cercipop · 1 month
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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cercipop · 4 months
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cercipop · 11 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but you're allowed to gain weight in your twenties. you are a grown ass adult now. your body can and should not be the same as it was at seventeen. allow it to grow along with you <3
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cercipop · 11 months
Touch starved sluts reblog this
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cercipop · 2 years
Man, when I was like 16 I got so sick of being made fun of for being the fat kid that I took an axe down inna woods, chopped down a tree, and started doing log-lifts all the time. I got strong as fuck, but I didn’t lose no weight. I actually got bigger.
Same thing happened when I got into fighting. I got even stronger, and I got *fast*, man, and nimble, like a cat. Still chubby.
Body-building culture is a bunch of crap, my dude. Functional muscle is not necessarily toned or lean. You can be swole as hell and still be heavy. And that’s cool.
Embrace your inner barbarian. And when fatphobic little gym twinks try to body shame you, you should DESTROY THEM with your MIGHTY AXE
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cercipop · 2 years
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cercipop · 2 years
party rocking with a mouse tonight
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cercipop · 2 years
Fr though. My store has clothes for mostly formal casual type of stuff so it can get really pricey. So often we get.
- People accusing/thinking me/other staff being biased to customers. (They really are just trying to find a problem after we tell them we are out of something or the final price of stuff.)
- Someone flipped out over shoes cause a employee was climbing the stock wall in back and "taking too long". Did not even buy the shoes and made a sweet new employee cry that day.
- Also a lot of stealing more than anything. I am unsure if it takes out of our pay. (Don't get me wrong everyone deserves a few decent quality clothes. But the type clothes we sell are not a necessity.)
Let's also put into retrospect that most of these people are adults/elders. Adults getting angry at kids and or really young adults 16-19 year olds. When I see or hear this all I could think to my self is. "You are probably yelling at a kid, dude.""
I may not be a perfect person but at least I have never yelled at an employee in a store
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cercipop · 2 years
Me and my bestie after I say "I have nothing to wear."
“Don’t worry, we’ll find them!”
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cercipop · 2 years
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more women should submit to the madness and turn into giant screaming dog beasts
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cercipop · 2 years
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congrats guys
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cercipop · 2 years
every reblog is -1 hp for charles
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cercipop · 2 years
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cercipop · 2 years
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cercipop · 2 years
Irish pub owners right now
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cercipop · 2 years
happy PRIDE i’m here i’m queer and i believe the land should be given back to the proper indigenous stewards.
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cercipop · 2 years
Note to self: Got to Taco Bell and ask for a pizza.
I went to Taco Bell and asked for a pizza and the manager stabbed me with a very long fork and said “fu*k you bitch o” and oh my oh my I was not expecting that !
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