celleist · 8 days
Aphrodite research resources 🦢 💕
here are some resources for starting research on Aphrodite!! as always, feel free to add your own sites or material
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celleist · 8 days
easy ways to honor Aphrodite
tell someone how you feel! talk to a loved one and let them know they are important to you 🩷
take care of yourself! this can be as mundane as brushing your teeth or as complex as a full ritual bath 🛁
do something artistic. art, music, and poetry are the food of love! 🎻
stand up for yourself and know your self worth! set boundaries and protect your energy 🫧
share love in any form! text your partner, hug your mom, pet your dog, etc. 🫶🏻
experience pleasure; by eating a rich dessert, having an orgasm, going shopping, taking a nap… the possibilities are literally endless 🌹
also you can honor Aphrodite by literally just existing because you are beautiful and full of love :D
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celleist · 10 days
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celleist · 1 month
forgive yourself. do it often.
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celleist · 1 month
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having boundaries with yourself
➼ having a bedtime
➼ deciding the minimum and maximum amount of time you can dedicate to work each week
➼ setting limits on the amount of screen time you have
➼ having an amount of time per week you move your body
➼ limiting your alcohol/highly processed food consumption
➼ keeping a budget
➼ deciding how often you will travel or go on vacation and sticking to it
➼ going to doctors and dentist appointments regularly
➼ paying bills on time
➼ doing work (school or not) on time
➼ wearing sunscreen when you go outside
(images from pinterest)
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celleist · 1 month
Small ways to activate your "happiness" chemicals
DOPAMINE: the reward chemical
• Complete a task
• Doing self care activites
• Eating some food
• Celebrating your little wins.
OXYTOCIN: the love hormones
• Playing with a dog
• Playing with a baby
• Holding hands
• Hugging someone
• Giving someone else a compliment
SEROTONIN: the mood stabiliser
• Meditating
• Running
• Be in the sun
• Walk in nature
• Swimming
ENDORPHIN: the pain relief
• Laughing exercises
• Essential oils
• Eating dark chocolate
• Running
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celleist · 1 month
i need to catch up on lectures but what if I learned how to use blender and practiced the piano and read entirely-unrelated-to-my-studies papers and started reading a new book and learned how to crochet and took a long bath and booked a spontaneous trip and learned how to dance and went to the 24hr gym and became really good at chess and
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celleist · 1 month
be addicted to real dopamine
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be in the present and notice those little things you never saw before, but that have always been there
experience new exciting things that bring you joy
love people, listen to them and create meaningful connections
make art and don’t label it as “good” or “bad,” just let your soul be free
stop scrolling on social media and start turning pages of an interesting book
do mindfulness meditation and feel your body and mind calming down
move your body, no matter how as long as you’re enjoying
listen to music that matches the moment you’re in
eat nourishing food, feel your stomach full without discomfort
get a good night of sleep and feel yourself ready for another day
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celleist · 4 months
emotional processing is so funny because sometimes you’ll be violently sobbing on your bedroom floor over something that happened 4 years ago and then you’ll just. get up and make coffee. and go to the grocery store. and take all this fundamental sadness for a walk. and ponder the cosmic experiences of humanity while eating a sandwich. and that’s healing.
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celleist · 5 months
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celleist · 5 months
animals are so right about nuzzling your face into things
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celleist · 5 months
Romanticizing your life sounds so stupid but it will help you cope. Taking extra time to make a yummie coffee in the morning, sitting outide observing the wind in the trees, writing poems, going to old book stores, watching your childhood favourite movies, listening to romantic jazz, writing in a coffee shop, making sure you have moody lighting in your room, putting on asmr rooms as a background noise while you work. It's not a solution, but it makes things a bit better.
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celleist · 5 months
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celleist · 5 months
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celleist · 5 months
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celleist · 6 months
be your best version before 2024
i have come up with a kind of challenge to become our best version before the end of the year.
with this habit we are going to implement healthier habits in our lives and abandon those that are not benefiting us, also get to know ourselves better and manifest our desires or goals for the next year.
the challenge has a duration of 21 days but obviously after that we have to continue with this healthy lifestyle that we have created.
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- habits to implement on a daily basis
drink two liters of water a day (recommended for physical and mental health).
movement (training at home, at the gym, going for a walk, running, yoga, pilates, any activity that allows you to exercise your body)
commit yourself to one habit during these 21 days, for example journaling.
choose a meditation on something you want to improve in your life, it can be self-love, relationships, economic abundance, health and do it daily (i recommend before going to sleep) during all the days of the challenge.
also choose a video of affirmations, a subliminal, mantra that has to do with the meditation you chose and listen to it at least once a day and if you can more, whenever you feel like it.
print, make or buy a calendar to keep track of this challenge and mark the days you met, if you miss one, start again, propose it.
go to bed an hour earlier than you usually go to bed and get up half an hour earlier than you usually get up.
- habits you need to start replacing now
screen time, stop being so much connected to social media and do something outside or even at home but you don't have to use your phone.
in any social media, stop following 10 accounts that you think are "hurting" you and in turn follow 5 new ones that you think will help you in your personal growth and development or at least inspire you something positive, the time you are going to use social media at least see things that nourish you.
stop worrying, when a problem or difficulty of any kind comes up, write in a journal how you feel, do a meditation or anything else that keeps you focused on something other than the problem, if necessary you can feel the anger or sadness, but don't get stuck in those thoughts.
instead of spending time watching tv or any streaming platform, read a book or listen to a spiritual/personal growth podcast.
- journaling ideas
during these days you can write in your diary these kinds of things:
how you would like your year 2024 to be.
all your goals for the next year.
how you would like your best version of yourself to be from now on.
an extraordinary event that you would like to happen before the end of this year.
a letter of forgiveness to someone who hurt you (it can be yourself too).
a list of 10 things you would do or would like to happen to you if you believe that everything is possible for you.
list of books you want to read from now and this 2024
a mantra or affirmation that you will write daily every morning for the next 21 days. write one that comes to mind or one that resonates with you.
- how to do the challenge?
organize your day to implement the habits i mentioned at the beginning such as exercise, journaling, drinking the two liters of water, doing the meditation you chose, listening to the affirmations you chose.
if one day you don't do any of these things, propose to start again from day 1.
you don't have to exercise daily either, if you are just starting out it can be 3 or 4 days but for example the other days go for a walk or do a stretching routine.
what i have proposed are small habits that can be done daily and complement the routine you have right now, you can do it and after those 21 days you will see a significant change in your life.
this challenge is just a kind of game to make it more fun and have more motivation to implement these habits in your day and start doing it now and not when the year begins. that your best version does not wait any longer to come to light.
and i hope you tell me how it went 🤍
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celleist · 6 months
‧₊˚✧[Little life update]✧˚₊‧
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╰⪼ I went to a little antique bookstore yesterday and thought I would show you what I bought. <33
I hope everyone is having a lovely and successful week so far!! :)
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