cemetery-baccanal · 2 days
finishing the last unicorn got me goin. ohhh purple immortals who become mortal due to love and that being what ends them but its about lady amalthea who must live now and forever knowing what it was like to love when she was never meant to, and knowing that the world would have been worse off if she had gotten to keep that love but still hurting so, so much for not getting to have it. and its about rem who found herself experiencing love that she knew was inconsequential to the universe but that consumed her so wholeheartedly that the idea of the one she loved no longer existing was more terrifying than the thought of herself no longer existing.
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cemetery-baccanal · 3 days
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The moon is for all of us
social media and store You are not allowed to use, copy or trace my art. Thank you.
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cemetery-baccanal · 3 days
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cemetery-baccanal · 3 days
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Jelly cycle, gamblin ink on kitakata paper, hand pressed
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cemetery-baccanal · 3 days
Ok so. I have a question. If there was a full glass of human blood in front of you, and the was absolutely no health risk to drinking it, like, that's not ever a factor, how much of it do you think you would drink? Because I would at least take one solid gulp.
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cemetery-baccanal · 4 days
Nigerian miku!!💚🤍💚
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saw this whole trend going aroung and loved all the diffrent miku's from around the glob!!
mine is miku has a nigerian muslim, and i love her
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cemetery-baccanal · 4 days
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bharatnatyam air bender
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cemetery-baccanal · 5 days
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portuguese miku.
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cemetery-baccanal · 5 days
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📸 | snapshot
xie lian soft-launches his bf hua cheng and the internet loses it
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cemetery-baccanal · 5 days
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I made an art collab for Kuroshitsuji anniversary with artists from discord!! The theme was "Kuroshitsuji characters in another show/media" And I chose my girl Lizzy in Kimetsu no Yaiba 😈⚔️
These are the other artists who have participated in the collaboration!!
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cemetery-baccanal · 5 days
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[OC] prettiest girl (vampire) in the morgue 🦇🩸
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cemetery-baccanal · 5 days
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chinese lion dancer miku 🦁💥💥
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cemetery-baccanal · 5 days
acrylic markers are very tasty
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cemetery-baccanal · 5 days
“Can I be mean for a second” I would not care if you killed the bitch in front of me. Now what’s bothering you queen
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cemetery-baccanal · 5 days
I can't stop thinking about the relationship between Jon and Helen as perhaps one of the most important ones in the entire show. They are narrative parallels for each other, and they both know it. They've both known it from the very start!
Helen walks into the Archives, paranoid, unsure of who to trust, and Jon sees himself in her. And he thinks "If i can help her, maybe there's hope for me too." Then he can't save her. The next time they meet, she's a monster. They're both monsters. There was never any other way their stories could have gone, their fates entwined from the very start.
And Helen answers his original thought with one of her own: "Maybe if we can help each other, there's hope for us both." But Jon looks at her and sees everything that he fears becoming, and so he turns her away, and refuses to accept that their stories are still one and the same.
Helen went to the last person who was ever kind to her, the only person who both knew her as a human and had the context to understand what she'd become, and he hated her. He hated her because he liked Helen, and told her that she couldn't be Helen.
So she stopped trying to be Helen, and embraced being a monster. Reveled in it even. Then Jon wakes up from a six month coma, more monster than person, and tries so hard to cling to the things that mattered to him when he was human. Even with no support, even with the entire archives staff against him, he chooses humanity and compassion over and over again.
And this is a direct threat to Helen's world view. Their stories are entwined. If Jon can continue to be a person even after everything he's been through, then she could have clung to her humanity too, if only she'd tried a little harder. And that terrifies her! She wants to conceptualize herself as someone who was completely overwhelmed by forces beyond her control, who never had a choice but to become a monster. She want's to be an innocent victim. But Jon argues with his actions that they'd both had choices.
And, Jon, in turn, holds out hope that she might make better choices until the very end.
This is the conflict between them for all of season 4 and 5. Jon wants to prove that they can both be decent people, and Helen wants to prove that they were never going to be anything but monsters. This is why she's so devoted to trying to goad Jon into enjoying his newfound godhood. She knows that they are the same, and wants that to mean that he has a spark of evil inside of him, and not that she was always capable of doing good.
When Jon kills her, she loses her life, but wins the argument. Helen is nothing but a dangerous monster who needs to be killed for the good of everyone, and in the moment he decides that, Jon dooms himself to the same fate. Their stories are one and the same. "If i can help her, maybe there's hope for me too." he thought. But he couldn't help her, refused to, even, in the one moment when it actually mattered. And thus, there was never hope for him.
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cemetery-baccanal · 6 days
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Ill post this au( inspired by tweet above) i started on my twt on Tumblr too
First part
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more comic panels below
Second part
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Third part
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Fourth part
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Shenanigans side extra
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this is currently an ongoing series, if this does well here, I will continue posting these in bulk (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
for more frequent uploads, you can follow my twitter at ArcherD116, feel free to ask me ab this au and give your suggestions!
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cemetery-baccanal · 6 days
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Look at him. He's such a creature
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