celinearchiiive · 6 days
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Kim Addonizio, from a poem titled "For You," featured in Lucifer at the Starlite: Poems
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celinearchiiive · 6 days
“But no matter how mad I’ve been, I never for one second stopped wanting you here with me.”
— Colleen Hoover, Hopeless
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celinearchiiive · 8 days
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Andrea Gibson, Lord of the Butterflies
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celinearchiiive · 9 days
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Rita Dove, from “November for Beginners“
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celinearchiiive · 9 days
I want to write, but more than that, I want to bring out all kinds of things that lie buried deep in my heart.
Anne Frank
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celinearchiiive · 10 days
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celinearchiiive · 10 days
I am okay?
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celinearchiiive · 8 months
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celinearchiiive · 9 months
I realise there is only so much advice you can follow. Ultimately, you have to live. That means making mistakes. You can’t go through life expecting that wise words will be enough. Sometimes you have to suffer to learn the lesson.
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celinearchiiive · 9 months
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celinearchiiive · 9 months
sometimes there’s a big hole in your soul and that’s just the way it is and you have to fill it up with songs you love and people who make you feel better and towels in your favorite color and socks that feel just right on your feet and even then sometimes part of you will leak out and other times it’ll all gush at once and you’ll feel like you’re fighting a losing battle but the fact is every time you flood you just pick up the pieces of all the little good things around you and start laying the bricks over again and yeah it’s too bad there’s got to be a hole in the first place but that’s life sometimes you babble and ebb and flow and burst but your soul is part of what keeps the world alive and it’s really just amazing you’re here so don’t worry that the sadness never fully goes away I’m just really glad we exist. the world is full of everyone and I’m happy that includes us.
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celinearchiiive · 1 year
ways i reset on a sunday 🤍
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deep clean my apartment + do laundry
every sunday i give my apartment a good deep clean— i will wash my sheets, do my laundry, clean my appliances, scrub toilets, bathtubs, and countertops, i’ll mop, and i give myself natural sunlight and fresh air by opening the windows. i like to do this in the morning so i have the rest of the day to enjoy a clean apartment
plan my week
i double check the days i work in the hospital, any appointments i might have, and any deadlines that are coming up. i create a rough idea of how my week will probably look and this is also a good time for me to write the goals i have for the following week.
run errands
i like to go grocery shopping once a week and while i’m there, i like to get necessities for the house if needed like toilet paper or toothpaste. any other errands like bank deposits will be done on this day as well.
i prefer to be alone
i spend so much time with people at work that it’s much needed for me to be alone and enjoy my own company. i will do things that i enjoy like reading, going to the beach, getting brunch (yes, alone), or whatever else my heart desires.
active recovery days
i workout daily and sundays are my active recovery days. this is when i just focus on stretching, walking, and getting my body moving in light and easy ways, while still being active.
i prioritize health on sundays (a bit more)
while it’s important to always be healthy, sundays are the days where i like to cleanse my body a bit more. i will drink more water, continue with my vitamins, focus on high-quality nutrition, and take additional supplements like chlorophyll, spirulina, wheatgrass, etc.
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celinearchiiive · 1 year
“The funny thing is when you start feeling happy alone, that’s when everyone decides to be with you.”
— Jim Carrey
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celinearchiiive · 1 year
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Tony Hoagland, from Application for Release from the Dream; “The Complex Sentence”
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celinearchiiive · 1 year
I assure you, I’m not put together at all. Nor am I broken. I am recovering - finding the beautiful in the ugly and stitching it into my life.
Rachel Wolchin
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celinearchiiive · 1 year
I'm going to spend this summer saying hello to people and smiling even when I don't feel like it. I don't want to be alone this year, so afraid. Angry at inevitable change. Angry too with the people who enjoy it while I cannot. My life will be good, I've been saying over and over again. My life will be good even if I can't remember how, even if I can't see the possibility it still exists.
- Chloeinletters
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celinearchiiive · 1 year
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Devin Kelly, All that wanting, right?
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