ceo-of-choco-bibi · 7 months
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Earth game lesgoooo
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 7 months
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Happy Birthday 2024 to some guy who's been plaguing my head for the past 5 years and a good day to all who celebrate 🎉
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 7 months
What's good everyone, I'm putting my designs on redbubble for anyone who wants them as stickers (if it loads right, it should have a total of 12 pieces, the website can be really buggy). It's a rather convenient platform because it takes care of manufacturing and mailing but the markup price is a bit much, hope y'all don't mind. I was thinking it would be cool if I could do a similar column format piece for other characters as well, I'm thinking hclw-sora-dark-armes-constant. Look forward to that and have a good day!
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 7 months
happy hclw season 3 english webtoon translation grass roots guild debut day to those who celebrate
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 9 months
hi @whofarted-02
you've just single-handedly revived this blog haha
appreciate your follow, didnt even think i'd find another hclw reader here on tumblr
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 9 months
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Hope everyone's enjoying the new season, here's some fanart to celebrate (albeit late). Also, I prepared a google link since my image quality tends to get screwed over: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VqQ6mlDedviCz0SKHoENkNtLJDbBoE24/view?usp=sharing
fun facts: -I did a lot of colour dropping this time. After I established the core colours of each character, I colour dropped from one another to get colours. Eg, choco bibi's red accents are from MSM's red, MSM's blue waves are colour dropped from tempest' blue -This is the all time classic GRG layout (MSM in the centre, bibi on his right hand side (RIGHT HAND MAN) next to tempest, and the other two swordsmen-disciples on his other side) -It's not my choco bibi without my headcanons, this time blindness in one eye (semi-canon) and piercings (cause i can) + With the blindness he matches with Tempest -I vaguely remember that Cocomori had a skill called Arachne or something similar which was a Bibi x Mori team-up skill, but I couldn't find any mentions of that with the webtoon locked and on the wiki. It might be something I made up, but whatever -i thought a bit about how I wanted drip soup's flames to go but i ended up going with how it is even if it's the same direction as MSM's waves because it looks good like that but also cause he's his DISCIPLE!!! -peep MSM's ego sword facing bibi...
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
Good morning choco bibi nation I got no birthday art for you sorry gang the only content I have for you is shaker charm. Yeahh
If you want to know how I did it:
-Make base. Lamination sheet + Clear tape + images for backing. With lam sheet facing oil part, paste onto base with uv resin. Then, dome the back first (important to prevent uv resin from giving out once you add oil). After it dries, fill the front with beads and oil (using syringe, make sure to poke two holes to let air out and insert oil. Trust me.), cover with another lamination sheet and uv resin that down. Finally, dome and relax for the first time in 5 days.
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
I'm going to do bibi art for his birthday at the end of this month then clock out for a long time 😅 school's starting and I'm already a big procrastinator, it was a great 3 years with y'all. Will come back once in a while but don't count on it. Thanks everyone!
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
I'm hilarious
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
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Sensory Deprivation Chamber [No Name]
"Inside the tank, there is no light, and therefore no sense of vision. You experience the kind of quiet that allows you to hear your muscles tense, your heart beat, and your eyelids close. The extreme buoyancy of the water lends your environment an almost zero-gravity quality. The lack of a temperature differential plays with your ability to perceive where your body ends and where the water and air begin."
This is one of those ideas that seem so perfect to me, the themes just click. Puzzle pieces are all there for me, I just need to do my best to translate it into an actual drawing.
Also, I'm experimenting with styles but none of them are really sticking... they're just gimmicks I can execute so far which kind of makes me sad. My ideal style is one that is clean but fast, semi-realistic.
Keywords: "Mother", "Sea/Water"
My mother has CDs of every season of Fringe. The sensory deprivation chamber concept has always stuck with me, particularly Walter's comparison of it to "returning to your mother's womb".
I'm specifically thinking of the chapter where Armes, No Name and Zero are in No Name's dream. No Name is first floating in the sea, then drowning in it, then breaking free from the control of Zero, with Armes' help.
That idea of No Name floating directionlessly and completely submerged reminds me of the chamber and the idea of embryonic fluid and finally the idea of a mother. Can you see how all the ideas are entangled?
Sorry if my sentences seem choppy, this is the most coherent I can make them. They just make sense in my head, I'm having a hard time putting it into words and not word-vomiting at this point.
Anyways, up-coming: Giga Team 13
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
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THE angel with THE shotgun?????
Alternate captions:
Hit song by popular rock band The Cab?????? holy smokes!
I'm trying new things you will not believe how hard a time I had with this (and it's still not what I wanted to do but it looks good I guess) I cannot do lineart to save my life / Time: 2h 40min...
Fun fact I find Bibi extremely hard to draw... he looks different every time I draw him...
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
I have not drawn Bibi in forever someone needs to stage an intervention
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
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World Eater [Zero]
Thought process and notes:
Zero has been a character I wanted to draw for a long time, not because I like her but rather because she is so compelling and fascinating that I had to. Some keywords I wanted to bring through are "intimidating, godly, obsession".
Intended focus points/motifs:
Hands framing the face, obscure facial features to form a sense of unease and secrecy as well as to highlight the eye;
The eye, being the centerpiece, is actually the Earth, for obvious reasons;
Flowy hair on a dark background to look like she's in space, and that hair forms a halo. Also adds to the scale of her body, maybe she is gigantic and the Earth that reflects in her eye is really that small.
Total: 1h 50 mins
Bonus drafts and sketches -
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I seriously haven't done digital art in a really long time, so I struggled with it at first and ended up redoing from scratch.
Painting is always so much faster than lineart because you don't have to be careful and make smooth lines, then again, I haven't done proper lineart in months lol
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I love gaussian blur
Was supposed to be a multiply layer, clicked on colour burn, I love cool effects (no layers below v)
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
Timeloop au where HCLW is an infamous gambler in a small town. HCLW is doing his daily stuff, going from alley to alley to con people and earn as much as he can. He ends the day grabbing some bread from the nearby bakery, before being ambushed by a couple of cops who drag him off the jail. He falls asleep on the cold prison floors, only to wake up where he did the previous day. Being the cunning guy he is, he figures out what happens, fast, even if it does take a few more loops. He finds out what he should do to avoid cops, he finds out that the baker he stole from is named Sora and has been looping as well, though they can't figure out what's going on. With nothing to go off on, they promise to meet before the day ends every day and tell the other anything new they've found out.
Sora's unable to leave her workpost because of the influx of customers that day, feeling guilty even if her actions weren't permanent. She helps out an anxious young man who's forgotten to bring his wallet in his hurry, giving him a share of bread even with their supply struggling to keep up with demand. He thanks her, offering to pay her back one day. "Please allow me to repay your kindness: come by the castle and tell them you're looking for Rim. Your bread is delicious and I would be delighted to offer you a job."
HCLW spends a day with his old friend, Master Swordsman, who tells him that today is the coronation day of the Prince of Giga, Dark. It's not anything he's interested in, but it doesn't feel like a coincidence. With much negotiation, he gets MSM to swap Choco Bibi out as his +1 for HCLW. The ball goes smoothly, up until the ceremony, when Dark is shot through the chest the moment he is meant to receive the crown. With that, HCLW's vision goes dark and he finds himself at the beginning. He knows what he must do now.
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
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Constant as Torment by Phil Hale (reference under cut)
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I've always felt that linework and stylised stuff takes more time and effort, hence the painting stuff. Of course, both are great but I'ld like to be versatile, so the next thing I'll be doing won't be painter-ly anymore. Anyways, I'd discovered Phil Hale recently and his work is right up my alley, go search him up 👍
(Art interpretation that might not make sense down below)
The person in the painting is in the midst of jumping, to me, it feels like he's trampling on something forcefully. He's frustrated (given the title and the aggressive sparks around his head) and in rage (raw, muscle exposed face). I'm thinking claw-your-face off frustration, I'm-going-to-go-berserk-on-you-and-tear-you-apart anger (unhinged jaw). His outfit is a standard suit and tie, but the white rose makes me think of him as a groom.
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 2 years
WIP wednesday! Torment by Phil Hale + Constant
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