cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
She felt guilty as soon as she saw the mess she had made, she got down from her seat and tried to mop up the mess with the singular napkin she had on her. Upon realising that would serve little purpose she got to her feet with a slightly bashful look on her face. “I’m sorry,” she repeated, “Are you alright?” she asked, looking up at last.
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“Other than the uncomfortable feeling of hot liquid sinking in between my toes, yeah I should be fine.” The red head just shrugged. “Though it looks like your going to need a new drink. What exactly happened?” Cecila was moving her toes in her now squishy shoes and if she didn’t know how inappropriate it was, she’d be taking them off here and walking barefoot. “You certainly made a mess for someone to clean up.”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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      ❝i’m a full-time youtuber. i make money off my makeup tutorials and stuff…including my vlogs.❞ she gestured to the camera. it was a more difficult job to explain without sounding like she was totally self centered.  ❝it’s a pretty weird job still, i know, but it works for me.❞
“Oh. I mean if that’s what your into then I guess props to you.” Cecilia shrugged but still the slightly confused look remained on her face. She had seen a few people vlogging before and she just didn’t get it. Though now the more she thought about it, she was pretty sure she had played a charity game with someone recently who told her something of the same thing the girl in front of her was. “So are you like big or something? I don’t know how that all works.”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
     —☾ Feet thumping loudly as his sneakers smacked against the pavement, Orion felt most of the day’s tension fall away as he ran around the park’s perimeter. His ear buds were blasting some type of electronica music, he could only stand when doing exercise, because it fueled him to further shove his thoughts to the back of his mind where they later buried themselves into a crack. The male often times pushed himself too far, muscles straining with excessive work, heart beating too wildly in his chest, breathing heavy enough to wonder if the spots across his vision were from lack of oxygen or if he was going to pass out for immoderate running. Orion felt himself stop and haunch over as his hands braced the tops of his thighs and got his breathing under control. A female voice made him look up from underneath the wisps of raven hair that had fallen across his forehead and proceeded to remove the ear buds. ❝ Not particularly, no. ❞ Though the answer came a little breathless it was still recognizable, he pushed his hair back with an impatient hand as he realized something. ❝ You wouldn’t happen to know where they sell water bottles around here? I forgot mine in the car. ❞
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Woah. Turning around she was not expecting to see what she did. Though it did cause her to let out a sigh of relief. She had been expecting the worst, someone who wanted to poke and prod and question her about what she was going to do with her life. Was she only taking a break from tennis? Ugh. Gag her with a spoon. “Sorry. Force of habit. I tend to be a bit jumpy.” She finished her stretch and turned her head to the side in thought, her red hair lightly falling from her ponytail. “Actually I’ve got a couple. You can just have one. Trust me I know what forgetting a water bottle is like. Especially after a run like the one you seemed to have had.” Thinking about those times didn’t exactly bring up the best of memories in her but they were things that she had to do in order to be the best. Cecilia crouched down and went through her bag for a second before pulling out a bottle with condensation still on the outside. “Here.” She held it out to him. “Do you always run around here?”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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Focus on love and hope and unity as opposed to hate and fear.
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
I think I replied to everyone but if I missed someone or you want to plot let me know! I just came back from seeing Beauty and the Beast (which was amazing btw) so I should be around for a few hours <3
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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&.* LUCKILY, THE RED head remained upstanding, causing a sigh of relief to fall from kitty’s lips. “ thank god. “ she said, smiling kindly at the girl. kneeling down once again to continue grabbing the box and putting them back in the box, every once and again throwing a look at the girl. “ i’m fine. i mean, it’s my fault. the boxes were blocking my few, i should’ve been smart enough not to take as many in once. “.
She let out a small laugh as they finished putting away the books. “No, trust me, I probably would have done the same thing. I’m always trying to do more, faster.” Cecilia shrugged, brushing herself off as she stood up. “If you need some help I’d be willing to offer it. I mean I was timing my run but since I’ve stopped I can’t exactly start again so I’ve got some free time.”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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     she kept the camera pointed at the clothes; she would never record someone without their permission. the girl seemed nice enough, and she knew talking to herself in public wasn’t exactly normal.  ❝oh yeah, i like it. my camera is like my adult security blanket. it’s also like…my job.❞ she added on hesitantly. she knew that social media was still an unconventional job and a lot of people didn’t get it.
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Cecilia tilted her head to the side. She didn’t have a problem per say with people who decided to film their lives all the time but she didn’t exactly get the allure of it. “Wait, your job? I don’t know how that’s a job.” She didn’t mean to sound so condescending nor did she realize she was doing it but she just genuinely didn’t understand. Also it didn’t help that she was wary of any sort of media. Which may seem obvious given her response.
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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Catalina was on her usual morning jog through the park, it cleared her mind and especially since the whole marriage thing, it was good for her to get some time to herself to think and clear her mind. Noticing a young female, who seemed to be doing yoga and it made her wonder if she knew there was actually a group of ladies doing yoga just a few metres away. “Just wondering if you were lost, the yoga group is just over there but if you’re on your own then that’s cool, it’s whatever.” She shrugged, grabbing her water bottle and taking a large gulp as she still continued to jog on the spot before stopping. “What’s up with yoga? Isn’t it just like stretching and shit?”
Cecilia tilted her head. She hadn’t even realized that there was another group of people near them. Taking a pause in her stretching she turned to look, now noticing the group. “Oh, no. Not lost. I just prefer to do things by myself is all. At least when it comes to yoga. IT’s hard to play sports by yourself.” She laughed lightly and shook her head. “Well it’s a bit more than that. Holding some of the positions is actually really challenging. Have you ever tried it before?”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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Cecilia took a deep breath in and held it as long as she could, stretching her arms to the sky. All of this marriage stuff was stressing her out. What if they hated her? What if she wasn’t good enough? What if, what if, what if? So that’s how she found herself out in the park on a yoga mat, stretching and trying not to think too deeply about everything. She had only been here a few minutes when she felt a shadow block out the sun around her. A small amount of panic filled her. Whoever it was, was behind her. She just hoped to god it wasn’t someone who knew her from before and was going to try to hassle her. In the most pleasant voice she could manage she spoke up without turning around. “I’m sorry? Can I help you somehow?”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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      ❝still waiting to meet them guys…❞ she giggled nervously and bit on her lip.  ❝but what better way to calm the nerves than shopping? hopefully they don’t mind my spending habits.❞ she turned the camera around and showed the racks of clothes. it was then lili noticed someone staring at her.  ❝hi. i’m not crazy, i promise. i’m just vlogging.❞
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Cecilia raised an eyebrow at the girl. Sure she knew people vlogged their lives but she just didn’t see why. Enough people already knew too much about her, she didn’t see why she wanted to tell more people more about her for no reason. Not that she was that famous but she had run into people who knew her before. She gave the girl a small nod and a smile as her words were directed towards her. Though she was cautious, not exactly wanting to be on a camera. “Oh, right. I’ve never actually noticed people doing that before. I guess it must be fun for you?”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
Florence was not adjusting particularly well to married life simply because she didn’t want to. She had never wanted to get married because she had to, she would have much rather married because she loved the person but she couldn’t exactly say no. Despite barely knowing her new wife she supposed it could be worse. Although now she had thrown herself into working on her brother’s campaign and so that was why she was sitting in the middle of a café at ten in the morning trying to compose an email. Not paying attention, Florence reached out to grab her coffee but instead of picking it up she ended up knocking it onto the floor right onto someones shoes. “Oh n- I’m so sorry,” she said, grabbing a napkin.
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Even though she was a morning person she still loved her morning caffeine. Though it wasn’t always coffee, sometimes when she had a bad morning a cup of peppermint tea was a might brighter start to her day. But today was just a normal coffee day and as she took in a deep breath, expecting to smell her hazelnut blend, another smell caught her nose a few seconds before she felt the hot liquid seeping into her shoes. “Ow!” She stepped back but she could already feel the warmth of it in her socks. “It’s fine.” Though it wasn’t exactly fine, there wasn’t much to be done about it either. “I needed a reason to buy new sneakers anyway.”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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&.* EVEN THOUGH SHE’D chosen for this herself, marriage sure was something the get used to – a hell of a lot, actually. right now, all this just seemed so temporary, and kitty had no clue how to deal with it. how was she supposed to act around her newfound husband ? she barely knows the guy. so many questions were running through her head as she picked the last huge box from the trunk of her old pick up truck in order to carry it towards the front door of her new home across the street. the view completely blocked, the blonde hadn’t seen that she was heading straight into an innocent soul walking down the pavement. “ oh, S H I T, i’m so sorry… “, kitty exclaimed when she hit them, losing her balance ever so slightly, but enough for her to drop the box. “ are you alright ? “ she asked as she knelled down to grab the books that had fallen out of the cardboard box, looking up to face the poor victim. 
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Cecilia had been out on her morning run, as she always did. Usually when people saw her coming, they tended to move out of the way. She didn’t even notice the other woman with the box. It seemed they both had unfortunate timing as she had looked down at her watch at the exact moment she would have come into view. Luckily her balance was good and she was able to keep herself up right and not fall flat on her ass. Though now there was no point in timing her run. With a sigh she tapped the screen on her watch and stopped the timer, bending down to pick up some of the stray books from the box as well. “No, I’m fine. Good reflexes and all. Are you alright? I was running pretty fast. I guess I chose the wrong time to look at my watch.”
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
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Hi my sunshines! I’m Morgan and I’m pretty old when it comes to roleplaying. I’m sometimes a bit reserved when it comes to starting conversations but I’m super welcoming, at least I think so haha, and I’m usually down to plot just about anything! I’m also a D&D player so that’s probably where I get a lot of my love of rp from. So now I guess I’ll tell you a bit about my bby Cecilia. :3
Cecilia has a gentle smile that can and does seem to set most people at ease. That is as long as the conversation is about the other person or general small talk. Once the conversation turns more towards her, she becomes more vague and much less open. Her childhood isn’t something she likes to talk about much. Things are played off with a laugh and a wink, along with a very obvious topic change. It’s not that she doesn’t want to rely on other people, but more so that she doesn’t know how. Having something she can control be in the hands of someone else makes her very anxious. Though don’t take her softness as a weakness, if you push her the wrong way, she’s not afraid to stand up for herself.
Once you win her over and see the person under all the armor she put up without even realizing it, she’s completely different. Cecilia is quite stubborn once she has made a decision. It takes a lot to convince her to change her mind. When it comes to being competitive, she wants to be on top no matter what the penalty to herself.  Often she finds herself putting the needs of others before her own when it comes to feelings. That is as long as it doesn’t come in between her and her athletics. She used to be a professional tennis player and it wasn’t until a recent accident that she decided to take a break from playing and hopefully give sometime to let it all settle down and have people forget about it. But when she does step out on to the court, it’s almost like a light switch is thrown. She becomes a take no prisoners, all out player with a single minded focus. People who don’t know her are often shocked by the transformation. It only lasts until she’s won or helped her team win.
Also I’m going to post her pretty long bio so if you really want to read that it’ll be here [x]
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cecilia-castlemore · 7 years
Tag dump!
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