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darling, dearest, dead.
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We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe.
Black Panther (2018)
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To Hayley. May she sleep with the angels. // Hayley Marshall made me feel like I was part of a family. No one will ever be able to replace her, or heal the pain we feel at her loss. // Goodbye mom. // I was in Corsica, drowning my sorrows about Hayley … // Hayley Marshall is now at peace. // I love you mom.
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I’m at the point in my life where I just don’t care anymore so if u stress me out I’m just not gonna deal with you anymore
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The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 21st year. If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.
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first date mayhem
summary: Your first date with Stiles has finally arrived and you couldn’t be more excited to spend the night being romanced by him. But while you were excited, Stiles was a nervous wreck. As you two head out for your romantic date, everything seems to go wrong.
warnings: none
word count: 1,874
A/N: I love writing fluff, I can’t help it. I was going to write a bit more for this one shot but I had to leave for work. Maybe I’ll make a part 2 if you guys want it!
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Tonight was the finally the night; the night you had been waiting for since the day Stiles Stilinski finally mustered up the courage and spastically ask you out. Actually, he sort have screamed the words ‘wanna go out’ in the middle of lunch a week ago with sweat dripping down his face.
He had been an anxious wreck but unlike the rest of the school who had laughed with his outburst and teased him, you had smiled sweetly and told him yes. It was a simple word, but it was also a  word that sent him into a major panic attack. He would have never thought that you, one of the most popular people in school, would ever agree to go out with his awkward self.
Though you would never admit it to anyone, Stiles had always caught your eye. His sarcastic attitude may have been a huge turn off to most of the high school population, but for you, well, you adored it. He was a spaz, but an adorable one at that. His humor was one of the most attractive things about him, he could always make you laugh.
You stood in the foyer of your home, slipping shoes onto your feet and glancing at yourself in the mirror, making sure your hair wasn’t a tangled mess. You had dressed up, you were probably overdressed but you could care less. You dressed to impress and tonight you felt confident, you wanted to at least look the part as well. And you also wanted to make Stiles swoon a little bit.
There was a sudden knock at the door causing your stomach to do flips; though you didn’t look it, you were nervous. First dates always made you quite anxious but you had always been a pro at hiding it.
Answering the door with a charming smile, you noticed Stiles standing there somewhat awkwardly as if he was unsure about where he was. When his kind eyes landed on your face, he smiled, a goofy smile that melted your heart. How could one human being be so adorable?
“Hey, sorry, I’m kind of early but you know, early bird gets the worm.” He said, or more like rambled. Unlike yourself, Stiles was not very good at hiding his nerves.
“Stiles, I think that phrase is more for the morning when you wake up super early” You told him with a quiet laugh before gazing down at the watch clasped around your wrist. “It’s currently six twenty,”
Stiles opened his mouth but then closed it, seeming rather flustered. But as he figured out what to say, you were finally able to get a good look at him, your eyes sweeping him over. He was handsome what with his beautiful brown eyes that glistened in the porch light, the moles that splattered across his pale skin, and the messy hair atop his head that he seemed to try and tame down but a few strands still stuck up here and there.
But it was his shirt that caught your eye. Your eyebrow had arched curiously as you noticed the black shirt he had put on was inside out. The white tag was sticking out from the collar and you could see the seams around the arms. For a moment, you were wondering if you should say anything or just keep it quiet. You had no desire to make him any more nervous than he already was.
“Uh, Stiles,” You finally spoke causing him to look at you, his eyes rather wide. There was still a smile on your face, you actually found it rather adorable that your presence made him a nervous wreck. But you hoped that the soon he’d be able to relax. “Your shirt is inside out.”
Stiles looked horrified as he glanced down at his outfit, a light gasp leaving his lips. “Crap,” He muttered, awkwardly smoothing the wrinkles out of the shirt as if that would help, before looking back up at you. “I kind of got dressed in a hurry, I thought I was running late. Obviously I wasn’t.”
You had laughed softly, reaching out and grabbing a hold of his trembling hand. His hand was warm in yours, and clammy but you didn’t mind. He tensed at your soft touch, his eyes locking with yours as you gently laced your fingers with his. That sent an electric shock through his entire body. He had a lump in his throat, seeming to become speechless as he stared into your beautiful eyes.
“I was teasing you. The inside out thing kind of works for you,” You told him with a small shrug of your shoulders as you stepped out onto the porch and shut the door behind you. “Stop being so nervous, I don’t bite. Unless you want me to.”
You had winked at him and his mouth fell open slightly at your words until he realized that you were kidding, at least he thought you were kidding. You really weren't but he didn’t need to know that, this was your first date, he didn’t need to see that side of you just yet. You didn’t need to send him into a panic attack.
“Glad you like the inside out thing, I actually did it on purpose.” He said, chuckling as his eyes looked you up and down for the first time tonight, his pale face becoming rosy. “You look, uh, you look great.”
“Thank you,” You told him, a faint blush of your own appearing lightly across your cheeks. “I hope I’m not overdressed.”
Stiles had been quick to shake his head, giving your hand a confident squeeze. Was he finally relaxing and letting down his guard? You hoped so.
“You’re not. I’m kind of under dressed but that’s just my style.” He told you before leading you off your porch and towards his old rickety jeep on the street. The jeep was old and had a lot of problems but you found it charming.
“So, where are you taking me tonight?” You asked, brushing a few strands of your hair out of your face, your eyes studying his features as the two of you walked down the sidewalk.
He glanced at you, the goofy smile returning. You could spot the faint dimples in his cheeks. “I know you’re kind of a hopeless romantic,” He said causing you to raise your eyebrows, “Uh, Lydia told me that. So, I’m taking you on a beautiful and romantic picnic filled with stargazing and amazing food.”
That was cute. He had went to your best friend and asked for advice. Lydia and you were like sisters, attached at the hip. She knew everything about you and she was right, you were a hopeless romantic. You loved romance; getting flowers, cute little picnics, and handwritten love notes were the way to your heart.
“That sounds like the perfect way to spend a Friday evening,” You told him, your voice soft as he opened the passenger side door for you.
You had hopped inside, your heart beating heavily against your chest as you looked at him for a moment. The eye contact you two held was rather intense, as if you two were looking into one another's souls. But you smiled at him, not allowing him to see the nerves that were coursing through your veins. He smiled back, his eyes twinkling as he closed the door and walked around the jeep, hopping inside and twisting the keys in the ignition.
The engine roared to life but then stopped suddenly, making a rather loud and obnoxious sputtering sound before dying. Stiles was frozen, all the color seeming to drain from his face. He began to twist the key but the engine refused to start. You look at him, feeling rather sympathetic for him. He was trying so hard and nothing seemed to work for him.
“Oh, come on,” He exclaimed, smacking the steering wheel with his hands in annoyance. “Why are you betraying me?” You heard him whisper to his jeep, his eyes suddenly narrowing.
“Stiles, it’s okay.” You were quick to say, your voice soothing as he continued to turn the key hoping that a miracle would work.
“It’s not okay, I had everything planned,” He muttered, running his fingers through his hair and finally looking at you. He seemed embarrassed. “I spent two hours making the food and you know, decorating the place we were going to go and now we’re not going to be able to go there.”
You would have offered to take your car but your sibling had borrowed it for the night, having a date off their own. This really was not how you thought the night would go. But it didn’t bother you, at least you still got to spend the evening with Stiles. The two of you were stuck here unless a miracle happened and his jeep would magically start but you highly doubted that.
“It’s okay, stop beating yourself up over it. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, that’s why we improvise.” You pointed out, lightly pinching his cheek in a playful manner in hopes of easing his annoyance. “Come on, my backyard is the perfect place for a picnic.”
You were determined to have a date tonight with Stiles. You had been looking forward to this night for the past week. You liked him, quite a lot, and not only that, you felt bad for him. He was obviously devastated that tonight wasn’t going to plan.
“Come on, Stiles, we’re not getting any younger,” You laughed, hopping out his jeep and landing gracefully on your feet.
Stiles had let out a breath but nodded, you were right. He couldn’t let his inside out shirt or the fact his jeep wouldn’t start to ruin the romantic night he had planned for you. He hopped out and walked towards the back of his jeep, opening it and looking for the picnic basket he had borrowed from Lydia.
“Are you kidding me?” He exclaimed, his voice echoing in the night and it caused you to raise your eyebrows. You turned to him, spotting the frown on his face.
He had slaved over that food for two hours, mostly because his microwave stopped working halfway through. But he still managed to make everything perfectly and he still somehow forgot it on the counter in the kitchen back home.
“You forgot the food, didn’t you?” You asked quietly, walking towards him and placing your hand gently on his shoulder.
“How stupid can I be?” He muttered, more to himself than to you. He hung his head in disappointment and let out a sigh. “I am so sorry for tonight, I swear I’m not usually like this. I know you’re disappointed.”
You had laughed, squeezing his shoulder gently. “I am not disappointed,” You were quick to say causing him to look at you. You had a reassuring look on your face. “You’re here and I still get to spend the evening with you. So don’t worry about it. We can order pizza and we can still have that romantic picnic. Okay?”
Stiles had let out a breath and nodded his head, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Okay.”
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Of all the things I am not very good at, living in the real world is perhaps the most outstanding.
Anne Tyler, The Accidental Tourist  (via plathisms)
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it’s never too late!!!!!!! to text them back. to drink enough water today. to get into a skincare routine. to learn the piano or how to paint!! to learn winged eyeliner. to tell them how u feel. to start getting fitter. to get changed or brush your teeth or shower today. to read that book or watch that show everyone was talking about years ago. to turn an acquaintance into a friend. if u don’t start somewhere u won’t go anywhere at all.
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#born with it
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game of thrones:    season 1
You know what I learnt losing that duel? I learnt that I’ll never win. Not that way. That’s their game, their rules. I’m not going to fight them: I’m going to fuck them. That’s what I know, that’s what I am, and only by admitting what we are can we get what we want. And what do you want? Everything, my dear. Everything there is.
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My favourite sensation is getting into a warm bath on a chilly morning.
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if you see this post you’re legally obligated to reply to it with your current favorite song
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- You still mourn for Joffrey? - He was my husband. My king. - He would have been your nightmare.
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sunday mornings
summary: It’s a quiet Sunday morning and you are spending the day at your boyfriend’s home in the French Quarter; painting, talking, sipping coffee, and doing whatever couples do. As long as you two are together, you two are at peace.
warnings: none
word count: 1,541
A/N: I made the reader feminine in this one. I just wanted to write some Klaus fluff because I love him. Also wanting to write a fanfic about him, I’m trash for the hybrid.
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Sunday morning had always been your favorite time of day; the faint music fluttering in through the open window of jazz players standing down the street soothed your soul and calmed your mind. The smell of coffee wafted in the air, your mouth watering, in desperate need for the bitter taste of caffeine. Paint stained your hands while the brush was tucked behind your ear, your eyes gazing down at the canvas before you.
Blues and greens swirled together in waves, coloring the canvas like an ocean. Your hair had been tucked behind your ears, lightly tied at the nape of your neck to keep strands out of your perfectly rounded face. In this moment, you felt the weight of the world lift from your shoulders and nothing but peace surrounded you.
“An artist in her prime,” Klaus had chuckled, stepping behind you and placing his hands lightly on your shoulders, his fingers massaging your tense muscles.
Your eyes had fluttered close at his touch, a smile pulling at the corner of your lips.
“I’m not exactly an artist, I just kind of throw paint at a canvas and hope for the best,” You pointed out with a soft laugh.
That was true, you had never been into painting until you met him. His love and passion for art inspired you to try it. Believe it or not, you had ended up falling in love with painting. It relaxed you in a way you could not explain. Not just that, it was something the two of you could do together without interruption. Now it’s become routine, the two of you spent Sunday mornings painting together while sipping coffee. Actually, he sipped bourbon and you drank coffee.
“Yes, I can see that,” He had teased, pointing towards the paint that was splattered all over your overalls and cheeks. There was even a bit of blue tangled into your hair. “But it works for you, you have a hidden talent.”
You had raised an eyebrow, opening your eyes and turning around in your stool to face him. His hands had fallen from your shoulders and were now placed against your legs, your faces inches apart. He smiled at you, his vibrant eyes twinkling. Green paint was stained on your nose and it caused him to chuckle quietly.
“You’re only saying that because I so happen to be the love of your life,” You had stated, a teasing tone in your voice as he pulled the paintbrush out from behind your ear.
“Don’t flatter yourself, love,” He joked, placing the paintbrush into a cup of water to soak. “When I give a compliment, I always mean it.”
That was your relationship; bickering playfully and teasing the other. The two of you rarely took what the other said seriously. When he was with you, it was like he hadn’t been alive for a thousand years, it was like he wasn’t this fearsome beast everyone feared. He was just a man; charming, funny, and far too cocky for his own good. Around you, he came back down to Earth, he lowered his guard for you.
You were that special to him. You had captured his fragile and aching heart, and you kept it safe. Being around you, letting his walls down just came naturally to him. He wanted to show you his true self, the playful side only a few knew of.
“Do you?” You questioned, winking playfully at him as you hopped down off the stool, your bare feet landing in a small puddle of white acrylic paint.
You wrinkled your nose, feeling the paint squeeze through your toes. It was not a feeling you enjoyed, actually you kind of despised it. The cold liquid seeped into your skin causing you to shudder.
“How is that you stay perfectly clean when painting but when I paint, I end up looking like this,” You wondered out loud as you gestured to your colorful self, flailing your arms dramatically.
“That’s because, as you say, you just throw paint at the canvas and hope for the best.” He stated as he turned to his canvas which was beautiful as always. Strokes of red and black covered the canvas in even lines, creating an abstract masterpiece.
You stepped towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and nuzzling your face into his back. You felt his entire body relax and he seemed to melt in your embrace as he slide the brush across the canvas.
“Your getting paint on my favorite shirt,” He muttered but it was clear he didn’t care that much, you holding him seemed to ease him. “This is my favorite shirt.”
A laugh had rippled through you and you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes, “You have ten other shirts exactly like this one. A little paint doesn’t hurt anyone,” You were quick to point out.
He was quiet for a moment before he twisted around, you were quick to loosen your grip around him and pull slightly away so he had room to face you. Before you knew it, the paintbrush he had been holding had been swiped across your face, leaving a large red stain from your left eye to your right.
“Nik!” You exclaimed, hopping away and staring up at his amused face with wide eyes. He looked as if he were about to burst into a fit of laughter.
“Paint doesn’t hurt anyone, that is what you said wasn’t it?” He questioned, twisting the paintbrush around in his hand victoriously.
You opened your mouth but quickly closed it, huffing in annoyance instead. He eyed you carefully, waiting for you to make the next move. Obviously you would, paint wars were not uncommon between you two but it always ended the same way. You always lost. He was a hybrid, he was far too fast for you. He was always two steps ahead of you. You’d always be covered head to toe in paint while he came out clean as a whistle.
“Not going to fight back, that’s unlike you.” He chuckled, watching your face scrunch up into an almost pout. Right now, you resembled a child who had lost at a board game. “You’re beginning to lose your touch, love.”
Another huff left your lips and you were quick to grab the small cup of blue paint off your table. But just as you were about to splatter him with paint, he caught your wrist easily. It hadn’t even phased him. His fingers were wrapped firmly around your arm, keeping you from moving.
“Have to be faster than that.” He mused, obviously enjoying the fact that he was winning this battle.
You narrowed your eyes, grabbing another cup of paint with your free hand but just like before, he was too fast and caught your arm, keeping you from spilling it all over him. You struggled against his grip, trying to yank your arms free in order to win but there was no chance, he was stronger than you.
“That’s not fair, you’re not being fair.” You whined childishly as he pulled you closer to him, his amused smile now turning into a smirk. You were chest to chest, you could feel the warmth of his body radiate around you.
“And you’re being a bit childish, love. Sore losers are unattractive, didn’t you know?” He told you, leaning down, his lips brushing lightly over yours which sent a chill down your spine. Just a simple kiss as that caused your head to spin, it left you wanting more as it always did.
“If sore losers are unattractive, why did you kiss me?” You inquired, raising an eyebrow.
Klaus had tilted his head to the side, “I suppose I can’t help myself when you’re around.” He added before leaning down once more and capturing your lips with his. His grip around your wrists had loosened as you returned the kiss, your lips moving together in sync. The kiss was lazy and soft, your noses brushing lightly together.
He was distracted, he was melting more and more into your kiss. His grip on your wrists were loosening with each second that ticked by. To be honest, you were as distracted as him but your competitiveness was building up. You kissed him harder, your teeth catching his bottom lip and you tugged at it. That was it, he had lost it, he had let your arms go in order to grab your face, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair.
You smirked into the kiss as you pulled away, pouring the blue paint over his head. It plopped down heavy against his curly hair, dripping over his forehead and into his thick eyelashes. He had let out a sound you had never heard before, it was one of surprise and annoyance. It sounded like a yelp, it caused you to laugh.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed, staring at you in surprise. It was obvious that he was more angry with himself for allowing you to distract him like that. You had finally won.
You grinned happily, winking at him once more. “You have some paint on your face.” You giggled before twisting around and rushing into the bathroom before he could get his revenge.
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I perhaps owe becoming a painter to flowers. — Claude Monet.
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