celiniebeanie99 · 4 years
Sweet Home Theory: Sang-wook isn’t actually dead
It’s really just me ranting about how I think Sang-wook “supposed” death scene was poorly written if he actually is dead.
1. Sang-wook’s “death” scene doesn’t match his overall character.
Actually, this isn’t really a theory. More of my own thoughts as someone who enjoys watching post-apocalytic/horror/fantasy genres.
For example, Jae-heon (Samurai Guy) went out like a total champ. And I’m not by any means glorifying his death because it was brutal and horrible and he didn’t deserve it, but the way he went out really reflected his morals and beliefs.
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We know him as someone who is willing to sacrifice himself for the safety of others. We knew it ever since he tried to get rid of the Protein Monster. Everything about Jae-heon’s death scene reflected his character. Dude literally lost AN ARM and was still trying his best to protect the other survivors.
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And then, you compare it to Sang-wook’s death scene. Yeah, it’s sweet and comforting but it just feels like something is missing. I have to stress that Sang-wook is ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS (Jae-heon is a recurring character), so if he was gonna die, I was imagining him throwing a freaking fit because someone he cared about (Yu-ri) was killed, y’know. Like going Terminator on Wooi-myeong or SOMETHING!
Also, I feel like that car scene outside seemed to be more focused on giving a proper send off to Yu-ri than Sang-wook. She was saying things like “I killed someone, I’m afraid that that’s the last thing that I do before I die.“ Everything she said is very ‘death-character-send-off-ffy’.
I find it very funny that the show tried to convince us how much of a beast Sang-wook is, and then have his cause of “death” be bullet wounds shot from a dude who wasn’t even looking at where he was shooting. He hit Yu-ri, I’ll give Wooi-myeong that, buuuuut....
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Sang-wook also threw that creep through a freaking wall. AND TAKEN BLOWS TO THE HEAD FROM A HAMMER! Nuh-uh. It’s gonna take more than just a couple of bullets to convince me that Pyeon Sang-wook is actually dead.
And finally, this is something that wasn’t brought up. From the way the show was edited, it seemed that Sang-wook at the cliffhanger may most likely be inhabited by the Sludge Monster. Even his demeanor and tone of voice had changed! However...
2. Monsterization can’t heal scars from before the transformation.
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What I mean by this, all of Hyun-soo’s injuries sustained while he was going through monsterization could be healed. For example, the scars on his face, and even surviving a nine-floor drop. But, I’d like to bring attention to something crucial.
When Hyun-soo was experiencing nosebleeds and “visits” from the monster inside him, we clearly see that his self-harm scars have not been healed despite monsterization giving him healing abilities. This means that injuries/wounds inflicted on someone BEFORE monsterization CANNOT BE HEALED.
So, if Sang-wook had these burn wounds on his face since his teenage years...
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It doesn’t make sense that his wounds FROM BEFORE THIS MONSTERIZATION could be healed, REGARDLESS of whether if his body is possessed by Wooi-myeong a.k.a. The Sludge Monster.
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This, ultimately means that there are 3 possible explanations:
1. The show has a big freaking plot-hole. 
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2. The Sang-wook at the cliffhanger is NOT PYEON SANG-WOOK.
Maybe a twin brother?? I’m not too confident about this one. Just wanted to throw it out there.
3. The Sang-wook at the cliffhanger was a special infectee LONG BEFORE THE APOCALYPSE. 
This would explain the absence of his scars and why he was relatively calm when things started going crazy. I just found it a bit weird that he wanted to hunt the Hunger Monster down. Also, he wasn’t freaked when that monster attacked and bit him. He probably knew what causes the monsterization process to begin with. This makes me think that maybe Sang-wook might have some connection to the military or something. And I’m not sure if this was ever suggested in the drama but I think the military knew that monsters would start roaming Earth. 
This has been my theories on why I think Pyeon Sang-wook isn’t dead.
To whoever that reads this, I wish you a good day and feel free to suggest any of your thoughts about my theory. I apologise because it probably isn’t as well thought out and I’m sure I must have missed something out.
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celiniebeanie99 · 4 years
The Black Sludge Monster from Sweet Home
I just wanted to write this because it really has got me thinking about it for a while now. After rewatching Sweet Home for I don’t know how many times, I’m still confused about the black sludgy monster/Ui-Myeong and how it works exactly...
When we last see the monster, it was snaking its way up a vehicle (which had been driven and rammed into the Green Home building). What I found interesting, and also confusing is that the engine started as the monster breaks into half, with one half going underneath the vehicle, and the other sliding into the driver’s seat.
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That got me thinking... how does the monster power up a vehicle without having to inhabit a human body? Does that mean that the monster can also inhabit machines (vehicles, computers, etc.)? You see, last time I checked, there wasn’t even a body in that vehicle for the monster to inhabit. And no matter how many times I’ve replayed this particular scene, the engine always starts AS the monster slides underneath it.
If there is an explanation for this, please let me know cuz I’m dying here lol. [Also this is my first Tumblr about anything actually hehe]  I’m hoping that this is something that will be explored or answered in S2.
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