cdrlogic · 1 day
Noted Honorsexual, Capt Laurence of Temeraire.
Temeraire Twitter AU: Pride Edition
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Laurence possesses the following pieces of pride merch:
A Draconic Rights Association t-shirt made for the London Pride parade in 2019
A "tasteful" ace bracelet he bought from an independent artist at a similar event
Bi-coloured cufflinks that Granby got him for his 43rd birthday
He only ever wears any of them at Official Pride Events(tm). His explanation is they're like a uniform. He wears them when he is officially being an Activist. Otherwise, he is a civilian, and he would no more wear them in public than his old green aviator jacket with the gold bars. All of his friends think this is Fucking Insane, but that's Laurence for you.
that's why this all happens:
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cdrlogic · 5 days
truly the wildest thing about all the Bridgerton discourse about "is Nicola Coughlan too FAT to be a convincing love interest???" is that in many ways she actually looks better in the period costumes than her thinner counterparts because she has the figure to really fill them out. those dresses are incredibly flattering on larger bodies because they emphasise the bust and cleavage whilst creating a very elegant silhouette. there's something unintentionally hilarious about hearing pearl-clutching in the distance over "idk is this FAT WOMAN sexy enough to be believable as an object of lust??" whilst Penelope Featherington's majestic heaving bosoms are almost spilling out of her dress in a category 5 titty event. if anything she's too sexy. they had to spend the first two seasons putting her in ugly dresses in a desperate attempt to conceal the fact that she's serving more cunt than the entire itty bitty titty committee combined
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cdrlogic · 5 days
reblogging bc this was a truly great breakdown of a truly ridonk style, but also bc these things don't need JUSTICE. Certainly not RESPECT. Just a whole heaping helping of "look at what rich-ass dipshits got fully trolled into wearing!"
Karolina Zebrowska has also gotten onto the justice for regency English court dresses trend.
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cdrlogic · 14 days
The Tolkien gods are... our man Jirt. And he was notorious for avoiding grading papers.* You're good.
If Christopher's his TA, though, you are fully screwed. The man cannot, will not let a nit go unpicked.
*Recall that it was while avoiding his accumulated mounds of ungraded work that he came up with the first line of The Hobbit.**
I swear writing even the most casual of Tolkien fanfiction feels like writing a historical research paper. I feel like I need to site my sources in proper Chicago-Style citations or the Tolkien gods will give me a sub-par grade.
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cdrlogic · 16 days
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The Danish training ship “Georg Stage” (1934) dresses in rainbow colour, 2021 
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cdrlogic · 21 days
something my mum always taught us was to look for the resources we're entitled to, and use them. public land? know your access rights and responsibilities, go there and exercise them. libraries? go there and talk to librarians and read community notice boards, find out what other people are doing around you, ask questions, use the printers. public records offices? go in there, learn what they hold and what you can access, look at old maps, get your full birth certificate copied, check out the census from your neighbourhood a hundred years ago. are you entitled to social support? find out, take it, use it. does the local art college have facilities open to the public? go in, look around, check out their exhibit on ancient looms or whatever, shop in their campus art supply store. it applies online too, there is so much shit in the world that belongs to the public commons that you can access and use if you just take a minute to wonder what might exist!!!
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cdrlogic · 25 days
Did Sir Gawain write this?
kiss another dude’s wife and then make it up to him by kissing him too
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cdrlogic · 1 month
Listen if the study of ancient humans doesn’t make you at least a little bit emotional idk what to say.
I started crying today at the museum because they had reconstructed the shoes of Otzi the iceman.
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Either he or someone he knew who cared about him made these shoes out of grass and bear skin and twine and he was wearing them when he died over five thousand years ago.
And a Czech researcher and his students did reconstructions of these shoes and wore them to the same place where he died to test them out and they were like yep! These shoes are really cozy and comfy and didn’t give us blisters while hiking!
Is that not just the coolest shit ever????
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cdrlogic · 1 month
The plus is for an extra chicken nugget.
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cdrlogic · 1 month
Horrible(affectionate) thing with legs!
(it's so CUTE)
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airplane i made 4 my friend
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cdrlogic · 1 month
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cdrlogic · 1 month
Dawww! Is that ok for your human, tho? They can get achy necks really easily!
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this is how I’ve been sleeping
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cdrlogic · 1 month
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Saturn Moon Has All Ingredients Needed for Life…
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cdrlogic · 1 month
Also of note, "toothpaste" is a specific paste to put on your tooth, and not, you know, just any old paste you put in your mouth.
'identity' is literally spelled 'id entity.' they have played us for fools
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cdrlogic · 1 month
Ditto the Croques, Monsieur et Madame. Delicious, no argument. But a joke of a sandwich, as one simply must eat them with a fork and knife, or end up with delicious goo all over one's hands like a deeply satisfied barbarian.
A grilled cheese gone so far rogue as to become a casserole.
My problem with using glazed donuts as a burger bun does not lie within the healthiness of said burger. High fat high carb food without enough fiber in it exists. This is a known fact. My problem with the glazed donut bun is that it takes away most of the convenience of the burger.
Like a burger is a perfect entity. It is perhaps one of mankind’s greatest inventions in terms of its versatility and convenience, right up there with the humble taco or hand pie. But when you use a glazed donut as the bun suddenly there’s glaze all over your hands. All of the convenience of the mighty burger is now gone. Its messiness is completely uncontained. You might as well be dipping your hand into a vat of icing for how well this sandwich is functioning as a sandwich.
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cdrlogic · 2 months
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"The highly anticipated Criterion Collection release of 'Goncharov' has cinephiles buzzing. Directed by the legendary Scorsese, this cinematic gem is a must-have for collectors, offering stunning visuals and insightful commentary. Available now on DVD and Blu-ray."
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cdrlogic · 2 months
Wait a minute. WAIT. a MINUTE.
How do we know that Medusa is ugly? Maybe she just got magic stone-turning powers. Once she turned someone to stone, how are they going to tell people "yah, she was ugly and therefore I turned to stone for Reasons"? They're stone! They never un-stone! Even Jason Perseus [thanks for the correction] never sees her face clearly, but distorted on a reflective (but not a mirror) shield.
Yeah, everyone looks scared when they turn to stone, they just got hit by a petrification ray! that shit's gotta be horrifying!
AND SHE IS CORRECT to turn everyone who comes to her lair HOME into stone bc they are invariably coming to kill her!
Who is telling us she's ugly and that's why the stone thing? The Gods, of course. Who would know. But why would they tell the truth?
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