23, 24, and 30
22. are you a morning person?
“Not at all.”
24. is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
“Not really...”
30. think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
“Yeah...of course.”
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2, 15, 34, 51, & 53
2. do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
“Yeah...it’s nice.”
15. go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
“Space is completely silent?”
34. tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
51. think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
“Do I have to tell you the person? Uh, I guess, um. Dash, and Brick by Brick by Arctic Monkeys. Because it sucks.”
53. have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
“Yeah, I’ve seen them! I love them. Beetlejuice especially, it’s one of my favorite movies.”
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78. are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
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13, 31, 39, 41, & 99 !
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
“I saw a pretty bird in the park today! I gave it a french fry.”
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
“I don’t really...have any strong opinions about socks? I usually wear black socks. I have a pair of socks with polka dots, but that’s about it.”
39: what color do you wear the most?
“Black. Big surprise there.”
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
“I really loved Mrs. Dalloway. I didn’t like it as much the first time I read it, but the second time around it sort of, like? I don’t know. It resonated with me, I guess. I liked it a lot more.”
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
“I know everybody’s listening to her now, but Mitski’s Nobody has definitely become one of my most played songs. still feel by half · alive, too. Wilco’s If I Ever Was a Child, Call It Off by Tegan and Sara, No Surprises by Radiohead, Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie, In a Week, by Hozier, You Had Your Soul With You, by The National...Um, I could go on? But...maybe that’s enough. Yeah.”
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4, 8, 12, 20, 28, 34
4. how do you take your coffee/tea?
“Black. Lots of sugar. I’m not really a tea person.”
12. what’s your favorite planet?
“Pluto. It’s still a planet, right?”
20. what’s your favorite eye color?
“I guess...brown eyes are nice. When they’re hat really deep, rich brown color. Green eyes are pretty too.”
28. sunrise or sunset?
34. tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
“I don’t have it anymore, obviously, but I used to have a stuffed weiner dog called Milo.”
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“I wanna be NORMAL”
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Hello everyone! I’m Liv and I’m so happy to be here! I’m gonna keep this short and sweet, but if you’d like to plot you can message me here or find me @olivia twist#1378! Here’s some info about Violet:
She’s the oldest of the Parrs, but has Big Middle Child Energy.
She keeps to herself. A lot. She’s terrified of most social interactions. She isn’t as insecure as she was when she was a teenager, but she’s still pretty shy and awkward. She’s the definition of a wallflower.
She doesn’t resent her siblings for taking the spotlight. She’s kind of thankful they do, in fact. It’s like it takes away the pressure of being the oldest, there aren’t that many eyes on her. She does wish they’d leave her alone most of the time, but she knows that if they weren’t around, she’d be completely lost.
Deep down all she wants is to fit in, so she fluctuates between embracing all those things that make her different, and just blending it. She’s figuring it out.
She’s been learning how to play the guitar for the past few years. She doesn’t own a guitar (yet), but she can always borrow one from CU. She studies the chords for some of her favorite songs, and practices them at school (after making sure there’s no one around).
She hasn’t told anyone about this new skill, not even her family. Jack-Jack is the virtuoso, and she doesn’t want anyone to compare the two. She doesn’t dream of being a rock star, she just wants to play along to the songs she loves.
She’s read more books than everyone in her family put together, probably. She hates social media (more on that later), so most of her free time is spent listening to music (either on her phone or her record player, it depends on her mood) and reading. She reads everything she can get her hands on. The classics, YA novels, novels, poetry books, political essays, plays, comic books - she doesn’t discriminate. She’s particularly fond of comic books, taking a liking for the Fantastic Four series (you know why).
Even though she’s ridiculously smart, she doesn’t like to show off. She doesn’t want to do anything that might draw attention to her. She never raised her hand in school (even when the teachers were sure she knew all the answers), and she’s never been considered an over-achiever.
Like I said earlier, she hates social media. She doesn’t have a facebook page, she doesn’t have a twitter account. She only has an instagram where she posts artsy black-and-white pictures of Carthay. She posts pictures of anything but her face. She has a tumblr too, but she would rather die than give anyone her url.
She’s a music journalism major!
She’s an introvert, but when she clicks with someone, she really opens up. She talks excitably about the things she loves (books and music), and it’s actually pretty hard to shut her up. She might shut herself up because she thinks her interests are boring and no one wants to hear her ramble, but if she really really feels comfortable, she could go on for hours.
I’ll wrap it up here for now, but here are some possible connections:
College friends!
Someone who’s seen her practicing at University!
Someone she can bond over music with!
Musicians she can fawn over!
People who just think she’s weird!
Someone for her to crush on!
Someone who has a crush on her but she doesn’t even realize it!
Absolutely anything!
I’m using too many exclamation points!
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the stats:
Meet Violet Parr, the twenty-one year old that is often mistaken for Victoria Moroles. Born in 1997, Violet has had a lot of time to figure out who she is. Known by most as strong, reserved, and intelligent, some are starting to see a resemblance to Pixar’s Violet Parr. In Carthay, Violet can usually be found in Shady Oaks. If she’s not at home, she can be found in Carthay University, where she is a college senior.
the backstory:
✧  Sometimes, it can be hard living your life like you’re invisible. For Violet Parr, her invisibility was a choice. No one ever shunned her or pushed her away, she did that perfectly fine on her own. It’s not because she was some grumpy girl or because she didn’t like people. No, she enjoyed people very much. She just was terribly shy and never felt like she could fit in with her peers. Being the eldest of three, she’s always had two younger brothers stealing the spotlight from her. Underneath her layers, Violet is a colorful, ever-changing girl. If she just let herself be real around others, most would notice she is quite the incredible girl.
✧   If only all of the others could see Violet when she wasn’t so nervous. She’s the kind of girl to lay around reading magazines all day, taking fun quizzes and reading up on world culture. Oh, and she has the best music taste around! Violet has heard just about everything there is and knows a thing or two about the bands behind the music. Violet is piping with knowledge and has no one to really share it with. Sometimes she can be found at school sporting events, local shows, and the closest bookstore. She’s always around others, but disguised behind corners, silently enjoying the atmosphere. 
✧   Luckily, even though Violet can be quite reserved, she’s got friends here and there that are able to help her out though. She’s been working on her confidence lately, but when others love her, it becomes much easier to love herself and in exchange, reciprocate the love. Violet has a lot of bright qualities, they’re just not quite tapped into yet. Violet might not say a lot, but it’s because the words she chooses are the important ones to say. She’s smart, she’s got some sort of street knowledge, and she high emotional capability to understand others. Maybe she doesn’t see it quite yet, being the invisible girl she is, but she’s got an incredible life. 
the connections:
✧ Dash & Jack-Jack Parr- There are days where Violet enjoys her younger brothers…but most days, she wishes to be an only child. It’s hard dealing with two teenage boys, who would do anything to get up in her privacy for laughs. Dash is more of a nuisance than Jack-Jack, but that doesn’t mean Jack-Jack has his moments. Still, even though Violet cherishes her privacy, she does love her family- despite their issues.
✧ Tony Rydinger- Tony might not be all that familiar with Violet Parr, but Tony is a household name in the Parr family. When Violet was in middle school, Tony’s name was doodled all over her journals, enough so that her younger brothers and father caught on. Despite Violet’s constant detesting, her father is always trying to get Violet and Tony in the same room. Paralyzed by the fear of rejection, Violet is almost completely silent when in contact with the male. It’s almost better if she was invisible at this point. 
✧ Adira Beatrice Winterpop- There is no way Violet would ever fit into the eclectic group of the sugar racers, but befriending Addy came so naturally to the invisible girl. Addy might be bright, colorful, and loud, but it’s all that Violet dreams of being at times. The two balance each other out, bond over magazines, and binge on Crunchy Roll together. They might not group up together in school but when the drama of the day melts away, the two can be found in each other’s company. 
the social network:
✧  INCOMING MESSAGE from DASH: Heard we’re having Tony Loaf for dinner tonight ;)
✧  VOICEMAIL from MOM: Violet, hun, if you’re going to stay out late- please make sure to keep your phone on. We were worried sick about you all night. Call us back when you can, okay?
✧ RECENTLY READ: Teen Vogue.
✧  RECENTLY PLAYED: Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie
Interested in Violet? She is currently OPEN.
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sharing music as a form of intimacy
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She liked to disappear, even when she was in the same room as other people. It was a talent, as it was a curse.
Alice Hoffman, The Red Garden (via wordsnquotes)
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The funny thing about introverts is once they feel comfortable with you, they can be the funniest, most enjoyable people to be around. It’s like a secret they feel comfortable sharing with you. Except the secret is their personality.
Unknown (via fyp-psychology)
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