ceceliadestrade · 1 year
People never seemed to quite understand where her job ended and she began. It was always the problem with being introduced as the therapist first, perhaps no one ever thought to say that she might want to have a friend as well. Still, she tried valiantly on occasions such as this. She put on her best smile and approached the stranger. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced yet" She was familiar with the face, but just enough to make an introduction necessary. "I'm Cecelia— I hope you've been properly welcomed here."
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** where's my party hat? // the farewell party // @ceceliadestrade
Leaving her place in the outpost in exchange for dips and snacks hadn't been the worst exchange ever. Preferably, the dips and drinks would have come without the conversations, but Alba smiled and nodded her way through what was necessary.
After a while she made her way to an offside table, sat down and placed her plate on the wooden table, just to start eating. Getting real, well made food was something she'd take a while to get used to. In the first month in Redwood she'd battled a slight infection of the gunshot wound, and hadn't really eaten anything. Then she'd spent another few weeks getting used to eating good and enough food in general. If she was honest, she didn't want to allow herself to get used to good and enough food, because what if they kicked her out? What if Redwood got destroyed?
Pushing her fork into some salad, Alba paused before putting the contents into her mouth. Then she raised an eyebrow in question at the woman approaching, waiting for what was coming.
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
Civilization was quite the word for where they'd all found themselves, although it was exactly why she'd continued to stay here all these years without an attempt at reaching the outside world. Her own skills were particularly suited to the social environment of Redwood. She could hardly go into nature and thrive, and she didn't want to try. "Everyone has a transition period." She nodded sympathetically, although not from her own experience. "Even for being able to use the shower again." Her smile only convey the good-nature of her words, nothing but the wish for other people's own happiness with where they've found themselves. And where she could perhaps find an ally, if not a friend for herself. "Have I heard right that you'll be joining the medical team?"
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"Maybe slightly overwhelmed... which I suppose is to be expected." It was quite the shindig for a first arrival, though it would be an opportune time to meet her fellow townspeople. "It's wonderful to be amongst civilization again. I had almost forgotten how pleasing the sounds of a happy crowd were. The shower will forever be the best thing ever, though."
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
If there had been any casual enjoyment in her expression prior to asking the question, it sobered up immediately once Jemma seized on the discussion. She shifted, turning so that she could give her full attention to the sudden swell of emotion. "Of course." She could only imagine the difference between losing someone— as so many of them had, and being on the verge of the potential. It was no wonder Jemma was wavering between such emotions.
"It's only natural." Reassurance came easy in the moment. She couldn't speak to luck, or even the feelings that the two had for each other. But she could speak to some experience she'd seen among all the people here. She spoke carefully, "When you care about someone."
She doesn't assume that anything will or will not happen to Ginny and Sol. She tries not to read too far into what's only been briefly said. "But, you can spend time with her now." Something there was more control over than the food and drinks people took, more than anything that might happen once Ginny did leave. "And you won't regret that."
Not many folks had the nerve to ask Jemma how she was feeling. They gave her the sympathetic looks and tried to suss her out, but only Cecelia had squared up and asked. And sure, maybe it was old habit from her job around here. But Jemma was gonna pounce anyway.
"Well, I feel a little insane, frankly. I'm torn between distracting myself with checking on food and drink supplies every five minutes and wanting to spend every possible second right next to Ginny."
Their little fling might have started out quietly. And it wasn't like facebook existed anymore to announce relationship statuses on. But most folks knew that Ginny and Jemma were invested in each other.
"I've been lucky so far, in all this. Not losing anybody to it, y'know? And I don't really want to press that luck."
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
Hostile was not a new reaction to her presence, although she spent much of her time trying to find the true label for it. Abrasive, wary, mistrusting. It was rarely as mean as it first sounded, though she did not give anything away. She did as she was told, and sat down quietly, accepting inclusion at its cost with the newcomer.
"What's the game?"
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The urge was there to tell her to piss off. It was on the tip of her tongue. But she bit it back. Literally. "Either sit down and play some cards and be quiet. Or go talk to someone else."
The cards were one of her few belongings and it was a welcome change to play with someone else rather that solitaire yet again.
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
"Oh!" The greeting startled her from where she'd been watching the group gathered around the bonfire, in the midst of observation to being observed. But, she still found a welcoming smile form on her face at the chance that he was coming to join her.
She weighed what she had been presented with, hand patting the curb she had been using as a seat. "Just the chat— but thank you." She had smoked only occasionally through her schooling, and now it had seemed more economical to stay away from the habit. Not that she judged how others allocated resources, she only noted.
"I was taking some air." Even if nothing eventful had happened with her night, it was still important to take a break from the constant flow of chatter. Just long enough that she could process what she'd talked about so far, sort names and information. And then, without having been missed she might rejoin he festivities. It seemed she was not alone in her plan. "How are you?"
starter for: @ceceliadestrade
location: outside of the community center As the night wore on, Salem felt... tired. He enjoyed the chance of the get together, even if he didn't like the reason they were having the party. Just like anyone, he hoped Ginny and Sol would return safe and sound, but in this world there wasn't a guarantee for anything. It was still a chance to have a good time before, but talking with everybody, at some point, was tiring. So, Salem had excused himself to get some fresh air. It was cool compared to the heat of the room, and the council member took in the fresh air for a moment, before grabbing a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He didn't really smoke, it was a habit he had kicked quite some time ago, but now, occasionally and mostly secretely, he took a quick smoke break. It was unhealthy, but hey, people had to have their vices, right? As he stood outside, lighting up his cigarette, he noticed a figure. A chuckle escaped him as he walked over to Cecelia. "Hey doc. Getting a break too? Or just arriving?" Salem smiled, taking a drag from the cigarette, making sure that the smoke wouldn't blow into her face. "How you doing? Haven't talked to each other in quite a bit. Care for a smoke and a chat, or only for the chat?"
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
It was, of course, a loaded question— but she had hardly practiced any other kind. And here, it seemed despite the obvious nature that it had still worked in some way. Each new description was listened to, marked with an emphatic, understanding nod. That she was hesitant and overwhelmed was a shared sentiment however disguised in the moment, that she took the opportunity to still compliment Cecelia was enough to cause the slightest flush to find its way to her cheeks.
"Cecelia." If there was a nickname to be found in it, none of her friends or family had ever ventured a guess. She had always been the four syllables, paired with "It's a pleasure to meet you."
The card game had simply been thrown out as a distraction for the wayward party-goer, the means to keep a mind occupied with something slightly more than chatter. She'd only had one in mind if she were asked to provide, "I could play Crazy Eights. It's alway fun at a party."
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"That feels like a loaded question," Ember let out a chuckle as the question mostly got her out of her zoning out and took a sip of her drink (apple juice that she found on one of the counters and has been savouring it ever since).
She looked over at the woman who came up to talk to her and gave her a small smile and decided why not just answer to the fullest. "But okay, let's see. I haven't been to a party in a long while, so this just feels new. Overwhelming on certain degrees. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, you know? Some zombies to break in or something. Feeling very lucky to be talking to a beautiful woman like you. And since you mentioned game of cards, now I want to play something too. What's usually your game of choice?"
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Afte a pause, she added, "I'm Ember, by the way."
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
Mayra's candor was always welcome, bringing a spark of amusement to her features. Of course no one wanted the therapist at the party, but she could hardly switch that part of herself off. It was simply in her nature to care for her fellow citizens now, to announce herself as the listening ear, even when met by such resistance. Or little resistance, as she listened to the bargain she was given.
"I will not go," and here she paused to emphasize, tossing air quotes around the words, "full doctor on you." She could keep her questions to the interrogative minimum, she could be a card companion despite her occupation she wanted to promise with zeal. But, instead she hoped Mayra took her at her word. "I haven't played Uno in a decade."
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The last thing she needed was for the community's therapist to talk her off the ledge. No, Mayra wanted to swan dive off the cliff like Bella did in New Moon and into a vat of vodka cranberries, sucking the life right out of her. Stupidity wasn't exactly her thing, but Mayra didn't care what was right or wrong that night- she just wanted to be numb. "Oh, no. I'm not falling for that 'how are you feeling? trick." Mayra stood from her seat. "You therapists are the worst manipulators out there. My lips are sealed." It didn't take a therapist to guess she might've had one too many drinks with another in her hand.
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"Though if you promise not to go full doctor on me, I might know where the deck of Uno went to."
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
OPEN STARTER / EVENT 001: Community Center
"How are you feeling?" She offered an empathetic smile, feeling the mix of emotions in the air, curious to parse them out. Any community event was bound to get her out of the house, hoping to strike up a conversation with the first person she could see. Even now, the novelty had not worn off, as she found herself eager to engage with the first person who she'd made eye contact with. "I just couldn't resist a game of cards."
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
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TASK 001 Five Songs for Cecelia
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood Nina Simone
Please... nothing will ever fit her better than 'I'm just a soul whose intentions are good'. The lyric encapsulates everything that Cecelia has strived for her entire life. Even now in Redwood, no matter what decision she makes, what she says in a conversation, she's just trying her hardest to keep up a kind front and lend a sympathetic ear to others. It's all she can hope for.
(Sittin' On) the Dock of the Bay Otis Redding
Ultimately just a song about sitting and observing the environment around you, Cecelia's favorite activity. If there's one thing she can be counted on to do, it's to sit quietly and watch the world turn around her. The song maintains a pleasant beat, even as the lyrics describe having to leave everything you've ever known. It has the sunshine disposition, as well as the sad undertone, to stand for everything I see in her.
So Far Away Carole King
I think there's something just innately in her heart about being left behind, forgotten, ignored. Listening to this song really hits home the loneliness that is just intrinsic to her character. Nothing stays in place for her, and she cannot go back to a way it all was, it's never been the same. It's easy to interpret the face at her door as being her father, but it could easily be any figure from her past. I think up until Redwood, she was easy to dismiss as transient, and to count her out early. To be near someone is a great wish of hers.
These Days Nico
It's easy nowadays to sit and think about all the choices that were lost when everything changed. So much happened so quickly, and it's hard for a mind as analytical as hers to really parse how one can deal with it all alone. It's good now to look at the days around her, to process everything slowly, to stem the flow of loss and just breath. There's something so very tender in the song, but still an obvious sense of loss in what could have become of the singer's life, of Cecelia's.
Bridge Over Troubled Water Simon & Garfunkel
Such a Cecelia moment. She'd lay herself down for anyone who needed it, hoping to help them find some solace in the world. There is something so inherently loving and selfless in the lyrics, finding the place where you know you're needed, and being able to actually help. Also, there's something motivational to her every gesture, that she'll be able to find that bridge over troubled water, even now.
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
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Name: Cecelia Iglesias Corisande Andres-Destrade
Age: Thirty Five
Preferred Pronouns & Gender: She/her, cis-female
Relationship Status: Single
Previous Job: Behavioral Analyst
Community Job: Medical Personnel, Therapist
Reside in: A small apartment near the library
How long have they been in Redwood?: Almost two years
TLDR: cecelia is a decorated neurologist and psychologist who had a speciality in behavioral therapy and acute lonliness. redwood is the first place she's been where she's had a chance to be herself build meaningful connections outside her family name.
Jon Destrade travelled to Barcelona only for business, he assured his wife time and time again. He traveled there for the good of his family, and nothing more. He did not travel there to see a mistress. He did not pour vast sums of money into a problem that he had caused, he did not make the mistake of signing the birth certificate of Cecilia Iglesias Corisande Andres-Destrade, giving the child legitimate claim to his estate. That would all have been fathoms below a man of his standing and intelligence. Such a scandal would have been impossible to cover. 
But, if such things had happened, the resulting daughter might have been something like this: 
She would be exceptionally bright, remarkably kindhearted, and infectiously nice. Raised by her mother and grandmother, kept in stylish clothes and private schools. Able to excel based on privilege her last name bought her, buoyed her own hard work. She would finish a bachelors degree in criminology and psychology at the University of Barcelona. She would go on to Cambridge, hoping to be closer to her father in London. She would hope proximity would finally bring them closer together, and not just open her up to a barrage of endless half-cousins and leering gossips. She would excel in her masters program, before continuing on to a PhD in behavioral psychology, and finally an MD with their neurology unit. The hope would endure that the more decoration she added to the Destrade name, the more likely it would be that her father would finally publicly accept her, that her mother could stop draining away her life waiting for the return of a man who had lost interest long ago. 
And if none of that worked, perhaps Dr. Cecelia Andres-Destrade, PhD & MD, would have to get away from it all just for a little bit. She would travel to the United States, just months before a deadly outbreak. She would be trapped in a state she knew little about, oceans away from her friends and family. Her expertise being misunderstood as clinical therapy, instead of advanced behavioral neurology, would mean that she gets lost in the shuffle of potential teams trying to find an explanation for the outbreak. She would drop completely off the radar, landing in the newly formed town of Redwood. 
And Cecelia would finally just be happy to be accepted, wish to be helpful. All her studies, which might have seemed simply for attention once, are suddenly one of the most useful skills sets to have at the end of the world. After a year, she has established herself as a benevolent figure in the community, a conflict mediator and a healer. Here in Redwood, she would finally have something the previous world could not give her, the ability to be her own person
Although she has a friendly and generally even-keel demeanor, Cecelia is observant of everything and everyone. Although she is not confrontational, she often times finds ways to have conversations which confirm or deny her hypotheses.
Her one luxury she’d like to extend as long as possible is a warm mug of tea. It’s a trick that she finds always works to soothe her and others. She tries to be rational about what she trades for it, but it can be considered a weakness. 
She is non-violent, and has not aptitude for weaponry even now. She will do everything she can to avoid a a physical fight, and is not guaranteed to win against a zombie. As a result, she has spent the entire outbreak inside the town and does not venture out.
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
“You do care. You care so much it’s eating you away. You hate the fact that you care so much but it’s the only thing you know how to do but you constantly lie to yourself just so you can get through the day.”
//12:06. (via
indie blog
(via luckist)
indie blog
(via crowhn)
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
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ANA DE ARMAS in Deep Water | 2022
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
concept: i stay snuggled in bed all morning and don’t feel guilty about it. it’s raining. everyone is safe. 
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ceceliadestrade · 1 year
“be soft. my love. because flowers don’t grow. on hard grounds.”
— poetofblues  (via wnq-writers)
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