I didn’t get to meet you and personally and tha j you for your Clexa stories and for telling it like it is with fandoms and such when you were a guest on a panel at Clexacon last year. I’m a fan. Will you be at Clexacon this year? Would like to meet gou and thank you.
Lol a few people did come up to me last year and thank me for writing it, and I stg, it was the most surreal thing ever. I had no idea how to act. Unfortunately I won’t be buying a ticket for CC this year, but my gf and I are kicking around the idea of going to Vegas that weekend just to party with everyone, so if I’m there I’ll let you know!
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hi there, rereading your wonderful work of art. I'm curious: did you ever answer an ask on why Bellamy dropped out so early on and left Clarke hanging?
I might have answered an ask about it, and suggested that he might feature later? But I think I dropped that plot altogether bc it ultimately didn’t add anything to the story and took away space I could have used for romance and plot.
Initially, when I was planning all of this before S3, Bellamy actually had a significant role in the story: I had him in a relationship with Raven, who had just discovered she was pregnant. Clarke didn’t want Bellamy sacrificing family time because of the intensity of the race, so she benevolently fired him from the campaign with a very generous severance. Raven, Bellamy, and their little family were to represent a potential path for Clarke that she was giving up, something that would tempt her from the political career because she wanted to emulate that with the woman she was falling in love with. Bellamy would also work as a journalist in the meantime, and operate as Clarke’s link to the press.
Then 305 happened. At that point, I had super high hopes for the show and Clexa, and Bellamy’s character assassination of sorts was so disappointing—the way he treated Clarke and blamed her for his problems and decisions was super off-putting. But more than that was his fandom’s reaction: a grown ass adult man blaming a teenaged girls for his problems and abandonment issues and terrible violent decisions...and being cheered on by teenage girls for doing so. I hated it so much that I changed my entire fic and wrote him out of every story I possibly could (and I’ve developed a preternatural loathing for most YA fiction about brooding bad boys with a heart of gold for this reason).
Instead, I rotated Octavia and Lincoln into the Raven/Bellamy plot, I used Wells to fill in for Bellamy’s journalist angle, and gave Raven a more active role in the political race, which I think worked for the best.
To your question, there was no reason within the story for Bellamy dropping out. I just didn’t like the character anymore.
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thank you so much for ilawap, it's one of my fave fics of all time. i think the ending was realistic, given both their actions leading up to that point. my only issue was clarke holding onto that anger and feeling like lexa had betrayed her (again). like, she hadn't learnt from the first time that lexa doesn't operate that way? maybe i misinterpreted it. however, the hopeful note of president clarke and first lady lexa made me really happy! thanks again!
Thank you! And yeah, Clarke holding onto her anger is a tough one. It was definitely a betrayal, but even though Clarke knows why Lexa did it, her initial reaction is emotional because it’s about loss as much as it is betrayal. and she directs that emotion into “hating” Lexa and refusing to see the logical side of it, and she slowly realizes the mistake she made in that. By the end, when she’s in DC with Lexa, her reluctance is more about fear than anything.
At least that was my intention, but you can read whatever you see in it. Death of the author and all that!
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I love how open-ended things are. For so long, Clarke hangs onto/inspires hope and idealism that we aren't sure Lexa's pragmatism will let her match. She loves and envies them in Clarke obvs, but in the end we see how Lexa's grown enough to really embrace them. Likewise, Clarke's outlook could end them, but now she trusts that she and Lexa are a good team when they're honest and w/ common goals. They love each other and they're better together, but it also leaves room for them to keep growing
Thank you! This is what I was going for so I’m so happy it landed and you enjoyed it ❤️
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In love and war could seriously be a best selling novel. This is eons ahead of Fifty shades crap (I only compare because of starting as fic). You have somehow managed the task of making politics interesting and sexy. The plot is clear, the love story makes it juicy, and there is never a dull moment. You’d probably need to flesh out the characters a bit more but that’s it. I truly hope you’ll consider looking into sending this around. It’s a gem. And refreshing as a wlw story too.
Thank you so much!! That’s such high praise 🙏 but I don’t think I’d ever turn this into a novel. I have such a connection with the fandom and this is so inspired by Clarke and Lexa’s canon counterparts...I just couldn’t do it. Plus I wrote this for y’all. I don’t want to take it down and make you buy it.
That said, there are plenty of super gay original stories I want to write. There is a fantasy tv show idea I’m in love with but would never get made, so that may very well be a book in a few years. Things like that. And the encouragement I’ve gotten from the fandom and everyone who wants to read my works is what’s driving me to that point of wanting to write all of this, so thank you!
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“Vincent Vie wins the California Senate race in a landslide victory over the challenger, a backwoods redneck conservative named Jason something.“ ahdhakdj;lsnskandndjs I LAUGHED SO HARD
Lmao just so everyone knows how far in advance that was planted...he was mentioned in the very first debate in the early chapters. Seven, I think? 😏
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Also Aden and Anya are the cutest siblings ever. I️ kind of imagine that Lexa is the quiet serious one, Anya is the snarky one and Aden is just super lovable. And of course they all look like super models. I️ want to see their Christmas card one day. I️ bet they eventually get close to Clarke too? :)
Oh definitely. They are such a stock photo, Christmas card family. I didn’t delve into Lexa’s background too much as far as her parents, but I envision her as very close to her siblings, who absolutely love and welcome Clarke. Anya is a bit more reserved, like she was during the campaign, but Aden is unabashed enough to think Clarke is really cool and decide California is obviously better than the Eastern seaboard and he adores her, always takes her side, much to Lexa’s chagrin.
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That was literally the most perfect ending ever for the story! They were tested and got through it at the end. And I can just imagine that once they are an official couple they do all the things that Lexa had wanted in DC (hikes, restaurants, etc.). And I'll bet Anya gives them so much shit once they are finally together. Only because I'm such a dirty shipper for them, I would love to know when they move in together and maybe get engaged?
Thank you! And yeah, part of why I didn’t want Clarke to win that Senate seat was the time it would have taken away from the development of their relationship on equal footing. Clarke as a Senator, coming in and out of D.C., trying to have a relationship with Lexa, people always publicly questioning her for continuing a relationship she began as a candidate, etc. This way is a personal and professional reset for them in which they can be girlfriends who progress in politics together, rather than politicians who start dating. And oh yeah, Anya revels in it, especially a few days later when Lexa asks Anya for one of her tickets to Aden’s play so that she can take Clarke.
God, as for moving in and engagements? I’d have to think on that. It’s inevitable, but it would have to be special and require some time from me to figure it out. Do you have any thoughts?
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Whenever one of my fee favorite authors updates, my emotional state mimicks that elmo worshipping fire meme, except instead of fire imagine letters raining down behind him. So uh. Thanks to you and your writing for giving me such feverish, devoted joy!
I fucking love that meme so this is an amazing comment lmao thank you!!
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First thank you so kindly for the time and care you put into this story. I am so grateful as the story has often been an escape for me in hard times. Second I am very curious as to why you decided to have Clarke lose the race, and if that was ever a tough decision for you to make. Third... headcanon as to when they kiss again? :p
Thank you so much. Deciding to have Clarke resign was easy right up until I had to write the chapter, then it was nearly impossible. All along, I had wanted a realistic but happy ending, and that required a bit of loss before a true resolution. One of my favorite quotes ever is “fire tests gold” and they had to truly go into the fire for them to realize how golden their relationship was. I wanted to make readers feel like this was the ending it was leading to, but for them to want me to finagle a perfect happy ending out of it, and to be disappointed—and to end up with something they didn’t expect but liked even more. That fell flat for some people and I don’t blame them for that at all, but I’m very happy that many people seemed to really like the ending.
And their first kiss is verrrry soon. We’ve seen how poor their willpower truly is over 22 chapters. They hold back for like two days. Or maybe even before the end of the night at the end of the chapter lol they both know where things stand and they’re moving forward together and that sort of openness and connection leads very quickly back into physical connections.
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Reading your asks is giving me a high right now. Thanks for ILAWAP aka the best fic ever! I'm happy that you're happy that people are happy. ^_____^ Can't wait for Clarke to run for president in 12 years!
The oh so formidable Griffin-Woods campaign team. Feared, hated, and respected 💁‍♀️ haha thank you!
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Ahhh thank you so much for this chapter! Your writing is such a gift, and I’m so glad I’ve been a part of this journey with you! 💕 my plan now is to go back and read it all from the beginning!
Thank you, I hope you enjoy it!! A few people have just started the fic now that it’s completed and they’re reviewing as they go and it’s made me go back and reread parts that I completely forgot about. Hopefully you have the same fun experience lol
0 notes
Ugh, bummed it has come to an end, but I loved this last chapter! Every word was unexpected and I loved trying to figure out where you were going with it. Thank you for this story, honestly. Thank you.
Thank you for reading, and I feel the same way—I’m going to miss it. Thank you ❤️🙌
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Oh man, I was still in high school when you first posted ilawap and have followed it chapter for chapter since. I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to this incredible story. Throughout the story I had worried that the ending might be too cookie cutter, Clarke wins the election and magically everyone is ok with her having slept with her campaign manager, and I love that you didn’t choose that route, instead this painfully realistic but still genuinely enjoyable ending. Thank you endlessly
Lmao god damn, let that be an indicator of just how long this fic has taken. But I’m so glad you’ve been with me all the way despite the long breaks between chapters, and I’m so glad that I could produce something worth the wait for you. Thank you ❤️
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i loved the way in love and war and politics ended, it felt really realistic and the right bit of hopeful. i mean, we couldn’t have expected that all would magically be perfect and right again just because they love each other. so, IT WAS REALLY GOOD. but, and i don’t mean to pry when i ask, it’s just out of curiosity - what you imagine of their future? anyways. YOU ROCK.
Clarke and Lexa will be the first female president and First Lady couple in the White House. and the biggest scandal they will ever be involved in again is that time First Lady Lexa blatantly checked out President Griffin’s ass at her second inauguration and “robbed the moment of its seriousness and honor” according to Fox NewsHahah But thank you for all the love!
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"maybe some politics one shots in the future" YESSSSSSSS PLEASEEEEEEEE I really liked the ending, but I would love more of this universe!!!!!!
I’ll see what I can do!
14 notes · View notes
I love all your stories that are still ongoing (even canon and I usually don't like canon fics!). Are you planning on finishing them? Would you also consider starting other stories in the future? I don't want to lose your writing!
Oh god, I don’t know that I could start *more*. I still have so many going on, plus I’m working on a lot of original stuff and shifting into screenwriting. I’m so happy you’re enjoying the canon one though. That one has a very special place in my heart, I love writing it. Thank you!
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