline thrusts harder. "You feel so good,Nilsine!"
Nilsine squeals and moans. "Ahhn, I love you, Maline!"
"Mmm, I love you too, My queen!"
Nilsine's tongue lolls out as she's fucked hard, her body begging to be filled with eggs as she moans like a slut.
Maline cums in Nilsine's ass,Her tail beginning to fill her with eggs.
Nilsine squeals as she cums again, feeling her womb get pumped full of spiderkin eggs. Her tail twitches and her legs tremble, threatening to collapse from the sheer pleasure.
Maline pulls out, Licking her neck.
Nilsine smiles. "Maline... how would you like to be my advisor too?"
Maline nods. "You'll need the Advice."
Nilsine giggles. "That's not the only reason I want to keep you around." She smiles. "Should we... announce this?"
She nods. "Later on. I need to impregnate more widows until you are old enough to implant fertile eggs." she walks off to find others to impregnate.
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 4: Faye & Alaya
Faye giggles quietly as she silently sneaks up to the sleeping Alaya. She sits down on the bed next to her. "Good morning, sister~"
Alaya yawns softly. her cock is very hard and she blushes. "Morning, Sister..."
Faye blushes as she notices her erect cock. "Having a good dream?" She smiles.
"It was about having one of my sisters ride me..." she blushes.
Faye's grin widens. "Wanna make that dream come true?" She leans in closer.
"Yeah....you have a nice butt, I wanna grab it."
Faye giggles. "Then by all means, go ahead!" She turns around, giving Alaya a nice view of her butt.
Alaya grabs faye, Pulling her in and rubbing her cock against faye's pussy.
Faye bites her lip. "Nhh, so eager~ That must have been a really good dream to get you this hard." She's already wet.
"Ride me,You slut." she licks her lips.
Faye smirks cockily. "I love it when you talk dirty~" She lowers herself on Alaya's cock, moaning cutely.
Alaya moans, Groping Faye's Behind, Thrusting quickly.
Faye bounces on her cock, matching Alaya's thrusts. "Ahhn, you're good at this, sister. Have you had a lot of experience?"
Alaya nods, Spanking Faye. "You are good at it too, and you have an amazing body, My dear sister."
Faye squeals, shuddering with pleasure. "Mhh, you flatterer~ I got my good looks from my mother. You're quite the cutie too."
"Thanks..." she grabs faye's tail, pulling her down.
Faye gasps as Alaya's full length slides inside her, her legs trembling. Her tongue lolls out as she moans loudly.
"Mmm, I'm gonna fill you up, Little slut.' she thrusts harder.
Faye cums as Alaya thrusts deep inside her. "Ahhn, do it! Fill me up, sister!" She squeals.
She thrusts hard, Her cock throbbing as she cums, releasing a load of thick hot seed into Faye.
Faye moans as she feels Alaya's hot cum shoot deep inside her, filling her womb. "Mhh... that was great. We have to do this more often~" She grins.
"Mmm, Titfuck me, Sis."
Faye giggles. "As you command~" She gets off of Alaya's cock, her cum slowly leaking out, and moves between her legs. "I hope you still have lots of cum left." She kisses Alaya's cock, putting it between her breasts and moving up and down.
She grunts, Thrusting slowly at first.
Faye continues servicing her cock, lovingly kissing the tip as she does.
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 3: Celica Captured
"I will fetch her, Dear." Astaroth smiles. "Introduce our new sister to the others."
Sylvana nods, picking Angela up gently. "Stay safe, mistress." She walks out with Angela, the two chatting and giggling.
Astaroth nods, Flying from the castle towards her next victim.
In a nearby mercenary camp, a harpy tends to the wounded soldiers. She has a thin body with cute curves. Her hair is blonde and her eyes are bright blue. Her feathers are white. "Hmph! You idiot! You almost cost us that last battle!" She berates one of her patients, touching his chest. A faint golden glow appears as his wounds heal. "You better be thankful!" She continues to the rest of the patients before walking out, an angry scowl on her face. "Stupid team. I swear they'd be worthless without me there to keep them alive." She says as she walks angrily past the edges of the camp.
Astaroth watches her in a bush. She's got a wonderful body for bearing children, and as a black horn Succubus she'd be even better.
The girl sighs, sitting down on a rock. "Gods, maybe I should make them heal, see how they like it." She frowns.
Astaroth peeks out at her. "You could come with me."
The girl lets out a startled squeak, instinctively jumping up to perch on the rock, ready to fly away. "Who are you?" She frowns. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"
"I'm a friend, Come down here little birdie."
"And why should I trust you?" The girl frowns. "I'm not stupid. And my names Celica, not 'little birdy'."
"I mean you no harm....Celica. I want your wonderful talents. You're truly a boon to any group."
Celica grins. "Oh, really? So you want to recruit me?"
She nods. "I do, Celica."
She raises an eyebrow, a cocky smirk on her face as she sits back down on the rock, leaning back. "If you're here to recruit me, then you must surely know that you're not the first person to try. I've had dozens of others ask me to side with them. What makes you any different?"
"You'll be treasured by my group." she approaches celica. "We will always show our appreciation for your services."
"Wow, you must really want me." She grins. "But I need to know you're not just trying to flatter me. I want you to prove it. Would you really do anything to make me join you?"
She nods, Smiling.
Celica's cocky grin widens. "In that case... get down on all fours and lick my feet clean. Do that, and then maybe I'll consider joining you. Maybe."
Astaroth grins. She had a better idea. She gets on all fours and begins to lick celica's feet.
Celica giggles. "Ohh, you actually did it! You look so pathetic grovelling at my feet. I wonder if you're enjoying this." She taunts Astaroth.
She yanks celica down and kisses her on the lips, making out with her.
Celica gasps, squirming weakly as Astaroth kisses her.
Astaroth smiles and grabs her expansive ass, Breaking the kiss. "I feel this shows more appreciation for you."
Celica blushes. "H-hey, hands off my butt! I never said you could touch me!"
She smiles and begins to rip off celica's clothes, Keeping her down.
Celica squeals and squirms, trying to get away from her. "Let go of me, you dumb slut! Help! Help!"
Astaroth grins and flips her over,  Holding her sides and snapping. Celica can't help but feel a strange affection for Her new Mistress.
Celica keeps struggling. "I said let go of me, mistress!" She gasps. "Wh-what? What did you do, mistress!" She growls. "Goddess... No! I don't want to say that! I love you, mistress! I love you!"
"You want me to claim your holes, Don't you?" she asks, Grinning.
"I do! I want you to fuck me hard! Make me your slutty dumb little bitch!" She cries out, tears welling in her eyes from the sheer humiliation. "Please fuck me hard, mistress!"
She grins and Slams her cock into Celica's pussy,  Grabbing her feathery tail.
Celica squeals, Astaroth's cock stretching her little hole. Her tail twitches in Astaroth's hand. "Ahhn, mistress! Harder! I want to feel your balls against my thighs!"
She slams it forward hard, and uses a small gold laser to tatoo "property of astaroth" On celica's butt.
Celica squirms harder as she feels the laser on her cushiony ass. "Ow! What did you do, mistress?!" She angrily asks between her slutty moans.
She grins, Slapping her ass upon completion and pounding her. "I labeled you as mine."
Celica cries out again, moaning like a bitch in heat. "N-no! I belong to you, mistress! I'm your little birdy slut!"
She grins and picks celica up, Pounding her harder.
Celica's tongue lolls out as Astaroth's cock presses against her cervix. "Ahhn, Mistress! I-I'm gonna cum!" She squeals.
She smiles and holds Celica, Cumming hard into her, Filling her with Thick Seed. She pulls out. "Get on your knees and clean my cock, Groveling bird-slut." Her body begins to turn into a black horn sucucbus. Because of her harpy DNA, Her feathers Simply turn black and she keeps her harpy features, Simply gaining black horns, blue skin, and Yellow eyes woth black scalera.
Celica cums as she's filled with her mistress' hot load, trembling as she does. Before she can even recover, her body obeys Astaroth's command. She whimpers as she gets down on her knees, licking and sucking Astaroth's cock clean, her body changing as she does.
Astaroth smiles and using her laser, Writes "cumslut" on Celica's cheek.
Celica whimpers. "Wh-what do they say?" She asks, fearing the answer.
"The one on your behind says property of Astaroth. And the one on your face says Cumslut."
Celica is silent for a moment, her fiery resistance having been worn down to only a meek and frightened struggle. "Wh-what do you want with me? Why are you humiliating me like this?!"
"I want you to obey me and return with me, Because you are mine."
She whimpers. "S-someone will come save me... m-my camp will notice I'm missing, they'll rescue me."
"You won't want it anyways." she picks celica up and nuzzles her.
Celica feels a faint affection for Astaroth as she nuzzles her. "Th-then... I'll escape..."
"You won't want to. Look how beautiful you look now. So plump and voluptious......You were given a gift."
Celica looks down at her body. "I-I love it..." She looks at her wings. "It'll make flying harder, with these big things." She feels up her large breasts.
"You'll get used to them. I love you, Celica."
Celica looks up at Astaroth, stunned. "M-mistress..." She quickly looks away, her cheeks scarlet.
She looks at Celica. "Do you love me?"
"D-does it matter what I say? Whatever I tell you is just going to get changed into whatever you want by this stupid spell." She frowns.
Astaroth smiles. "Because until you are a good girl, you get humiliated."
Celica looks back up at Astaroth. "Th-then... fine!" She frowns. "I love you, mistress. Happy?"
"Do you mean that? I'm sure you do, You have a ditzy look on your face. I bet it's because of the cum leaking from your pussy, Is that it?"
"O-of course that's what it is, mistress. Your cock made me into an air headed bimbo that is only good for sex." She pouts. "S-stupid spell..."
"You want it in your ass next, Don't you?"
"Yes, mistress. I want you to pound my ass so hard that you'll have to carry me back home!"
She grins and prods Celica's ass.
Celica whimpers. "M-make it hurt. Punish me for being such a disobedient cum dumpster."
She slams her cock into Celica, Rutting her ass hard.
Celica cries out as her sensitive little tail-hole is suddenly stretched and fucked mercilessly. "Ahhn, I love you, mistress! Thank you for punishing me!"
She rams it harder, Letting Celica lay back on her and groping her breasts as she rams Celica's little virgin ass.
Celica starts to cry as her cute butt gets no mercy from Astaroth. She moans as she does, mewling like a little slut. "'Mhh, use my ass like a fucktoy! I only exist to pleasure and serve you, mistress!"
She smiles and keeps it up, Nearing orgasm.
Celica moans loudly, her fucked-silly expression showing just how much she loves being dominated by her new mistress.
Astaroth grins and cums, her warm Seed flooding into Celica's tailhole as both her holes are claimed by her mistress.
Celica reaches climax as she feels her Mistress' superior jizz pump into her. She moans and twitches, too fucked-silly to even think straight.
Astaroth takes the spell off her. "Do you love your mistress?"
"Yes, mistress." Celica says weakly, panting softly.
"You're mine, You dumb slut. Servicing me is an honor and if you resist, I'll widen your Ass again and again."
Celica whimpers and nods. "Y-yes, mistress. Th-thank you for honouring me with your cock. I'll be a good girl..."
"You'll make a nest when we return and When i fertilize you, You'll fill it with eggs."
Celica nods obediently. "Yes, mistress. I-I'll be a good little breeder-slut and lay lots of eggs for you."
She flies Celica back to her kingdom and lands inside. "Get a bath. Some of your other sisters will be in there."
Celica nods. "A-are my other sisters... l-like me?" She asks.
She nods. "Everyone here is a blackhorn succubus."
Celica slowly steps inside the large bathroom, looking around nervously. "H-hello?"
The espionage specialist is Suckling Angela, Her tail swinging back and forth Gently.
Angela moans softly. "Alaya..." She smiles contentedly.
Celica blushes. "O-oh sorry! Am I interrupting something?"
Alaya's head pops up. "No, we're just bathing and having fun."
Angela nods. "You must be new here. Come join us."
Celica shyly steps into the tub with them. "I-I'm Celica..."
"I'm Alaya. I'm mistress's assassin and Espionage specialist."
"I'm Angela. I'm the weapon specialist."
Celica nods. "W-well... I was a healer. I'm not sure what I am now." She feels her cheek.
"A cumslut?" Alaya giggles.
"M-mistress gave me this. A-along with this." She stands up and turns around, showing them the tattoo on her butt.
Alaya smiles. "oh! Just like her second in command! She might get jealous of you."
"Really? She has a... branding too?" Celica asks, sitting back down. "I-I hope not... I don't want her to punish me too."
"She doesn't play with us often. We're not good enough for her and mistress to play with us much."
"Mmm... I can't wait for mistress to finally start impregnating us. Then she'll have time for everyone." Angela smiles.
Alaya nods, Looking at celica. "Mistress is the best, Isn't she?"
Celica is silent, looking down at the water.
Angela smiles and nods. "Yeah. She's so... perfect."
Alaya pokes Celica. "Celicaa? Wanna Help me drink Angela's milk?"
Celica looks up. "I-is it okay if I do?"
Angela nods. "Mhm! I need to be milked regularly, and having others drink it is... satisfying."
Alaya smiles and returns to suckling angela, Making room for Celica to join her.
Celica starts drinking from Angela's other breast. Angela smiles and relaxes as the two drink her milk, petting their heads gently.
Alaya's tail wraps around Celica's feathery tail.
Celica blushes, her tail twitching in surprise.
Alaya has her fill of milk and hugs Celica.
Celica lets out a startled gasp. Angela giggles. "You really like her, huh?"
"Mhm, she's so cute and warm.."
Angela joins in, snuggling with the two of them. "Mm, she is." She giggles. "And cushiony too, what a perfect body for cuddling."
Celica is sandwiched between them. Alaya kisses her.
Celica kisses her back, starting to feel comfortable around the two. She lets out an adorable yawn, nuzzling them both.
Alaya hugs her tightly as she begins to fall asleep.
Angela and Celica both close their eyes as the three cuddle together, enjoying one another's calming presence as they drift off to sleep.
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 2: Ora’s Camp
Anita lets out a relieved sigh as she gets back to camp. "Home sweet home. I should tell mistress that I'm back." She takes off her helmet and adjusts her collar, her squirrel tail bouncing behind her. She walks up to the main tent, smiling to Eyegon as she sees him in his usual place standing guard. "Hi, Eyegon! Is mistress home?" She asks.
"Yeah. You're just in time. New recruits came in today. One's a cowgirl and, Uh... You know how the women are treated around here now. Ora is in her tent."
Anita blushes and nods. "Right, thanks, Eyegon!" She walks inside the tent, smiling brightly. "Mistress! I'm back!"
Ora nods. "So you are. I trust your conquest went well?"
Anita giggles and nods. "Yep! They didn't stand a chance against The Black Squirrel." She starts to take her armour off, revealing her toned body. "But... I really missed you." She blushes.
Ora looks up at her. "Anita...." She gets ready to lecture the squirrelkin.
Anita pouts. "Mistress, is this going to be another lecture? I told you already, I'm perfectly fine. And why can't we have more fun together?"
Ora pokes her nose. "Dear, I'm not the playgirl I used to be." she blushes. "I'm older now. I want to set an example, So our men will hopefully stop treating the new girls like playthings. There are some Groups that enforce that, You know. In some groups you'd be nothing more than a backup and a Sex Slave."
Anita sighs. "I know..." She sits down on Ora's lap and hugs her. "I've been captured enough times to know what they always want to do to me." She says, her ears twitching nervously. "Maybe we should try collaring all the new girls, so that all the men know they're your property?" Anita suggests. "It worked for me."
Ora pets her head. "I cannot claim to own every new girl that joins. You're a special case. You know that."
Anita blushes and smiles as Ora pets her. "Yeah, I know, mistress. But maybe I can... I could help train the new recruits, keep an eye on them. That way I can make sure everyone keeps theirs hands to themselves."
Ora wraps her arms around Anita. "As long as it doesn't interfere with your tasks."
Anita nuzzles her. "It won't, I promise. Besides, maybe having a chance to be trained by the Black Squirrel will improve morale!"
"Maybe it will." Ora kisses Anita.
Anita blushes, kissing her back. Her tail twitches happily as she enjoys being with her mistress.
Ora pets her fluffy tail. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight, My dear Squirrel?"
Anita nods, letting out a soft gasp as her sensitive tail is pet. "Yes, mistress. I always want to sleep with you."
Ora hugs her. "I'll let you Tonight."
Anita smiles and nuzzles her. "Thank you, mistress. I love you."
"I love you too. Strip for me." She smiles.
Anita nods and stands up, taking off her tight, form-fitting shirt and pants, turning around and giving her butt a little wiggle for Ora. She unclips her simple, cute bra and pulls down her matching underwear, revealing her naked body to her mistress.
Ora licks her lips. "You're such a pretty girl.'
Anita blushes. "And I'm all yours." She sits back down on Ora's lap, nuzzling her lovingly.
Ora kisses her. "Mhm, You are." She runs her hands across Anita's body.
Anita moans softly. "Mhh, mistress..." She's already wet, spreading her legs instinctively as Ora's hands run along her body.
Ora smiles. "You're already wet and begging?"
Anita lets out a needy whimper. "I didn't get any time to pleasure myself while I was out. And just being with you makes me horny." She admits.
Ora nods. "I guess I'll give you a little relief, You've been a good girl.'
Anita moans. "Thank you, mistress." She nuzzles closer to her, her tail twitching happily as Ora calls her a good girl. "I'm so happy you own me."
She picks anita up and walks to her bed in the back of the tent, Putting her down.
Anita raises her ass submissively, presenting her tight slit to her mistress. "I can't wait any longer, mistress." She whimpers.
Ora nods and begins to lick her, Rubbing her sides.
Anita moans, her body quivering. "Ahhn, right there, mistress!"
Ora smiles and slaps Anita's Toned butt.
Anita squeals, her tail going rigid in surprise.
Ora smiles. "You want to cum?"
Anita nods eagerly. "Yes please, mistress!"
"Yeah? Beg." She slaps Anita's ass harder.
Anita squeals again, femcum leaking down her thighs. "Ahhn! P-please let your pet cum, mistress!" She begs. "I've been a good girl, and I need to cum!"
"Well..." She slaps her ass harder. "Maybe I'll let you cum."
Anita squeals louder, her squeals are probably audible well throughout the camp. "Please..." She begs more, unable to take it much longer. "Please let me cum, mistress! I need to! I'll be a good little squirrel, I'll do anything you ask of me, just please let me cum!"
While Ora pleasures Anita, A few of the other mercenaries prowl the camp, Looking for a female. There weren't many female mercenaries besides Ora and Anita, So they scoured the camp.
A cowgirl in the camp is quietly humming to herself as she examines her large hammer. She finishes cleaning it off, putting it next to her bed before stretching and standing up. "Alright, now that that's done, time to grab some food!" She smiles. The young cowgirl has a toned, curvy body. Her hair is white, tied up in a long braided pony tail. Her eyes are green. She's wearing comfortable leather pants and a light tunic and cute underwear under that. The girl walks towards the food tent, feeling a little nervous as she does.
One of them grabs her. "Hey, I think you're going the wrong way."
The girl lets out a startled squeak. She's quite short for a cowkin, around 5'7". "O-oh, r-really?" she asks nervously.
"Yeah. Why don't you come over to our campfire? we'll get you fed and comfortable."
"W-well... alright." She nods shyly. "B-but I can't stay long. I need to get up early tomorrow."
He leads her over and sits her on his lap.
She blushes as she sits on his lap, shifting anxiously. "Th-thank you but... I don't mind sitting on the ground." She says.
"No, No. You need to be comfortable." his hard cock presses against her as he begins to massage her breasts.
She gasps and lets out a soft moan as he touches her sensitive breasts. "Wh-what are you doing? Stop- mhh!" She squirms weakly.
He spreads her legs and another guy slides off her panties and begins to lick her pussy. He Takes off her top, Revealing her Breasts.
She moans louder as one of the men licks at her pussy, squirming and quivering. "I-I'll tell the captain..."
"No you won't. You'll be begging for more when we're done." he bites her neck.
She whimpers, starting to get wet. "Ahhn, p-please..."
He lifts her up, Taking out his cock and thrusting into her with a groan. "Fuck yeaaah...." He holds her belly as the other man Begins to suckle her breasts.
"Wait! No- Ahhh!" The cowgirl squeals as he thrusts inside her tight pussy. She moans cutely, milk flowing from her breasts.
He kisses her neck and thrusts into her. "Damn, you're a tight one."
She mewls and moans, a part of her clearly enjoying this. "Mhh, s-slow down, you're too big!"
He keeps thrusting, pounding her hard. He plays with her clit as he does.
She moans louder, femcum covering his cock as he touches her clit, causing her to tremble.
"Yeaaah, good girl." He groans, Thrusting faster.
The cowgirl squeals as he goes faster. "Nhh!" She cums, her body shuddering as her pussy tightens around his cock.
He groans, Cumming hard in her.
She pants softly, moaning quietly as she feels his hot cum fill her pussy. "Mhh..."
He grins and continues to thrust as others come up, Putting their cocks in her face. The man suckling her stands and begins to titfuck her.
"M-more?" The cowgirl gasps as he keeps thrusting. "W-wait, I-its late, I need to sleep!"
"No, you need to start sucking." he grunts as he thrusts into her.
She moans submissively, starting to lick the cocks in front of her. She didn't want to make them angry.
They grunt and begin to compliment her on her sluttiness, Moving more forcefully.
She starts to get more into it as they compliment her, sucking on their cocks and moaning, getting even wetter from all the cocks.
They groan. "She's a dirty girl...Nnnfuck! Gonna cost a premium for her pussy, huh?"
She stops sucking their cocks. "W-wait, premium? What do you mean?"
"Think we're gonna fuck you silly and leave you broke? Nah, We'll pay for your services. Get back to sucking, Cow."
The cowgirl nods obediently. "R-right." She resumes her servicing, using her hands to pleasure whatever cocks she doesn't have her lips wrapped around.
The guy beneath her pulls out and prods her ass."someone else take her pussy. I'm gonna rut this ass." She quickly has an eager cock plunged into her pussy and another man beneath her.
She squeals and squirms as he pokes at her ass and another cock enters her pussy, continuing to service the men in front of her. Her moaning gets louder as she nears orgasm again.
She's suddenly being filled and Covered by lots of thick sticky cum, her ass and pussy filled as well as her mouth and her nude body covered.
She cums as her body gets coated and stuffed with their hot seed, swallowing all of the cum that fills her mouth. She pants softly, her body quivering from be orgasm.
More cocks surround her. She's servicing the entire camp.
She looks around in surprise at all the cocks around her. There were so many, she'd be here till morning! "M-more?" She whimpers.
"Better get to work." the man rutting her ass says.
She moans as he keeps thrusting in her ass. It wasn't like she was in a position to say no to everyone here, she had to keep servicing them. She gets back to licking, sucking, and kissing the cocks in front of her, moaning as she does.
All around her, guys are touching her body and rubbing their cocks on her.
She's hornier then she's ever been, her cum covered body trembling with every thrust of the cock in her ass. The feeling of all those hands and cocks on her causes her pussy to become soaked with femcum.
By the time they're done the sun is beginning to rise. A few of them throw bundles.of.money near her and leave her twitching on the ground.
The cowgirl moans weakly, the aftershocks of her last orgasm still running through her body. She lost count of her orgasms halfway through the night, and she could only twitch from the pleasure as she laid there covered in their cum. She closed her eyes. She knew that she needed to go clean herself off and get back to her tent. She knew that if she passed out in the middle of the camp, covered in thick, sticky cum, that she'd be found. But she was too exhausted to care as she drifted off to sleep.
She wakes up clean And laying nude on a towel near the lake.
The cowgirl slowly opens her eyes. "Hmm? Where am I?" She sits up, looking around. "Someone... cleaned me off? Who?" She looks around for whoever brought her here.
Astaroth sits near her. "You were a messy girl. It took a while to clean you."
The cowgirl gasps a little, looking at Astaroth's body. She looked demonic, but she didn't feel afraid of her. Maybe it was because Astaroth had cleaned her off, but she felt safe around her. "O-oh... thank you." She smiles. "I'm Angela. Who are you?"
"I am astaroth." she smiles, Her golden eyes gleaming in the sun. "You look cold. Care to snuggle?"
Angela blushes. She had never been into girls before, but Astaroth looked so beautiful, and she was so nice. "Y-yes please." She nods shyly.
"Come over here then." she pats near her.
Angela shifts over to sit next to Astaroth, feeling butterflies in her stomach. "A-Astaroth?"
"Mhm?" she hugs Angela.
"Why did you bring me here?" She asks, hugging her back.
"You were naked and alone." she says.
Angela smiles, nuzzling Astaroth. "Thank you." She looks at Astaroth's horns and wings. "U-um... w-were you born with those?"
She nods. "I was." she wraps her wings around angela. "I want you to come with me."
"Come with you? Where?" Angela asks.
"Home." she says. "I want you to stay with me."
Angela blushes, her heart fluttering happily. "R-really?" She asks hopefully. "I want to stay with you too."
Astaroth picks her up. "Good." she begins to fly her back to her kingdom.
Angela gasps as Astaroth begins to fly, clinging tightly to her and keeping her eyes shut tight.
astaroth flies into her Throne room, Laying Angela down and admiring her body.
Angela looks around in awe. "Wow, your house is so big! Do you really own the entire place?" Angela blushes, realizing she's still naked. "U-um... can I have something to wear, please?" She asks, covering her body with her hands.
Astaroth smiles. "Show me your body, dear."
Angela blushes brightly, slowly moving her hands away to expose her body.
"Good girl. Do you want to join us?"
"Us? What do you mean? Are there others?"
"There are." she snaps for her second in command.
Sylvana opens the door, looking in. "Oh, mistress, you're back!" She smiles. "Do you have need of me?"
Angela looks at Sylvana, noticing her demonic features. "How many are there?"
"Quite a few, now. Would you like to join us?"
Angela thinks for a moment before nodding. "I would." She smiles. "I would love to join you."
She grins. "Then let us claim your holes as our own."
Angela blushes. "W-wait, what?!"
Sylvana giggles. "Oh don't worry. We'll make it feel really good for you!"
"Present yourself, Angela."
Angela shyly turns around and raises her ass, presenting herself to Astaroth and Sylvana. A hint of femcum leaks down her thigh.
Astaroth smiles. "She's such an obedient girl..."
Sylvana smiles and nods. "She'll serve us well. Which hole of hers do you desire, mistress?"
"I want her pussy. You dominate her Ass." She grins.
Sylvana grins and nods. "With pleasure, mistress." She picks up Angela, causing the cowgirl to gasp as she holds her up, Sylvana's cock pressing against her tight ass. Sylvanas breasts press against Angela's back. "Care to join me, mistress?" Sylvana giggles.
Astaroth gets underneath her, Sliding her cock into Angela's pussy.
Sylvana thrusts inside her ass at the same time, causing Angela to moan loudly as the two fill both her holes.
Astaroth smiles and suckles Angela's breasts as she thrusts into her.
Angela moans and shivers with pleasure as the two thrust into her. Sylvana matches her mistress' thrusts, moaning. "Nhh, she's tight. Such a good cowslut!"
Astaroth looks up at Angela, Thrusting harder.
Angela is moaning happily, her tongue lolling out as the two stretch her holes.
Astaroth grins as she cums, Using her magic to turn Angela into a Devoted Black Horn Succubus.
Sylvana and Angela both cum too, squealing with pleasure as both of Angela's holes get stuffed with sticky cream. Angela's body changes as she becomes another black horn succubus.
Her body becomes more voluptuous as her skin turns a dark blue, as does her hair, and she gains black horns and bat wings. Her eyes turn yellow with black scalera. The transformation alone fills her with intense pleasure.
Sylvana smiles, looking at Angela's new body. "Mhh, she's beautiful, mistress."
Angela pants softly as the transformation finishes. "Ahhn... mistress..."
Astaroth smiles and hugs her. " I love you, Dear."
Angela hugs her back. "I love you too... mistress." She nuzzles her.
"What are your talents,My dear?"
"I'm a weapon specialist." Angela answers. "I can repair weapons, make sure they're up to shape, and even make new ones." She says. "And I can give advice on whichever weapons we might need for specific situations, mistress."
Astaroth nods. "Mhm, You look like a good breeder too."
Sylvana smiles. "Mmm, with hips like these, and such large breasts. She's a perfect little baby maker."
Astaroth Smiles. "When I begin bearing children, You will bear many."
Angela smiles. "Thank you, mistress. It will be an honour."
Sylvana giggles. "Such an obedient cowslut. Where did you find her, mistress?"
"Naked, Covered in seed in a Camp."
Sylvana blushes. "Really?"
Angela nods. "Th-the men in my camp... They do that to almost all the women there."
Astaroth smiles. "We'll get better use out of you here, My dear."
Sylvana nods. "You don't have to worry about them here. You're safe. I'm Sylvana, one of your new sisters!"
Angela nuzzles them. "I love you both."
Astaroth smiles. "I love you too, Love."
Sylvana giggles. "Cayla and Faye are still out on their mission, mistress. Do you have anything else to do before they get back?"
"My spies told me of a Mercenary nearby who may make a good healer."
Sylvana smiles. "Wonderful. We could use a healer. Do you want to fetch her yourself mistress or shall I?"
0 notes
cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 1: Start
The time shift ended the regimes of several popular dark queens, Namely Deumos and Noctis, And weakened Others, Like Jeda's. Many of their followers became estranged and angry. One such Follower, A corrupted Dragomnibus named Astaroth, Decided to try her hand at a New Regime. And so began the reign of the Black Horns, and with it, The black horn Sucucbi. "Mistress Astaroth, how may I serve you today?" A black horn succubus asks her, walking into her quarters. She's completely naked, save for a collar. Her name is Sylvana, and she was once a great hero, known for her tactical prowess, strong leadership, and exceptional talent in battle. Her heroic days however, have been cut short by Astaroth, her mind has been corrupted, and now she lives only to serve her mistress. Her body is curvy, with a faint hint of muscle, and smooth flawless skin. Her hair is dark purple, and she has the typical black and amber eyes of a black horn succubus. Her skin matches that of Astaroth too, along with a few other demonic features like her tail, wings, and horns. Astaroth grabs her and pulls her in. The black horn ritual was irreversible. It took longer than normal corruptions, but it truly altered it's victims. Their minds were completely taken, as were their bodies, and converted to Astaroth's ideals. She spoke in a dominating and ambitious tone. "It is time for the kingdom of the black horns to gather it's army." It truly was. Two succubi weren't going to do anything against massive armies. But astaroth had a major issue. Converting Unwilling victims was time consuming and interruptable. She needed to tap into Willing Ones. Wolves, Reborn Corrupted, and DracoSuccubi were her first three ideas. But they had went into hiding. Damn the stonehaven kingdom for Crushing Deumos's plan to unite succubi once more, Damn her! She needed sympathizers, and Quickly. Sylvana looks at Astaroth with complete and utter submissive affection, she knew that Astaroth was better than her in every way. "Yes, mistress." Sylvanas nods. "But... where will we find other succubi to join our cause?" She asks. "They would have spread throughout the globe. To find them all would be near impossible. Perhaps we need a way to get them to come to us." She suggests. Astaroth nods. "Then It seems we will need a few more...unwilling Converts." Astaroth smiled. She could us sylvana's previous knowledge to find more intelligent followers that could help her recruit the succubi that would be sympathetic to her cause. Sylvana nods. "I will bring them to you at once. What kind of converts will we need, mistress?" "We need Propaganda specialists, Military Strategists....People you should be able to find with your abilities. " Sylvana nods. "As you command." She smiles. "People like that are in low supply in these times of peace, but I'm confident I can find you the greatest converts, mistress. Should I bring them back to you kicking and screaming?" She nods and grins. "All I need is their blood and desires." "Mmm, I can already imagine watching them slowly corrupt into more of your loyal servants, Mistress." Sylvana says. "I will return as soon as I can. How many should I bring?" "As many as you can chain up and handle,My dear." Sylvana grins. "Then I shall bring back plenty, mistress." She bows. "Thank you for teaching me how wrong I once was, I live only to serve you, mistress." Astaroth smiles. "Return with suitable recruits, and you will be Richly rewarded, My dear." Sylvana nods, feeling a wave of excitement pass through her body at the very thought of being rewarded by her mistress. "Thank you, mistress." She leaves, her body shifting to look like it once did, before the corruption. "Now then..." She licks her lips. "Time to find some suitable converts." astaroth awaits her loyal Follower's return. Sylvana spends the remainder of the day, and most of the night hunting down recruits. The propaganda specialist was easy, so was the information specialist. The military strategist proved to be a bit of a challenge, but nothing a succubus of Sylvanas caliber couldn't handle. That meant that she only needed to grab two more people, and the next on her list, was the espionage specialist. Alaya was The espionage specialist for that kingdom. She spied on people and harnessed information secretly. Yet she was completely taken aback by the disappearance of multiple Key strategists, all females. "Just stay here. I'll be back for you later." She smiles, putting down the unconscious and chained up bodies of the people she had already captured. "Hmm... hopefully she hasn't noticed anything yet. In which case, just walking up the the front door should be enough." Sylvanas smiled, her body changing to look like her old self, but clothed. She intended to rely on her reputation on this one, trusting it would allow her to be alone with Alaya. She is allowed inside the castle and walks through without any trouble, knocking on the door to Alaya's quarters. "I hope she's in. I'd hate to have to go looking." Alaya answers her door. "Sylvana?" Sylvana smiles and nods. "Yes, I was hoping I might be able to speak with you in private." She says in a friendly tone. "It's... very important." Alaya nods. "Come in." she says. Sylvana steps inside, taking a seat as she waits for Alaya to close the door. Alaya closes the door, Looking at her. "It's about the old queens. The queens of the abyss. I have heard rumours of their followers planning an attack on all peaceful kingdoms. I'm looking for the location of any Wolves, corrupted, anyone that might want to join their forces. I thought you might know something." Sylvana says. "And... I've also been looking for capable people to join me." "Hm, To join you?" Sylvana nods. "Yes, to join me in fighting them. To destroy the abyssal scum before they have a chance to grow strong." She says, standing and walking closer to Alaya. "You must know something i don't, because it's been years since any abyssals revealed themselves as threats." Sylvana nods. "Indeed. I will tell you all I have learned in due time." She says, getting very close to Alaya. "But first... it's awfully cold outside. I was hoping I might be able to spend the night in your bed." She blushes and looks at sylvana. "What? You have your own bed." "But it's so cold without anyone to share it with." Sylvana says. "I'd much rather spend my night in the bed of a cute girl like you." She raises an eyebrow. "Sylvana, This isn't like you." Sylvana frowns. "What, just because I'm a hero I can't get lonely?" She asks. "Just relax, Alaya. Lets both enjoy this." She leans in to kiss her on the lips. Alaya pushes her back. "No. You're above this. Something's wrong." Sylvana sighs. "Damnit... I knew I should have grabbed you the second you closed the door." She says. "I'm giving you one chance Alaya, because I like you. Surrender, or I'll make you surrender." She stands. "Try me, Imposter." Sylvana giggles. "Oh, Alaya. I'm not an imposter." She says, changing back to her natural form. "Mistress Astaroth has enlightened me, and soon she will do the same to you." She lunges forward to grab Alaya's throat. Alaya kicks her away. "You're corrupted." Sylvana growls. "I am pure! And soon everyone will be purified by my mistress, or else they will die!" She grabs a table and swings the entire thing at Alaya. She flips away, Throwing a Shuriken at Sylvana. "You're going to get purified, Because you're delusional." Sylvana's body morphs, letting the shuriken pass through it before shifting back to normal. "Just accept it. There is no fighting mistress Astaroth. What she wants she will have." She says, slowly forcing Alaya into a corner of the room as she attacks her. Alaya goes to tackle her. Sylvana's body changes into a mass of tentacles, catching Alaya and grabbing onto each limb tightly. Alaya struggles to escape. "What!?" Sylvana's body changes back to normal, with her holding Alaya down firmly. "I told you. There is no fighting my mistress." She tries to free herself. "You're her slut now." Sylvana has her held tight, starting to wrap her in chains. "Mmh, I am." She agrees. "I love serving her. It feels so... right. So good." "I can't..." Sylvana says, a brief hint of clarity flashing through her eyes before she resumes chaining up Alaya. "Although I don't know why I would ever want to!" Alaya struggles against the chains. "Don't bother. The chains aren't going to break, and I've tied you up so well, not even you could break free." She grins. "Now lets get you and the others home. But first... I have just one more person to pick up." "Hmm... what's next... we have propaganda, strategist, info, espionage..." Sylvana smiles. "Oh! Combat! We'll need someone to train the new recruits!" She says happily. She looks at Alaya and grins. "Oh this is gonna be fun!" She knocks her out. Sylvana spends the next couple hours seeking out a combat specialist. She tracks down a human girl, locating her at a bar. She's a monster hunter, capable of fighting mythical beasts with her bare hands. Capturing the golden blonde haired girl was easy for Sylvana. Unlike Alaya, this girl immediately fell for Sylvana's seduction, following her back to a private room where she lowered her guard, and Sylvana knocked her out. Now Sylvana has all the people she needs. She carries them back to Astaroth, opening the door. "Mistress! I'm back!" Astaroth's appearance has changed Quite drastically. Her aura is soothing to sylvana, increasing her devotion. And it would cause other followers to love her as well, Perhaps. "My dear, You have exceeded my expectations." Sylvana looks at her mistress' new body. "Mistress... you look beautiful..." A wave of excitement passes through her body again as Astaroth praises her. She puts the unconcious bodies down at her feet. "Thank you, mistress. You are too kind." Astaroth looks at them. "Let us get to work Converting them." "Who should we start with?" Sylvana asks, quickly pointing out what each of them were. "And this girl... is the combat specialist." She smiles. "The combat specialist. Bring her to my room." she walks to her room. Sylvana nods, picking her up and carrying her to Astaroth's room. "I will keep an eye on the others, make sure none of them try to escape." She says, putting the combat specialist on the ground and heading back out her room. Astaroth is snuggling into her bed as she watches the girl on the floor. "Would you like to submit now? Or must i convince you, My child?" The girl looks up at her and frowns, growling. "Just try to convince me. I've been known to be rather stubborn." She says, giving Astaroth a cocky grin. Astaroth stands and unchains the girl. "As you wish, My child..." The girl immediately tries to punch Astaroth in the face. Her body freezes up. "Little human...I am imbued with the power of the old ones....Bask in my beauty." The girl grits her teeth, trying to move her body. "D-damnit..." She tries to keep a cocky grin as she looks at Astaroth. "Beauty? I've seen trolls that looked better than you. Whoever these old ones are, they must not be too special." "I shall indoctrinate you into my cause." "I'd rather marry a Minotaur than serve you." She growls. "Foolish girl..." She takes off Her Dress. "It is futile to resist me. I am a goddess. Your body and mind are mine to command." The girl looks at Astaroth's naked body. "Wh-what kind of goddess needs me to help them?" She says. "You must really not know what you're doing if you came to me for help." She grins and sits down. With a snap of her fingers the girl begins to strip. "The goddess of the new world." The girl gasps as her body moves on her own. "Wh-what's the matter? Can't get a girl to do this on her own?" She says, trying to keep her cocky grin. She snaps again and her body is back under her control. "You're right. Your body is nothing compared to mine. And i'm sure your lovemaking skills are equally....lackluster." "Hey! My lovemaking skills are second to none!" She says, blushing. "N-not like that matters... The second you drop your guard I'm making sure you don't have a chance to make that mistake twice." "What mistake? Making you strip? You don't have to worry. I don't want to see your cow body anyways..." Faye growls, losing her cocky grin. "Keep trying, bitch. Whenever I walk into town I know I'm the hottest girl there." She says. "And here is no exception." She moves her head to the side. "Truly? " Faye nods. "I'm sure your servant will agree with me." "If you're so beautiful, why aren't you comfortable stripping?" "B-because I'm not some common slut!" Faye says. "I-its embarrassing..." "Someone so beautiful should have no problems taking their clothing off...the only person who will see is myself. And you'll kill me without issue, Will you not? Surely you'll grace me with the benevolence of your beauty at it's fullest?" Faye frowns. "How do I know you won't use more of your magic once I'm naked?" "Why are you concerned? You're going to kill me either way...won't you?" Faye nods. "Well... fine. Just enjoy the show while you can." She starts to strip off her clothing, revealing her underwear. She smiles. "Maybe you're right....you are quite beautiful." Faye blushes, hesitating for a moment once she's down to just her expensive-looking underwear. "Take them off.." "R-right..." She slowly unclips her bra, exposing her perky breasts. She drops her bra and pulls down her panties, blushing brighter as her cute slit is revealed. She smiles and snaps once again. Her body is no longer under her control, and she feels the urge to get herself wet and finger herself. Faye gasps as she tries to move her body again. "D-damnit, you bastard!" She spreads her legs slightly, lightly teasing her clit as she quickly gets wet. "What's that? You stripped for me....and now i'll ease you into submission." "G-give me back control of my body- mhh- demon!" She moans as she starts to finger herself. "No. I want to enjoy the show. Why don't you flirt with me a bit?" she snaps and the girl begins to feel attracted to Astaroth. Faye moans as she looks over Astaroth's naked body, feeling herself get wetter. "N-no... y-you're just manipulating me... it won't work..." "You can't hide your devotion. You want to love me." she smiles as her feelings begin to increase. "N-no, I-I do! I don't!" She moans louder, her fingers speeding up. "Mhm... y-you're body is- nhh- beautiful..." She says. "I- I want to- ahhn- bury your head between my legs and make you eat me out." She moans. "A-and th-then I'll... t-tie you up, and bring you to justice." "Ooh, You're a naughty girl....what else do you want?" She licks her lips. "I-I want to make you moan and squeal for forgiveness as I make you cum over and over." She says, her legs trembling weakly. "Mmmm....What else, My love?" "Ahhn, I wanna put a collar on you, and parade you around town on a leash, so that everyone knows you belong to me. A-and then I'll make you tongue-fuck me in the middle of down while everyone watches- Mhh!" Her moans get louder as her fingers speed up of her own volition, her hips bucking against her hand. "Ooh! You're such a bad girl. You'll do nicely." Faye continues fingering herself, looking over Astaroth's beautiful body. "Ahh, gonna cum!" She snaps, Giving The girl control of her body. Faye keeps fingering herself, soaking her fingers with webs of her femcum as she reaches climax, squealing with pleasure. Astaroth grins. "It appears you finished on your own...." Faye pants softly, looking up at Astaroth. She blushes as she realizes what she just did willingly. "O-only because you tricked me!" "Why don't you come here? Let me pleasure you....you want my tounge on your folds...right?" "W-well... I suppose I can always bring you to justice afterwards..." She says, coming to Astaroth. Astaroth smiles. "What's your name?" "Faye, Faye Davro." She answers. Astaroth smiles. "Let me pleasure you, Faye." Faye nods. "Y-yes... what's your name?" "I am Astaroth, your mistress." "M-mistress... n-no... j-just Astaroth..." She struggles weakly. She touches Faye's belly as the curse begins to take effect. "Call me mistress." "Y-yes... mistress..." Faye nods submissively. "Lay on your back and spread your legs wide." Faye does as she's told, presenting her cute slit to her new mistress. Astaroth begins to lick at her sweet nethers, wanting to coax lots of moans from her new servant as the curse begins to change her. Faye moans loudly from Astaroth's talented tongue. Her body slowly changes to look like Sylvana's. When she transforms astaroth jumps on her, Looking into her eyes. Faye looks up at her, love, obedience, and the faintest hint of fear in her eyes. "Mistress..." She smiles. "Hmm?" "You truly are a goddess." Faye smiles, the fear, and the last of her previous clarity, vanishing from her mind. Astaroth cuddles with her new servant, enjoying her warmth. Faye happily cuddles her back, just enjoying being in the calming presence of her mistress. Astaroth falls asleep cuddling with Faye. Faye closes her eyes and falls asleep with Astaroth. "Mom... Dad... Amelia..." She whispers sadly in her sleep. Astaroth wakes up with faye in her arms. When she wakes up, Astaroth is surrounded by the rest of the converts, all of them black horn succubi. Astaroth nudges the black horn succubus nearest her. "Wake up, My child..." "Mhh, mistress?" The succubus looks up at her. "Please, mistress. I wanna stay with you a bit longer." Astaroth smiles. "As you wish. Show your mistress love." She nuzzles the succubus The succubus nods, nuzzling Astaroth back. "I love you, mistress." She says honestly. "I want to serve you." Astaroth kisses her. "I love you too, My child. You and your sisters are my treasures." The succubus blushes. "May I please service you, mistress?" Astaroth smiles and nods, Growing a cock. "You may service your mistress." "Thank you, mistress." She says gratefully, moving down to worship Astaroth's cock. She kisses and licks her skillfully, enjoying her cocks scent, it's warmth, and everything else about it. Just like her mistress, it was perfection. Astaroth closes her eyes. "Yes, Show your mistress your Primal desire. Give in, My dear." The succubus does so gladly. She sucks on Astaroth's cock as she fingers herself, letting out muffled moans. As she does, Her love for astaroth increases, as does her loyalty. She feels small, Like a lowly servant servicing a goddess, But also proud, for she was a black horn succubus, and pure of all sin. Her mistress loved her, and that was all she needed. Soon all of Astaroth's followers would feel the same, and this devotion would leak over into their old memories too. They would simply feel numb ecstasy around their mistress, and she wanted that. She wanted them to genuinely love her,to feel it outside of the curse, and live only for her desires. The succubus keeps obediently servicing Astaroth as she her mind continues to become corrupted. She feels so safe, so happy when she's with her mistress. Like nothing else matters. Because nothing is else does matter, all that she needs to care about, is mistress. Astaroth smiles. "Such a good girl...Do you want my divine seed?" The succubus looks up at her. She feels euphoric at the very idea of receiving her mistress' cum. "Yes please, mistress." "Let me see your holes, Dear. Show me." The succubus lays down on her back and spreads her legs, presenting her wet pussy and tight little butt to Astaroth. "Which of my holes is worthy of your cum, mistress?" Astaroth smiles. "Your backside. Present it to me." The succubus nods and gets down on all fours, lowering her head and raising her ass up. She gives her butt a little shake, smiling. "I belong to you, mistress. Use me as you please." Astaroth grabs her and prods her ass with her cock. "My liquid love is a blessing..." The succubus bites her lip as she feels her mistress press her cock against her rump. "Yes, mistress. Thank you for deeming me worthy of your blessing." She moves her and pushes her face towards faye's pussy as faye sleeps. "Lick your sister. Pleasure her too." "Mhh, yes, mistress." The succubus licks at Faye's pussy, causing her to moan in her sleep. Astaroth thrusts into her, Causing her to go numb with pleasure and love. The succubus squeals with pleasure. Her mistress' cock feels wonderful, better than any sex she's ever had before. Her body shudders and she continues licking Faye, moaning happily. Her body trembles and she feels as if she cannot live without her mistress's divine seed. Astaroth thrusts harder The succubus licks Faye's pussy faster, moaning louder as her mistress fucks her tight ass. She eagerly awaits her mistresses holy cum. Faye moans too as the succubus eats her out. "Mhh... Amelia..." Astaroth growls. "Eat her ass too. Make her beg for more." Her cock also seems to have another effect- the succubus cannot cum. The succubus moans and nods, eagerly rimming and tonging Faye's ass. She moans louder as she feels herself reaching climax. "M-mistress! I'm gonna-" She stops as her release never comes, but the pleasure keeps increasing. "Mhh! Why can't I cum, mistress?" She asks. Faye's moans get louder. "Ahhn... Amelia... n-no... M-Mistresss..." "Make your sister and your mistress cum. You live for service." The succubus nods obediently. It seemed so right once Astaroth said it. She didn't deserve to cum, not yet. Her duty was to pleasure her sisters, and most importantly, her mistress first, before she could have any release. "Yes mistress!" She moans. "I live to serve you and my sisters!" She licks Faye faster, tongue-fucking both her ass and her pussy, teasing her clit too. Astaroth rams her harder, playing with her servant's wings as she ruts her. The succubus squeals and moans, her tongue servicing both of Faye's holes. Faye moans and squirms weakly, about to cum. "Ahhn, mistress!" Astaroth grins. "Make her cum, And i'll give you my gifts." "Yes, mistress!" The succubus suckles on Faye's clit, causing her to cum. She squirms and squeals in her sleep, the succubus eagerly lapping up her femcum as she awaits her mistress' divine seed. Astaroth cums without a moan, Laying on Her servant's back with her tounge lolled out as she cums. Her servant can suddenly cum as much as she wants. Her servant lets out a pleasure-filled cry as she finally cums, soaking her nethers and the bedsheets below her with her juices. "Mistress! I love you!" She squeals as she orgasms. "Lick up your mess and kiss my feet." she says, Moving back and laying against her bed's headboard. "And tell me your name, And your specialty." The succubus happily does as she's told, cleaning up her sweet girl cum with her tongue, and then kissing Astaroth's feet lovingly. "My name is Mia, mistress. In my kingdom I was the Geographic specialist. I read maps, books, and other ancient literatures, and from that, I can give expected statistics and locations on most things in the world." She smiles. "Mia....Do you know what it means to be a black horn Succubus?" "N-no, mistress... What does it mean?" Mia asks. "Keep licking and i'll tell you. Clean up your mess." Mia nods and resumes her cleaning, feeling intense pleasure from such a humiliating and submissive act for her mistress. "As a black horn succubus,You only serve your sisters and your mistress. All others are inferior. You will devote all your love and loyalty to your mistress alone." Mia nods, listening to every word Astaroth says. It all makes so much sense to her, her Mistress is right, she is always right. "Yes, mistress. I live to serve you." Astaroth smiles. "Come here, and lay in your mistress's arms." Mia smiles, gladly embracing her mistress. "Mhh... I'm so happy I became a black horn succubus, mistress. I swear to serve you for all my life." She says as she nuzzles Astaroth. Astaroth pets her head. "I love you, Mia." Mia blushes. Those four words made her happier then she had ever been in her whole life, and it was all thanks to her mistress. She would do whatever her mistress wanted, she wanted to make her proud. "I love you and all of your sisters. You love us back, Don't you?" Mia nods. "Yes, mistress. I love you so much! And my sisters too, I love you all." She nuzzles her. "Melt into my arms, Mia..." Astaroth nuzzles her back. Mia smiles and lets out a relaxed sigh, letting her body do as her mistress tells her to. She already feels calm in her presence, and even more so in her arms as she lets every bit of stress in her body and mind melt away. "Sleep..." she says, Kissing her. Mia closes her eyes, breathing softly as she falls asleep in her mistress' arms. Astaroth lays her with her sisters, Waiting until she cuddles with them before she gets up. Sylvana is standing in the doorway, smiling as she watches her sisters cuddle and sleep together. "She's a cute one. And one of the most important specialists for our next step." She says, looking at Mia. "She'll find us our allies." Astaroth nods. "You did well to bring them to me. They're obedient and gifted." Sylvana nods "It is only natural, mistress. When met with a goddess, even the most arrogant people will soon learn to worship." She says. "Now... what comes next?" "Mia needs to be cleaned. Then she will find us our Followers. While you tell her of her role, I will Give the Propaganda specialist a little conditioning." "Conditioning? Has she been disobedient?" Sylvana asks. "No, But she needs to be more obedient. All of my followers, especially our generals, Must feel nothing but devotion and numb pleasure." Sylvana nods. "I fail to see why anyone would ever want to try to betray you, mistress, but I see your point." She says. "Then while you condition her, I will tend to Mia." She points at a girl on the bed. "She's the propaganda specialist." She says, gently picking up Mia and carrying her off. Astaroth grins. "The curse won't allow betrayal. But i need blind loyalty." she pokes the girl. "Wake up, My child." The girl slowly stirs, looking up at Astaroth. "Mistress?" Astaroth nods. "What's your name, My child?" "Cayla, Mistress." She says. "What is it you desire of me?" "I desire to stuff you with my divine seed." Cayla blushes and smiles. "Mhh, you honour me, mistress." Her tail flicks lightly. "Shall you fill me here, in front of my sisters? Or perhaps someplace private?" "I will fill you right here." Cayla nods, brushing her long brown hair aside. "Which hole do you desire, mistress?" "Your pussy." She smiles. "Give it to me." Cayla nods and spreads her legs, presenting her wet slit to Astaroth. "Mmm, yes mistress. Dominate me in front of my sisters. I want them to wake up to the sounds of you rutting me." Astaroth smiles and moves to her, Sliding her cock into Cayla's pussy. Cayla moans as she feels Astaroth's holy cock penetrate her tight pussy. "Ahhn, mistress!" She squeals, clinging to her tightly. Astaroth smiles and thrusts faster. Cayla moans happily as her mistress uses her body for pleasure. "Mmh, use me as you please, mistress!" Astaroth Grunts and thrusts faster and deeper, Tounge lolling out. Cayla holds onto Astaroth, moaning cutely as her mistress' cock presses against the opening of her womb. Astaroth grins. "Do you want my seed, Dear?" Cayla looks up at her and nods. "Yes, mistress! Please bless me with your holy cum!" She moans eagerly. She thrusts harder, Pounding Cayla. Cayla squeals and moans as she feels her climax approaching. "Mhh, I love you, mistress!" "I love you too,My dear." she cums, Filling Cayla to the brim. Cayla cums as she feels Astaroth's thick, gooey seed fill her pussy. Her tongue lolls out as she squeals with pleasure, feeling nothing but love for her mistress. "Ahhn... Thank you, mistress." "Do you want to bear my young?" Cayla blushes, looking up at her. "R-really? Y-you think I'm worthy of carrying your child?" She asks hopefully. "No. You and your sisters will remain sterile for now. I will choose one of you to bear my young when the time comes." Cayla nods. "I understand, mistress. I would love nothing more then to be pregnant with your child, mistress, but wouldn't you have your second in command carry your child?" She asks. She nods. "You will all bear my children Eventually. Your part in this is quite important..." Cayla smiles, happy to know that she will be blessed with her mistress' child in due time. "My part, mistress? What am I to do?" "You will use your persuasion skills to Bring our sympathizers to us." Cayla nods. "Well... I can do that. So long as I know where they are." She smiles. "Will I be contacting them personally?" "Indeed." "When will I be departing then?" She asks. "Will any of my sisters accompany me?" "You will be departing very soon. And you will have backup. We must convert them first." Cayla smiles. "Ohh, are we converting anyone in particular, Mistress?" She asks excitedly. "Hmmmm.." She thinks for a moment. "I can't think of anyone." "Well if we want to go soon, why don't I just go with the strongest of my sisters right now?" Cayla asks. "I cannot risk many of you. There are other wars being fought." Cayla nods. "Well... if we have to get some new converts I might have a few ideas." Cayla smiles. "There's a succubus that wanders around the world. I heard that she's staying in a town near here for a few days. She's a little... grumpy, but I'm sure her skills would be invaluable." Cayla says. "There's also been rumours of a hero rescuing towns from bandit attacks. They say the hero wields a massive sword, bigger then her, and full plate armour. She calls herself 'the black squirrel'."Cayla smiles. "Or at least, that's what I've heard. Which one do you think we should go for, mistress?" "The succubus sounds much more obtainable. The other one probably belongs to a band of mercenaries." Cayla nods. "Of course, mistress. Who will be going out to capture her?" "Hmmm.." Faye starts to stir as she wakes up. "Mhh... morning, mistress..." Astaroth smiles and points at faye. Faye looks confused. "Hmm? What?" Cayla giggles. "Oh she'll do perfect, Mistress!"
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