celestialoblivion · 1 month
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Reposting this because I need to materialize it somewhere.
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celestialoblivion · 1 month
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celestialoblivion · 2 months
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celestialoblivion · 3 months
Success story!
I manifested canceling a class period!
So I've been working on my self concept like crazy and today I wanted to test it out. I had like 7 hours of school today and biology was next but i didn't want to do it so I affirmed and tried convincing myself I wouldn't do biology. It didn't work and I think it was bc I was anxious and I was having more doubts.
I also had p.e as my last class which I didn't feel like doing and didn't have my p.e clothes so I thought why not try again? First I took the manifestation off the pedestal and worked on my self concept again while affirming and through repetition I ended up actually assuming it would be cancelled. It's time for p.e and as I'm abt to walk to class everybody is heading out?? And they were like "oh we're not doing p.e today ig let's go home"
Pls the way I was walking out while panicking inside like holy shit u did that it actually worked.🧍
Also I'd like to mention that yes I did have doubts even the 2nd time but it was way less than the 1st time.
Trust me if I did it so can u.
this is amazing so happy for uuuu!!
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celestialoblivion · 4 months
Stay woke just means pay attention to everything, don't lean on your own understanding or anyone else's, observe, evolve. That's what it means. Stay conscious, stay awake. It doesn't mean judge others. It doesn't mean gang up on somebody who you feel is not woke. That's not evolved.
-Erykah Badu
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celestialoblivion · 4 months
How to Get Over Past Mistakes
1. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes, does things wrongs, and has moments of regret. There are no perfect people out there. In that sense, you are just the same as everybody else.
2. Remind yourself that “that was then, and this is now”. You can’t turn back the clocks and change what you did, but you can be a different person in the future.
3. Allow yourself to experience and name the feelings you are struggling with (regret, guilt, shame, disappointment, embarrassment, sadness, etc.) – then make the decision to let those feelings go. In the end, it’s unhealthy to become attached to them.
4. Ask yourself what you can learn from the situation. What would you do differently if you found yourself in that situation again? How can it change the person you are now (so that you feel better about yourself)?
5. Recognise that failings and mistakes are part of the growth process. It’s inevitable that you’ll encounter obstacles, challenges and failures throughout life. Don’t let that stop you from really living life.
6. Remind yourself that “it was what you did, it’s not who you are.” Don’t allow any single event or experience to define you. You are more than that – so don’t let it become your identity, or your destiny.
7. Give yourself the gift of a new day and a new start. Forgive yourself, let go of the past, and with confidence move on with your life.
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celestialoblivion · 5 months
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The Star and The Hermit
You've gone out to see who's splashing around in your pool at this hour of the night.
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
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Queen of Swords and Knight of Cups
Make sure you remember to bring that cup back when you're done with it. Don't leave it lying around someplace.
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
Would anyone be interested if I did a reading not exactly; listen
Without tarot pull,I want to try answering intuitively and I'm thinking one maybe a few words not longer than two sentences responses.
This is for me to practice and develop my ability more so just give it a go even if you don't have any questions.
i.e. your sun sign is Libra you can ask me what sign you're to me! give me a bit of info or emoji or something tho -zodiac ask just an example!-
i.a.e. It doesn't have to be about you as well.
If anyone wants to help me or try or just talk I'd really appreciate it. If this goes well or people actually like it/participate it I can do this almost every day or often. Soooo if you want me to be active please participate.
I won't even answer you if you don't follow my rules correctly. If I didn't answer you that's why!
OPEN! send me asks not DM. reblog this post! -its for fun & practice-
RULES!!!! 🍂🤎🛞🧸🪶
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
Meeting & Working With Your Spirit Guides
Contact with your spirit guides is a wonderful and magical experience. Your spirit guides are energetic life forms not currently in physical manifestation. In other words, they are without bodies at this time, they are ethereal, spirit forms. Spirit guides are nonphysical beings. They have had incarnations on this planet and know what it is like to be human beings but they also have access to the other side. They are consciously connected with infinite wisdom and creativity. You can think of your spirit guides as a friends, highly evolved mentors, and great teachers. Because your spirit guides are not in the physical realm at this time, they are able to see your life and your highest purpose from a extensive, unbiased perspective. They are ideally suited to counsel, support and guide you as you move through your life. Your spirit guides are old soul friends of yours or great masters. They have been through the cycle of birth and rebirth in human and other forms numerous times, as we all have. They are interested at this time in lending you hand, in helping you return to the light at your center and remembering who you really are. We are each surrounded by spirit guides that may manifest at various times, sometimes very briefly and fleetingly and sometimes for much longer periods of time. Just as our friends on this sphere, our spirit guides come in great variety. Some are very serious, some are ancient, some extremely young. Some of our guides are sober and serious, others are positively bursting at the seams with laughter and enthusiasm. They all have their own characteristics.
When you contact your spirit guides you continue to take your life to higher levels. You open new possibilities. You open yourself to broader and greater dimensions and thus allow your life to take on an increasingly beautiful and complex web of depth. Contact with spirit guides is an enriching, life enhancing process with unlimited possibilities. You are surrounded by and are a part of all kinds of different energy. Some of that energy is anchored in the physical world and some of it comes from beyond this world. Spirit guides are one of many nonphysical energy forms. When you contact your spirit guides you tap into the nonphysical realm. Any time you blend your physical and nonphysical energy you step into a vortex of powerful energy; you plug in to a tremendously positive source of energy and the more positive energy you have in your life…..the happier you become. Contact with your spirit guides allows you to get answers and guidance. It allows you to tap into infinite wisdom and unconditional love and support. Contacting your spirit guides is an easy process , its a process of allowing this connection to develop in your life.
As with anything in life, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” So as you begin to have the intention of contacting your spirit guides, be open to coincidences or books that may come your way, comments from friends, pictures or music that seem to touch you in a particularly deep way. Let yourself be open and receptive.
For most people contact with their spirit guides gradually develops over time, it’s not a sudden event. The hardest part is keeping your mind out of it! When you do have a sense of a spirit guide, whether it’s a whisper, a dream or a thought that doesn’t seem to be yours, allow it. Trust your instincts and your experiences. Try not to question it or analyze it or test it. If you can allow the process to unfold, it will .
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
Contacting your spirit guides
Alright so of course everything in this guide is according to my path and may not be applicable to anyone but me. But I have been asked this question several times so I will take a swing at it.
So I guess the question is, does everyone have a spirit guide? Do you have a spirit guide(s)? I think the answer is yes. Every soul has guides. But they may not be the most active forces in our lives, especially if they have been ignored. But if you honor your guides, and actively seek a relationship with them, then they can return to us and help us in amazing ways.
This is going to end up being a long post because I want to be thorough.
One problem with working with spirit guides is that there are a lot of spirits – not necessarily your friends – who would love to be put in the position of ‘guide’. They would love to be treated with honor and respect, receive offerings, and be put in a position of authority over you. So it is important to always be very careful when working with spirits.
You can minimize risk in these ways:
- Have defenses in your working area that keep out malicious or ill-intending spirits. Also have defenses against any sort of spirit you do not want to work with. For example, if you do not want to work with demonic spirits – even if one could become your helpful guide – put defenses up against demons.
- Always call upon specific spirits and banish other spirits. For example, don’t say, “this offering is for the spirits around me.” Say, “this offering is for my true spirit guides who stand by my side and support me.” Then, don’t say, “spirits begone,” but rather say, “only my true spirit guides may remain; all other spirits, leave now.”
- Faithfully record all interactions you have with spirits, including feelings, visions, dreams, and divinations. Do not ignore fear, dread, anxiety, or other bad feelings. There is a time and a place to push through bad feelings. Beginner spirit work is NOT that time. Now I am not saying that a lovely and sweet spirit is always trustworthy, but if a spirit gives you a bad feeling, just ask it to leave.
- Act with courtesy and respect at all times. I believe people do have a reputation among spirits. If you act with honesty and integrity towards spirits, you can look forward to a life rich with spirit companions in kind. If you are backhanded, dishonest, rude, prying, or manipulative, expect similar spirits to enter your life.
- Don’t break promises to spirits. The best way to avoid this is to not make promises to spirits. Don’t get over-excited or over-determined and make grandiose promises that will be tough for you to keep. If you have never had a regular spiritual schedule, don’t promise to make daily or even weekly offerings, or meet-ups, or anything else. Do what you can, without oath.
To begin, cleanse your working space. This is not a cleansing guide, so use any simple technique that you enjoy. If you are not familiar with how to cleanse a space, now is a great time to learn. Don’t forget to set up your basic protections against malific spirits.
Spirits pay attention to offerings. It is our human way of saying, “you are important enough to me that I will sacrifice something to you, no matter how small.” Offerings also have a practical use; spirits need food, too. I offer incense to my guides almost daily, whiskey weekly, and on special occasions, beer and baked goods. Good offerings are incense and candles if you can light fire, but also any kind of food (especially home-made), alcohol, and tobacco. A glass of fresh water is a good offering for any kind of spirit. In general, avoid foods with excess salt. If foodstuff is not something you can offer, make origami toys, find fresh flowers, offer coins, or gather anything that has value and give it to the spirits. Although beliefs differ, once you give something to the spirits, it is no longer yours and should not be treated as such.
In order to contact your spirit guides through offerings, you need to make an effort to give offerings regularly. Doing it once or twice will probably not be enough.
Once your working space is cleansed and protected, lay out your offerings. Use this rite or any rite of offering:
“I, [your name] wish to make an offering of [your offering].
To the spirits that guide me, spirits who help. Spirits who support me, spirits who protect me. I call you all to this place to receive my offering. To all you who have a positive influence on my life, I thank you. Please take this offering as a sign of my gratitude.”
At this point, try taking a pendulum, using your sixth sense, or any other method you prefer, and determine whether or not spirits are with you. If they are, say,
“Spirits who guide me, spirits who help, spirits who support me, spirits who protect me: I want to know you better, and have a good relationship with you. Will you talk to me now?”
Determine the answer through your pendulum or any other method. If they are willing to speak, engage in meditation, divine, use your sixth sense, or communicate in any way you know how. Speak to the spirits plainly about your goals and you desires, and why you want to know them.
When you are done communicating, close the offering. Say this or any other closing rite:
“Spirits who have come to enjoy this offering, the window of our communion is closing. I pray you enjoyed what I have for you. I pray you have heard my words. Return to your abodes and habitations, but do not forget me.”
If you did not receive any indication that spirits are nearby, do not worry. Sometimes these things take time. Let your offerings sit for several minutes and try again. If there is still no result, close the offering rite just as if spirits were there. Try again the next day.
Request for communication
Offerings are a good way to attract the attention of any spirit, but it can also help to just address the Universe or Nature directly. During a time where you feel most connected to the world, find a private place where you feel that the universe will be able to hear you. Your message will be received no matter where you are, but it is nice to ‘feel’ that you are heard.
Open up and speak about your desire to meet your spirit guides. If you are not interested in speaking aloud, your thoughts will do just fine. ‘Project’ your thoughts out in to the universe.
Speak about why you want to meet your guides. Include what you are willing to do in order to meet them, and how they can best contact you. It is important that you offer something back. Remember that your guides are not your servants and they do not exist to serve you. Meet them half way. One way to do this is to set aside special meditation or divination time so that guides have a time and place to contact you.
Some random tips for working with spirit guides:
- I do not believe that most spirits have the same concept of ‘ego’ or ‘self’ that humans have, which is why many of us get confusing answers when we ask a spirit, “what are you?” Don’t be put off if you can’t immediately label or classify your guides. Let this process come naturally through visions, dreams, and other processes.
- Your guides may be animals, mythical creatures, humans, nature spirits, mineral or plant spirits, or any number of classifications we give to spirits. Don’t be too focused on believing you have a certain guide, or that guides are just one sort of spirit. Be open-minded.
- Spirits LIE. Spirits will lie to you and tell you that they are your guide, guardian, etc. when in reality they are no such thing. Do not immediately trust any spirit. Give your relationship time and watch how the spirit interacts with you, what it asks from you, and what it is getting out of your relationship. Minimize risks by having smart defenses, by setting boundaries, and by being a smart, discerning witch.
- Work with your guides regularly, but do not depend on them for every little thing.
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
My latest makeshift divination method is a curated playlist made entirely of different boss battle songs. It’s a great little specialized shufflemancy dedicated to identifying the types of challenges you’re facing, what strategy best suited to tackling them, and what the challenge will ask of you/require you to bring forward. I highly recommend trying it and if you do, let me know if you find it effective!
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
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Very brave of me to make a set of illustrations that's 90% hands
Anyway. This is about my personal theories/headcanons about the vision requirements
EDIT: I made a post elaborating on my theories/headcanons! Check it out if you wanna know a bit more :D
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
Contacting Spirit Guides and other entities
If you have questions, message me. Spirit work is no joke!
Before we go over the steps of real contact with spirit, let’s go over some warnings and some advice on technique. This guide will work for calling any spirit, whether it be a fluffy unicorn bunny or something extremely uncomfortable and dangerous. It’s like picking up the phone: anyone can be on the other end.
When you do spirit work, you are interacting with a real world filled with infinitely many, and infinitely varied, beings.
There are some spirits that prey on humans like wolves prey on rabbits.
There are some spirits that are extremely kind and helpful.
In my experience, whatever you call will come.
If you leave your request open-ended, anything may come to you.
The more specific you are, the better.
But you must understand what you are doing when you call spirits to you.
For example:
“Spirits of light, come to me!” Many demons are considered to be “of light”, as well as gods you may be uncomfortable dealing with (Lucifer comes to mind).
“All spirits of darkness, leave me!” Well, spirits of all nocturnal animals could be interpreted as being spirits of darkness. The essence of storms and night-time, or even a spirit of sleepiness, could be considered spirits of darkness. Are you sure these are forces you want to send away?
Do not use poetic language. Speak plainly.
Instead of using flowery language, simply say what you mean.
Begin by writing down your intent.
What kind of spirit do you want to interact with? (Good, evil, nice, kind, mean? Nature, elemental, bunny, unicorn, demon?)
What is your purpose for calling this spirit? (Searching for a guide/guardian/teacher/friend? Have questions to ask? Need help with magic?)
How powerful do you believe this spirit will be? Is it going to be more powerful than your abilities to banish it? Never call up what you cannot put down.
What do you have to give back to this spirit? (Offerings? Time? Energy?)
In my experience, all spirits get something out of an interaction with a human. It could simply be that their curiosity is sated. A spirit could just be curious as to what kind of human is sending out a call in to their world! It could be that helping or aiding you assists their calling in life or a job they currently have. It could also be that they would like some kind of payment in return, such as offerings of incense, food, or drink. If you have the ability and inclination, have some small offerings on hand. Coffee, tobacco, any foods (I find they seems to like processed foods less), and any alcohols are good. Even a glass of fresh water and/or a little incense will be good.
Once you have your intent written down, formulate your call. Here are three example calls that I would use myself.
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking any good and helpful spirits that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for assistance with [guardianship/teaching/guidance/etc]. Please come to me so we may interact.”
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking any noble and strong warrior spirits that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for assistance with guarding my home. In return I can offer brandy and cigars. Please come to me so we may make a deal.”
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking a spirit of storms and rain that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for rain to be brought to my region. In return I will tell others about my experience so you gain fame in the human world. Please come to me so that we may help each other.”
Quick notes:
For spirit work, try adopting a magical name. It does not sit well with me that someone uses their true name immediately with spirits. It’s like giving your telephone number to every stranger you meet. I use my online name, typically Briar although now it is Thicket. Magical names do not have to be permanent. Choose any name or word you like.
“I am calling out to the spirit world” can be replaced by any phrase or action that connects you with “the other side”. Find an action or method of connection that feels comfortable to you.
It is important to mention that you would like a spirit who wants to help you! It may seem self-evident, but trust me, it is not. Plenty of spirits come to my call who just want to see what’s going on, or who want a chance at the offerings at my side.
Actually calling the spirits, interacting with them, and formulating a relationship
Suppose you would like to meet any guardian or guide spirits that you may have already. Try using a call like this:
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeing any guardians, guides, or helpful spirits that are attached to me. Please visit me so I may get to know you.”
Take your notebook and write down the exact call you plan on using. If you like, have some offerings on hand (this is just good form in general). Have with you any divination tools you plan on using. Also have with you the basic tools for banishment.
Sit in a quiet place. Make your environment as witchy as possible to get you in the right mindset. Candles and incense work great if you have them, otherwise try atmospheric music. Do whatever it takes to make you feel like you are connected to the “other” world. Try praying for protection or wearing protection amulets that you may have.
When you are ready, read your call. Read it out loud or mentally, it doesn’t matter; nothing on this plane of existence will hear it anyway.
At this point one of two things will happen: a spirit will visit you, or it will not.
If a spirit does not appear within a few moments, read your call again. Repeat this for three calls total, then try again the next day or the next week. If necessary, do divination to discover why spirits did not want to appear for you. Is it possible the spirit you called for does not exist? Try a different call (more will be listed below) for practice. Is it possible you just do not know how to detect a spirit if it does appear? If nothing seems to be working after a week or so of trying, send me a message. Please send me the exact calls you used.
Remember that spirits are not physical. It is extremely uncommon that a person will see a spirit with their two eyes. A being isn’t just going to appear three dimensionally in your bedroom. Most likely, that being will appear within your imagination. The imagination is an extremely powerful magical tool and should not be ignored because it is “make believe”. If you call an air elemental you may imagine a whirlwind, a bird, a cloud, or anything else that is ‘airy’ in nature, for example.
When your imagination suddenly changes with an image of something, mentally or verbally greet it. Try, “Hello, you may call me [magical name]. Are you replying to my call?”
Understanding what a spirit is communicating to you is tricky. If only they spoke plain English! Look for any sign that the spirit has responded. The image of the spirit may seem to move closer to you, or further away. It may appear to be happy, sad, or upset. You may suddenly get empathetic feelings of agreement or disagreement. You may actually hear, feel, or think words. It is your job to interpret what the spirit is trying to communicate with you. If you like, ask the spirit to influence your divinatory tools so you can communicate through those.
Avoid repeating questions. They do not seem to like it. Ask once, and if you can’t interpret, apologize and ask another question instead.
If absolutely nothing seems to happen, take it as a sign that the spirit did not respond to you. In this situation, if the spirit does not respond, say, “if you are not here to answer my call and assist me, please leave. Thank you for your time.” There is no need to be hostile or rude, just send them away. If they refuse to leave, it is time to banish.
If something does happen, for example if you sense a feeling of agreement or the image seems to nod at you, take this as an affirmative that the spirit is here to answer your call. Continue with your line of questioning. Try these questions:
“What may I call you?” (Do not ask for their name directly, I have never had good results when I do).
“Are you [the spirit I asked for]?”
“Would you like to continue communicating this way?”
“What is your role in my life?”
If you are here to make a deal and get it over with, don’t drag out the small talk. “Are you the spirit I called for? Will you protect my house for some brandy? Awesome, I’ll pay you once a week and we’ll revisit the contract in a month.”
If you are there to make a lasting connection, speak for as long as you like or until the spirit appears to become restless or bored.
When the spirit departs, or when you ask it to depart, the mental image of them should leave their mind. Carefully distinguish between having that spirit actively within your imagination, and memories of the spirit within your imagination.
After this first meeting, you can call the same spirit by the name they gave you. Try, “the spirit that gave me the name [spirit’s name] on the date [the date you first met the spirit], please come to me so we may speak.”
I don’t have the time or inclination to include full banishing rituals in this small guide. Simply google “how to banish a spirit” or ask a friendly Tumblurian to help :)
Detecting fakes
Alright, so here’s what you gotta do. Just pay attention. If something feels disturbing, wrong, or scary, DO NOT IGNORE THOSE FEELINGS. Fear is an instinct that exists to keep us safe. It is not you being a scaredy cat. It is not you being silly, nervous, or having stage fright. Ask the spirit to leave immediately and do a quick cleansing on your space.
Think about what you asked for and judge a spirit by those standards. An air spirit is not going to take the form of a boulder. A rain spirit is not going to take the form of a candle flame.
If something sounds too good to be true, it is. If a spirit is telling you that you are the chosen one, that you need it to be powerful, etc., you are going to be dinner. Send it away.
Practice calls
I would consider these calls to be relatively safe and good just to get a little experience in. Ask these spirits to come visit you for a short time, then bid them farewell. There is no need to get a name from them unless you really want to call them back. The offerings are just suggestions, to give you some ideas.
“I am seeking rabbit or hare spirits that wish to visit me in exchange for some fresh lettuce.”
“I desire to contact any spirits of flowers who are nearby, so I may appreciate your beauty.” (Remember to give the flowers many compliments in exchange for their time)
“I would like to visit with a good and benevolent water spirit who will teach me about healing.”
“I am seeking a dog spirit who would like a nice treat in exchange for his time.”
“I wish to speak with a bird spirit, who can show me what the world looks like from the sky. In exchange I can offer bird seed.”
“I wish to contact a spirit of beauty who can help teach me magics for clearer skin. In exchange I can give you three dried roses.”
“I would like to call upon the spirit of clutter that lives in my home, so that we may make a deal for you to leave my property.”
“I would like to call upon the ghost of [my deceased pet*****] so we may visit and share good times.”
“I desire to contact any good and benevolent spirits who are directly involved in my life, so we may speak and get to know each other.”
“I desire to contact any spirits who wish harm against me, so I may make amends and heal our relationship.”
“I am seeking a spirit of hard work to bless me in my future endeavors, in exchange for a small shrine built in your honor.”
*****DO NOT call human relatives to you at this point. It is way too easy for a demon or spook to pretend to be a human relative. It is okay if human spirits come to you in general, but it is a suckerpunch to the gut to realize that your beloved departed is really an evil spirit in disguise. Stick with animal friends for now.
Calling gods and other such beings
This method will work to call gods as well. Be very careful of petty spirits that pretend to be gods. Judge each being by its folklore and what you know about them.
What to do with offerings?
For any offering, set it aside and watch the spirit enjoy it. When the spirit is done, dispose of the offerings just as you would clear a plate from the guest table.
Pour any liquids on to the ground or down the drain. Bury or compost foods, or dispose of them in the trash. Simply allow incense to burn and throw away the ashes.
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
Contacting Spirit Guides and other entities
If you have questions, message me. Spirit work is no joke!
Before we go over the steps of real contact with spirit, let’s go over some warnings and some advice on technique. This guide will work for calling any spirit, whether it be a fluffy unicorn bunny or something extremely uncomfortable and dangerous. It’s like picking up the phone: anyone can be on the other end.
When you do spirit work, you are interacting with a real world filled with infinitely many, and infinitely varied, beings.
There are some spirits that prey on humans like wolves prey on rabbits.
There are some spirits that are extremely kind and helpful.
In my experience, whatever you call will come.
If you leave your request open-ended, anything may come to you.
The more specific you are, the better.
But you must understand what you are doing when you call spirits to you.
For example:
“Spirits of light, come to me!” Many demons are considered to be “of light”, as well as gods you may be uncomfortable dealing with (Lucifer comes to mind).
“All spirits of darkness, leave me!” Well, spirits of all nocturnal animals could be interpreted as being spirits of darkness. The essence of storms and night-time, or even a spirit of sleepiness, could be considered spirits of darkness. Are you sure these are forces you want to send away?
Do not use poetic language. Speak plainly.
Instead of using flowery language, simply say what you mean.
Begin by writing down your intent.
What kind of spirit do you want to interact with? (Good, evil, nice, kind, mean? Nature, elemental, bunny, unicorn, demon?)
What is your purpose for calling this spirit? (Searching for a guide/guardian/teacher/friend? Have questions to ask? Need help with magic?)
How powerful do you believe this spirit will be? Is it going to be more powerful than your abilities to banish it? Never call up what you cannot put down.
What do you have to give back to this spirit? (Offerings? Time? Energy?)
In my experience, all spirits get something out of an interaction with a human. It could simply be that their curiosity is sated. A spirit could just be curious as to what kind of human is sending out a call in to their world! It could be that helping or aiding you assists their calling in life or a job they currently have. It could also be that they would like some kind of payment in return, such as offerings of incense, food, or drink. If you have the ability and inclination, have some small offerings on hand. Coffee, tobacco, any foods (I find they seems to like processed foods less), and any alcohols are good. Even a glass of fresh water and/or a little incense will be good.
Once you have your intent written down, formulate your call. Here are three example calls that I would use myself.
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking any good and helpful spirits that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for assistance with [guardianship/teaching/guidance/etc]. Please come to me so we may interact.”
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking any noble and strong warrior spirits that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for assistance with guarding my home. In return I can offer brandy and cigars. Please come to me so we may make a deal.”
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeking a spirit of storms and rain that are willing to help a human such as myself. I wish for rain to be brought to my region. In return I will tell others about my experience so you gain fame in the human world. Please come to me so that we may help each other.”
Quick notes:
For spirit work, try adopting a magical name. It does not sit well with me that someone uses their true name immediately with spirits. It’s like giving your telephone number to every stranger you meet. I use my online name, typically Briar although now it is Thicket. Magical names do not have to be permanent. Choose any name or word you like.
“I am calling out to the spirit world” can be replaced by any phrase or action that connects you with “the other side”. Find an action or method of connection that feels comfortable to you.
It is important to mention that you would like a spirit who wants to help you! It may seem self-evident, but trust me, it is not. Plenty of spirits come to my call who just want to see what’s going on, or who want a chance at the offerings at my side.
Actually calling the spirits, interacting with them, and formulating a relationship
Suppose you would like to meet any guardian or guide spirits that you may have already. Try using a call like this:
“I am [magical name]. I am calling out to the spirit world. I am seeing any guardians, guides, or helpful spirits that are attached to me. Please visit me so I may get to know you.”
Take your notebook and write down the exact call you plan on using. If you like, have some offerings on hand (this is just good form in general). Have with you any divination tools you plan on using. Also have with you the basic tools for banishment.
Sit in a quiet place. Make your environment as witchy as possible to get you in the right mindset. Candles and incense work great if you have them, otherwise try atmospheric music. Do whatever it takes to make you feel like you are connected to the “other” world. Try praying for protection or wearing protection amulets that you may have.
When you are ready, read your call. Read it out loud or mentally, it doesn’t matter; nothing on this plane of existence will hear it anyway.
At this point one of two things will happen: a spirit will visit you, or it will not.
If a spirit does not appear within a few moments, read your call again. Repeat this for three calls total, then try again the next day or the next week. If necessary, do divination to discover why spirits did not want to appear for you. Is it possible the spirit you called for does not exist? Try a different call (more will be listed below) for practice. Is it possible you just do not know how to detect a spirit if it does appear? If nothing seems to be working after a week or so of trying, send me a message. Please send me the exact calls you used.
Remember that spirits are not physical. It is extremely uncommon that a person will see a spirit with their two eyes. A being isn’t just going to appear three dimensionally in your bedroom. Most likely, that being will appear within your imagination. The imagination is an extremely powerful magical tool and should not be ignored because it is “make believe”. If you call an air elemental you may imagine a whirlwind, a bird, a cloud, or anything else that is ‘airy’ in nature, for example.
When your imagination suddenly changes with an image of something, mentally or verbally greet it. Try, “Hello, you may call me [magical name]. Are you replying to my call?”
Understanding what a spirit is communicating to you is tricky. If only they spoke plain English! Look for any sign that the spirit has responded. The image of the spirit may seem to move closer to you, or further away. It may appear to be happy, sad, or upset. You may suddenly get empathetic feelings of agreement or disagreement. You may actually hear, feel, or think words. It is your job to interpret what the spirit is trying to communicate with you. If you like, ask the spirit to influence your divinatory tools so you can communicate through those.
Avoid repeating questions. They do not seem to like it. Ask once, and if you can’t interpret, apologize and ask another question instead.
If absolutely nothing seems to happen, take it as a sign that the spirit did not respond to you. In this situation, if the spirit does not respond, say, “if you are not here to answer my call and assist me, please leave. Thank you for your time.” There is no need to be hostile or rude, just send them away. If they refuse to leave, it is time to banish.
If something does happen, for example if you sense a feeling of agreement or the image seems to nod at you, take this as an affirmative that the spirit is here to answer your call. Continue with your line of questioning. Try these questions:
“What may I call you?” (Do not ask for their name directly, I have never had good results when I do).
“Are you [the spirit I asked for]?”
“Would you like to continue communicating this way?”
“What is your role in my life?”
If you are here to make a deal and get it over with, don’t drag out the small talk. “Are you the spirit I called for? Will you protect my house for some brandy? Awesome, I’ll pay you once a week and we’ll revisit the contract in a month.”
If you are there to make a lasting connection, speak for as long as you like or until the spirit appears to become restless or bored.
When the spirit departs, or when you ask it to depart, the mental image of them should leave their mind. Carefully distinguish between having that spirit actively within your imagination, and memories of the spirit within your imagination.
After this first meeting, you can call the same spirit by the name they gave you. Try, “the spirit that gave me the name [spirit’s name] on the date [the date you first met the spirit], please come to me so we may speak.”
I don’t have the time or inclination to include full banishing rituals in this small guide. Simply google “how to banish a spirit” or ask a friendly Tumblurian to help :)
Detecting fakes
Alright, so here’s what you gotta do. Just pay attention. If something feels disturbing, wrong, or scary, DO NOT IGNORE THOSE FEELINGS. Fear is an instinct that exists to keep us safe. It is not you being a scaredy cat. It is not you being silly, nervous, or having stage fright. Ask the spirit to leave immediately and do a quick cleansing on your space.
Think about what you asked for and judge a spirit by those standards. An air spirit is not going to take the form of a boulder. A rain spirit is not going to take the form of a candle flame.
If something sounds too good to be true, it is. If a spirit is telling you that you are the chosen one, that you need it to be powerful, etc., you are going to be dinner. Send it away.
Practice calls
I would consider these calls to be relatively safe and good just to get a little experience in. Ask these spirits to come visit you for a short time, then bid them farewell. There is no need to get a name from them unless you really want to call them back. The offerings are just suggestions, to give you some ideas.
“I am seeking rabbit or hare spirits that wish to visit me in exchange for some fresh lettuce.”
“I desire to contact any spirits of flowers who are nearby, so I may appreciate your beauty.” (Remember to give the flowers many compliments in exchange for their time)
“I would like to visit with a good and benevolent water spirit who will teach me about healing.”
“I am seeking a dog spirit who would like a nice treat in exchange for his time.”
“I wish to speak with a bird spirit, who can show me what the world looks like from the sky. In exchange I can offer bird seed.”
“I wish to contact a spirit of beauty who can help teach me magics for clearer skin. In exchange I can give you three dried roses.”
“I would like to call upon the spirit of clutter that lives in my home, so that we may make a deal for you to leave my property.”
“I would like to call upon the ghost of [my deceased pet*****] so we may visit and share good times.”
“I desire to contact any good and benevolent spirits who are directly involved in my life, so we may speak and get to know each other.”
“I desire to contact any spirits who wish harm against me, so I may make amends and heal our relationship.”
“I am seeking a spirit of hard work to bless me in my future endeavors, in exchange for a small shrine built in your honor.”
*****DO NOT call human relatives to you at this point. It is way too easy for a demon or spook to pretend to be a human relative. It is okay if human spirits come to you in general, but it is a suckerpunch to the gut to realize that your beloved departed is really an evil spirit in disguise. Stick with animal friends for now.
Calling gods and other such beings
This method will work to call gods as well. Be very careful of petty spirits that pretend to be gods. Judge each being by its folklore and what you know about them.
What to do with offerings?
For any offering, set it aside and watch the spirit enjoy it. When the spirit is done, dispose of the offerings just as you would clear a plate from the guest table.
Pour any liquids on to the ground or down the drain. Bury or compost foods, or dispose of them in the trash. Simply allow incense to burn and throw away the ashes.
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
SUPER Low Energy Witchcraft
I’ve been seeing a lot of low energy witchcraft posts, but every one I read isn’t really low energy. When I think ‘low energy,’ I think something I can do on my lowest of low days. Days I can’t get out of bed or even think sometimes. So here it is. The SUPER Low Energy Witchcraft Guide.
Sigils sites. I have found this one to be very good. They’ll make a sigil for you so you don’t have to.
Pinterest boards. Making spells or manifesting using Pinterest boards is one of my favorite things to do.
Spotify playlists. Similar to the Pinterest board idea, use songs to create spells or manifest certain things.
Emoji spells. Use emojis to make spells, making sure they’re packed with intent.
Hang out with your tarot deck. Or any divination tool, for that matter. Just having it near you counts.
Talking to spirits and deities. Tell them about something you plan to do for them, a ritual you’d like help with, ask for help getting through the lows, etc. Or just talk to them. It doesn’t matter about what, talking improves relationships.
Read. Read books you were planning on reading. Definitely do not ever go on Z-Library for free books. Never. /s You do have limits on downloading and it’s relatively hard to figure out on mobile, but if you can get your tablet or computer up and running, it’ll work perfectly.
Scroll through Tumblr. Or Reddit. Or Pinterest. Or even Tik Tok. Scroll through the witch tags, scroll through the tags of and deities you might worship/work with. Or just look at pretty plants. Think about what they can help you with.
Make a shopping list. If you need to restock any herbs or candles, note it down.
Just light a candle or two. Simple as that.
Make a pouch or enchant a piece of jewelry or whatever you want to do to help you recover from your lows before they happen. Touch them or hold them or even just think of them when you want.
Similar to above, enchant any aids (mobility aids, medication, pain relievers, heating pads and ice packs, etc.) to help you recover faster.
If you can, think about your practice, what you want to change, what you 100% wouldn’t change, how it relates to others’ crafts, etc.
Meditate. I’m not talking about some 30 minute guided meditation sitting upright, because I have trouble with them on my lows. I’m talking about staring blankly into space or practicing mindfulness or something like that. You don’t have to do it for long, either. Take a few minutes to chill.
If you can, open your windows. Or curtains. Or blinds. Let it clear out your space.
Enchant your water or foods to help with your symptoms. Draw a sigil with anything (oil, sharpie, air, etc.) on your bottles and above your food to aid in your recovery.
Wash your face and/or hands to cleanse yourself for the day.
Have a ‘worry stone.’ Take a crystal or rock or other stone and rub it when you’re anxious. Or, enchant it to remove negative energies and rub it when your pain is at the worst. The very least it will do is distract you.
Simply rest. Resting and taking some time to recover is the best practice.
Obviously this isn’t a large list, but I cannot emphasize the ‘simply rest’ part enough. As practitioners, we tend to want to do more when we’re sitting bored in bed. But remember, safety first. The quicker you recover, the quicker you can get back to your craft.
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celestialoblivion · 6 months
Ancestor Prayer Tutorial: Calling on Ancestors for Help
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posted by : kitty fields
A key aspect of my spiritual practice is my ancestors. Ancestor worship is common all over the world, particularly in China, Vietnam, parts of Africa, Mexico, and with certain indigenous American tribes. Some pagans are beginning to see the benefit of ancestor veneration – it connects you with your heritage and offers further spiritual growth and blessings.
Often people are confused on where to start with ancestor worship. I say start with ancestor prayer, including calling on ancestors for help with healing, protection, and comfort. And, guess what? Praying to the ancestors isn’t as difficult as you think. They are quite literally a part of you, which is something easy to tap into. So even if you think the ancestors are somewhere floating around in space or have reincarnated, etc. it doesn’t matter. They are totally reachable because of that inseparable link – your bloodline.
Ancestor Prayer: A Few Ways to Pray
Ancestor prayer can be done in a few ways, depending on what your most comfortable with. First, you can formally pray to the ancestors like you would pray to any other god or goddess. If you like to start your prayers with “Dear God”, then start your ancestor prayer with the same “Dear Ancestors”. You can also say “Blessed Ancestors” or “Beloved Ancestors” as an opening statement. Then continue with your prayer. Whether you are asking for help in a certain area or giving thanks for their presence in your life, either way – it’s okay! I typically start my ancestor prayer with a statement of gratitude then proceed to request things I need. I will also close my ancestor prayer with something like “so be it” or “so mote it be” or “and it come to pass.” 
Some people feel uncomfortable praying to ancestors in such a formal way. Maybe it reminds them of a religion that they left long ago. This is fine, too! Ancestor prayer can also be more of a general conversation with a friend or family member. Keep in mind, your ancestors are your family. So talk to them like you would a mother, father, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. You don’t have to have a formal opening statement, nor do you have to close it with “amen” or “so be it”, etc. Close your ancestor prayer in a friendly way by saying “good night” or “that’s all for now!”
But what if I was adopted or estranged from family?
You don’t have to know your ancestors by name. Again, your ancestors are a physical part of you. They live through you. Praying to the ancestors is as simple as addressing them as “ancestors”. So even if you were adopted and don’t know anything about your ancestors, you can still pray to them. They are still there to guide and protect you. Are you estranged from your family? Same thing applies. 
What if I didn’t get along with a specific ancestor, do I still have to pray to them?
The simple answer is no. You don’t have to pray or honor any spirit, ancestor, deity that you don’t want to. Your spiritual practice is your own. Now, you may hear other practitioners and witches telling you this is disrespectful to “skip over” certain ancestors. But the truth of the matter is, not everyone is a good person in life and some aren’t well even after death. So why would you seek out a bad person in the spirit world just because they’re your ancestors? You wouldn’t and shouldn’t. If you’d like to pray to a specific ancestor that you knew in life and loved, do so.
But, how do I know my ancestors can hear me?
Trust that your ancestors indeed hear you when you call – either out loud or in your head. If you want some confirmation, just ask. Ask your ancestors to send you a sign that they heard your prayer and will help you any way they can. Remember, your ancestors have been human, so they may not be able to do everything you expect they can in the spirit world. So be patient with them and the sign will come. More frequently than not, my ancestors will reach out to me in a dream or through some sign in daily life. Some of those signs include songs on the radio, repetitive angel numbers or symbols, and even animals.
Rhyming Prayers
I used to say rhyming doesn’t matter when it comes to prayers and chants. But in all honesty, rhyming helps focus our intentions and raise divine energy. Rhyming prayers don’t have to be said all of the time, but they are helpful when you are focusing on a specific intention. And they can be repeated easily. If you want an ancestral healing prayer, try writing one yourself. Even if you’re the “worst writer”, eventually you’ll come up with a poetic ancestral prayer that you can memorize and use any time you’d like! The ancestors appreciate when extra effort is put into communicating with them. It’s kind of like writing a poem for a family member – wouldn’t you be flattered if your family member wrote a poem for you? It’s communication and appreciation in the highest regard!
Ancestor Prayer for Protection
Ancestors within me
Wild and free
Guide and protect me
For eternity
Ancestral Healing Prayer
Blessed Ancestors hear me this night
Grant me your love and healing light 
Ancestral Abundance Prayer
Money flow freely to me and my family
Money flow freely
For the highest good of all
Ancestors make it be.
Calling on Ancestors for Help
It’s as simple as what I wrote above. Calling on ancestors for help doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or fancy. It is nice to remember your ancestors appreciate gifts. Set up a small ancestor altar to honor them or even start an ancestor wall or scrap album. If you have pictures of your passed ancestors, hang them up. Display them on your ancestor altar.
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