celestedicallisto · 4 years
bruv- i love all these !!!
things / headcanons to put in your script :: <3 !
bonsoir mes amours <3
this was supposed to be a shifting experience post but my poor ass keeps falling asleep while doing the method- so i thought i should share some headcanons i put in my script because why not ?
- CLUBS !! i saw this on hogwarts shifiting amino && the idea was brilliant (don’t remember their user,,, i’ll credit them asap). i am apart of Sphinx a club centered around academics - the main focus is on Charms, Transfiguration and History of Magic.
- ENORMOUS AND MESSY QUIDDTICH GAMES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT !! imagine EVERY students playing in their pjs, Hermione judging the game, Luna and Lee commenting, Hagrid cheering for everyone, huge junk food feast prepared by the house elves and crashing at each other common rooms.
- HOGWARTS’ NEWSPAPER - they’d never miss an opportunity to bash on Rita Skeeter (especially during year 4 / GoF)
- HOGMEADE’S CHRISTMAS MARKET - tons of illuminations and decorations. really great, especially if you stay at Hogwarts for the holliday and want to spend some Christmas quality time outside the the castle. 
- MORE SHOPS IN HOGMEADE !! i really want a afro / curly hair care shop :(((
- MUGGLE TOWN NOT FAR FOR THE CASTLE - take your brooms babes, we’re going to have some fun - play arcade games, go to the movies, etc.
- CLASS FIELD TRIPS TO MUGGLE CITIES !! LONDON !! staying for +2 days and visiting / finding ancient magic ruins
that’s pretty much all, i’m kinda sleepy and didn’t wanna make it too long so yeah.. i’ll definitely to do more parts of this !! please don’t mind if there are spelling errors and please, please PLEASE, share your script ideas !! i’d love to read about them.
enjoy <3
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celestedicallisto · 4 years
bonsoir mes amours <3
sorry for being inactive.. tell me, should i make a part 2 of “ideas for your script” ? or something else, maybe ? i don’t know.. tell me. <3
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celestedicallisto · 4 years
guys, why isn’t everyone trying to shift?
it can be so useful and there are so many possibilities!
1. you can re-live memories, just write in your script that it will happen exactly as it did the first time
2. you can study for a test, just write in your script that you will remember everything you are about to learn
3. you can see how clothes look on you, script that you look exactly the same as you do in your current reality (this one). then you can find your style and what suits you best
4. you can re-watch a movie, i don’t know if you can watch one for the first time but if you’ve already watched it then you definitely can
5. say, if i wanted to be an actress i could practise acting or see how i handle fame
6. heck, if you want to become a good kisser just script “i start out with the skills that i have in my dr, there will be a person there that will teach me” or something like that LMAO
7. you can learn to play an instrument
8. you can meet your favorite celebrities, i mean ofc you aren’t actually meeting them in this reality but if you know enough about them it should feel the same
9. if you want to go to like a park or something idk lol but you can
10. you can be older or younger, if you want to go back to the simpler times you can, or if you want to see what it would be like to start a family.
11. i’m pretty sure you can try food? idk maybe put in your script that everything tastes the same as it does in our cr. i saw a girl say that everything at hogwarts tasted like grass lmao
12. if you are really craving something just eat it in ur dr so then you won’t gain weight but you will still taste it
13. if you want to go swimming but don’t have a pool
14. hang out with your friends. i mean if you know them well enough it should work right?
15. omg you can play with puppies
16. you can practise what to do in different scenarios
17. you can go to the moon! or under the sea!
18. you can finally have a relationship lmao
19. you can rant to someone and relieve your anger
20. you can have a mind palace like sherlock holmes
21. you can go wherever you want, like hogwarts or like…somewhere 
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celestedicallisto · 4 years
things / headcanons to put in your script :: <3 !
bonsoir mes amours <3
this was supposed to be a shifting experience post but my poor ass keeps falling asleep while doing the method- so i thought i should share some headcanons i put in my script because why not ?
- CLUBS !! i saw this on hogwarts shifiting amino && the idea was brilliant (don’t remember their user,,, i’ll credit them asap). i am apart of Sphinx a club centered around academics - the main focus is on Charms, Transfiguration and History of Magic.
- ENORMOUS AND MESSY QUIDDTICH GAMES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT !! imagine EVERY students playing in their pjs, Hermione judging the game, Luna and Lee commenting, Hagrid cheering for everyone, huge junk food feast prepared by the house elves and crashing at each other common rooms.
- HOGWARTS’ NEWSPAPER - they’d never miss an opportunity to bash on Rita Skeeter (especially during year 4 / GoF)
- HOGMEADE’S CHRISTMAS MARKET - tons of illuminations and decorations. really great, especially if you stay at Hogwarts for the holliday and want to spend some Christmas quality time outside the the castle. 
- MORE SHOPS IN HOGMEADE !! i really want a afro / curly hair care shop :(((
- MUGGLE TOWN NOT FAR FOR THE CASTLE - take your brooms babes, we’re going to have some fun - play arcade games, go to the movies, etc.
- CLASS FIELD TRIPS TO MUGGLE CITIES !! LONDON !! staying for +2 days and visiting / finding ancient magic ruins
that’s pretty much all, i’m kinda sleepy and didn’t wanna make it too long so yeah.. i'll definitely to do more parts of this !! please don’t mind if there are spelling errors and please, please PLEASE, share your script ideas !! i’d love to read about them.
enjoy <3
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celestedicallisto · 4 years
bonsoir mes amours. <3
i, started thinking / trying to shift and thought it would be fun to have a blog to share my experiences with people.
here i will post and share my experiences, my process, methods and tips, as well as shifting stories and inspo for your scripts.
i made this side-blog for mostly for myself, because i wanna keep track of my journey but since it is public - i really am looking forward to meeting people with the same interest as me.
please, let me know if you wanna talk or ask something, i will always try my best to help you. <3
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