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The angel's eyes narrowed imperceptibly at her friend, noting the slight vestiges of irritation behind his expression - and felt a small stab of guilt. Miri's smile turned a fraction more forced as she attempted to keep her voice light and unchanged by concern. Perhaps she had been babying the kitsune a little too much recently, "Let's say we're both to blame and buy each other apology donuts, hey?" The blonde said with a quick flash of a grin, "Homework gettin' ya down too Stephie pie?"
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Miridian’s look only proved to annoy the kitsune, the way she was treating him was starting to get a little bit belittling… Everyone was treating him like a porcelain doll. The changes without the treatment were enough. he snapped out of it and shrugged, “nah, it’s all good. I should have been watching where I was going.” The teasing was received with a goofy smile. “Perfect, glad you’re doing well… Homework from Hell… I feel you.”
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"I'll take that as a wonderful compliment, darlin'. I promise to hold any judgement giving to myself until proven, how's that sound? I think I've seen ya round the place at some point... I'm sure I remember those blond locks... But anyhow, pleasure to meet ya too Stephie."
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"I wouldn’t say so; not many people can gloat about a jaw like that. Okay, I guess I’ve lost a few brain cells over the last bit. If you haven’t met me, don’t give out judgement too quick; that’d the way you get unpleasant surprises. Milo, huh? … I’m Stephan, pleased to meet you."
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"Cheeky's my middle name sweethear', it comes with the rakish good looks. Pleasure to meet you Damon, I'm Milo - try to remember it, if you can."
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"Oh I don’t know, that’s really rather cheeky of you, though if you must know, I’m Damon. And may I ask your name, gorgeous?"
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"I have one of those faces, I guess - but I'm pretty sure I haven't met you before, think I'd have remembered a cute face like that. You're not crazy gorgeous, don't worry - name's Milo, though. Ring any bells?"
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"Missed this place? You’re super familiar man, but I can’t put my finger on it… Yeah, no place like home… Who are you? Or I’m just crazy and in that case, I still wanna know your name."
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Mental note to self to go dungeon hunting next time I'm bored at night. Personally, I think palace is stretching it a little - no need for the already spoilt brats here to feel even more pampered. Ouch, well if you must know, m'name's Milo - and for the record, that was me flirting. Man, I thought vampires were supposed to be good at that kind of thing, guess you just proved me wrong pretty boy.
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I assume it does but then again, a palace is strictly luxury. And this would be considered more of a palace than a castle or fortress. Trust me, I would tell you if I recognized you or not. Photographic memory does you wonders. Sad? Why, is there a lack of enjoyment in your life.. or?
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"Oh you are a charmer aren't ya. Do I get a name of the handsome stranger I just offended, or is that pushin' my luck?"
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"It’s fine. It’s hard to be insulted when someone has a face like that. One look and it’s all better."
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"Anyone you want me to be sweetheart. That actually hurt to say - anyway, I'm Milo, pleasure to meet ya."
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"And you are?”
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It struck Milo, albeit briefly, how adorable Fintan really was, and he couldn't help grinning with a little less restraint at the small blonde, "Well thanks, chose it myself actually." He teased the other, ducking a little to catch her gaze again, "And it's a pleasure to meet you too sweethear'."
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Fintan couldn’t help a small smile that passed her lips with his, she was still wary of new people but this man seemed genuine enough. “Nice to meet you Milo.” she replied. “U-Um. I-I really like that name.” she said sweetly, looking away bashfully. The name made her think of a character in one of very few movies she had ever watched, it made her very happy.
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Milo snorted faintly, raising an eyebrow at the other briefly, "You're telling me - just try not to let that awful memory get outta hand." He offered Cameron a small, quick smile and a nod of acknowledgement of his name before shrugging a shoulder half-heartedly, " Oh... 7 months, give or take a few days. You?"
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"Not at all! I just happen to have the memory of a goldfish ~" he trailed off. "Awh shucks, danke!" he said with a small laugh. "Alrighty, nice to meetcha Milo! Names Cameron, I promise I’ll remember your name!"
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“So how long have you been here then?”
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Miri shifted a little at that, head ducking a fraction as her eyes flicked away from the vampire's briefly. It was always hard for her to actually listen when it came to self-worth, especially when it was about her angellic nature, "Well then, thank ya Enzo. Not many people think of it that way." The blonde offered the other a small smile, more genuine than the previous ones as she returned her gaze to him. A small snort escaped the angel, "Oh I kinda guessed as much darlin', you ain't exactly subtle in your ways. Could smell the religion on you a mile off." She joked lightly, before lifting a finger to tap at her chin in thought, "Mythology, Theatre, Earth Science... Finance, Creative Writing and... Greek Mythology. Yourself?"
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Enzo merely nodded a light chuckle escaping his lips in the process, still a little awestruck he found himself unable to vocalize a response to her words until that was the angel spoke up a second time. Shaking his head the vampire replied, “every angel is worth praise regardless just as every mortal is worth praise regardless, and to me it is as glamorous as it gets”. Enzo spun one of the many rings he wore in particular this one was his ticket to standing in direct sunlight and not becoming a cloud of ash. “Oh –– and I must add I had quite a religious upbringing, so truly this is all too exciting really,” he rushed through his words realizing he’d spent the entire time focused upon the other’s being Enzo made a change of topic. “Might I ask what you study here?”
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"Wow, how long did it take you to think of that one - this century? That's because when I'm grumpy or being a lil' bitch I'm still amazing company, so stop your whining. You're actually the most frustrating person ever, but y'know what? Can't be fucked with tossin' you out on your ass so fine - I'll drop it and let you fuckin' stew. You touch my stash and I end you, vamp. So just... pull up a chair and join me in my trash tv watching."
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"Cornflakes are bland            much like your insults are becoming. Yeah, well, there’s been plenty of times I haven’t wanted to deal with your ass but I did. So deal with it or have fun literally throwing me out, birdbrains. I have no woes to spill, just need a place where somebody isn’t always pestering me for them. Make me do anything and you’ll regret it when all your stash is gone and mine is well from your reach.”
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Miri gave a small roll of her eyes at his crouched figure, more than a little exasperated at the fact he'd offered help with his condition. The angel ducked down to scoop the rest of the texts from the floor, casually plucking the tomes the other blond had managed to grab from his hands as she smiled softly at him, "Well - I should probably stop jumpin' out at people in that case." The blonde teased her friend lightly as she tucked the books under her arm, head cocking to the side a fraction, "I'm wonderful gorgeous." Miri drawled with a faint smirk, "Though this influx of homework is killin' me."
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Stephan’s eyes widened as he saw who it was, an instinctual smile spreading over his face. “Yeah no, it’s fine! Sorry about yelling I’m just er…” he scratched at his shoulder nervously, “I’m just a little jumpy lately.” It wasn’t exactly a lie. He leaned down to help out with gathering her books, at least the best he could. He looked up to meet her worried eyes and his eyebrows fell, a reassuring smile spreading over his face. “I’m fine, how about you darlin’?”
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"It's a little rude - you're basically sayin' I've got a face that's easy to forget. But you're cute so I won't hold that against ya. Name's Milo though, for future reference."
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"Yeah frickin this place rocks! Sorry if i sound kinda rude but I seriously don’t ever remember seeing your face around here before dude."
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"Ah, I'm only joking - sorry if I offended ya gorgeous, no harm meant. Honest. Oh, I've been around but I suppose you could say I've been... running in different circles."
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"You’re feeling hurt, you just insulted me to my face, stranger. That’s hurtful. But no seriously, why haven’t I seen your gorgeous face anywhere?"
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Does this place even have a dungeon? I feel like I've been seriously missing out if it does - don't lie to me like that. But nah, I've just been keeping to myself, not surprised ya don't recognize me... you on the other hand, I'm kinda sad I haven't had the chance to meet you before.
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"              I would laugh but, A I don’t know who you are. B, don’t know how you can miss something if you look brand spanking new. Where the hell have you been hiding out? In the dungeons?”
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"Great's an understatement compared to out there," Milo offered with a quick flash of a smile at the small blonde. He could see the confusion rising in Fintan, and forcefully had to restrain himself from his usual nature around the girl - familiarity wouldn't be appreciated, "Pleasure," He drawled, "Name's Milo."
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Fintan looked up shyly at the stranger who seemed to be addressing her. “U-Um y-yeah… Th-This place is really great um…” she trailed off. This last week..? She certainly couldn’t remember ever seeing this man - then again it was a very large school. “I-I’m Fintan…” she introduced sheepishly.
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"I gotta say, I'm a little hurt right now, but I'll let it slide since you're pretty memorable lookin' yourself. Don't try to think about it too hard handsome, you might break something."
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"Hang on. You say you’re glad to be back and that you missed it here, but I’ve never seen you around. And trust me, I’d remember a face like yours."
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