cemonereadings · 2 years
Astrology & Major Arcana
Aquarius/Aries: The Fool - New Beginnings
Gemini/Virgo: The Magician - Manifestation
Cancer: The High Priestess - Intuition
Taurus/Libra: Empress - Femininity
Aries: Emperor - Strong Leadership
Taurus: Heirophant - Marriage
Gemini: The Lovers - Attraction/Choices
Cancer: The Chariot - Determination
Leo: Strength - Bravery
Virgo: The Hermit - Solitude
Sag/Pisces: The Wheel of Fortune: Destiny
Libra: Justice - Contracts/Commitments
Pisces: The Hanged Man - Uncertainty
Scorpio: Death - Ending/Divorce
Sag: Temperance - Balance
Capricorn: The Devil - Temptation
Scorpio: The Tower - Destruction
Aquarius: The Star - Hope/Promise
Pisces: The Moon - Deception
Leo: The Sun - Happiness
Scorpio: Judgement - Rebirth/Transformation
Capricorn: The World - Desirable Outcome
Cemone Readings
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cemonereadings · 2 years
Horoscope & Astrology
Aries: (New Beginning) Ace of wands
Aries: (Choice) 2 of wands
Aries: (Moving Forward) 3 of wands
Aries: (Belonging) 4 of wands
Leo: (Conflict) 5 of wands
Leo: (Victory) 6 of wands
Leo: (Standing Your Ground) 7 of wands
Sag: (Communication) 8 of wands
Sag: (Delays) 9 of wands
Sag: (Hardwork) 10 of wands
Cancer: (True Love) Ace of cups
Cancer: (Union) 2 of cups
Cancer: (Celebrations) 3 of cups
Cancer: (Dissatisfaction) 4 of cups
Scorpio: (Sadness) 5 of cups
Scorpio: (Past Love Affair) 6 of cups
Scorpio: (Choices) 7 of cups
Pisces: (Abandonment) 8 of cups
Pisces: (Wishes Fulfilled) 9 of cups
Pisces: (Marriage) 10 of cups
Libra: (Raw Power) Ace of swords
Libra: (Indecision) 2 of swords
Libra: (Heartache) 3 of swords
Libra: (Solitude/Healing) 4 of swords
Aquarius: (Defeat) 5 of swords
Aquarius: (Travel) 6 of swords
Aquarius: (Deception) 7 of swords
Gemini: (Restrictions) 8 of swords
Gemini: (Distress) 9 of swords
Gemini: (Betrayal) 10 of swords
Capricorn: (Abundance) Ace of pentacles
Capricorn: (Managing Resources) 2 of pentacles
Capricorn: (Education/Skill) 3 of pentacles
Capricorn: (Financial Gain) 4 of pentacles
Taurus: (Loss) 5 of pentacles
Taurus: (Generosity) 6 of pentacles
Taurus: (Preservation) 7 of pentacles
Virgo: (Mastery/Work) 8 of pentacles
Virgo: (Achievement) 9 of pentacles
Virgo: (Family Wealth) 10 of pentacles
Cemone Readings
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