cecekeating · 2 months
Jordayla S6 Finale Commentary pt.2
I also feel we need to know if Billy knew/was close to the uncle and whether Laura is even aware of this aspect of Billy’s life. If you recall in the wedding episode for Jordayla, when they announced Jordan and Layla as Mr and Mrs for the first time, the camera panned to Laura and GW before Jordayla. Laura’s outfit matched Jordan’s suit and it was the same material as Layla’s wedding dress. Laura and GW also gave Jordan marital advice. I saw all of this as a hint that Laura and GW will be the support system for Jordayla, especially on Jordan's end. This uncle arc is a perfect way to introduce them.
Another angle with GW, Jordan and this new uncle is to have GW and the uncle not get along at all and possibly hate each other and Jordan, being one to try and make peace is caught in the crossfire. This will likely be similar to season 1 where GW and Billy were at loggerheads on how to be there for Jordan as a footballer. Again, if the uncle is in the sports/football career path, slam dunk!
Now let’s talk about Layla. I don’t know about you but I am calling that motherhood arc for her next season. I am putting my money on 7a being when we find out about the pregnancy. I can also see the pregnancy being a storyline on its own - with the writing showing us how Layla is coping with pregnancy. Remember she has a history with mental health and it is not weird at all if we have her worried about slipping into depression since she has a history. The pregnancy arc can also be a good way to revisit Monica Keating. A big fear of Layla this season was the fear of ending up like her mother. We got a resolution of that fear in relation to Layla’s career/impending marriage. A pregnancy arc will be a good way to show us the resolution of that fear from the place of motherhood. From a writing perspective, this would hit harder if she begins to bond with Amina during her pregnancy. We also have her label. What will it be like as a pregnant woman running a business?
Another sidenote: I did think Layla leading the line of women to get Liv ready was a sort of foreshadow as her being sort of the female lead of the show. And she was seated next to GW and on the same seat with Laura - the woman of the house vibes. 
So happy Jordayla got the Baker house. I think we have been calling it for a while now. The Baker house is home for them and they get to keep the money they were planning to use to buy a house. Them getting the Baker house makes sense as the new Bakers and it has always been home for them, particularly Layla. Looking forward to seeing them live and build their lives in the Baker home next season. Them bickering over the cake slice was hilarious and super cute!  Jordayla is such an adorable married couple. 
So what will all this mean for Jordayla next season?
I personally feel season 7 will be similar to this season only that Jordan is likely going to be the one that has loads of stuff thrown at him- similar to Layla this season. I am still sticking to my theory in 612 that the Jordayla dynamic will flip and Layla will be the one looking after Jordan and being there for him. If she is pregnant, I can see some bit of their season 4 dynamic return with them coming through for each other at different times over the course of the season. My money though is on Jordan being the one that needs the most support in s7. 
So you can begin to see why the writing for Layla/Jordayla had to be airtight this season. Layla will need to be mentally and emotionally stable to support and care for Jordan this season. If we didn’t get this Jordayla arc this season, it would be difficult for the writing to convince us that Layla can actually support Jordan. Seeing her work through all her issues in what I consider to be one of AA’s most thorough arcs, will make sense when she begins to support Jordan and even as she navigates the pregnancy journey. 
So that is my yapping for this episode! I have loved writing this for you. If I have shared anything that makes no sense to you, please toss it out. Again, all I have written, I have written based on the established writing and what my writer/fan theory brain is telling me. I have no idea where NK is taking us to in S7 but I have a feeling I will be back with more Jordayla yappings! 
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cecekeating · 2 months
Jordayla S6 Finale Commentary pt1
Back with the final season 6 commentary for Jordayla. I have enjoyed writing these posts for you guys and I am so glad you enjoyed them. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me. I truly appreciate it.
So let’s get into Jordayla! I think a number of us predicted that this might be a crumbs episode for us. I was predicting that we would get at least one scene and I am glad my prediction came through! I was hoping I would get some confirmation of some of my theories from previous episodes but instead I got a way more open ended writing for Jordayla than I anticipated. 
Let’s start with the coaching job offer that we now know Jordan accepted. Remember the timing of this episode. It is literally a couple of hours apart from 614  so not a lot has been going on. Jordan has taken the job and in the process of helping Olivia pack, he finds a football playbook which he is super excited about. So one thing I can say is the passion for football is still in Jordan. He is excited to make use of the playbook on the job because right now, he doesn’t think the current QB is pulling his weight. I will say though that it was interesting that Olivia and Coop heard from Spencer about Jordan taking the job and not Jordan. I’m just saying!
I really thought about this scene a lot and the scene where Kai/Kia were on him for being distracted. Do you see how excited Jordan was studying the playbook? He was really invested and had to be told off for being distracted. This looks like a man that still has the fire for football in him. Him being a QB coach will likely make this passion more fierce as it is the position he has played all his life. 
So I am looking at this and I am seeing Jordan be very excited to coach the QB squad but as he continues to coach and study more of the playbook, the decision to pivot from the NFL dream may come back up. I would be very shocked if it didn't. So we will have Jordan who really loves his job as a coach being drawn to return back into football. 
Another angle can be he struggles to fit in on the job despite his excitement or he struggles to get through to his team which would make him realize that while he has the passion for football, his skills are better off playing football than coaching footballers. 
If this is the route NK is going, I will be seated because it is a very relatable storyline and one I know loads of audience members in their 20s and even 30s can relate to. You pick a path initially, you get there and you realize it is not what you expected or it ends up firing a dormant/abandoned dream in you. This is actually my personal journey and just like Layla’s mental health arc, I will be following Jordan’s arc closely to see what the writers come up with. 
It will make sense too if NK goes this route because the set up for Jordan will likely mirror NK’s personal journey. For those who don’t know, NK was an economist and worked in the field for a while before deciding to pursue TV/Screenwriting. She was working as an economist and writing plays for theater. Eventually, she decided to leave economics and pursue TV/Screenwriting. This actually happened when she was in her 20s. I can see NK wanting to tell that story through Jordan’s career arc -So having Jordan coach while he still desires to play pro or Jordan coaching and realizing playing pro is what he really wants. This also fits the character too as Jordan has always had issues with making firm decisions and struggles with self esteem. 
Another aspect to this arc is we don’t know his reasoning for taking the job. Because all I have said above can be a moot point depending on Jordan’s reasoning. So I expect to hear Jordan’s reasoning as to why he took the job next season. I am also thinking of Layla. I am assuming she is aware he decided to take the job and will be supportive. When the NFL comes back up, she will likely be a key person in that arc. If you recall in the last episode, she was the only person he talked about his decision to pivot from the NFL with. Like I said, she is tied to his football journey, not coaching journey so she will likely be involved more if/when Jordan decides he wants to play for the NFL. 
We also have the half older brother of Billy Baker. I have always known that the writers would bring Billy back up again. This time though, it would be related more to Jordan. Most of the memories of Billy have been via Olivia’s lens. We haven't really seen Jordan process his relationship with his father. Most times when Billy comes up in relation to Jordan, it is about Jordan trying to do things like him/please him (514) or Jordan convincing himself that he is in a much better place with losing Billy (601). Have it at the back of your mind that Jordan watched Billy die.  I don’t feel the writing has really tackled Jordan and Billy’s relationship with much depth.  I have always felt Jordan being married and possibly becoming a father would be a perfect avenue to revisit Billy. I can see Jordan become more reflective of his father’s actions now that he is a married Baker man. So this half brother can likely be a way for the audience to revisit Billy’s past. 
Now a key person with this arc will be GW.  Sidenote: I’ve also always felt GW would be central in Jordan processing his relationship with BIlly. If you notice in the wedding reception, GW was VERY upset talking about the picture. So there is something about this older brother that causes so much pain for Billy. This can be an avenue to flesh out Billy/GW and their relationship. We may understand why GW was the way he was with Billy and how it impacts Jordan, his relationship with Billy and his identity as a husband.  So this older brother arc will be a bit of GW/Jordan dynamic and possibly Jordan/new uncle dynamic. 
Sidenote: I actually had a head cannon for Layla that her long lost grandmother (Monica Keating’s mother) shows up unexpectedly in her life. I even had an outline and a draft version of a fan fiction for this - maybe this is a sign for me to dust that fanfic and complete it  for you.
With regards to the half older brother, I am not expecting the relationship to be smooth sailing. Jordan won’t be mean or rude but I can see Jordan and/or the uncle taking time to warm up to each other, seeing as the mere mention of this uncle upsets GW a lot. I can see the uncle being a reminder of Billy for Jordan especially at a time when Jordan is committed to moving on from the death of Billy. Having the uncle be someone in a sporting career would be fantastic to make the story more cohesive. 
continue in part 2
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cecekeating · 2 months
My 614 Jordayla Analysis/Commentary pt.3
Now let’s go back to the housing situation. After Layla has a brief chat with Preach, she realizes that what she and Jordan need is a home, not a house. I am happy to be wrong but so far, the writing is pointing to Jordayla taking over the Baker home. If you recall in 401 when she tells her father that “it is not about the house, it is about the home”. The next time we see Layla after that scene with her father, she is moving into the Baker house. The Baker house has been Layla's residence since S4 until she married Jordan. This house is also where she grew up with Jordan and Olivia since middle school. We even have a laylivia childhood flashback in that house. So home for Layla is the Baker house.
For Jordan, obviously, this is his childhood home but also in 517, he tells Spencer that the Baker house still feels like home even though Coop is now in his room. While there was an undertone of Layla who he considers his home living in the house, I still believe that Jordan always knows that the Baker house is where he will always call home. So I am expecting Jordayla to take over the Baker home and I will be very surprised if NK and Oby go a different route in 615 with this housing arrangement.
Jordayla pregnancy theories!  I feel this episode dropped major pregnancy hints through the writing. Between Jordan cooking for Layla, him patting her tummy and Layla wearing pink in this episode, I feel it is very clear that Jordayla will be getting a parenting arc. In the worst case scenario, the audience would likely find out about Layla being pregnant in the early episodes of S7. This is the worst case scenario. I am also sure of Jordayla having a daughter, I am not so sure of a son yet.
Now this brings me to the wild theory I am about to share with you.
I don’t know if it is me but have you noticed the writing sort of building up Amina and Layla? Starting from 611. I am beginning to think Amina might be the new gen character or at least one of the new gen characters. When we heard of the new gen stuff, I think a lot of us assumed it would be a coach Baker and Spencer type situation. I don’t know why we didn’t consider the fact that the new gen character will likely be a female character from Crenshaw being mentored by a new gen Baker who is female. It is definitely Billy and Spencer all over again but it is also different because we are looking at female characters. If this is the route NK is going, I am here for it because it will keep things fresh and allow the writers to be more creative. So I can see Amina likely being the new ‘Spencer’ that gets mentored by a Baker only that the Baker is Layla. 
From a storytelling perspective, this makes a lot of sense. Amina has quite a bit in common with Layla. Just like Layla she lost her mother at a very young age. Remember Amina’s mother is Mo (the main antagonist in season 3) and her uncle is Tyrone. Both her uncle and mother are/were gang members and her father Preach used to be a gang member. Preach, her father fired the shot that killed Mo, her mother. I don’t think Amina is fully aware of this yet. Amina had a pretty fleshed out arc in seasons 4 and 5 that showed her curiosity to know the truth about what happened to her mother. From season 4, you can see she sort of had an idea of what was going on. She was also involved in a custody battle between Preach and her grandparents. So just like Layla, she had a pretty tough background as a kid. So you can see there is already so much material with Amina’s character that the writers can pull from to bring in high stakes drama. 
There are also some hints in the writing that she is already in a ‘teen phase’ with Preach. Preach grounded her in this episode. I can see her having tensions with her dad which is similar to teen Layla in seasons 1 and 2 and a bit of season 3 and  the tensions she had with JP Keating. This tension can become something else if Amina eventually understands/finds out more about the circumstances surrounding her mother’s death and the role her father played in it. If the writers play their cards right, the Amina arc is already brewing to be a really messy drama on AA. For more complexity, the writing can have Amina struggle with grief, depression or for a change, become a wild rebellious teen that Preach struggles to handle and we have our hands full. 
With other characters, Amina fits in very well too. She knows Patience very well and since she did/does some drama in high school(611), I can see Patience step in here as Patience is a musician and also has broadway experience. Coop blends in so well here too. Coop was front and center in the custody battle, Coop knew her mother very well and other than Preach, Coop is likely the only other character that has a full picture on the lives of her uncle and mother. Again, another source of drama. 
Going back to Layla, the storyline has been strongly hinting on her being the mother of a little girl. Having Layla mentor Amina makes loads of sense as Layla can begin to process motherhood or prep for motherhood through the lens of supporting Amina. I can see her relationship with Amina force her to really think about what type of mother she wants to be for her daughter. This will land better if it happens while Layla is pregnant or if she has a newborn daughter. Both Amina and Layla being young women that lost mothers at a very young age, in quite tragic circumstances (murder and suicide)  takes the Layla/Amina dynamic to a deeper level. I can see the writing continue to flesh out Monica/Layla a little bit more too, especially as Monica Keating was a huge part of Layla’s arc this season.
So Amina being the new gen character that the show decides to focus on will not come as a shock to me. Again this is what I have seen from the writing. I don’t know NK’s plan and which actors she plans to bring back  but this is likely where I can see the writing on All American heading. If all the stuff I have written makes no sense, please throw it out. This is my writer brain, fan theory brain here and I just wanted to yap all about it. If you also have some extra theories, I would love to hear! DM on Twitter or on here and let us yap away!
This episode also sort of dropped clues on the vibe S7 will likely have. I am thinking the vibe shifts into a more lighter, feel-good, wholesome vibe with maybe a strong family vibe lean. There was just something very light about this episode because even the writing for Spelivia (who normally have their writing lean into more serious, angsty stuff) were written to be pretty light and comedic. The next episode seems pretty emotional too. I am thinking this will likely be the vibe next season and I expect the audience to change a little bit because of this shift.
So that is all the yappings for this episode. There are still some loose ends to tie up with Jordayla so I will surely be back next week with more yappings. I personally loved this episode and I am looking forward to seeing how NK closes season 6 for us. 
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cecekeating · 2 months
My 614 Jordayla Analysis/Commentary pt.2
Jordan’s arc is actually what I was interested in the most this episode. The writing on All American has somewhat been vague about the future of Jordan. I won’t blame the fans that have felt Jordan is not ambitious enough to them because unless you follow his arc VERY closely, it can actually come off as Jordan doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. I blame the writing for this. I will also hold my hand up and admit that I wasn’t a huge fan of the writing for the football arc this season at all - both for Spencer and Jordan. I felt there was a good idea on how the storyline would go but unfortunately it wasn’t executed in a cohesive manner and eventually fell flat for me.  This is just a personal take on the arc and I wish they landed the football arc a bit better this season.  
So this episode was quite important to me because I was keen to see what direction the writing was going to take with Jordan. We are now aware that there is the coaching route and the NFL route and Jordan needs to make a decision. Now you need to remember that Jordan is a character that struggles with self confidence and self esteem. A lot of his character development is tied to him believing in himself, standing up for himself and trusting his instincts. 
In season 4, the loss of confidence made him struggle as he tried to fit into the team. His whole arc that season was pretty much tied to that. With the help of Layla though, he is able to stand up to Wade Waters and eventually lead the team to win the homecoming game. 
In season 5, one of the major conversations he has with Billy in 501 was about him learning to make decisions on his own because he (Billy) won’t be there to tell him what to do anymore. His grief arc with him deciding to build the team from scratch and him deciding to propose to Layla despite being unsure about her response were two key decisions he made on his own. He learned to do things the ‘Jordan Baker’ way, on his own terms.
This season, in 608 he decided that he would personally draft on his own terms and when he is ready to, not based on the opinions of others and certainly not based on the opinion of coach Mac. So you can see in each season, Jordan slowly but surely, learns to look out for himself and to be more confident in himself. 
So now, Jordan is married and out of college. The job offers have been pouring in but he has been turning them down.  The job offers pouring in did not surprise me at all. If these offers are in sports related job offers, it makes sense that he is getting offers. 
Jordan Baker is an accomplished footballer. In high school, he led his team to two championships and repeated the same in college by leading his team to two national championships. He was also a Heisman finalist, something Billy never achieved and he was able to lead his team to win the homecoming game in his first gig as the starting QB. Jordan being able to achieve all these shows that he is not a mediocre player. He is also a fighter because in the midst of this all, he survived two concussions and a broken hand. He didn’t give up then and was resilient and continued to play the game he loved.  All these qualities make him highly desirable and like I said, it didn’t come as a shock to me that he was getting loads of offers.
However we find out  that Jordan had a concussion at the last championship game that he won for GAU and it is why he has to pivot from the NFL dream. Jordan tells Layla that pivoting from the NFL “was a good decision right?” Layla agrees with him. She explains that after seeing what he went through with the concussion, it was the right thing to do. Jordan admits that winning the championship was worth the concussion though. 
So I can be way off here but the first thing I picked from this scene was Jordan being a bit pretty bummed about the fact that he had to pivot from the NFL goal. He tries to get reassurance from Layla about whether he made the right choice, and to be very honest, Layla didn’t sound convinced too that it was the right thing to do. On her end, it was almost like “I support you if you feel this is the best decision for you”. I don’t know if you feel me but there was something about these reactions that made me feel BOTH Jordan and Layla are still not sure about the decision to pivot from the NFL dream. This was what I personally picked up as I watched. Happy to be wrong though. There is also Jordan saying that getting his second chip was worth the concussion. This sounds like a man that still has the fire to play football burning inside of him. If you pay attention to the entire episode, Layla is the only person that he tells this. She is the only person that has an insight into Jordan’s heart for the game. Whether she recognises it or not is still hidden and would likely come up later. She seems concerned about his health though. That is what she is worried about. She is not concerned about legacy or keeping Billy's memory alive. She just wants him to prioritize his health.
Now contrast this conversation with Layla to the conversation/interactions he has with Spencer, Preach and Coach Bob. All these characters spoke of him taking up the coaching job as a way to honor/preserve the legacy of Billy. I found the Crenshaw coach to be a little bit too intense for my liking to be honest. But all through the episode, you could see the whole “keep your dad’s memory alive through this coaching gig” theme going on for Jordan. It doesn’t help that he was unable to express himself in most of those conversations because he was on voice rest. Now I feel Jordan’s inability to speak most of this episode is symbolic and for a particular reason but I need 615 to air before I can share to be sure it is what I think it is. 
With Jordan being silent though, the audience cannot get to hear what is on Jordan’s mind. He is listening to people and taking in what they say but he is not telling them what he is thinking or what is on his mind. Layla is actually the only person he processed the decision to pivot from the NFL dream with. We have also not seen him talk to her about taking up this particular coaching job. She probably knows he has an offer but there is nothing to suggest Jordayla has actually talked about this job offer offscreen. 
So I am looking at this and I am thinking whatever decision Jordan makes, whether it is to go back on the NFL route or take the coaching gig, Layla will likely be a major influence in making that decision. The writing has always tied her strongly to Jordan’s football journey. 420 and 514 were examples of moments when Layla’s guidance has been a light for Jordan as a footballer. Her confrontation with him in 416 gave him the courage to stand up to Wade and begin to believe that he could actually become QB1 in his freshman year.  In 603, apart from her keeping up with his stats, Layla reminds Jordan to focus on himself and the amazing season he is having. Jordan being mute throughout is to remind the audience that despite what everyone thinks, Jordan’s voice on this matter is the most important and it is all that matters. That is why the episode ended with the matter inconclusive. 
We did have a moment where Jordan sits in the office that used to be for Billy and smiles to himself. That smile could mean a lot of things but I am thinking that the smile meant in that moment, Jordan finally realizes what he actually wants to do. Remember this happens after he looks at the blank wall before a photo of Billy’s jersey and number appears on the wall. 
The next episode will likely let us know where Jordan decides to go. 
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cecekeating · 2 months
My 614 Jordayla Analysis and Commentary
Hey guys! Back after the hiatus with a pretty good episode. I personally loved this episode and it actually exceeded my very low expectations. I am beginning to understand that in order to enjoy All American episodes, it is best to keep all your theories/expectations aside and watch each episode with little to no expectations. If your expectation gets met, hurray. Celebrate, tweet about it if you can and after celebrating begin to prepare to lower your expectations for the next episode. So far, this has worked for me.
So we got to see Jordayla in their married era! I am so pumped about this and not gonna lie, I was nervous because I wasn’t sure on what to expect. These two episodes, while created to close out Spencer’s arc, will also serve as a teaser on what season 7 might look like. I was nervous about the direction the writing will take when it comes to Jordayla as a married couple but so far, I am impressed. 
The Jordayla dynamic still felt the same but also felt different in this episode. Now I am gonna pause here and talk about the Jordayla chemistry. I can’t be the only one that has noticed how the chemistry of Jordayla shifts to match the current stage of their relationship. In season 4b, the chemistry of Jordayla as friends was different to the chemistry of Jordayla in season 5a when they were still in the honeymoon, puppy love stage. The chemistry shifted again in season 5b after the death of Billy. This period matured Jordayla’s connection and if you recall, they said I love you to each other for the first time during this period. The chemistry shift happened again this season in 6a. You can tell if you watch their scenes again that they were in the engagement/stepping off of the engagement bliss phase until episode 606. By 608, Jordayla’s chemistry shifted again and the connection matured deeper. They were still so cute but you could tell they have also grown.  Season 6b Jordayla was a mature Jordayla- still goofy and light but also pretty mature especially on Jordan’s end. Now in this episode we see the chemistry shift to an actual married couple chemistry and it actually feels like they have been married for over a year!! You can also see maturity too.  It doesn’t feel forced at all. Personally,  their dynamic has always given married couple vibes; it can be why married Jordayla lands so well for me but in other episodes, I could still tell that they were dating/engaged. This time, all I see is Mr and Mrs Baker! In most shows, once the ships get married, there is normally a wear off of the momentum for me. With Jordayla however, they still feel fresh, like there is more to explore with them and see as they grow as a married couple.
Whatever the hell NK in conjunction with MikeGreta laced Jordayla with, I don’t know but damn it's good!!!  Married Jordayla is such a SERVE and I for one, am here for it. 
This episode also shed a bit more light on how their dynamics would likely be going forward. The vibe is still light and rom com to me. I was anticipating the writing, maybe adding some extra tidbits because you know, this is All American but no, they have still stuck to the established Jordayla dynamic.  You can see Jordan and Layla are truly the same person and both are overthinkers too! I don’t know why some Jordaylas are surprised about Layla being an overthinker. Have you forgotten how she spiraled in 412 when she jumped into the conclusion that JP was dying? That woman is Jordan Baker 2.0, she is just more subtle with her chaos. 
I did feel Layla had a lighter, somewhat goofy vibe to her and Jordan was a bit more serious. Sort of showing us that they have rubbed off on each other. I actually expected this for a couple that has been married for over a year. You can also see how they care for each other so much- Layla, being worried about his health and checking if he has a fever. But also how annoyed they can get with each other - I was cracking up at Layla saying that she would kill Jordan for the entertainment choice at the party and a few minutes later suggesting that they should have actually gotten the strippers instead of the magicians.
I was also here for Asher being a hardcore Jordayla stan this episode. That man was determined to continue his interrupted best man speech this episode. I love how Asher said Jordayla are the same person and as long as they have each other, they are going to be fine. 
Asher told no lies because this is a core Jordayla dynamic that has been established in the writing. They belong to each other and they are all each other needs. This is why difficult moments bond them. It is why anytime they have angst, it makes them much closer and it takes them one step forward. We saw this after their first fight, after the death of Billy and when Layla went through it with her mental health battle and recovery. In all these tough moments, Jordayla has only grown closer and chosen to love each other deeply. I see this continue to be their dynamic going forward. 
So we officially begin married Jordayla diaries with Jordan making Layla breakfast. Jordan taking care of Layla in this manner has been my head canon for a married Jordayla since season 5a. It is totally on brand for Jordan to cook for his wife and I am so glad Micah and Carrie were on beat! Now let’s talk about this housing situation. I was very surprised when I found out they still live at the beach house. I would have loved an explanation from the writing as to what happened to the place they found originally in 612. Was it initially rented and they are now in the beach house temporarily now that they want to buy a home? Or is the place they found in 612 the same place they have been trying to buy for 15 months? I just needed something to tie 612 to this episode.
Anyway, Layla announces that they are actually close to buying their own home. You can see how unsure they are about owning a home, indicating there is still something about the house. Jordan then switches the topic to him getting a job by the time they move into the house.
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cecekeating · 3 months
My 613 Jordayla Analysis and Commentary pt 3
Finally we had the parent theme come up again in Olivia’s MOH speech. It was so sweet and I loved how Olivia said special words to them using Billy and Monica. Something I picked up with the speech is how Olivia told Jordan he is now Layla’s husband after wishing it since middle school and her assuring him that he would be awesome at it. Again, I am seeing that ‘Jordan as a husband storyline’ flashing again.
Now to the big one. Spencer getting drafted at the wedding. I was initially of the opinion that there was no need for this. I felt both moments should have been separate moments but I had to put my feelings aside and see things objectively. Here is what I think. I feel having Spencer get drafted at the wedding and Jordayla sharing that moment of joy with him is poetic as to the love Jordan and Layla have.
Jordan and Layla have pure hearts and despite what both characters have been through, one thing that has been constant is their hearts and how they love others. We saw this with Jordan coming through for Simone, Jordan worrying about his success affecting Spencer’s numbers and also Jordan being there for Olivia as she struggled with grieving their dad. 
With Layla, she has come through for Coop and Patience with their music, she helped Spencer with Dr Spears’ details when he was coming off the trauma of the shooting and she has been there for Olivia, reminding her of how good her instincts are during the NIL article drama and more recently, she helped her find her way with marketing her children’s book. 
Then with each other, they love each other selflessly. Layla went through the motions of grief with Jordan in season 5. Bear in mind that they were secretly dating and had been dating for only a few months. Layla shared that burden of grief with him and even shared her most valued possession, the memory of her mother through song. 
This season, Jordan was Layla’s strength as she navigated the difficulty with her mental health. 608 showed just how selfless their love for each other is. Because of his pure heart, Jordan was willing to let the girl he had dreamed of since middle school go, if it meant she would be whole again. Because of her pure heart, Layla refused to let go and instead chose to face her demons for Jordan. She was even willing to do anything (like throw a surprise wedding) to fight not to lose Jordan. Look at how she took a huge risk with her medication because she felt she wasn’t showing up as she should for Jordan. It wasn’t a wise decision, but it goes to show the sacrifices Layla was willing to make for Jordan. 
These are moments I can remember off the top of my head but you get what I mean. 
Having Spencer get good news and share that moment with family at their wedding speaks to the love, the selfless love that embodies Jordayla. Like I said, they are written as the light on the show. In the darkness of losing Billy, their ‘coming out dinner’ made everyone laugh and joke around. Olivia smiled for the first time in her grief when she found out about them. So they are a light and having their wedding reception be the place where Spencer moves from the darkness and disappointment of not being picked for the draft to eventually being drafted is so poetic to me. 
I know most fans found that arc annoying and disappointing but I choose to see light and joy in the little things. However, I completely understand if you are upset by the writing decisions. I feel in a way it is valid. 
The time jump surprised me but I got to see married Jordayla. Y’all they look so married. It doesn’t feel forced at all. I was telling my Jordayla council on Twitter that you know how you see wedding bands on some men and it feels off, this is not Jordan Baker at all. That wedding band suits him so well and Jordayla actually looked like they have been married for a while. Like they actually feel different from 601 Jordayla that was engaged. Looking to see what the last two episodes have for Jordayla. As always I would be yapping and these last two episodes may change a lot of the opinions I have shared here today or simply make me double down.
Time will tell.
We made it Jordayla nation!! We stuck with our ship and here we are with a married Jordayla! I see this as a huge win that should be appreciated and enjoyed. Our ship is about light and joy and I think we should all tap into that.
Looking forward to seeing the final episodes and writing more analysis for you wonderful human beings. Forever glad I am a part of this fandom <3
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cecekeating · 3 months
My 613 Jordayla Analysis and Commentary pt 2
We see the parents' theme again in this episode through the gifts given to Jordayla by Olivia and Laura. Loved the gift Olivia gave to Jordan and their sibling banter. It was super sweet and MikeSam always deliver with Baker twin moments. Them gossiping about Luke and Olivia organizing that prank had me laughing hard.
Laura’s gift to Layla was super sweet. Not only were the diamonds blue, a sweet callback to Billy and his fav color by the way, it was from her mother’s wedding necklace. So Layla had her something blue, old and borrowed. Very thoughtful on Laura’s part and also a fantastic callback to prom where Laura helped her with her earrings and they talked about her mom. Also, I just realized in the prom episode, Layla was missing her mom which was exactly what happened on her wedding day! I have always wanted a moment where Laura tells Layla that she doesn’t have to call her Mrs Baker anymore - I was kicking my feet when I eventually got to hear this. Again, we have Laura alluding to Layla having her own little girl - this is really making me think that the writing may actually explore a motherhood arc with her as a girl mom. I didn’t think so before but I am open to that possibility now. 
Now let’s talk about JP and Layla. I know some citizens of Jordayla nation were actually opposed to the idea of JP walking Layla down the aisle but hear me out. I know JP Keating wasn’t the best of dads but one thing I will give to him is how he wanted the best for Layla especially as she grew older. He clocked Jordayla at that dinner she hosted in 412 and he encouraged her to open her heart. Say what you want to say about JP but I always consider that moment to be key in Jordayla’s arc. If he didn’t say anything, she wouldn’t have made that call to Jordan.
We see him come through again for Jordayla in 420 when he encourages Layla to stop using work to hide from something that scares her and in 517 when he talks to her about balance. Each time he talks to Layla, it brings Jordayla closer. Even in 401, he trusted Jordan to check on Layla by himself. Quite poetic that in that episode, Layla told him she would be safe with Jordan and well, here we are.  If you also pay attention to the Jordayla arc, he is actually the parent woven in strongly into their love story, as opposed to Billy and Laura. So I think it was fab to see him there and I loved that we got to see her dance with him. Even if it was for a little bit. 
Loved the moment Jordan shared with Laura and GW. If you pay attention to the conversation, they gave Jordan pieces of marital advice. We didn’t see that for Layla. Again, using my writer’s brain, this may mean the writing will likely explore Jordan’s identity as a husband and leader of a home. This can be a whole arc on its own or it can be tied to him being a father. Having Laura and GW give him advice may mean they would likely be his support system. Like I said, this is the writer's brain talking, if it makes no sense to you, throw it out.
Then let’s talk about the moment they became husband and wife. Having the moment be a comical moment is very Jordayla. Remember, they are the light ship of the show and I think their theme is about joy and young love. So their wedding having moments of jokes and laughter is on brand and spot on. 
Spencer told no lies with his speech. Jordayla’s love is worth the wait. Jordan had to wait from middle school until freshman homecoming to get his first kiss with Layla. He waited for her to be his girlfriend, waited for her to be ready for them to go public, waited for her to be ready for sex. Even in this season 6, Jordan waited for her to go through her recovery process in her own time and pace. The love of Jordan that is immensely patient is why Jordayla is where they are today. 
We also have Spencer alluding to them sticking through tough moments. Again, this season was proof and evidence of how regardless of how messy life is, Jordayla will never give up on each other. Again, Spencer in his speech brought in Monica and Billy - The parent theme continues again. I got my wedding kiss and I got them exchange rings - full circle moment from 504. I am not mad at all.
More in part three
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cecekeating · 3 months
My 613 Jordayla Analysis and Commentary Pt 1
Okay, so I am starting with a highly unpopular opinion. I really didn’t think this episode was too bad. For a B ship, I thought the episode was actually okay. I know we would have loved to see more wedding moments but I feel the writing sprinkled these moments into the show starting from season 5.
In 503, we had a wedding dress shopping parallel with Layla and Grace where Layla was trying on dresses for Jordan. She ended up choosing a dress that looked like at least a wedding reception dress. In 514, we had a ladies spa day with Patience, Laura and Layla. I am taking this as a bridal shower-esque moment. Then in this season 611 had them say mini vows, 612 gave us a best man speech and wedding dance. It is the reason why Asher’s speech was cut off. We already got what I considered to be a solid best man speech that really tied up Jordayla’s love story. 
For this episode, I felt the writing wanted to focus on arcs for Jordayla that have never been touched upon but were also important. I also felt the writing dropped some clues on where it might be heading for Jordayla in this episode and even though Jordayla didn’t share loads of moments together, the writing still said so much about their love and their dynamic.  So without further ado, let’s get into it. 
I am starting with the first Jordayla scene they had alone. Just realized it was the only one too. Jordan is looking for his shirt and Layla almost sees him. In order not to jinx things, they decide to stand back to back. Even when they are not facing each other, you could still feel so much chemistry. Jordan declaring Layla as the queen had me kicking my feet. Again, the writers don’t miss it with Jordayla because even without Jordan seeing Layla, he still knew her facial expressions! - Name a ship doing it like them. I’ll wait.
Layla admits to Jordan that she misses her mother’s presence and Billy’s presence. This is a key arc with Jordayla that has never really been touched upon and it was a big theme for their wedding. As someone who lost her dad as a young adult and would never get to have him walk me down the aisle, I personally appreciate this moment. That grief never goes away and it always comes back in big moments. So props to the writers for giving this super realistic moment.
Now let's talk about Jordayla and their parents. Both Jordan and Layla have lost parents. It is not lost on me that the relationship they both had with their late parents and the loss of their parents had a huge impact on them as individuals.
While there is evidence that Monica Keating loved Layla, we cannot deny the impact her death had on Layla and how her battle with mental health caused loads of trauma for Layla. There is a reason why this season emphasized on this strongly in the writing. A lot of the issues Layla had as a teen was partly tied to Monica, her struggles and eventual passing. 
With Jordan, I think we all know how Billy’s parenting impacted Jordan as well, especially as a teenager. Jordan’s insecurities and fears have a lot to do with the relationship he had with Billy. He also watched that bus fall off the cliff. He watched his father die in front of him and quickly, he had to learn to become the man of the house. That is a lot to unpack especially when you consider how quick he moved from losing Billy to becoming a husband. Based on the timeline of the show, it’s been less than five years. Jordan never had the chance to process all of this and there is nothing in the writing to suggest he did so off screen. 
So I am looking at this and the writer's brain in me is saying perhaps both Jordan and Layla will actually have arcs to navigate parenting. Since Layla has done some work in therapy, I can see the writing show how her healing impacts her journey as a mother and with Jordan, how his unresolved trauma will impact his journey as a father. I can see the writing bring up Jordan’s trauma just like they did with Layla but in his case, parenting will be his trigger. For Layla, getting engaged was her trigger. In my last write up I was saying it would be Jordan navigating parenting but I can see it for Layla too and it can even be written as a contrast to show how their separate journeys impact their parenting journeys. 
Now this is the fan theory/writer theory brain speaking but this parenting arc will hit harder if Jordayla has a boy and a girl. To be honest, I feel the wardrobe choices in 601 and 602 sort of dropped clues. In 601, their PJs were blue and pink and in 602, the episode had them both playing with AJ and by the end of the episode, we had Layla in pink and Jordan in blue. Pink and blue are traditional baby boy and baby girl colors.
While Jordayla screams ‘girl parents’, I am leaning into the ‘boy and girl’ parents because of their arcs. Layla navigating motherhood through the lens of being a girl mom will hit really hard and OMG, I don’t think Jordan processing/navigating his trauma will hit any harder than if he does it as the father of a little boy. He can do it as a girl dad but I feel the story will be stronger if he gets triggered after the birth of a son. 
This can mean two things: Jordayla has a twin boy and girl and the writing explores their parenting journey through the twins OR the writing has them have a baby girl first to deal with Layla’s arc and then have them have a baby boy later which would be a perfect arc to tackle Jordan’s issues. 
Again, I have no idea what NK has planned for Jordayla going forward or which actors are returning. What I have written, I have done by going off what I have seen on screen and what my writer brain is telling me. Please, if it makes no sense to you, throw it out.
More in part two
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cecekeating · 3 months
My 612 Jordayla Analysis/Commentary and Breakdowns pt 4
Thank you TV gods for giving me a Layla/Laura moment. I will eat the crumbs the writers threw at me today. I loved seeing Laura share a moment with Layla and Jordan. I would have loved a conversation bit like I said, I will take the crumbs. The moment Laura is out of earshot, Jordan lets Layla know that they need to talk. Jordan explains that he didn’t want to bring the conversation initially because she is in a much better place. Again, shoutout to the writing for continuity. Jordan is still thinking about Layla and being super considerate about her mental health.  Layla on the other hand wants to know if he has cold feet. She lets him know that he can tell her if he does. I thought this was super sweet. She wants to be there for Jordan and she is making an effort to create a safe space for Jordan, just like he has always done for her. Jordan assures her that he is fine but they need to talk about their future. 
This was where I heaved a sigh of relief. Layla has actually been thinking about the future and proactively got a place for them already. So do you see where the look she shared with Jordan in 606 comes in? She also confirms onscreen for the audience that she wants to have children “eventually”. That “eventually” line is kinda giving “sooner than later” to me. I mean is it a Jordayla storyline if stuff doesn’t happen earlier than expected?
Now there is also something I picked from this scene. As I watched, I felt this scene was hinting at the dynamic of Jordayla as a married couple. In this episode we saw Jordan worry about the future and we also saw something similar in episodes 602/603. It was even a point of contention and he admitted that he was so focused on the future that he forgot to just live in the moment with Layla. So it looks like the writing is sort of establishing a tendency for Jordan to be in over his head about wanting the best for his family and spiraling about it. This episode and previous episodes have not tackled this, leading me to suspect that this might be something he will struggle with in marriage, especially if Jordayla has a child. I can see him trying his hardest to be the best husband and father and being overwhelmed by it. This can be tied to his relationship with Billy. Because when you look at Jordan as a character, a lot of his fears and insecurities stem from Billy and how he parented Jordan. I have always felt the writing never tackled this and having Jordan navigate this in marriage makes perfect sense. 
Now for Layla, she will be going into marriage very much aware and informed. Therapy brought to light many of the issues she had with her parents and how she was raised and so in marriage, she is likely going to be the one supporting Jordan. Remember earlier in the write up I said Jordan has an understanding of Layla’s childhood and how it affected her as a teenager and an adult. This may mean that Layla would be more stable to handle parenting than Jordan since she has worked through her issues. Jordan hasn’t done so yet. So their season 6 dynamic may likely flip with Layla playing more of a support system for Jordan. That is why in this episode, we had her already do some proactive work to alleviate Jordan’s worry. Remember that she now understands that she and Jordan are a team. She told him that she has “got him” and “they are in this together” so if s7 has Layla support Jordan as he navigates being a husband and father, know that the seeds were planted here. 
Of course we don’t know NK’s plan for s7 but based on the writing, this is what I can see happening. 
Okay, that is all the yapping for this episode. I will be back with a lotta yapping once the wedding is aired and best believe, I am going to say all that I can remember. Thank you for supporting me, Jordayla Nation! There is no fandom I’d rather be in than with you guys! 
Next stop, the JORDAYLA WEDDING!!
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cecekeating · 3 months
My 612 Jordayla Analysis/Commentary and Breakdowns pt 3
This part of the conversation with Asher helped to tie up some pieces of the writing that I felt were left open for so long. Having them talk about the past and the fact Jordan was always in love with Layla was absolutely fantastic! Because you can begin to see the tension between Jordan and Asher in season 1 and how it makes complete sense now. From Jordan threatening to expose his misbehavior to Layla, to Jordan going in on him for dating the most popular girl in school and still complaining about things being rough. There was also the moment where Jordan was pestering Spencer about Asher moving in with Layla and why he wasn’t worried about it. In that same scene, Jordan walks away pissed when he sees Asher and Layla walking in the hallway together. At the time this didn’t make sense but hearing both men talk it out, brings it all together. 
This brings us to season 4 and the cabin episode where Jordayla have their first conflict as friends. In that episode, Jordan brings up Layla being distant and out of nowhere mentions that she slept with Asher. I remember watching this scene for the first time and thinking this talk about Asher  came out of nowhere and unprovoked! LIke you could tell he was jealous that she slept with Asher. Being direct and borderline confrontational was rightly too much for Layla and she pushed back. 
Hearing that Asher was well aware of Jordan’s feelings but dated Layla because he thought Jordan was over her brings that conflict in the cabin and Jordayla’s arc in season 4 into a whole new light. 
It was absolutely intentional on the part of the writing that Asher be the first guy Layla hooks up with post- Carrie and the trauma. It was also intentional that the writing had Jordan confront Layla and be direct about it. Hearing Layla slept with Asher triggered Jordan. If you pay attention to the episodes after the cabin episode, you can begin to see Jordan put in so much work to be there for Layla. 
Starting with Prom where he was nosey and wanted to find out about Clay. Then we had him in 412 volunteer to support Layla as she spoke to her dad about his health. We then had him bring food for Layla after she texted him  in 413 and of course  from 416 to 417, Jordan being by her side throughout as she worked through the trauma with Carrie. 
For Jordan, Layla hooking up with Asher was almost like losing her again like he did in high school. He was not going to let that happen under his watch and that was why, despite being in a relationship, he was 100% there for Layla and he never let her go. He fought hard, through the walls Layla had built, to get back the first girl he ever had feelings for. You can also begin to see where his obsession with Layla comes from. He thought he almost lost her again like he did in high school but he fought, won her heart and he was never going to let her go. She quite literally is his first ever love. At the time this was happening in season 4, Jordan had no idea that his care for Layla was rooted in his determination to not lose Layla again. I think this conversation where Asher reminds him of how Layla is his past, present and future sort of put things into perspective for Jordan.
Had it been another guy, Jordan would have not approached the situation like he did in the cabin. This is evidenced by how he reacted to Layla and her relationship with Clay in 413. He did question her but he eventually told her that he respected her decision. With Asher, he was direct, firm and borderline confrontational and kinda jealous about it. I don’t think he was that jealous of Clay. He was jealous of Asher. 
The conversation with Asher also touched on an aspect of Jordayla highlighted in Season 1 which I have always felt the writing never closed out. In 115, when they had a school project about their greatest influence, can you remember the voice over in the scenes for Jordan and Layla? They happen right after each other. For Layla, the voiceover talks about her greatest influence being someone who comes unexpectedly into her life, shows her a new world and teaches her it’s okay to let people in. This is the whole arc of Jordayla from s4-s6. Jordan actually came into Layla’s life at a point when she was not expecting him and through her relationship with him, she learned to open up and let him into her heart. No other arc demonstrates this than the mental health arc of this season. 
For Jordan, the voiceover talks about thinking you know the answer and then realizing that your greatest influence in your life might be someone else. Asher said as long as Jordan has Layla, he is not going to be driving blind. What the voiceover meant for Jordan was that while he thinks his father is his greatest influence as a footballer, it is actually Layla. Remember in that scene we have Jordan look at Billy’s office door just before the camera pans to GW asking him if he is ready. Using GW in that scene paralleled the role of Layla in Jordan’s life. Just as GW believed in him and his abilities, Layla also believed he was a great footballer and good leader. She was always so proud of him and his accomplishments and was his biggest supporter. Just look at all the games where she cheers him on! So for Jordan, as long as he has Layla, he has all he needs. His greatest influence as a footballer is not the expectation of Billy, his greatest influence is the woman who believed in him and still believes in him. 
Jordayla are each other’s greatest influences. 
Whew! We are now in the final Jordayla moment of the episode and I hope I haven’t lost you with my rambling. Let's head into part 4 to bring everything to a close.
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cecekeating · 3 months
My 612 Jordayla Analysis/Commentary and Breakdowns pt 2
Okay let's continue from part one
The second part of this house/children arc for Jordayla was to show maturity and growth on Jordan’s end. Like he mentioned to Asher, he always wanted to get married but he never thought past the “I do” phase and what that means for him.  This is a sharp contrast to Jimone where he was just focused on marrying Simone and not thinking at all about the future. It is a huge character development on Jordan’s end to think about the future and what he wants life to be with Layla. To be honest, if I didn’t see this in the writing, then all the character development for him this whole season 6 would be wasted. 
As we have seen him act so maturely in taking care of Layla, that sense of responsibility should be carried forward and this was a perfect arc to do so. Seeing him recognize the enormous responsibility of being a husband and (possibly) a father and seeing him process that with someone who shares similar traits with him (Asher) is a huge step up for Jordan. This time around, he understands that he is marrying Layla and he is going to spend the rest of his life with her. He knows it is important that certain things need to be handled and as the head of his family, he needs to think about his family’s future. In season 3, we had Laura talk to him about realizing what a huge step he was taking as he planned to marry Simone. This time around, we see Jordan understand by himself and think it through without the need to be told or warned. 
So Jordan comes back home and tries to bring up the whole living situation stuff and the whole baby talk. Layla, though, is laser focused on getting the seating chart done. They share some childhood memories about Jordan and Olivia’s goldfish that died in his care. Is it me or was this episode packed with so much callback to Jordayla and their childhood. Even with Asher and Olivia, we had some childhood callbacks. I can’t keep hearing about these childhood moments without seeing at least one childhood flashback. I just can’t. I need the TV gods to answer my prayers and give me something for this wedding episode.
Anyway, I was initially kind of nervous when Layla didn’t want to talk about the house and baby stuff. I was low key worried that she was being evasive but the final Jordayla conversation eventually  eased my worry. The pressing issue now was for Jordan to pick his best man so Layla can complete the seating chart. I thought this was sort of a flip in their dynamic from previous episodes. In early episodes, you can see Jordan be the one to point out what needs to be done to Layla. This was the dynamic as she was in recovery. In this episode, you can see Jordan sort of rub off on Layla as she wants Jordan to focus on what is important , which is picking his best man. 
So Jordan goes to see Asher and they talk. This was a very important scene in the whole episode because it really tied up and explained so many nuances in the show. It also reminded us of what Asher and Jordan have as friends and how far they have come. 
Before diving into Jordan and Asher and how it relates to Jordayla, I want to break down the best man storyline. First of all, congratulations to Asher for landing the role. As the character that had the true picture of Jordan’s love for Layla, he was actually the best option as the best man. I don’t even think Olivia was fully aware that Jordan liked Layla as a child. Asher would likely be the only character to know this and possibly, JJ. 
Since the Jordayla engagement happened, I have always put my money on Asher being the best man for the Jordayla wedding.
Callback to season 3 and the Jimone wedding. That was actually the foreshadowing that Asher was going to be best man. Apart from the pact they made as kids, in that wedding episode we actually had Asher do stuff that typically gets reserved for the best man. He helped Jordan get ready for the engagement party and he was the one that gave a toast. Even Spencer was like “you should have been the best man”. This was what made me call Asher to be the best man for the Jordayla wedding and I stuck with that theory till this moment.
So immediately I saw the synopsis for 612, I knew it was going to be Asher. 
Spencer is the obvious choice and most fans were actually predicting that the role was going to fall to Spencer. However, if there is anything I have picked from the writing on AA is how they don’t often do the obvious. Since Spencer was the obvious choice and we had an arc that follows Jordan as he makes the decision about who will be his best man, it actually meant the best man role will fall to Asher and not Spencer. Another reason why I knew it would not be Spencer was because Spencer was best man for the Jimone Vegas wedding. One thing the writing has been keen on doing is to contrast Jimone with Jordayla. This means not repeating what happened exactly with Jimone. So with Olivia being maid of honor (there was no doubt about this), I knew it would not be Spencer to show a difference with the Jimone wedding.
We also had the writing have Asher and Olivia interact a bit more this season, starting with Olivia looking after AJ and when they talked about reconnecting in relationships in 611. I knew the writing was heading somewhere with those small moments and it was likely going to end with them being best man and maid of honor for the Jordayla wedding. 
Now let us talk about Asher- Jordan and Layla and the past they shared together in the next part of this piece.
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cecekeating · 3 months
My 612 Jordayla Analysis/Commentary and Breakdowns pt 1
OMG!! My Jordayla bears are getting married!! I almost can’t believe it! Today’s breakdown is gonna be long! I hope you are seated and ready because we are gonna be doing a deep dive into some parts of the episodes that I feel needed some extra explanation.
We start off the episode with Jordayla practicing their wedding dance. They were so cute and this scene screamed YOUNG LOVE!! From Jordan and Layla being in super casual outfits to their banter while dancing and Jordan being a complete goofball with his dance idea. Episodes 606-610 had us seeing a very mature, stable Jordan as he led and helped Layla navigate her mental health journey. I am so glad the writers put us back on regular programming to remind us that Jordan is still the unserious, lovable goofball that he is.  We even had Jordan at the beginning of the dance take a sniff of Layla’s hair or was that a kiss on her head? All through that scene, you could just see a super young couple in love with each other. Can we also talk about that dip? Because I know I am not the only one that saw and felt the sexual tension there. Layla and Jordan looking deep into each other’s soul like their life depends on it! If this is a teaser of the actual wedding dance, I fear I might not survive when this wedding airs. If you want to fully appreciate that scene, I urge you to study the gifs that @supagirl_86 shared on Twitter. You won’t regret it. 
While dancing, we find out Olivia is now Layla’s maid of honor and this means Jordan will need to pick a best man within two days - a task Jordan finds conflicting. By the way, Jordan was so unserious for that comment about Layla not having any other friends. I guess it was payback for the coach Mac boyfriend jokes in episode 608.
So we see Jordan try to talk to Spencer about the whole bestman situation. This conversation then brings up the fact that Jordan and Layla have not fully discussed where they would live after marriage. It also makes Jordan realize that he has not fully thought about what happens after they get married. What will their future look like? You can see Jordan sort of panic here and although Spencer tries to assure him, it doesn’t do much to ease his worries.
As if it was planned, the next time we see Jordan in conversation with another male character, it is with Asher. They talk about work and again, this conversation brings to light the fact that Jordan and Layla have not discussed whether they want children. Something that really struck me was Jordan mentioning that Layla is an only child and she had a tough parental situation. This means Jordan has a full understanding and picture of Layla’s childhood and how it affected her. I want you to have this at the back of your mind because I will be expanding on this further in the write up. Jordan panics again because now he is not sure if Layla wants children. He wants to be a father but he doesn’t know if Layla is on the same page with him. 
I want us to pause here because when this came on my screen at first I was like “huh?”. How on earth will the writing tell us that Layla and Jordan have not communicated about being parents or wanting to live together? I thought about this for a while and I have concluded that there are two parts to this arc for Jordayla. 
The first part is the writing wanting the decision about having children and living together to be on screen with the audience being privy to Layla’s POV. It is super realistic that this came up at this time because the wedding got pushed up within a month. This means that there was so much that they never got to talk about and handle because they had to put finishing touches to the wedding plans. I think the biggest reason why Jordayla did not also have this conversation is due to what they went through this season. Everybody and their mama knows that Jordan and Layla went through it with her mental health and the recovery process. Layla was not in the right headspace at all to discuss living arrangements or even having children. All through this mental health journey, Jordan was laser focused on Layla being her best mentally and emotionally. There was no time to discuss housing plans or even parenting. Don’t forget that Jordan wanting them to look to the future and eventually move in together was actually one of the causes of her triggers and eventual decision to wean off her medications. We all know how that went. 
It totally makes sense that Jordan and Layla have not had a full blown discussion about where to live and whether they want children when you consider what they had to deal with as Layla struggled with her mental health. 
Now let us go to the cabin episode in 606. I know a lot of the citizens of Jordayla nation brought up this episode to push back at the writing for Jordayla in this episode. This cabin episode was used to plant the seeds on two key issues that Jordayla will handle before marriage - home and children.  In the scene where they are talking about their top three priorities, can you remember the look Layla shared with Jordan when Catience spoke about buying their own home? I remember watching that scene and predicting that Jordayla had either discussed their housing situation OR Jordan/Layla had made plans about getting a home. That part of the scene was sort of a foreshadowing that the living situation will be discussed in future. Remember that this happened after the whole back and forth with Jordan wanting Layla to move in with him.
In that same scene, we had Jordan share his top three priorities. When he said he wanted to marry Layla, we saw Layla’s reaction. She gave a huge smile indicating that she was on the same page with him. When he spoke about starting a family however, we didn’t see Layla’s reaction. That scene established that Jordan wanted a family and what the writing wanted to do by not showing Layla’s reaction was to have the audience wondering if that was what Layla wanted as well. We saw her reaction to wanting to get married, why didn’t we see her reaction to starting a family? This however flew over our heads because it was already canon in episode 406 that Layla wanted to be a mom. So there was nothing for us as the audience to guess or wonder about as we already knew she wanted to be a mom one day. 
In a way, episode 606 was written to have the audience ask the questions: would Jordan and Layla get their own place after marriage and does Layla want to start a family with Jordan? Episode 612 answered those questions and sort of brought it full circle. It is also not lost on me that this episode that dropped clues on Jordayla and their future was the same episode where Layla mentioned that her number one priority was marrying Jordan and they should set a date for the wedding. They were on course to plan the future until the incident with the vandalism set them back. 
I continue in part two.
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cecekeating · 3 months
My 611 Jordayla Commentary/ Analysis and Breakdowns
Okay, not gonna lie, I didn’t want to write this. I thought nobody was really looking forward to these posts until @chitra tweeted about waiting for them. Thank you for that tweet! It reminded me to keep going because people love what I do even though they don’t say it out loud. To all my readers, especially the silent ones, thank you so much! Your support means so much to me.
Okay, now I have written my sappy thank you post, lets get into why we really come here, Jordayla. When I say Jordayla was absolutely so cute this episode….
We start 611 Jordayla with them getting ready for their couple’s getaway. Jordan being concerned that Layla didn’t mention him in her vacation plans had me chuckling. She tells him that he will be there to bring her drinks and fan her by the pool . Jordan Baker agrees with no hesitation to be her pool boy. When it comes to boy obsessed, Jordan Baker is the standard y’all
An email comes through for both of them saying the wedding venue they booked has an earlier spot opened. 
When I read the synopsis for 611 on Twitter, I suspected the writers were going to pull a “Mondler” with Jordayla. I remember messaging my Jordayla council (y’all know yourselves) on Twitter to tell them that the writers were likely gonna have Jordayla experience something similar to Mondler. To recap, for those that have watched the show Friends and those that have not watched, Monica puts her and Chandler down for a wedding venue spot two years in advance. The venue later calls back to let her know that an earlier spot opened and that if she would like to book it, she could.
 Unfortunately or fortunately, Chandler was the one who got the voicemail. At this time, Monica was at a stage with Chandler where she didn’t want to pressure him into marriage (similar to Jordan wanting to take it easy with Layla and not rush her). The venue incident however, becomes the catalyst for Chandler to go ahead with his decision to propose to Monica. This happens in the 6th season of Friends by the way. 
Jordayla and Mondler share a lot of traits and dynamics. Apart from having a strong rom-com vibe, they share the secret dating arc and the best friend’s brother/best friend’s sister trope. Chandler/Layla were able to heal from their past traumas due to the love and stability given to them by Monica/Jordan, Mondler/Jordayla are also a ‘late in the series’ ships and are totally boys obsessed with their girlboss/Type A girls. They also have a similar ‘we are a team’ dynamic and always attack their issues head on as a team. 
Mondler also attempted to have a shot gun surprise wedding in Vegas that they didn't go ahead with. Jordayla had a surprise wedding they didn't go ahead with in 609!
The actors for Mondler/Jordayla are/were best buds in real life and the biggest stans of their ships. The late Matthew Perry ( who played Chandler) refused to allow the writers have him cheat on Monica. Just like Mike Behling is defensive and protective of Jordayla, Matthew was very protective of Mondler. Finally, the tv wedding of Mondler was 15 May, the same date the CW aired the Jordayla engagement. On a personal note, Mondler is actually the ship I consider to be the blueprint when it comes to TV ships for me. I never thought any other ship will come close to them. Jordayla proved me wrong. Today, Jordayla and Mondler are the standard for me.  I don’t know if it is intentional but the Mondler- Jordayla tether is so strong.
Back to Jordayla! They are able to lie about their emails and we eventually see why. Spelivia comes along and I thought they were all so funny. Why the writing team never leaned into the Spelivia/Jordayla dynamic until last minute is baffling. They play off each other so well. I found it funny that Jordan was counting the amount of luggage Spelivia had with them at the same time Layla was realising they all belonged to Olivia and not Spencer. The hand gesture as it clicked for Layla was hilarious. It was a small moment but it showed Jordan knows his twin sister very well. 
They try to check in only to find out Jordan booked the wrong dates. Why Jordan was given this task is beyond me. Layla the planner was right there!! I need Layla to please be in charge of planning the honeymoon and every family vacation henceforth. Jordan should be banned for life from all planning activities. He can create the vacation moodboards on Pinterest to set the vibe while Layla handles the logistics. Layla slamming the phone on Jordan’s chest took me out though. 
 Anyway, Jordan messing up the booking leads to the gang spending their spring break as camp counsellors at Crenshaw. They did try to book something last minute though. The moment with the camera spinning on them as they tried to book alternatives was HILARIOUS!  Layla suggesting Catalina was epic! She must have loved the last spring break trip to Catalina. 
Side bar: The core four also played off nicely with Preach. When he called Olivia, Layla, and Jordan bougie-ass Beverly kids, I laughed so hard. Jordan was ready to throw hands with a high schooler because of Layla and Olivia …. That boy does not play!
We move along in the story to see Layla and Jordan confide in Spencer and Olivia about the email they got. This whole interaction while it was about the wedding venue, had undertones of high schoolers telling their besties about their crush on the other person. I don’t know if it was just me that got that vibe. Then we had Jordayla sneaking small glances at each other. Like the cutest thing ever. I am saying it here and I will keep saying it- High school Jordayla would have ATE!! and I am so sorry I was not high school Jordayla’s writer. 
In this scene we now understand why Jordayla didn’t want to talk to each other about the email from the wedding venue. They were both sacred. Layla was sacred that Jordan will think she is spiraling and Jordan was sacred Layla might feel pressured. Remember their previous arcs in 608 and 609. Jordayla love each other so much and I personally thought their fears were valid and came from a good place. They were being considerate of the other person. This does not mean they miscommunicated. Having them process their thoughts with Spencer and Olivia too does not mean that they can’t communicate. Remember both of them had no idea that they got the same email. There is nothing wrong with thinking things through with the help of your friends. They were simply doing that with Spelivia just like the other times they have helped Spelivia think and process things through in the past. Regardless of what has happened, these people are still friends that love and care for each other. 
Spencer and Olivia encourage Jordan and Layla to talk to each other about how they are feeling. This brings us to one of the most comedic scenes of the entire episode. 
Again, still continuing with the parallel of having a high school crush, Jordan and Layla try to talk about the email. I fell out when Olivia pushed Spencer so that Jordayla could talk. By the time Spencer and Olivia poked their heads to spy on Jordayla, I was dying. No matter the amount of times I watch that scene I always laugh. 
Layla and Jordan were adorably awkward in this scene. It was so cute and hilarious at the same time. Very rom com coded. Someone on Twitter said it was like Jordayla having a crush on each other and Spelivia trying to get them together. That person was 100% correct.  I personally found it amazing that a couple that has been engaged for nearly two years and known each other their whole lives could still act nervous and flustered around each other like they just met. MikeGreta we truly do not deserve you.  
Despite Olivia’s nudging to Layla, the talk doesnt go as planned. I laughed so hard at Layla’s attempt to use the Romeo and Juliet story to bring up the email. Jordan going straight to mentioning how Romeo and Juliet ended up dying was the final nail in the coffin for this unfortunate conversation and Jordayla awkwardly decide to return to work. Spelivia, determined with their Jordayla agenda, decide to step in.
We then see Layla and Amina talk about finding your person. This was a cute but yet important conversation for Layla. It was the conversation that made her realise who Jordan really is to her. Her person. All through this season, the writing has shown the audience in so many ways that Jordan is Layla’s person. The mental health arc particularly, showed how Jordan is the one in her corner all the time even when she is defensive or refusing to co operate. He has never given up on her or abandoned her even in her worst. In 416, she confided in Jordan that she wanted someone who was there for her and just for her. This conversation with Amina makes her finally realise that she has found that person in Jordan.
Amina and Byrce as characters helped Layla to see what she had with Jordan through fresh lens. I found Layla staring at them on stage very cute.  One thing this season has pointed out is how Layla has viewed her relationship with Jordan through the lens of her parents’ marriage and her trauma. In 610, she shifts from seeing Jordan through that traumatic lens to seeing him as a blessing and victory in her life and in this episode, through Amina and Byrce, she sees what she has with Jordan as young, fresh and pure.
Olivia comes to tell Layla that Jordan wants to meet her at the stairway. 
The cut from Amina and Byrce playing Romeo and Juliet with ‘Juliet’ saying ‘Oh Romeo, Romeo where art thou’ to Layla saying ‘Jordan, where are you?’ was absolutely brilliant. Shout out to @the_simple_fact on Twitter for accurately predicting that the stairway scene was actually going to mirror the scene in Romeo and Juliet where they decide to run off and get married. It was also the scene Amina and Byrce were doing when it cut to Layla at the stairway.  
I love callback to previous episodes but I particularly love this callback to prom because it was not too obvious. Jordan and Layla deciding on a wedding date in the same spot where they danced at prom was a unique way to call back to prom. The dance at prom was where it shifted for both Jordan and Layla even though they didn’t realise at the time. It was where they both fell for each other. To then have them decide that they want nothing more than to be husband and wife in the same place they fell in love with each other for the first time is actually really clever writing. 
The mini vows they said to each other had me melting. It was so cute to see Layla blush and be so shy around Jordan as she told him she wanted them to get married. Jordan kissing Layla’s hands while still looking into her eyes was so romantic and it kinda had me blushing ngl. Y’all I am not sure if I would be able to get through their wedding vows come June 24th. This small moment almost made my heart explode. I also want to kiss the forehead of whoever was in charge of lighting this scene. They did their thing!
An important part of this scene was Jordayla communicating effectively about why they didn’t say anything about the emails they got. Amidst the whole romance, I loved that the writing continued with the Jordayla dynamic of them attacking their issues head on. While walking up/down the stairs to meet each other halfway, they also talked about WHY they didn’t communicate initially about the emails. By the time they met each other halfway, they opened up their hearts about they really wanted - which was nothing more than to be husband and wife.
The next time we see Jordayla, Jordan is making sure Layla is okay with them booking their venue. I loved Layla for clicking that link without even waiting for Jordan to finish talking. My girl is ready to be Mrs Baker!!
So Jordayla Nation, we have the date and the wedding venue! Get your outfits, playlists and refreshments on lock! We are about to have our wedding!!
Can’t wait to see what the next episode holds for Jordayla and of course, I can’t wait for the wedding!
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cecekeating · 4 months
My 610 Jordayla Recap
A fantastic episode all around. Definitely much better than the last episode and like previous episodes, the writing for Jordayla has stayed consistent. This time around the theme was PROGRESS.
I absolutely loved seeing how much progress Layla made this episode. The first scene with Jordan at the lounge was a great recap of how much work and effort she has put into her recovery. Jordan yapping about what her therapist said to her was absolutely adorable and shows how in tune Jordayla are with each other this period. She tells him all about what goes on in therapy. It sort of reminded me of episode 603 where Layla reads out Jordan’s stats by heart. The complete devotion and attentiveness Jordayla have for each other is probably one of my favourite things about them. 
Jordan is still consistent in being honest and giving Layla what she needs at this time. He is pointing her focus to continuing with her therapy homework. Old habits die hard. Layla is so used to distracting herself when she hits a snag or is struggling. She has done so her whole life, it is not going to disappear in one day. The good news is that she has Jordan.  Jordan is a man that does not allow issues linger. He attacks situations head long and just like in episode 609, he is encouraging Layla to attack the pressing issue: her therapy homework and her recovery. 
The moment she agrees to Jordan looking after the brunch service on her behalf, I knew Layla had made a HUGE progress. It has been established in the writing that Layla loves to be in situations where she is in control. This was especially clear in season 4 where she threw herself into work to avoid confronting the situation that was out of her control, the trauma of the aftermath with Carrie. Being in control has always been more of a defense/coping mechanism for Layla and for her to agree to relinquish that control showed how much progress she has made.
We sort of see her need to be control popping back up again when she calls Jordan to check in. Loved how realistic and relatable this moment was. I am sure people who naturally like being in control can relate to the uneasiness that comes with letting go of that control even for a slight moment. I know I can. So I thought it was great that the writing kept reminding us that old habits die hard through Layla. Even though she allowed Jordan to help out, it was still realistic to see her struggle a bit with relinquishing the control.
By the time she rushes to the lounge, it was all good. She didn’t need to worry because Jordan and Jaymee (mostly Jaymee though) had things handled. 
We see her back at the lounge the next day. She is working because she sort of had a block. She can’t think of successes. She could think of all her struggles but for some reason, she could not think of the success in her life. Again, another super relatable moment. It is so easy to be in one’s head and see all the things that did not work out in life without realising the small victories around us. I appreciate the writing for bringing this up in such an organic way to remind me and other people that have battled mental health issues to see the small wins in our lives. 
So when Layla mentions she could not think of any success, Jordan steps in to remind her of the success of launching the brunch service. He helps her see the small victories in her life and what she has accomplished with her brunch service. He was not going to let her downplay how good she was as a business woman or let insecurities set in.  I am going to pause here and talk about Jordan. 
The writing for Jordan this season has been phenomenal and one theme I have seen is how the writing has subtly been establishing Jordan’s leadership traits. We saw a bit of it in episode 605 on the football side when he told Spencer off for not being a team player at the game they lost. However, there is no storyline on the show that has highlighted how great of a leader Jordan is than this mental health storyline with Layla. From the moment he found out about the situation with her medication, the writing has taken us on a journey, showing Jordan leading Layla as they navigate her mental health struggles. Jordayla is a team and no matter how we try to see it, Jordan is Layla’s leader as her fiance and eventually, her husband. 
Now Jordan is not perfect, we have seen him make mistakes with his approach (episode 607) but he has also shown resilience, empathy, selflessness and devotion to the woman he loves as she works through yet another difficult period in her life. I also think his approach to leadership is what allows Layla to take a step back and allow him lead and guide her especially as she is very independent and defensive about her boundaries. Jordan sets the tone for the reletionship and gives Layla the grace and space to follow the tone he has set in her own time. 
This has been the case since he confessed his feelings for Layla in season 4. Jordan began the role as the leader of team Jordayla when he told her he wanted to be more than friends. He set the tone and even though it was not the outcome he hoped for, he remained resilient until he got to cross the platonic line with a kiss. He made his feelings known but didn’t push Layla. He allowed her to come around in her own time - this has been their dynamic ever since. This season really highlighted it and I am so proud of Jordan. This is coming from someone that never cared for the character initially. I had to go back and rewatch the show and began paying attention to the writing for Jordan after he was paired up with Layla. And when you look at his arc, it makes perfect sense that he is the man for Layla.
An aside: I don’t know if this is intentional or just a happy coincidence with the writing but I have also gotten strong coaching vibes from the writing for Jordan. Starting with episode 609, if you pay attention, you can see him sort of “coach” Layla through her recovery. He gives words of encouragement, gently points her towards what she needs to focus on, hypes her and keeps her accountable throughout this journey. If the writing actually makes him Coach Baker, I will not be surprised one bit. I am just throwing this out there. 
While Jordan is a terrific coach and leader, he is unfortunately a terrible bartender, and this leads to him losing his short-lived gig at Layla’s as the bartender. I loved the quick cut from Jaymee mentioning that Layla has one more issue to handle to Jordan realizing that he has been fired from his bartending gig. It made me laugh so hard. This is the final Jordayla scene and a fantastic scene to tie the episode up. One thing I loved, apart from Jordan being the top of Layla’s successes, is how the writing is tackling Layla’s healing when it comes to her fear of becoming like her mother. Part of healing is confronting the tough parts of life and facing the situation for what it is. I loved that in this moment she realizes and accepts that her mother is not perfect, and her mom did not handle some issues as well as they should have been handled. Knowing this and telling herself this truth is yet another progress for Layla who tends to push uncomfortable realities down until the situation gets bad. She is also honest as to why she opened the lounge and she now wants to focus on what she truly loves: producing music. 
Seeing her process all of this progress with Jordan was such a joy. At the beginning of the episode she was scared of losing Jordan but by the end of the episode he was her top success. She shifted from seeing Jordan through the lens of her trauma to seeing him as an absolute blessing. When Jordan mentions that her list was a big win, she reminds him “for both of us”. Just like Jordan, Layla sees them as a team. She has made to the other side. 
Layla Keating, you are almost there, and you are gonna be alright. I am rooting hard for you <3
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cecekeating · 4 months
My 609 Jordayla thoughts and breakdown pt 2
We are now at the final Jordayla scene. I am not even joking when I say this scene is probably one of my favourite AA scene in S6 and overall favourite Jordayla scene. There was so much about the dynamic of Jordayla that was displayed on here without saying too much. Shoutout to Daniel Ezra who I thought did a fantastic job with directing this scene. Some of my favourite shots of Jordayla are from this scene.
So we have Jordan walk into the room and immediately he finds Layla looking at the mirror, putting final touches to her look. The framing with the mirror?? chef’s kiss
Jordan looking at Layla like she is the sun, star and the moon is another core part of the Jordayla dynamic. So I absolutely loved that despite the confusion, Jordan still had that moment to gaze at her and give that sweet compliment. Layla panics and runs to hide from Jordan. Again, the shot of Jordan and Layla with her in the walk in closet?? chef’s kiss
A short chat between her and Jordan and Layla finds out he already knows about the surprise wedding plans. Jordan goes to the closet and gets his baby girl. Once she is settled, he calmly asks her what is going on. Something I want to point out here is how soft Jordan is with Layla. Remember Layla is already in a weird headspace about her and Jordan. Jordan approaching the situation with softness and kindness allowed Layla to feel safe to be vulnerable and explain what was going on in her head. 
I can’t even begin to imagine how this would have gone if Jordan was stern with her or annoyed or if he even laughed at her. At this moment, he knew what he needed to give Layla was a safe space to speak without judgment. Layla opens up immediately that she wants to marry him and with a sweet smile, Jordan reminds her he wants the same. But he also reminds her of her plan to heal while putting the wedding stuff on hold. Again, he is placing her mental health as a top priority. Layla is honest about her concerns and fears with Jordan. She doesn’t want to lose Jordan. This level of vulnerability from Layla is something I have never seen from the character since I started the show and personally, I think it is so heartwarming that despite all she has been through, Layla has found her safe place with Jordan and is so receptive of the love he shows her. Layla says they can get married today and prove they are not like her parents.
This was where I had to applaud Jordan. Again, as a brutally honest character, he is frank with her. He lovingly tells her that he wants her to be his wife only when she, Layla, recognizes that there is nothing else she’d want than to be his wife. For Jordan, Layla must realize for herself that she wants to be Mrs. Baker for herself and not because she is trying to prove a point, or she is scared. At this point, you can see Layla nod and it feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulder. She knows now that Jordan still wants to marry her. Her fears are alleviated. She is now a bit upset that she overreacted to Charissa’s comment. She feels she should be better by now. When Layla said this, I felt so seen by that comment because I remember being in recovery after dealing with mental health issues and being frustrated at my progress. I had to learn that recovery is a work in progress and that was what Jordan sort of reminded Layla. He reminded her that the therapy is working, and she will slowly get back to her old self again. Being with Jordan is allowing Layla to go through the process with so much emotional support, something that she didn’t have in season 2. I thought the song playing in the background “You are not alone” was a perfect backdrop to the scene especially when you consider how Layla has always fought her battles with mental health on her own. Now Layla is learning to face the situation with her mental health instead of distracting herself with other things while having a partner who is absolutely devoted to her.
A big thank you to the writing team for showing how empathy, kindness and understanding goes a long way in mental health recovery. All through episodes 608-609, Jordan has shown so much understanding for the situation Layla is in. He has not judged her or laughed at her or been angry with her. He has given her a safe space to process her emotions and feelings as she works through getting better. And Layla has responded to all this by being more open and vulnerable, something she never really had to do in the past. Jordan has given Layla exactly what she needs at this time: empathy, honesty and kindness. Remember in season 2, episode 9 when he told Olivia that she needed to be honest with Layla as honesty was a part of recovery? Here we have him being lovingly honest with Layla as she works through recovery again. Thank you writers for the consistency. 
Jordan reminds Layla that he loves her. I don’t know if it is just me but the I love you from Jordayla just hits different. Like when they say it, it carries a lot of weight and you know they mean it. It doesn’t feel shallow one bit! He tells her they don’t need to get married to prove they are not her parents because everyday, they are proving they are not. Layla involving Jordan in this part of her life was such a wise decision because when she is in her head, Jordan is there to bring her back to earth and help her get clarity.
Thank you to the writers for continuing with the consistency with Layla/Jordayla. I am loving as their story unfolds this season and I am excited to see what else is next in store for Jordayla 🙂
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cecekeating · 4 months
My 609 Jordayla thoughts and breakdown pt 1
So many things surprised me this 100th episode. Infact a lot of things did. However I am not going to go into that now. I am here to continue sharing my thoughts on Jordayla because despite how the 100th episode went, I thought it was the one piece of story that the writing got right. So let’s get into it.
In the beginning portion of the episode, Jordan comes to Layla’s room to check in on her. His initial reaction to the squeezed pieces of paper reminded me so much of episode 417 when he finds Layla trying to write her letter to Carrie. I thought that was a funny callback. Now before going further, we need to remember that Layla is still in recovery. For this recovery arc to make sense, we need to head back into season 2. 
In season 2, we saw Layla battle depression and eventually check into the rehab facility. By episode 209 she had checked out of the facility. The back half of season 2 actually focused on Layla and how she was doing in recovery. She could not get back together with Spencer because she needed to focus on herself. However, what she eventually did was to focus on work and making music. So throughout the back half of season 2, she was in work mode. This was when she was super keen on making music with Coop and all through that arc, that was her focus.  She never allowed herself to process the emotions that come with being in recovery. Remember this would have been around the time she started taking medications. Layla chose to throw herself into work and sort of suppress everything going on. She was also dealing with this recovery on her own and had no constant emotional support as she navigated this. So the writing has sort of established Layla’s tendency to distract herself instead of dealing with mental health issues headlong. Remember the aftermath of Carrie in season 4?
Flash forward to this episode and she is back in recovery after a major breakthrough. Now even though she has had a major breakthrough, she still needs to work through that breakthrough and get to a place where she is completely healed. Mental health recovery is a work in progress. So we see that her recovery in season 6 is very different from season 2 because this time around, she is going through it with a loving partner, Jordan. Now Jordan is also not passive in this journey. He is very active and he knows her so well. So when he asks about therapy and she begins to talk about party planning, he clocks that she likely deflecting, reverting back to her old patterns. This is similar to what happened in episode 607 and it was something Jordan saw first hand in season 4 with the aftermath of Carrie. In episode 607, instead of booking the appointment, she focused on work and trying to expand the lounge. And in season 4, she built her walls and threw herself back into work. Remember again that Jordan knows her very well. Props to the writers for honing in on the key part of the Jordayla dynamic : Jordan being able to read Layla accurately. 
Jordan lovingly reminds her that she needs to focus on therapy. In this moment, you can see Jordan trying to walk that fine line between letting her know the truth and also respecting her autonomy. Jordan is a brutally honest character. If he is not comfortable with a situation, he lets it be known and this makes him the perfect partner for Layla as she needs someone who can tell her the truth and point her to what is really important. Layla agrees but also misinterprets the scenario as him pulling back from her. 
Why would Layla misinterpret the situation? 
We need to head back to episode to 608. In this episode, Layla bares it all for Jordan even to the point of explaining what happened in her parents’ marriage. This level of vulnerability is a lot for a very guarded character like Layla. Aside from the therapist, Jordan is the only human alive that knows this aspect of Layla’s life. So for Layla, this level of vulnerability would be something that makes her very uneasy and cause her to jump into conclusions. Add the fact that she is coming off her medication and her emotions are all over the place. In her head, she is beginning to think maybe Jordan is pulling back because he knows it all. She also asked him for more time. Maybe her asking for more time is making him pull away from her. This is not fact though,  it is all in her head. We also see from the short note she tried writing that her biggest fear in marriage is ending up like her mother. 
I think the “fear of ending up like her mother” in this scenario is the fear that Jordan will lose his spark with her, become tired and leave her.  Episode 608 highlighted this fear and this episode is us seeing Layla work through that fear. 
So with all these in her head, we see her with Charissa. Charissa makes a comment about Jordan and her (Layla) being distant. Layla’s fear is sort of coming to pass (In her head). Now you may be wondering why Charissa was able to get into Layla’s head so easily. Well, there is all these thoughts about Jordan pulling away but there is also a fear of her and Jordan ending up like Charissa and Greg. Remember episode 606? In that episode, we saw Layla being worried that she and Jordan fighting might mean they are becoming like Greg and Charissa. Jordan did his best to assure her that they are fine but by the time they got back home, Greg and Charissa had broken up. At the time I watched the scene, I felt there was more to it especially as we didn’t see Jordayla discuss it again. That fear was sitting somewhere in Layla and this conversation, especially with Charissa mentioning Greg triggered the fear again.
So, Layla decides to get married to Jordan in a surprise wedding. That will save the situation. Olivia is not comfortable with this decision at all. However, we see a massive contrast in how she handles this situation as opposed to the Jimone surprise wedding in Vegas. She takes it easy and thinks things through - even calling her mother for some guidance. This is a massive character development for Olivia as she can sometimes barrel her way through boundaries to fight for what is right. Layla and Jordan are two key people in her life, and she approached this with a lot of care and thought- wanting the right thing to be done but also respecting the boundaries of Jordan, Layla and Jordayla as a whole. She lets Jordan know that he needs to speak to Layla before heading to the lounge. 
The next time we see Jordayla, it is at the Baker house in Layla's room. I talk about that in the second part.
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cecekeating · 4 months
My 608 Jordayla thoughts/breakdowns pt.2
We are back at the therapist with Layla. She is about to start the treatment. She is again very nervous. The therapist wants them to talk about her mother. Just as an aside, if you are wondering how the therapist was able to pick topics off the bat to talk to Layla about, it was mentioned in the first scene with them that she has notes on previous sessions. So the therapist has enough info about Layla and her previous history and is making decisions about the sessions about them. Again, Layla is reluctant and at this point, the therapist makes it clear that she can’t help if Layla is not willing to co operate. Layla agrees. 
This is where we get to to the meat of the issue. When I was watching, I had concluded that the session was going to be about Layla just missing her mother or Layla just  confronting her abandonment issues as it related to her impending marriage to Jordan. I was not ready for the angle the writers took with this arc at all. 
We get the first flashback with baby Layla ( absolutely adorable actress playing Layla and perfectly casted). She is at the old house. Remember the house that Layla trashes in season 1? I want to pause here and have us reflect on the end of season 1. Maybe Layla trashing the house can be indicative of trying to destroy the traumatic memories she had in that house as a child. Just a food for thought for you. 
So we see baby Layla hearing her mother and father in a room. Remember this is an actual memory from Layla’s childhood. She is recalling the memory to the therapist. Because she is going deep into a buried memory, Layla becomes overwhelmed in the present and session is paused. 
We start the session again and Layla is able to continue relaying the memory to the therapist. We now see baby Layla open the door to reveal her parents. This was when my mind was blown away. I was GAGGED when I saw that the writers had Mike and Greta play JP and Monica Keating. I did not expect this at all and I need to give the writers their props for this brilliant writing. I also feel I need to pause to explain what was going on in this scene because I feel it was lost on some of the audience.
What we are seeing is an actual memory of Layla from when she was 6 years old. We see that at that time, her mother is deep in depression and her father is struggling to help her mother. Monica Keating is lost as to her identity, JP needs her and he tries to let her know that Layla needs her too. Monica also feels that JP lost his spark from having to deal with her. Do you see where the second question Layla asks Jordan at the beach house comes in? 
 Again, this is an actual memory from Layla’s childhood. Having Mike and Greta play JP and Monica is to show that specific memory from Layla’s childhood has now manifested as a fear in Layla’s head about her relationship/ impending marriage to Jordan Baker. 
We go back to the present and it all makes sense now for Layla. She is afraid her marriage will be like her parents’ marriage. 
We are now at the final part of this brilliant story. Jordan and Layla talking about the session. This was my favourite part of the entire episode. And so much was said in this scene without it being said explicitly. First of all, I want to call back to the light moment about breaking up with coach Mac. Jordan having his own podcast episode to say FU to coach Mac and “end things” with him is the right level of pettiness and dramatics that I expect from him and I love him so much for it!
Back to the conversation! So Layla explains to Jordan that she was able to figure out why the meds stopped working. The engagement. The next thing Jordan says is “The thought of marrying me made you unhappy?” In his head, his worst fear is about to come to pass. Call back to earlier in the episode. Layla asking those questions triggered him too and threw him off balance. This scene showed us the extent to which those questions threw him off. Layla says no but she continues to explain honestly. Again, she feels safe enough to tell Jordan everything - including the uncomfortable aspects of her parents’ marriage. As she speaks, you can see the hurt form on Jordan’s face. It now makes sense to him. Why she was dragging her feet and questioning his love for her. But also he understands. In this moment, Jordan shows so much compassion for the situation Layla is in. He understands that the engagement was sprung on her without notice and he takes responsibility for that. Before going further, I want to once again applaud the writers for their attention to detail. I did not think they would ever bring up how quick their engagement went but here we are. Because when you look at things panaromically, Jordayla got engaged really young and quickly and it is super realistic that there are implications of doing that. In this case, it triggered an unresolved trauma in Layla’s life. 
Jordan with all the love and compassion in his heart, offers Layla an out to end the engagement. Lets go back to episode 607 shall we? In this episode, we saw how Jordan was so worried about Layla and her well being. He was so worried that he nearly lost a very important game as a footballer. We saw him fight to make sure Layla was okay. Layla was his top priority in that episode. In that same episode he said “none of it matters until my fiancee is whole”. This episode showed us that Jordan meant every word he said in episode 607. He meant it so much so that he was willing to lose this same fiancee if it meant she would be whole again. Jordan chose Layla above the engagement, his feelings and his hurt. You could see him hurting but like he said in episode 607 “Your best is my best” If the best thing for Layla was to end the engagement so she could be whole, then it was the best thing for him too. He gave her an out because he will give anything to make her happy because he loves her.
On Layla’s end, she explains her fear of marrying him but she also comes to the realise that she and Jordan are not her parents. She also realises that in spite of all she has been through, Jordan has stuck with her and he has always looked at her with love. She realises in this moment, on her own, how unwavering and unconditional Jordan’s love is for her. If you recall in earlier episodes, she has had people talk and convince her to realise how much Jordan loves her - Ryan in ep 2 with the moving in, Patience in ep 6 and Olivia in ep 7. This time around she realised by herself that Jordan loves her by remembering that he has stayed with her in her lowest and through it all, he never gave up on her or stopped loving her. 
This realisation gives Layla the courage to choose Jordan, just like he chose her. Remember, love is a choice. She chose Jordan over her current circumstances and was willing to face her fears with him by her side. If she has to face her fears so she doesn’t lose Jordan, she would. If you notice the breakthrough happens when she assures him that she meant it when she said Yes to his proposal and when she confesses her love for him. You can see her struggle to get the words out but she fights to say it out. This was the moment, she chose Jordan regardless of what was going on in her life. In the difficult moment, Jordan and Layla chose each other and decided to remain committed till the end. She asks for more time and Jordan tells her to take all the time she needs. Of course he will say that. He has always been patient with her. From their first kiss to waiting for her before having sex with her to becoming a couple and agreeing to the secret dating, Jordan has consistently let Layla take her time to figure things out. I think its one of the reasons why she loves him. Again she is safe enough with Jordan to ask for some more time to heal so she doesn’t bring any baggage into their marriage because she knows he will accept her request. And he did!
I have enjoyed the writing for Jordayla this season so much and this episode really brought it all together. The writers have been A* with this mental health arc and how it relates to Jordayla as a couple. I am excited to see what is in store for them as the season progresses and I am confident that they will continue to grow stronger. I loved writing this piece and I really hope you enjoyed it. Apologies if it is too long or if I rambled. This is my first ever Jordayla breakdown. I have loved being part of the Jordayla fandom so I thought I’d make my own small contribution.
For everyone struggling with any kind of mental health issues, know that you are loved. Keep talking, find your tribe and get all the love and support available. I promise it gets easier.
For anyone helping or supporting a friend or loved one through mental health issues, thank you for showing up and being there. Know that you are loved and appreciated. 
If you want to yap about Jordayla, my DMs are open! Feel free to reach out. 
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