ceid100tmu · 2 years
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
Week 11 - Tutorial 
One way that I think 5G could be used to shape a more positive digital future. Is through 5G being used within the healthcare system. New opportunities for the delivery of healthcare are created by 5G networks. 5G networks can link patients and doctors from all over the world for treatment instead of requiring patients to travel to a doctor's office. The IoT will help doctors monitor patients without the need for expensive in-patient treatment if more medical gadgets are connected to it. With the ability to send digital images anywhere in the globe for analysis, patients who live distant from medical professionals now have more access to care and can obtain second opinions for less money. Wearable technology can send doctors vital facts and promptly alert them to changes, similar to the already well-liked fitness trackers. IoT will increase therapy possibilities as well as give medical experts more information on how diseases affect individuals, allowing them to tailor treatments to particular patients. Another way I believe emerging technologies can shape a more positive digital future is through Blockchains. Blockchains' capacity to establish trust in transactions involving unknown parties accelerates operations and, in certain cases, completely replaces the need for entire sectors of the economy that previously supplied that assurance.  Global digital collaboration is now possible on entirely new levels thanks to blockchain. It will serve as the foundation of virtual economies, decentralized, citizen-led governance, and voting systems. It's opening up new opportunities for widespread openness, lowering corruption, and giving regular citizens economic independence from oppressive governments that may not always reflect their interests. Blockchains offer the necessary technical foundation for efficient coordination in a post-nation state environment. Lastly, emerging technologies such as quantum computing pave the pathway for a positive digital future when combined with AI. I believe that the combination of these two will improve travel and transportation by improving traffic signals, creating driverless vehicles, controlling air traffic, and other things. Quantum computers have the potential to completely transform the transportation sector, even if it might take a few years before they start to show their benefits. Fast traffic route calculations made possible by quantum computers would result in less traffic congestion and quicker cargo delivery. Other sectors of society, such as media and entertainment, consumer goods, and insurance, will be impacted by quantum computers. If enterprises are unprepared, quantum computers will also compromise cybersecurity and privacy, with potentially disastrous results.
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
Week 10 Tutorial 
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
Module 9 Tutorial - Ghosts in the Machine 
Climate Change has the biggest impact on social, economic and environmental systems all across the globe. Formerly being an environmental biologist I have a deep passion for this issue hence why as the chief technology officer of the start up Climate Cure we are presenting our original vision for a new artificial intelligence (AI) application that will aid in reducing climate change. One way that we Climate Cure plan on reducing climate change is through the use of computer vision. If you did not know, computer vision is a branch of AI that enables machines to “see” meaning that they are able to understand their environment. To accurately understand the visual information being provided, computer vision must go through the same process like our eyes, and it is subject to bias or inaccuracies depending on the data it is fed. This means computer vision AI requires large sums of data. This large sum of data is managed, stored, and derives insights from that data displaying correlation but never causation, known as Big Data. ​Computer vision will be able to learn through repeating data analysis until it is able to distinguish differences and eventually identifies images. This AI algorithm will be able to develop the ability to recognise various environmental elements and form opinions based on the visual data it is processing by repeating this procedure. This makes it possible for computer vision AI to play a variety of roles in the effort to combat climate change. The use of computer vision will enable us to monitor and detect shifts within climate change through being able to recognize particular environmental factors such as changes of precipitation, weather patterns, alterations in temperature and many others in order to mitigate climate change. This will require a use of a specifically designed camera and sensors to detect such alterations. Through monitoring and collecting the data we will be able to see trends or patterns through deep learning and neural networks and we will be able to recognize patterns of various environmental factors around the world through automated analysis of an extensive data set that will be able to determine shifts in climate change. With this use of these AI features we will be able to monitor, detect and mitigate climate change and its implications allowing for better water quality, less flooding and many other impacts. 
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
Week 7 Tutorial 
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Within this week’s module (Module 7) we discussed the topics of Cybercrime, Cybersecurity and Copyright and Copywrong. This week we were to play the game called Nova Cybersecurity Lab Game by PBS. Initially when asked to play a game I was skeptical how this could concept and relate to the topics discussed within the module. This sketesims was erased once I started the game. The game started with a data breach annoying us the gamer to use our coins to buy defenses which can be like encrypt users data, upgrade software regularly to minimize vulnerabilities and many others. This way of letting the gamer choose and then let the breach occur let me visualize how strong my defense was. This helped me understand how important cybersecurity was. The module mentioned that there are various ways malware can occur. The game displayed the various angles of how cybersecurity is being attacked and that all your defenses are strong or else you are losing valuable things in this game. The use of challenges such as the password challenge which enabled us to learn how brute force attacks can really randomly generate millions of possible combinations in order to guess a system password cracking the impossible password you had thought you created. The game did an amazing job of displaying cybercrime as data breaches and cybersecurity through the defenses we choose. It aided in showing the impacts of our defenses that we choose.  
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
Week 6 Video! 
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
Week 4- Final Project Proposal 
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
Tutorial Assignment 3 - Looking at Websites and Tracking 
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I was borrowing on Buzzfeed to discover that 38 tracking sites were connected to this one article.
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
The Noteable and Not so Noteable features of this CBC article that make it accessible on the web!
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ceid100tmu · 2 years
I chose posts by Aashim Aggarwal (a.k.a. see.eat.repeat) and lav.to.eat, two Toronto food bloggers to analyze their use of social media precepts. Aggarwal is a food blogger with a following of 90,000 on Tiktok. Aggarwal’s food blogging journey began in 2018 on Instagram and he has since expanded his brand to various platforms, including creating his own newsletter and blog. Aggarwal and his brand are a prime example of successful branding using social media precepts. For example, he consistently posts 3-4/week on his social media accounts. He further promotes his brand by interacting with his audience and frequently asking them to suggest where he can try new eats. Not only that, Aggarwal ensures he replies to most if not all comments under all his posts and ensures to deliver new content that reflects his audience’s suggestions. What allows Aggarwal’s see.eat.repeat to be the “clear blue water” amongst Toronto’s thousand other food bloggers is his special focus on food finds in the suburbs, such as Scarborough and Markham. His brand is also unique because Aggarwal collaborates with local chefs, like Chef Devan, and other flood bloggers to review food together. Aggarwal has even created his own food challenge, called the Toronto Global Eats Challenge. See.eat.repeat’s content is further accessible to a variety of audiences. He posts pictures and videos, writes captions and includes voiceovers to ensure all individuals can enjoy his content. Overall, Aggartwal’s  consistency, creativity have pushed him to great successes in a short period of time. 
Conversely, while lav.to.eat showcases a wide variety of local eats, she does not effectively make use of the social media precepts. Since starting in May 2021, she has not been consistent with her posts. Sometimes posts are weeks a part, other times it has been longer. Further, she has not diversified the way she presents her content - a majority of her posts are pictures with captions. This is not an accessible format for the masses. What is more, lav.to.eat does not interact with her followers. With the exception of liking followers’ comments, she very rarely replies and does not provide the space for her followers to make suggestions like Aggarwal does. Her most interaction was a giveaway she conducted to celebrate 1000 followers. While there is potential, lav.to.eat would maximize her reach and better brand by better adhering to the social media precepts discussed in Module 1. 
Image 1 which is attached below was captured from the lav.to.eat's Instagram page under the post titled Chiang Mai. The picture clearly illustrates the lack of interaction amongst the account and their audience as there are no replies to the comment or even likes under the comments regarding the post.
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Image 2 below was taken from Aggrawl's Tiktok titled Country 77: Jordan within this Toronto Global Eats Challenge. The picture displays engaged within his audience and displays how interactive the account is. The challenge itself speaks of the accounts innovation and want to stand out amongst other food bloggers.
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