so this Friday (July 3) marks the 30th anniversary of the release of
the first Back to the Future movie!!!
I CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE!!!! So to celebrate I’m doing a GIVEAWAY!!!!
must be following me 
only one reblog and one like per person, any more won’t
must reblog by this Sunday
(the 5th)
GAME ON STEAM or maybe like a PIZZA or something I’M NOT PICKY
Probably like 50 icons
I’ll also make a
Probably a little less icons
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“I have this thing where I can’t really talk to people outside my friend group see? And my friends tell me to just be honest with people and conversations will start. I sort of hate a lot of things so that doesn’t always work. Um, sorry, I’m sure you’re mom is a great guidance counselor. The species as a whole sucks.” She says trying to back peddle.
Gail glares at her.
“Okay, sweetie, quick tip? Saying ‘no offense’ before you insult someone’s mother doesn’t make it any less offensive,” she says. “I’ll have you know my mom worked her ass off in that job. She’s the only reason they still don’t hit kids with rulers for answering a question wrong there.”
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“You want me to teleport into my bank and give you the little savings I have. Teleport?” She decides to let the sarcasm drip as heavily as possible.
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    “ i don’t care about your goddamn cigarettes. i’m     sure you have a bank account, give me all your     money from there. “
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She has so much more to say. Namely you are an asshole who deserves to have his dick burned off with acid while I watch. She pulled down her sweater awkwardly. She can almost feel Harry screaming inside her, forcing her mouth open. Let him, she tells herself, give him control. “Fuck you asshole! Who gave you the fucking right?” Her face is bright red and she isn’t sure she yelled it or muttered it but there it is out in the open.
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“wel this conversation has  completely BORED me–” as he went to look at his watch. it was true though she was just SOME girl who had SOME hangups. “i mean do you have anything ELSE to say?–because so far? you’ve been pretty fucking mute”
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Using the new GIF function, search your mun faceclaim and post the first gif that shows up
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if you’re an 80s RP blog (musical like ‘Heathers’, movie like Breakfast Club, an OC branched off from an 80s movie, musician that had a heyday in the 80s, etc.) please like or reblog this? Me and wxrshiiped are trying to compile a masterlist!
And not just Heathers the Musical, the movie too since that was made in the 80’s.
Does 1990 count cause I use an 80s faceclaim and the movie starred Christian Slater and it’s basically still the 80s?
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Torture Device-Inspired Headcanons
                         These headcanons may be thematically dark or NSFW.
Judas Cradle: Would your muse rather suffer physically, or be humiliated? Heretic’s Fork: Is there something your muse will never confess to? Iron Chair: How easily does your muse cave to pressure? Brazen Bull: Has your muse ever been ‘hoist by their own petard?’ Pear of Anguish: In what ways is your muse sexually deviant, if at all? Scold’s Bridle: Is your muse a gossip? Do they nag? Lie? Slander? Catherine Wheel: How much pain can your muse withstand? Mancudera: What is the most physical pain your muse has felt? Exposure: Would your muse rather freeze to death, or burn? Crocodile Shears: Your muse must lose a body part. Which? Cat’s Paw:  What is your muse’s reaction to gore? Garrote: Your muse must kill someone. How do they do it? Saws: Would your muse rather die quick and painfully, or slow and painlessly?
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She knows exactly what she is. Weak. Useless. He’s looking down on her just like she looks down on herself. She blushes furiously with anger. “M-Margo, Hunter.”
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she was sort of pathetic–didn’t even STAND up to him at this point he had either been called an ‘asshole’ or a ‘prick’ but words had sort of failed her hadn’t they?  taking a moment he sort of just shook his head,  “WELL that’s a goddamn shame– do you have a name or…you gonna stay MUTE about that as well?”
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Margo is like the opposite of a sinnamon bun. You think she’s gonna sin when you look at her but really she’s beautiful and innocent. Too good for this world. Too pure.
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GRYFFINDOR:  [X] You’ve never done illegal drugs. [] You have a lot of friends. [] You get along with everyone. [] You haven’t made fun of someone for at least two months. [] You love soccer. [] You love baseball. [x] You’re into writing and art. [] Favorite music genre is pop/rock [x] You believe in “innocent until proven guilty” theory. [X] One of your favorite colour is red or gold. [x] You get good grades at school. [] One of the worst things you can do is lie. [x] You plan on going to college/university.
Total: 6
HUFFLEPUFF: [] You’re content with mostly everything in your life right now. [] You laugh a lot. [] You like to follow trends. [X] Politics suck. [X] You love to swim. [] Water polo is awesome.  [] Pink is one of your favorite colors. [] Black is morbid & depressing. [] You’re an optimist. [] You’re completely straight-edged. [x] You’re very emotional. [X] Rap, R&B, & hip-hop is your favorite music genre. [] You don’t believe in going steady at a young age. [x] You’ve made fun of at least one person this week.
Total: 4
RAVENCLAW: [x] You’re depressed to a certain extent. [x] You like to read. [x] You appreciate theater & arts. [] Sports suck. [X] You’re shy.  [x] Loyalty is the MOST important thing in a relationship. [] Hate is completely unneeded. [] Indie is your favorite genre of music. [x] Every once in a while you have little anger outbursts. [X] Lying is sometimes okay. [] Blue is one of your favorite colors. [] Serious is better than funny.
Total: 7
SLYTHERIN: [X] There’s at least one person you hate. [] Basketball is a good sport. [] Football is amazing. [X] Black is a cool color. [x] You’ve lied about something serious. [x] You’re a very deep person. [x] You have considered suicide.  [x] Very loyal. [X] You like metal. [X] They make school seem more important than it is. [X] You’re scared to grow up. []  You’ve done drugs in the past month. [X] Anger is one of your primary feelings. [x] You have trust issues. [] Guilty until proven innocent.
Total: 11
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“Your mom is a guidance counselor? No offense but those are the scum of the Earth. I mean c’mon work for a living.” Tactless, incredibly tactless but that’s part of honesty she guesses. “Though props to her for going against the status quo. If people didn’t like her I guess she had to be doing something right.
“My mom was a guidance counselor back in Pageson,” Gail explains. “But the parents there didn’t like her much because she’s not white and she doesn’t approve of corporal punishment. So when her sister got her hooked up with a job out in Brooklyn, she took it. It was about three years ago.”
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I have so many headcanons about Margo’s old friends. Like their names are Allison, Eva, and Daniel. Allison is like this bookworm but she’s also a huge troublemaker and she low key flirts with Margo a lot. Daniel is her twin brother and he’s like a early 2000s mall goth basically except it’s the 90s and he writes quotes in sharpie everywhere but he also drinks a lot and is really loud and goofy. And Eva is like the glue of the group cause shes the pretty one who could be really popular but instead hangs with them and is always pushing Margo to talk to people and if anyone bothers them shes right there fighting them. I have so many headcanons on them and ugh, she misses them so much.
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“Nope never heard of it.” She laughs, popping the p. It is hard to talk to this woman but once she gets going she can do it. Strangers are always harder than with friends. Her best friends from school, Allison, Dan, and Eva would be proud of her. They’re always telling her to do things like this. Get out of her comfort zone. Not be so closed up with strangers. Act natural. It’s a challenge but she attempts it.
“What made you leave it? I mean besides the obvious.”
“Yeah, you’ve probably never heard of it,” Gail said, slowly regaining her footing. “Pageson, Tennessee. It’s a tiny backwater hick town a few hours outside of Nashville. I was glad to move here, but it was quite a lifestyle change.”
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A friendship between a girl and a boy. A true friendship. Simply wondrous to behold, a bond like that. No intimacy or dating. Just an impenetrable bond of unconditional and undenying love.
(via anunkownerror)
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“I just got out of jail idiot didn’t you hear me!? I don’t have any money or anything.” She spits. ”Here I’ve got this.” She tosses him her pack of cigarettes.
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    “ how much money you got on you?? “
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“People say I shouldn’t think the way I do. That there’s something wrong with me. But I don’t think they’re right anymore.”
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        “WHAT ARE YOU ‘ASHAMED’ OF, anyway?”
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“Well then my dear fearless listener if you’re sick of it turn it the fuck off. Write your own story and pick the ending that excites you. No one gets to compose the soundtrack for your life.”
                             STARTER CALL | cerealwithafcrk                  we see the light —- something rotten! obc
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             ❝ i’m tired of listening to the same sad story —- how lovers fail                  because it’s “written in the stars.” the feuding family plot     is                  starting to BORE me. ❞
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