cedricshabazz · 7 years
Godbrothers Apparel Godbrothers Apparel was started in 2003 with our first shirt called " Jesus Loves Las Vegas " ! In 2011, I noticed a zazzle store was using " Jesus Loves Las Vegas " so I sent proof that I am the legal owner and zazzle stepped up and did the right thing and now I have over 200 logos on over 5.000 products since 2011 @ zazzle.com/cedricshabazz ! Thank You Zazzle ! https://www.zazzle.com/godbrothers?CMPN=share_nbbsf&lang=en&social=true
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire ! Let’s Talk - COLIN KAEPERNICK ?
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire - “ Let’s talk COLIN KAEPERNICK ?
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Keeping people informed is one thing, re-posting racial hatred and ignorance is another ?
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
I met my first African American Athiest here in Las Vegas in 2003, he was my roommate and workmate ! At the time I did not know but he never responded to my words that I spoke out of scripture ! Brother Will was 10 years older then me and grew up in Chicago as he and his family are Christians ! He told me he was raised in a Baptist Church but thay was all said ! In April of 2002 we became roommates at the Southcove Apt on 15 th street & Fremont in Downtown Las Vegas ! What we had in common was we were both African American's, worked Day Labor together and we liked partying ( Crack) and Women ! I liked Will, he was like a big Brother to me and he was very generous and he never said anything about my belief in my Lord or interfere with my daily prayers and scripture study ! How it was revealed to me, we used to quote our beloved Brother Malcom X to each other ! Then one day he said Brother, I don't believe there is a God or a Devil but he never said the reason he stopped believing in a God nor did I asked him ! The thing is, I felt Will was in my Life for a reason, to lead him back home ! This is the Story of Brother William Gardner for Chicago, Illionois RIP- 2011 !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
I have been studying that the first African slaves were brought by a Dutch ship to the British Colonies in 1619 an there were 20 of them. It is said that the total population of African slaves at its height were 6 or 7 million mostly concentrated in the South to work the tabacoo and cotton fields ! It is estimated that United States of America and mostly from the South have had made a staggering minium of 20 Trillion Dollars from enslaved Africans ! Its now 2015 and us African Americans had been physically free for 154 years but still have been enslaved for 96 years longer ( total 250 years ). We are still the lowest class of community on our Financial house living per capital in the United States of America and we are Hispanic Brothers and Sisters are now have replaced us as the biggest minority population wise in America !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Alcohol, Drugs, Cigarettes, gambling, sexual gratfications, cursing...ect !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
Political Satire !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
It took 17 years for me to write this book and from May of 1998 to 2014 its been a roller coaster between losing everything ( Fiance and Daughter moves out of state ). To losing my business ( Oakland Comics Entertainment ) also after 10 years 6 months after that ! I was 31 years old at this time and did not know who I was anymore and from that point on I fell into depression, alcohol, drugs, gambling and ended up homeless for 3 years and 9 months on the streets of Las Vegas ! Keeping a diary for the last 17 years of my daily and weekly life was a miracle in its self since I lived in 3 different states and in and out of shelters, but I had know doubt that one day throughmy faith I will have redemption. Its now 17 years later and just like ' Job ' everything that I have lost has been restored to me abundantly and this is what this story is about ! My child and I have rekindled our relationship the last 3 years and she is off to Grad School ! I have been Married for 10 years and now I run 5 businessses, my point is this story is about faith , hope and redemption ! Please Enjpy !
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cedricshabazz · 7 years
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