cfamazons · 4 years
“ longer, huh ??  you missed me. ” nico shrugs and pockets the bills again.  “ you don’t seem gullible to me, not exactly. ”  apollo strikes him as very, very earnest in an almost annoying sort of way.  but it’s better than the cops who have lost all earnestness, or never had it in the first place.  they’re less moral, more dangerous. 
“ what’s to investigate ??  i’m sure you’ve seen the videos.  we have a nice little chat, and then my door gets opened.  not my fault your guys are…so easily convinced. ”  it hadn’t taken much effort, truthfully.  but he suspects it wouldn’t be that easy a second time.  “ so’re you here to take me in again ??  see if something’ll stick this time ?? ”
“oh absolutely. there’s nothing i look forward to more than chasing you around.” not true, exactly. not when he’s on duty. apollo knows his time could be better spent - but this is part of his job, too. that’s what he keeps telling himself. he raises an eyebrow at the response, a little surprised. he knows full well that gullible is the exact air he seems to give off, most of the time. “no? what’s your take then?” he asks, curious more than anything else.
“i have seen the videos. strangely enough, the guys couldn’t comprehend why they opened the door and let you go.” apollo explains, a little annoyed. they were good officers, diligent, they know their shit. there has to be more to this. “oh it’s not about seeing if something will stick. you can’t get away with this forever, nico.” he points out, almost like a warning. stop before it’s too late.
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cfamazons · 5 years
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       peter lands on the roof of the idle van near-silently.  he’s gotten used to these meetings, and of all of peter’s former police contacts, apollo is among the most amicable of them.  he doesn’t seem actively hostile at least, and – well, peter’s made some bad calls when it came time to judge a person’s character, but he’s fairly confident in this assessment:  apollo’s one of the good guys.  he tosses the office a fast-food bag, the grease of the burger inside has stained the paper a little.  unhealthy as all get out but so, so worth it.  “ i figured you’d be hungry.  i dropped the drink, though, sorry.  how’ve you been, officer ?? ”
It’s interesting to find the precinct in the position of needing an officer to liaise with superheroes and vigilantes and the like, but Apollo doesn’t mind it. Especially with guys like Spider-Man - that guy’s the real deal. He’s doing good work, clearly trying to protect people. That’s something Apollo can get behind. He catches the bag easily, taking a look inside but not bothering to take the burger out just yet. He can save that for later. “That’s alright, the buger is more than enough. Thanks for this.” He says as he waves the bag in Spider-Man’s direction. “Oh you know, keeping busy. Crime doesn’t stop and all that. What’s going on in your neck of the woods, Spidey?”
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cfamazons · 5 years
flirting with the perp is a smart move when the perp is cute.  and nico’s cute.  it’s totally, one hundred percent understandable.  nico pauses like he’s counting on his fingers.  “ two weeks ago, already ??  it feels like just yesterday. ”  he rolls his shoulders a little, stretches his neck out.  he might have to make a run for it, after all.  he’s pretty sure the cop isn’t going to shoot him, even if he does run.  
“ see, you and i are remembering that day very differently.  i remember letting you catch me, and then i remember one of your co-workers letting me out.  so forgive me, officer, but i’m not that worried. ”  mischief lights up his eyes, and he pulls the money from his pocket.  “ what ??  this ?? you wouldn’t believe me if i said he gave it to me willingly ?? ”  did he already file a police report ??  damn, nico needs to try a little harder.  
Nico might be cute. Well, cute might be an understatement. But Apollo’s on the job, the last thing he needs to do right now is not think with his head. He’s got a job to do, and this time he’s not going to leave it to someone else. “That’s funny, I was thinking it felt like longer.” Apollo throws back easily, raising an eyebrow as he watches Nico’s motions. He’s confident he can catch the guy if it comes to that, but he’d rather not do that by using any kind of... special abilities here.
“Letting me catch you? Please, you had no where to run.” Apollo scoffs, shaking his head. It’s not a matter of pride or anything, just a matter of fact - Nico can puff himself up about it all he wants, but they both know better. “I’m still investigating that, by the way. I know they didn’t just let you out.” He can’t figure out why they let Nico out, but there’s clearly more to the story. “Nope. I know I seem pretty gullible, but it’ll take more than you batting your eyes to trick me into believing that.”
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cfamazons · 5 years
Jason registers the sound of boots on concrete just as he’s finishing off a cigarette, marveling at the fact he’s made it through the whole night without decapitating anyone and vaguely wondering whether he’s going to have to break that impressive streak now. 
He instinctively bristles at the sight of a navy uniform in his peripheral vision. It’s easy to forget he’s technically ‘trespassing’, especially considering he used to sleep in the tents on this street corner way before some overpriced, piece of trash high-rise popped up in their place. What did Gotham need, if not more luxury apartments?
Jason turns around, fully prepared to draw his M11 and pop one off in some sucker cop’s leg, but the sight that meets him makes him freeze. Slow recognition creeps onto his features and resignation settles heavy in the pit of his stomach, like a slowly sinking stone. “Oh, that’s excellent,” Jason looses a caustic laugh. As viciously as he’s tried to shake off any attachment to his past, there’s something around every corner of this goddamn city that reminds him it used to be his home. “That’s fucking great, isn’t it? Well, let’s have it, then, Officer. Or are you one of those shoot first, read Miranda Rights later types?”
The call sounded pretty standard. A basic breaking and entering call, some idiot trespassing where he doesn’t belong. Exactly the kinda call a new kid on the beat would have to deal with, despite the fact that he knows he can handle more than that. He doesn’t exactly want to bring too much attention to that, so - he takes the call, makes his way out to take care of the situation. By the book. Fancy abilities left alone for now. He’s sure he won’t need them for something so simple.
Except, of course, it would be a vigilante. This one’s new from what he’s seen - though, Gotham throws all kinds of surprises at him. Something his dad had told him repeatedly when he said he was transferring to the GCPD, but Apollo knew where he wanted to be.
For a moment, Apollo doesn’t know exactly what he’s getting into here. He knows he’s ready for it, but he doesn’t know what it is. And then when the guy talks - it just confuses him that much more. Because that voice can’t be the voice he recognises. So something’s clearly very wrong here. “No. That’s not how we do things. It’s not how I do things.” Apollo answers, but he doesn’t back down. His gun feels heavy in his hand but he holds it steady - but with no intention to fire, truth be told. “How about we make a deal? Take that mask off, I put this away, and we talk about what you’re doing here. No harm no foul.”
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cfamazons · 5 years
   for all the world, nico feigns some serious nonchalance, like he just happened down this street on accident.  he props his shoulder carelessly on the alley wall.  “ officer, ” he says the word with no small amount of snark.  “ you know, i love the classics, but this is beginning to feel a little stale, don’t you think ?? ” he asks.  “ i mean, we know how this goes. ”  or, at least, nico does.  it’s at least half his fault, come back to the same places again and again just to work in an extra taunt or two. 
“ besides, i haven’t even done anything wrong. ”  not strictly true.  there’s a wad of cash in his back pocket that doesn’t belong to him.  “ is this a stop and frisk situation? ”
“You know, you’re partially right there. This is feeling a little stale. Kind of like deja vu, right?” Apollo throws with an amused sort of smile. He’s not foolish enough to let his guard down with Nico of course - he’d be stupid to take that sort of risk, he knows how talented this guy actually is. How many times has he caught Nico out, how many times has he gotten close to a solid arrest only for Nico to somehow slip through his fingers? He knows catching him isn’t as easy as half the precinct think it is. But.. he’s amusing all the same.
He laughs at the comment, shaking his head. “Well we both know that’s not true. You might’ve just noticed me, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been keeping an eye on you.” Raising an eyebrow, Apollo pretends to consider the question. “It could be, if that’s what you’re in the mood for.” Oh, smart move Tandon, flirt with the perp. “Seriously though, you realise I caught you out here for stealing - what, not even two weeks ago? What made you think I wasn’t going to catch you this time?”
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cfamazons · 5 years
( dev patel  /  27  /  he/him )  – hey, have you noticed the civilian APOLLO TANDON around lately?  rumor is they’re from NEW YORK CITY.  their AMAZONIAN ABILITIES, KEEN INTELLECT, AND NATURAL INSTINCTS make them a perfect fit for POLICE OFFICER.  // 
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History ;;
You were born a warrior. A protector. From birth, it was known this would be your fate. You had a warrior’s spirit, your mother could see it..
Your will came from her. An Amazon who’d taken an opportunity to explore, to leave her home and learn of the world. You don’t know what drew her to your father. You don’t even know if she truly loved him.
Until you were six, you travelled back and forth. She wanted you to know your father, to know the world mankind built, the world you were a part of to a degree. But she also wanted to strengthen your Amazon heart. The world in which she knew you belonged.
She trained you, from the day you were strong enough to want to learn. She knew you would not be settled with a normal life, so with a sword or a bow or a dagger in hand, she trained you. To fight, to shoot, to protect. You were still so young when you learned how a weapon could be an extension of your arm, your hand. Your heart.
You grew strong, for one so young. You threw yourself into a world you felt at home in, more than you could anywhere else. With a mother who loved you, who wanted you to be all you could be.
But this was not meant to be.
The Amazons are wonderful, strong, incredible women. Women. A boy could not grow among them. So you were taken to your father, left with a man who only knew you in part. A man who did not fully understand the will of your heart, but.. a man who loved you all the same.
Your mother assured you she loved you, too. That this was not the last time you would meet, but your life is here now. In the world of man.
It’s been so long, you can’t quite remember her face. But you remember her eyes. Sad. Pained. But still.. she left.
You remember she left. You remember that wrenching feeling, deep in your chest. Even so young, you knew you never wanted to feel that again.
Your father is a good man. Smart. Kind, for one who had lived so long alone. He wanted only the best for you - but in a world where you’re not only different by birth but by appearance, the best is a hard thing to reach. You learned quickly that you are on the outside looking in, and not only because of your upbringing.
You learn to hide your abilities. They’ll only get you into trouble, your father says. Focus on your studies, on the books that will get you to where you need to go.
But your heart... your heart always said differently.
You insisted on training. Whether your father liked it or not, you wanted to grow stronger, continue to learn how to fight, how to protect. Reluctantly your father agreed - martial arts of all kinds, recreational weapons handling, anything he could find for you. He knew it was better than the alternative - that you find your own means, that your life take a turn both he and your mother could not live with.
You grew smart, and strong - and alone. Very alone. The memory of your mother’s decision to leave you never grew any dimmer, never left your mind. For all of her love, the abandonment was still too much. You’re good at keeping people at arm’s length. Without even noticing, sometimes.
Your father, he wanted you to be a doctor. A lawyer. You see it all around you - kids who look the same as you do, pushed to the top of the rungs. And you could’ve done it, if you wanted.
But neither would’ve been true to your heart. To who you have been, since the day you were born.
Much to your father’s dismay, you become a police officer. The academy is easy for you - the drills and physical tests no match for someone of your abilities. If anything, it’s harder to complete them under the guise of being normal. 
Another reminder that you’ll never quite fit here. But you brush that aside. This is much more important.
You earn the badge that gives you the right to protect and serve. The gun that gives you a chance to defend the innocent. You know, in this world of humankind, this is the right way. The right step to take, to protect as much as you can.
SO BASICALLY Apollo is the son of an Amazon woman and a human man, he grew up with his mother until he was six and then was left with his father to live a normal human life
He has Amazon abilities to a degree - he’s not immortal but he ages slower than your average human. He’s 27 years old but you’re safe to assume he looks more like 24? so not drastically different yet
He’s got most of the superhuman abilities you would expect - strength, speed, durability, senses. He can jump really high and far but can’t fly.
He is ultimately a big puppy. He’s got a really positive personality and a load of confidence on the outside, he will always try and find a way to make things work or get through things and support people.
He very much believes his life should be dedicated to helping people, protecting people, saving people. He might have a bit of a hero complex going on there.
He has a huge fear of abandonment after his mother left him behind with his father. it’s never really gone away, he’s never really gotten over it
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