cfdeathstroke · 3 years
@ofblackmcsk asked: don’t waste your time down that road.
“I don’t see why not Roman.” Slade replied, as calm and curt as ever. “I know what I want and I take it, chase it if I must but it’s mine all the same.” There was harm in it, vicious and cruel harm, yet Slade didn’t blink. “A long road doesn’t mean a meaningless one.”
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Garfield Logan.
       Gar’s anger only grew the longer that Slade stood before him, the pride radiating off the old man like sunlight from the sun itself. It was disgusting. He couldn’t stand the smugness that the other man showed over what he had done to Tara. She was just a girl with no direction, without someone to show her the difference between right and wrong before Slade got his grubby hands on her. He had twisted her mind, bending as far as he could until he broke her to his will and turned her into someone Garfield couldn’t recognize. That lead to questions he didn’t want to ask himself though. Questions like: did he even know Tara? Was she ever real with him? “She doesn’t belong to anyone. She’s not an object.”
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Gaining the green boy’s ire was always a fun situation. Slade had no plans to kill him as of yet, that would only making taking Tara back all the harder if she lost her precious Beast Boy. In fact, he could actually play an intricate part if Slade played his cards correctly. He held Tara’s heart after all, if he was able to make the boy break it, well Slade’s job would become much easier. At the boy’s argument, she wasn’t an object, Slade made a face that quite clearly rejected the notion. “Yeah, no... we’re all objects in the end, boy. Mostly we’re weapons to be used by other people. An extension of their armor or sword. Just as Tara was a weapon of mine, you were one of hers. A perfect one, may I add. Your affections were the perfect way to fit into the Titans.” He smiled. “You did us both a grand favor Beast Boy.” 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Oswald Cobblepot. 
“There is always something I want.” Penguin said with a sharp grin. He was, in a word, currently powerless. His usual muscle was off doing their own thing for the moment, and so he had very little firepower behind him. And even though Oswald could handle himself, it was always a good idea to have someone to watch your back, especially in these times. “Just a business opportunity. I find myself slightly lacking in employees right now. What I can offer is handsome, steady wages. Benefits. Whatever you need, I can bring to you.”
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“Oh well consider me surprised. The Penguin wanting something, who would have guessed.” He said dryly. His eye narrowed with his sarcasm, taking interest despite the dismiss nature of his tone. “So do you want me on the payroll or do you have an actual job for me?” He asked. though he was considering the offer all the same. “Tell me what it entails.” He was never strapped for cash but he enjoyed a job and the reaping the benefits, and he was curious what Oswald could offer fully. 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Selina Kyle. 
     His lack of an answer to her question as to who he was did not go unnoticed, but Selina decided to let it go for now, sitting when he expressed that it was no trouble, folding her hands in her lap. “So what brings you to a place like this?” she asked, genuinely curious. She didn’t typically run into company that knew her by name around here. 
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“Who could resist little ole Gotham?” Slade spoke, he offered the woman a charming smile. “The city runs on blood and yet... it’s home all the same.” Not to him but to enough people he was interested in to become his base of operations. “Plus...” His eyes roamed over her, knowing he might be playing a dangerous game and doing it anyway. “It has some beautiful scenery...” 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Pamela Isley.  
Pam flicked a glance over at him before returning her attention to her wine glass, as if the contents within were more interesting than the man sitting next to her. Which it certainly was, come to think of it. “Of course you don’t,” she said. “Bullies never like anything that labels them as they actually are. They like to think of themselves as strong or superior.” She laughed lightly. “It’s not so rare as you might think,” she said. “Plenty of men are foul, slimy creatures.”
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“Bully?” He repeated with clear amusement at the perceived title. “You’re the one doing all the name calling here.” It was less of a joke and more of a taunt. This was fun, though he knew he was treading on dangerous grounds with Poison Ivy. As much as he enjoyed antagonizing her he didn’t intend to push to far, it wasn’t necessary. Picking an actual fight with her would be a hindrance. He was stronger and superior to the normal guy but he knew just how that sounded and didn’t speak it out loud. “Perhaps.” He spoke. But none were like me. 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Rose Wilson.  
“Of course not, I’m daddy’s little girl there isn’t a thing about me you don’t like” Rose smirked knowing that her relationship with her father was something strange to a lot of people. But she was never one for silly things other girls her age liked. Being back in Gotham brought plenty of memories as well after all she’d had friends here people who seemed to care about her, and didn’t really agree with her choice to leave with Slade. “Can it really? That could be very useful hate to use a dull sword on a target that would be just as painful for me as it would be for them.” She mused looking at the other for a moment with a raised eyebrow “How strange you normally are quite busy, but I shall take not look a gift horse in the mouth.” She mused setting her bowl within the sink rising it off. “That’s a nice way of saying you’d like to spent time with me Father, and I’m actually surprised you didn’t roll your eyes at the idea of normal. What would you prefer we do hold up in the training room and work on routines?” 
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“You really are.” More then he would have ever dreamed. The pride he had for Rose was nothing like what he had for his sons, or even his apprentices. Rose was his only student to not only want his teachings but value them. She was his perfect assassin, he couldn’t be prouder of her if he tried.  He chuckled. “Any skill in your arsenal will find it’s use eventually, and if one hasn’t then you just haven’t gotten there yet.” He assured her, no hesitation in his tone. Slade was confident in all the skills he had surmised, and all he desired to teach her. “Never too busy for you dear.” He said, a touch of sardonic to his tone but all in good nature. He was busy in truth, but he needed t clear time for Rose. She was his daughter after all, and he owed her that if not more. “I’ve played normal before, I could do it again.” It wasn’t his favorite pastime but he was adept at it nonetheless. “I do like my routines, but if we were holed in the training room we’d work on the weapons and techniques your weakest with and build them up.” He stated, no hesitation in the thought, he was always affirmative in his plans. 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Selina Kyle. 
     Selina quirked a brow when he addressed her by name, her walls automatically up. She found that more often than not people that made the effort to know who she was were typically after something. A lot of the time it was to employ her for a job but Selina knew the risks of her line of work, one of those being that inevitably one or two enemies would be made from time to time, It was business. “I’m sure I’d be more pleased to make yours once I learn your name” she purred, lips stretching into her friendliest smile as she outstretched her hand to him. “I see. You mind if I sit?”
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She didn’t know who she was, that wasn’t too shocking. As much as Slade didn’t keep himself as secret he didn’t promote himself either. A cat thief like Selina Kyle wouldn’t be learning the name of a mercenary like himself, they worked in the same brand but not in the same lane. Something that was probably too his advantageous in this moment. “Couldn’t ask for any better company.”
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Pam Isley.
Pam shrugged. She had run into Tara a few times since the younger woman had started working at Barbara Kean’s bar, and she’d heard about the parcel that Tara had opened while at work. The walls of a club had ears, especially in Gotham. “I don’t have to be a friend of your victims to recognize you are an absolute slug,” she said, and paused. “Actually, I apologize – I don’t mean to insult slugs so harshly.” She took a sip of her drink and arched an eyebrow at him. “I don’t particularly see the use of men in general,” she said. “But certainly not men like you.”
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“Can’t say I like that word,” Victims, as if he hadn’t made them better. Saved them from their own dreary lives. The only way to help a horse was to break it after all. “Well, tomato tomato.” He grinned as if they were discussing the weather. She disliked him with fervor, and he couldn’t help but be amused. Enjoy it, in fact. Such ire in his direction only meant he was doing something right. “Men like me... those worse then slugs. There’s not many of us huh? Guess that makes me something... special.” 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Calvin Rose. 
“I’m usually sure of everything I do Slade Wilson” Calvin replied looking at the other smirking “Ahh My leash has been cut for tonight, meaning I’m free to chew whatever bone I see fit tonight.” He had no plans to attack Deathstroke but the other didn’t have to know that given he’d just picked this bar as it was the closets sipping his beer. “Ahh please tell me you brought that pretty daughter of yours along too.” 
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“Ah but that would imply they were your choices, and we both know that isn’t true.” He was nothing but a attack dog with a collar and a master. Sure he had moves but what use were those when you had no mental strength to back it up? “Can’t say your masters would be too pleased with this particular bone being chewed, we have an arrangement you see.” He chuckled. “I wish I did. A fight with you would be great training for her.” Though Slade had no doubt he would need to eventually, literally, cut in for Rose’s sake. Nonetheless the training would be great for her. 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Garfield Logan. 
       Garfield narrowed his eyes at the older man. He did know who Slade was looking for but he wanted to hear it from the horse’s mouth to confirm it, to make it real so he couldn’t somehow trick himself into thinking Slade was here for any other reason. “You drove her away so she’s not here.” was all he responded, his anger shining through as the words came out more of a low growl than anything else. 
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Beast Boy’s anger was like fuel to fire, a glorious blazing fire that was Slade Wilson. The fury, the anger, the righteous ignition on that girl’s behalf, it was so much fun. He knew it was folly to indulge himself on seeing the kid fuming but why wouldn’t you poke a bear when you knew it didn’t stand a chance against you? “That implies she was ever yours to begin with.” He grinned, full and showing teeth. “Sorry to inform you... Beast Boy. But she was mine before you ever laid eyes on her.” 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Calvin Rose. 
“If I had been considering sneaking up on you, you’d never have seen me coming” Calvin replied moving towards the bar stool he often spent his night here as if he was trying to figure out who was moving into Gotham. “The infamous Slade Wilson in this little dive bar? Luck must be on my side, make it Christmas and tell me you are back in town for good.”
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“Are you sure of this?” Slade quirked an amused brow., “Because I’m sure I would have heard the sound of your leash miles away, the dog of the Court of Owls.” Talon, in his infamy. Slade would prefer not to cross blades with the monster if possible. All he needed to do was keep out of the way of the Talon’s targets and he had nothing to worry about. “Guess it’s Christmas then. I’m here to stay Talon.”
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Garfield Logan. 
      Tara had already alerted Garfield to Slade’s presence in the city but that didn’t make it any less startling to see the man in person. “Who was the one you expected to find here then?” He growled, a quick snarl following his words. 
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The green skinned animal shifter. Garfield Logan. But Slade didn’t deem him by name, it wasn’t something necessary at this moment in time. “Don’t insult your own intelligence,” He said leisurely. “You know who I was looking for.” After all, the animal had been witnessed to his time with Dick Grayson and then Tara Markov. Logan knew what Slade looked for in his recruits. He probably also knew that Slade didn’t like losing. 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Rose Wilson.  
Rose kept eating her cereal, it was strange to think how domestic the infamous Slade Wilson could really be with her around. She never liked her normal life when it came down to it her father had long since opened her eyes to the fact that normal was vastly overrated. “Of course I have doesn’t mean I need you shirtless just like you wont allow me to prance around in my underwear.” She mused pointing her spoon at him for a moment, smirking at the little victory over him before rolling her eyes “You always say that about everything dealing with my appearance.”  She replied finishing her breakfast before looking at him “I do want new swords, and maybe a couple throwing stars.” She mused honestly she hadn’t had much one on one time with her father since training started. “Don’t worry Old man, you still reign supreme in this house.” She mused before looking at him for a moment “Really? You’d make time for me today? I really didn’t think about what to do. Maybe we could try normal for a moment? Do some shopping and eat out?”
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“It’s not an insult.” He told her, though his daughter as smart as she was, was probably all too aware of this. Woman were fickle most of the time, and Slade didn’t need to consider himself lucky that his daughter wasn’t the type. If she was the type to be fickle over appearance they wouldn’t have the relationship they currently did. It would be something more of his and Joey’s relationship, love was there but so was complexity. She wouldn’t be daddy’s little girl if she cared what she looked like to that extent. “That’ll be arranged.” He told her. “I’ve been meaning to show you how to sharpen your weapons as well.” She knew the basics, but he wanted her to know the specifics. Knowing how to make your blade sharper was an important skill and he wouldn’t let her live without it for too long. Too risky. “Nothing too important is in my schedule,” He told her. “And if your free time is adjacent I don’t see a problem with it.” He enjoyed teaching her, it was nice having an actual eager student then the usual hesitating one. He withheld a deep sigh for his daughter’s sake at the mention of normal. “I suppose.” It wasn’t his first choice, but he would take the bullet so Rose could enjoy her day.
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Pam Isley.
Pam rolled her eyes as Slade spoke, crooking her finger toward the bartender. She leaned in and stroked the bartender’s cheek, leaving a brief trail of green behind, and he put a bottle of Perrier water in front of her. “No charge,” he said faintly, wandering away. She glanced back at Slade, arching an eyebrow. “Oh, yes, from who?” she said dryly. “One of the people you obsess over, or perhaps one that you gaslight and abuse into working with you?”
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He had never seen Poison Ivy’s powers in person, it was the perfect chance to observe the mystifying power she held. He had only heard of it’s effects and seen videos, seeing it in person was something new and enjoyable. Ah, that made sense of her response now. It wasn’t his infamous reputation that made her less then afliable. It was a connection. “A friend of one mine I see,” He stared her over. It wasn’t Dick Grayson she befriended, and certainty not Rose. The list of his was all too long, but there were only few noteworthy mentions that would cross Poison Ivy. “I’m guessing... Tara.”
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Oswald Copplepot.
“Of course I’ve heard of you. I would be stupid to not have.” Oswald kept a close ear to Gotham’s underground, especially those who could act as hired muscle. Or were good at general…murdering. And Oswald was in desperate need of more muscle on his team. When Edward inevitably got out of prison, he would have brains. But with Butch doing…whatever he was doing, Oswald needed an enforcer type. “I am desperately behind the times, due to my stint in Blackgate. How goes it with you?”
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A light smirk laid at his lips, enjoying the compliment but also keeping in mind how Penguin had the record of sliding into someone’s blind spot right before stabbing them in the back. Fortunately for Slade he had something of a healing factor, a remarkable one at that. He had nothing to fear from Penguin, though the man did hold interest for him in his activities. “The times don’t change all too much in Gotham,” Slade spoke. “So I wouldn’t worry too hard about it.” After all, Gotham would always be Gotham. The Bat sending criminals to the same prison they always escaped only ensured that. “I’m fine. Getting acquainted with Gotham as it is.” Which wasn’t different at all. “Is there something you want Penguin?” Slade had a feeling there was more motivation to this encounter then was letting on. 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
Selina Kyle. 
     “If it had been my intention to sneak up on you we wouldn’t be having this conversation - It would already be too late” Selina scoffed gently. She was arguably the best cat burglar in all of Gotham City, how dare he question her skill.”I prefer a more direct approach when it comes to people, anyways” Most people that was. She would always enjoy leaving an air of mystery about herself wherever she could. “Is that a problem, grouchy?”
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“Ah, Miss Kyle, I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.” Any mercenary worth their salt familiarized themselves with Gotham’s endless amount of rogues, of which Selena Kyle was a prominent member of. A fine thief, but he knew he could cut her down if it was needed. Slade didn’t intend to as of yet, he had no reason and no interest of incurring the wrath of those who loved her. “Not a problem at all actually.” Meeting the company of Gotham’s finest rogues had actually been on his to-do list, so this worked out for him. 
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cfdeathstroke · 3 years
@babsxkean​​​ asked: oh, please! i am so much prettier than you are. 
“It’s nice to have dreams Miss Kean, but not anyone could pull off this eyepatch.” He looked her over, her eyes of blue. “But maybe I could be proven wrong.” He lifted his hand, lightly covering one of her eyes with it as if seeing what she would look like with it covered. 
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