There’s been some instances since we started offering surprise pregnancies that some people have tried to use them but it never ended up being a real surprise for different reasons so we didn’t mark them as a surprise pregnancy so we’re trying to make sure we have everything written down correctly. If you have used a surprise pregnancy please message in with who it was
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So far we’ve received two anons, both about the same thing actually. Would one of you be willing to send in an IM so we could chat? I have a couple ideas I want to run by one of you (or both of you) like a focus group I guess. 
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About once a year we suspend the no anon rule to get some feedback from the group. Starting now until the end of the day Friday (December 14) we will be accepting anon messages with your comments and opinions on anything and everything involving the group. Messages will only be accepted to the player service page. Any messages sent to the dash will be deleted. Any rude messages will be deleted. Even if you’re unhappy with something there’s a polite way of explaining things. 
We want to know how you’re enjoying your time here in Carpe Diem and if there’s anything we can do to make your stay even better. Are there tasks or events you’d like to see the group do? Are you having issues with anything and haven’t had the nerve to send in an OOC problem form? Are you satisfied with the group and just want to tell us good job? These are the few days where you can send us all the CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM you’d like. 
None of the messages will be posted to the dash unless the message specifically says to for whatever reason. The admins are going to use the messages to help plan for an awesome 2019. 
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A reminder that all plot requests are to be sent via the Player Service Page, not the main page. Each form has a submit box underneath it. Here’s a complete list of the forms we have. 
OOC Problem - For issues with any players, admins, rules, ect.
Switching a Character - Switching is when you take a current blog you’re using for a character and you delete everything off that blog and you turn it into someone else. Making a completely new blog isn’t switching. 
Pregnancy - Both players involved must agree before form is submitted. 
Miscarriage - Both players involved must agree before form is submitted.
Abortion - Both players involved must agree before from is submitted
Adoption - This is for a brand new child into the game, not if you’re having someone adopt a preexisting child. (example: Jeremy asking Kendall to adopt Ava didn’t need a form, but if Jeremy and Kendall wanted to adopt a new child a form would need to be submitted)
Addiction - This is for things like drugs and alcohol. Sex addiction doesn’t need a form. 
Accident - Car, boat, fall or anything that would result in getting injured or needing to go to the ER to get checked out or admitted into the hospital for more serious injuries. 
Illness - Any serious disease (make sure research is done so you’re portraying it correctly) 
Hospital - If you request any plot that involves a hospital stay of some sort or you just want your character to go to the hospital for some reason this form needs to be submitted too. (Children do not need hospital forms but if you want to do a plot line where a child is sick and will need reoccurring hospital stays then forms will need to be submitted) 
History reset - If someone you picked up came with a backstory you don’t want or you want to completely start over.
Plotting - If you’re looking for plots we’ll try to set you up with someone else looking for a plot or help you come up with an idea. (Please have some type of idea of what you’re looking to do)
Special Promo Ad - If you’re looking for someone specific to come into the group for a specific reason this’ll help us advertise for them.
Other - If there’s any other kind of plot you want to do and you can’t figure out what form you should send, send this one. 
Our calendar is wide open right now so feel free to send in any requests! If you have any questions about any of the forms please send in a message. 
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Check out our new form. 
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Everyone who has gotten a plot request approved for December/January please send in a message with the following information:
Your name:
Your character:
Any other characters involved:
Date you started the plot:
Date the plot ended or is set to end (if a pregnancy put the due date):
What was the plot:
We’re working on a new organizational system and some of the older requests from the beginning of the month we don’t have anymore so if you could help us with this that would be great.
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A reminder to everyone that if you want to start a major plot you need to send in a request form FIRST and wait to get approval BEFORE you start the plot. When we get a bunch of the same plot requests coming in at the same time we will put a hold on more of that same plot; like we just did with the pregnancy related plots. 
We approve plots with a first come first serve basis. The only exception to this is if someone is constantly sending in requests. Other people need to take a turn too. If you have a date preference we take that into consideration but because of other plot requests that we get we have to make sure things are spaced out so things don’t overlap and people don’t feel like their plots are being overshadowed. We’ve had plots in recent months that have overlapped other things and it caused an issue so now we are making sure we space things out enough.
When you send in a request you need to give us a couple days to talk about it before you start messaging in asking us about it. We have real life things going on as well so sometimes it can take us a day or so to check up on the plot requests or to finish a discussion about it. 
Now, for the last time, we are accepting pregnancy related plots to add to the waiting list. We are not allowing any pregnancy related plots to start until after December 17th. The one person we have waiting to start their plot on the 17th has been waiting for months and no other pregnancy requests can start until after that plot has been started. We’ve told people this personally, we’ve made several admin notes about it on the main page and yet people still seem to have an issue with it but we’re getting tired of repeating ourselves. 
We find it incredibly disrespectful that people keep giving us problems over the rules that we have. We are trying our best to balance all the requests that come in, but we WILL NOT go above and beyond for someone who constantly fights us on everything and who thinks they’re entitled to cut the line for plot requests. The admins run the group a certain way and if you have a problem with the way this group is run, with the way plots are approved/denied then maybe this group isn’t for you and you’d be happier elsewhere because we aren’t going to constantly sit here and get bitched at because some people have an issue with the word no. 
We approve 98% of the plot requests that come in and if you are denied for a request it’s because of one of the following reasons:
There’s too many of the same plot going on
Your activity isn’t that great
You’re already involved in a similar plot or just finished one
The plot is way too outrageous/unrealistic 
Timing is an issue 
However, when there’s an issue with the request we message the person and try to find a way to work around it. Most people never have an issue with compromising on some things but then there are people who throw a fit every time and it’s getting out of hand. This is supposed to be fun, this is just a game, and everyone needs to remember that there are 25 members and 73 characters and we’re trying to give everyone a fair chance to play plots but harassing us, yelling at us, trying to bend rules to make things work for you it’s annoying and disrespectful to the people already waiting and to the admins, and this behavior needs to stop. Most of us are adults in this group and if you can’t be mature and wait your turn then we don’t know what else to tell you. 
If you’re unsure of what a major plot is you can look at the player service page and look at the different forms we have. If you don’t see a form for the plot you want then you can submit the Other form. If you’re still unsure after looking at the forms you can shoot us a message and ask us if it needs approval. If you think it might need approval that’s a good indication that you shouldn’t start the plot until after the admins have messaged you back.
Please like this post so we know you read it and if you have any questions, comments, concerns please message the main OFF ANON. We will no longer allow people to message us on Kik to talk about plot requests everything is to go through the player service page or the main page from here on out. 
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The Player Service Page (psp) has been given a theme change. Along with the theme change we’ve added 5 new forms.
Miscarriage: This is a horrible thing that happens more often than people actually talk about. A miscarriage can only happen until the 20th week of pregnancy in real life, meaning, it can only happen within the first 5 weeks of pregnancy in the game. Anything after 5 weeks isn’t a miscarriage it’s the baby dying and the mother would have to deliver the deceased fetus.
Abortion: This is a sensitive issue for a lot of people, but it is a part of life; it is a choice women make. If you would like to do an abortion plot you would need to do it within the first three weeks of the pregnancy in game. Remember to keep all triggering posts under a read more and use the appropriate tags.
Adoption: Some people want children but they can’t for whatever reason. Because of that adoption is an option. In real life it’s hard to get approved for adoption so in the game it will also be a little difficult. We’re not going to approve a lot of these plots especially if the reason behind it isn’t what we feel is a good reason. If you get denied for an adoption plot you can always try again in a few months.
History reset: This is for those who wish to erase their character’s history in the game and start fresh. Please be sure to talk to those members in the group who will be affected by it before you submit your request.
Plotting: Everyone is always posting in the OOC they’re looking for plots so this is for those who would like to be set up with someone for a plot. Like a constant plot roulette. Remember that if we don’t get enough people looking for plots we can’t set up anyone. Please be patient as we wait for forms. 
For those of you who are mobile a lot there is a mobile navigation link in the description so you can still send in your requests. Requests sent into the main page will be deleted. Things need to stay organized please. 
Also remember when you submit your forms to check off the tag that belongs to the form you’re filling out. If you don’t know what we’re talking about it’s this
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Thank you.
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We will once again start taking pregnancy related requests and start putting a list together. Remember only 3 can go on at a time. The next pregnancy plot happening is supposed to start in the middle of December that was approved awhile ago so once that starts we will be letting the next people on the list go so if you’d like to claim a spot please send in your requests. If you’re requesting a pregnancy scare or miscarriage you can send that in through the Other section for now but we’re going to be redoing this page over soon with more form options. 
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To make it easier for people who are mobile a lot we’ve added a mobile navigation link to the description. 
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I just sent messages out letting people know about their requests, if you didn’t get a message but you submitted something please let us know. 
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cdcrpg-playerservice · 10 years
Haven’t had a chance to officially tell you guys about this page. The Player Service Page, or PSP, is where you go to request all your storylines. It’s also the place you go to report any ooc issues you may be having. If there isn’t a form for exactly what you’re looking to do just fill out and submit the other form. At the bottom of the submit box please check off which form you just filled out since sometimes when they get submitted it’s hard to tell.
Please allow up to 2 days for the admin team to review your request before you message us about it.
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