centaursreticle · 3 years
i swear to god you buy a pair of paw print socks ONCE and your recommended products become nothing but cat ears headbands and maid outfits forever
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> A surprisingly effective defense D --> I must applaud your dedication
there now II dont have two worry about iit
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> Touché
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> Hm
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> You would prefer a private collection then
Augh now thii2 ii2 goiing two bother me
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> Personally I propose that the extremity be given to the carapacians for public display
Augh now thii2 ii2 goiing two bother me
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> This may delay your surgery
D –> I inquire primarily out of a desire to harass
II’m goiing two fuckiing biite you
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> I inquire primarily out of a desire to harass
@centaursreticle <3<
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> Have you yet decided who will have custody of your leg
@centaursreticle <3<
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> The Artiife% has a tendency to speak informally, particularly regarding locations that are familiar to him, so your response is entirely understandable D --> Partic001arly since he has not actually discussed with me where we will be performing the procedure D --> I w001d like to reassure you that I founded the first specialized rehabilitative surgical hospital comple% on our prize world on our front lawn e%plicitely for his personal convenience and ease of use
D --> It has thusfar been a worthwhile investment of time and energy
D –> While your advice on this matter is generally valid and I do not want to dissuade you from debating his methodology either in general or with regards to his limb specifically
D –> I will be doing my best to provide him with safe avenues in which to explore his pursuit of elective auto-truncation
D–> I appreciate your reassurance.  D–> Though I still feel as if having all the proper equipment and emergency supplies makes such things go smoother. D–> As well as how difficolt it is to sterilize rooms which have not necessarily been diseginated for surgery D–> … I appologize if you act001ly have a space dedicated to surgery.
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> While your advice on this matter is generally valid and I do not want to dissuade you from debating his methodology either in general or with regards to his limb specifically D --> I will be doing my best to provide him with safe avenues in which to explore his pursuit of elective auto-truncation
Don’t let Equiiu2 fool you II’m currently enduriing a lecture from hiim about u2iing proper mediicull faciiliitiie2 when they’re avaiilable two me (II am choo2iing two iignore thii2)
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centaursreticle · 3 years
D --> A brave assertion
Don’t let Equiiu2 fool you II’m currently enduriing a lecture from hiim about u2iing proper mediicull faciiliitiie2 when they’re avaiilable two me (II am choo2iing two iignore thii2)
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centaursreticle · 6 years
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centaursreticle · 7 years
Every perspective is unique
I have preserved an aspect of our culture that would have otherwise gone une%plored
II’m 2ure one of the ance2tor2 would be happy two iinform u2 about iit 
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centaursreticle · 7 years
I have preserved an aspect of our culture that would have otherwise gone une%plored
2ky2miith know2 anythiing II actually thiink two a2k about but he wa2 precociiou2 
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centaursreticle · 7 years
Diligent research and preparation for future needs is a virtue.
2ky2miith know2 anythiing II actually thiink two a2k about but he wa2 precociiou2 
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centaursreticle · 7 years
Tumblr media
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