cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
Thinking about it, got Kalista really excited as the last date that they had was before she left for her trip and it was the hardest decision she had ever made. She smiled against his lips upon hearing his answer, finally pulling away to wrap her arms around his and gently tugged him in the direction of her, soon their, house. “It might be a little messy but I’ll clean it up later..”, she glanced up at him, “Or tomorrow.”
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An amused laugh fell from Christopher’s lips as he shook his head at his fiance’s words, amusement spreading against his features. “I say we wait until tomorrow,” the wolf countered. “Considering I’ve gotta get my stuff moved in anyways, it’s just gonna get messy again.”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
open  to  :  @cfsolemnsoldier​
location  :  geeks&freaks
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swirling the  coffee  inside the  paper  cup.  after  everything that  happened  back  at  bosa’s place,  the  brunette was  just  overwhelmed  and  when  her  break  came  she  walked quickly  outside  of  the  sheriff station,  wanting  to  stop  thinking about  her  job  during  that  time.  glancing at  her  phone  once  in  a  while  hoping  there’d   be  a  notification  other  than  instagram, finally,  she  just  flipped  the  device  over.  turning  her  attention  to  the  park,  she  lightly choked  on  the  stick  full  when  belle  realized  someone had  been  sitting behind  her  –  on  the  seat  unlike herself.  “  pardon  ”  she  slid  off  the  table  and  stood  “  i  mean  i’m  sorry  ”  she  said  quickly  looking at  the  brunette sitting  there.  “  didn’t  realize someone  sat  down.  could’ve  told  me  to  move  ”
Amusement riddled the male as the female that had seated herself on the table in front of him spoke, a soft laugh easing from his lips as gave a shake of his head. “Don’t worry about it,” Chris responded, waving a hand as he dismissed her words. “Not like I own the table. Was just finishing up anyways.”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
Closed starter for @cfsolemnsoldier​
At a loss of how else to help the case, Zara headed out to the scene of the Halloween festivities, trying to look around for clues, anything that could’ve been missed that could explain exactly what happened that night. Whether there was still a scent in the air, a plant that was left behind, a drop of blood that got missed… She didn’t care that it was the middle of the night either. She’d deal with the moody girlfriend who she’d had to cancel a dinner date with later.
Looking up as she saw someone approaching the area, she raised her eyebrows. “A little late to be wandering around the woods, don’t you think?” She asked, shining a light towards the other.
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He hadn’t really set out with any real destination in mind, wanting more so to clear his head after finishing his moving in of his and Kalista’s place which only had him moving absentmindedly through the town until he happened upon the crime scene and a voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Brows furrowed for a moment as he looked around him before a low chuckle eased from his lips. “Depends on who you ask,” Chris mused. “I happen to enjoy late night strolls through the woods.”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
After work, Kaleb decided to break routine and head right back to the trailer rather than stop by Three Spoons. Considering their last interaction, it was probably best to give the owner of the diner some space, the wolf assuming visiting as frequently as he used to would only manage to add more stress. He wanted to keep an eye on her, as well as keep appearances so Razor didn’t get suspicious. But he didn’t want to upset Eponine further, afraid he’d just make things worse if he reached out too soon.
His worries quickly changed, however, when he caught the unfamiliar scent of a werewolf near the trailer, Kaleb circling around the makeshift path to inspect the area. The wolf was alone, seemingly out for a run by the look of his attire, Kaleb uncertain he had seen the male in town before. Was he just a lost newcomer? Or was the local pack finally sending scouts? 
The Blood Moon Beta didn’t bother to hide his presence, approaching the other before he could get any closer to the trailer. Kaleb walked around the wolf, sizing him up as he did, standing between the stranger and his home. “Strange area to be passing through,” he replied. “There are no hiking paths or roads that lead here.” Someone had to be deliberately looking for them to stumble into the settlement. Or have the worst luck to get lost so deep within the woods. “And you think right outside someone else’s home is the best place to take a breather?”
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A brow rose at the other male’s response, hands lowering as they crossed over his chest, glancing over his shoulder towards the trailer before back to the wolf before him. “Strange area to have a trailer camped out,” Chris retorted. “Last I checked this wasn’t a campground or trailer park. I don’t care for the trails, I prefer to actually run through all of the terrain and obstacles. Just sort of happened upon this place.” Amusement was quick to flush across his features as his brows rose animatedly at the male, allowing a soft mix of a scoff and a chuckle to flee his lips as he glanced around them, arms returning to his sides. “Considering I need to breath in order to, ya know, live, I don’t particularly care where I stop for a breather if I need one,” the wolf countered. 
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
A low hum slipped from Kalista upon hearing his suggestion and she nodded her head. “A breakfast date? I’d love that.” Her heart skipped a beat when his hand engulfed her own, the simple placement on her waist sending another shiver down her spine and that’s how much he was affecting her. “Mhm.. we could go now..”, she briefly brushed her lips against his, moving to place another light kiss to his cheek and finally one on his neck, just where his pulse was. “And you can judge it tonight, love.”
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“It’s settled then,” Chris mused, a smile pulling against his lips as his icy gaze met her hazel hues. A soft chuckle vibrated against her lips as they brushed against his own, her words pulling amusement from him as she peppered her lips against his skin, blue hues falling shut at the tingling sensation she left behind each time. A hum was quick to leave his lips at her words, his hues reopening as he moved to force their gazes to meet again. “How could I ever say no to that,” he questioned tauntingly before pressing his lips against her own for a moment before pulling back once more to peer down at the woman. “Lead the way, sweetheart.”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
“I’m weak for baked good, babe. No matter which place, I always have to try them out first before even knowing where the next shopping mall is.” She laughed out loud, scrunching up her nose at her own silly habit. “But that sounds good, let’s try them out next time.” Upon seeing the feigned look of surprise on his face, she stopped them and placed a hand on his chest while letting go of his other, only to sneak it around his neck. “Well, Mr. Odegard, I’m pretty sure your fiance wouldn’t mind that, given the fact that it’s a big house with lots of space.. and a nice backyard”, her voice turning a bit husky at the end, smiling up at him. 
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“I know,” Chris mused, shaking his head as a chuckle eased from his lips. A smile was quick to pull across his features as her nose scrunched, finding the small action adorable before she continued speaking which garnered a nod of his head. “How about we go for coffee and pastries in the morning, then?” Brows furrowed slightly as his fiance stopped, features only relaxing as a hand was placed against his chest, his own digits rising to settle atop of it as his free hand found it’s resting place against her waist. Amusement was evident as he failed to conceal it, laughter falling from his chest as he slowly shook his head. “Big house with lots of space, huh,” he questioned, voice low as his grip against her waist tightened slightly and he pulled her frame in a little closer, features dipping down to lightly brush his nose against her own, lips ghosting against hers. “I might need to be the judge of that.”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
@risingpeaksreblogs​ | open starter
Lettie wandered through the aisles, looking for the easiest thing she could cook. She had at a day off from the strip club and she just wanted to stay in, eat some food and watch television. She was a recluse nowadays, considered a town pariah for those who knew the truth and some who believed her parent’s rumors. Speaking of the devil, she turned down an aisle and saw her sister. She dropped her basket on a shelf, about to make her way out when she crashed into someone. “My bad! My bad,” Lettie said.
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He had only just moved into the house with Kalista and yet he was already out getting groceries for the pair of them when a force crashed into him and a hand instinctively reached out to catch the other as she spoke and he shook his head. “It’s alright,” Christofferson mused. “It happens a lot more than most people would probably like to admit in a grocery store. Are you alright?”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
Kalista hummed in content in response to the kiss, affectionately squeezing his hand and she couldn’t be more happier to have him back around again. The separation was hard for them but it was necessary if they wanted to have some peace, settle down and build up the future together that they had always wanted. “What, and you didn’t..?”, she gasped at his words, shaking head before a laughter slipped from her lips. “I know you can be a geek sometimes, which is one of the things I love about you but not trying their heavenly baked goods? That’s a crime, mister Odegard.” Of course, she was joking and gently poked his side, continuing to walk with him. “By the way, where have you been staying? I finally managed to move into the dream house that we have always wanted.” 
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A soft chuckle eased from his lips as he gazed adoringly down at the hellhound within his arms, continuing to move down the street with her as he marveled in all of the little things about her like her laugh and the sound of her voice, the way her hues lit up when the lights hit against them. Amusement began to pull across his features as laughter rose in his chest and he shook his head at Kalista. “I know, I know,” Christoff mused humorously. “Maybe I just wanted to wait and try them with you? I know much you love baked goods so I thought it could’ve been something that we did together.” A hum eased from his lips at her question, a grin tugging at his lips. “A hotel,” he admitted before he feigned a look of surprise. “Ms. Payne are you asking me to move in with you? I’ll have you know that I am a very happily taken man. Whatever would my fiance think of this proposal?”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
open  to  :  @cfsolemnsoldier​
location  :   the  rumblin’
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betsa  furrowed  her  eyebrows  as  she  turned to  look  at  the  other. “  i  haven’t seen  you  around  ”  she  mused. she  didn’t  know  everyone,  but  she  knew  how  to  recognize  someone  who  hadn’t  been  living  in  town  the  last  couple of  months  when  she  saw  them.  “  have  you  been  here  for  a  while  ?  ”  she  asked  at  the  other  werewolf,  taking a  sip  from  her  drink, she  hadn’t  really  thought  twice  before she  approached  the  other  werewolf, she  hadn’t  even  bothered  about  introducing  herself  first.
A brow rose at the words that fell from the figure beside him, movements pausing for a moment before he eventually tossed the shot back, flipping the glass over as he placed it against the bartop and turned his gaze to the other wolf. “Who’s askin’” Christofferson questioned within amusement. “Not sure that’s much of your business.”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
Running. It was a fundamental part of his life both in human form and in wolf form and there was absolutely no better place to run than in the words where the terrain was constantly changing and the trees were mere obstacles placed within his way. The woods of the small town were no different than the ones from back home, granted they seemed a bit smaller and more cramped. What he hadn’t expected to find during his run, however, was a trailer, set up near the forest at the entrance of the town, curiosity peaking within him as the scent of other wolves rose through the air and brows knitted together slightly as he slowed his movements, soft pants falling from his lips as his hands fell against his hips, stopping to lean back against a tree as he attempted to catch his breath for a moment before the sound snapping twigs nearby caught his attention and his gaze snapped up instantly towards the source, a male emerging from the brush as Christofferson straightened himself up. “Just passing through,” he offered, hands rising to show he meant no harm. “Was about to head back into town actually, just stopped to take a breather.”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
A melodic chuckle escaped her lips when Chris guided them out of the bar and she took a deep breath of the cool air. “I know you do, it’s been too long”, Kalista spoke up and once his arm nestled around her shoulders, she leaned against him while lifting her hand up to intertwine their hands again. She lead them down the street, knowing already the way to her favorite store by heart. “Well, the place is called Geeks&Freaks and it has the best baked goods in town. You have to try them all, babe.”
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A smile was shot down at the woman within his arm as she chuckled, the melodic sound wrapping around the werewolf like a song he had known all his life as he pulled her in further and place a gentle kiss against her temple. “Far too long but I’m here now,” Chris mused, tone soft as she leaned her frame against him and their digits intertwined. A laugh eased from his lips as his fiancé mentioned Geeks and Freaks, shaking his head within his amusement as they continued to move down the sidewalk. “I was in there the other day actually,” the wolf admitted. “Didn’t try any of the baked goods, I was a little too wrapped up in the Daredevil comic I found but the coffee was decent.”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
open  :  @risingpeaksreblogs​
location  :  alley.
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morgan  had  been  in  that  bar  for  a  while,  mostly because  she  didn’t want  to  go  back  to  her  trailer, not  to  mention how  she  had  managed  to  get  herself a  bag  of  crisps  not  a  while  ago,  and  she  was  going  to  enjoy  those. maybe  her  night  wasn’t  as  chill  as  she  would  have  wanted mostly  because  of  a  random dude  that  had  managed  to  get  under  her  skin  pretty  easily. if  there  was  something  the  werewolf  hated  was  that  toxic  masculinity that  the  dude  irradiated.  she  got  mad  that  true,  but  the  second  she  was  asked  if  she  was  on  her  period was  the  moment she  lost  it.  “  god,  your  misogyny  couldn’t  be  more  basic  ”  she  said  now  standing, his  finger  pointing right  at  him.  “  no  -  one  has  ever  said  no  to  you,  have  they  ?  ”  she  asked  sarcastically.
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it  only  took  another stupid  comment  for  morgan  to  just  felt  the  blood  in  her  veins  boiling, she  punched  the  guy,  she  knew  that  wasn’t  right  but,  god  she  would  have  done  anything  to  erase  that  smug  smile  from  his  lips.  morgan rushed  outside  the  place  through the  emergency  exit,  the  cold  night  hitting her  the  second she  closed  the  door  and  leant  against the  cold  wall.  she  closed her  eyes,  her  hands  tightly closed  in  a  fist  as  she  could  feel  her  laws  digging into  her  skin.  she  heard  someone.  “  it’s  not  a  good  time  …  ”
Amusement was quick to cross his features as blue hues watched the escalating scene before him, nursing a glass of whiskey as the girl finally went off on the male that had been bothering her. Hues widened almost instantly the second she had thrown the punch, sputtering out his whiskey as he attempted to not laugh out loud and failing miserably. Money was quickly slid to the bartender as Christofferson made his way out of the bar a few short moments after the other had disappeared only to be greeted with the scent of another wolf once he had pushed out the door. His gaze locked on to the girl from earlier, finally putting a face to the scent he had picked up on inside before raising his hands in defense as she spoke. “Sorry didn’t mean to stare,” Chris mused. “I was just- Impressive how you took that guy down with one punch. Are you okay?”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
As Chris gently turned her face him again, she leaned into the touch that she had been longing after all this time and smiled at his words. She still just couldn’t understand why his brother wouldn’t let them live in peace, only knowing the basics of how the dynamics in a werewolf pack worked. “Gladly, I can show you one of my favorite places since I moved here, love”, Kalista nodded her head before she took another swing from her glass and slipped from her seat, holding on to his hand. “And then later, I can show you how much I’ve missed you.”
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His touch fell from her features as she agreed to the walk, moving to down the last of his drink before pushing himself from his stool, a smirk forming quickly against his lips as his fiancé spoke and his hands sought placement against her waist as he guided them towards the door. “Now that I look forward to,” Chris hummed softly against her ear, pushing the door open for them both to step out into the cool, crisp air. His arm was instant to wrap around her shoulders, a glance in either direction before settling his gaze against her features. “Where to first, Ace,” the male grinned.
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
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[ sebastian stan, male, he/him ] whatever you think you know about CHRISTOFFERSON ODEGARD, the 127 year old, HETEROSEXUAL, NEW COMER, it is likely time for you to start reconsidering. the rumored WEREWOLF is often described as RESILIENT + COURAGEOUS, but don’t let them fool you; they can also be ARROGANT + COLD, which often has them regarded as the THE SOLEMN SOLDIER. they are a/an SOUS CHEF at SEVENTH PLATE, but it’s also said they are a OMEGA within the ROGUE RESIDENTS. whatever you hear, you can’t deny there’s more to them that meets the eye, and it’s time we start uncovering the truth.
Name: Christofferson Atreus Odegard Nicknames/Alias: Chris, Christoff, Christoffer Face Claim: Sebastian Stan Age: 127 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Date/Place of Birth: 1895, Yekaterinburg, Russia Currently: Creations Peak Species: Werewolf Occupation: Sous Chef at Seventh Plate Rank: Omega
Positives/Virtues/Skills: Confidence: feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured. Intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. Courageous: able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching Adventurous: willing to undertake new and daring enterprises. Self-Aware: having conscious knowledge of one’s own character and feelings. Weaponry Technologically Proficient Efficient in multiple languages (Spanish, Russian, Latin) Coding Mathematics and Accounting Cooking and Baking 
Flaws/Weaknesses: Stubborn: having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. Blunt: uncompromisingly forthright. Unpredictable: not able to be predicted Likes to take risks Sensitive but doesn’t show it
Archetype: Achiever:  a person who achieves a high or specified level of success. Boss: A person in a position of power, namely in a company or job. Entrepreneur:  a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. Favourite colour? Black Favourite foods? Solyanka, Ukha, Pirozhki, Blini, Beef Stroganoff, Morozhenoe, Pelmeni, Shchi Favourite music? Rock and Indie Favorite books? Comics Fears: tbd Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Parents: Alexei Odegard † (Father) Fredrick Williamson † (Step-Father) Mila Williamson † (Mother) Siblings: Unnamed Odegard (Older Twin Brother) Unnamed Odegard (Younger Brother) Unnamed Williamson (Younger Half-Brother) Unnamed Williamson (Younger Half-Sister) Children: TBD Other family: N/A Spouse: Kalista Payne (Fiance) Ex-Partners: TBD Boss/Employer: Nyx Morningstar Co-Workers: Rachel Graham Friends: WANTED CONNECTION (Best Friend), WANTED CONNECTION (Best Friend), TBD Enemies: TBD
Build: 6′0″ 167 lbs Tall and Muscular Hair Colour: Dark brown Eye Colour: Blue Distinguishing Marks: N/A
Accomplishments: TBD
Regrets: TBD Secrets: TBD
Born and raised for a small portion of his childhood in Yekaterinburg, Russia, Christofferson and his twin brother were taught both English and Russian from the start. Their parents ranks within their current pack on the higher side.
They had two younger brothers and a younger sister, the two youngest being born years later after their arrival in America. 
Moving to America hadn’t been an easy choice for the family, Chris and his twin being 13 at the time. The choice was made simply once their pack had been massacred by a rival pack, their father included.
Upon their move to America, they joined a pack in Boston which is also where Christofferson ended up getting his degree in culinary arts at Boston University. 
His mother remarried to the alpha of the Boston pack a few years after arriving to America and had his youngest two siblings with this man.
When hunter’s attacked their pack, Chris and had ensured he got the younger siblings to safety while his twin searched for their mother, only to come back with glowing red eyes and an anger burning in them. 
The forming of the new Boston pack was rough at first, the few memories that had survived the hunters joining as they began recruiting new wolves.
4 years ago, Chris met a girl, proposing two years into their relationship. She’s been in Creations Peak the last two years and he’s finally left his pack to join her and hopefully settle down with her.
I’ll add more eventually as I plot. Thanks for coming to this shit bio but it’s what you get for now.
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
The ever present worry showed on her features, almost frowning yet she managed to keep the smile up. They knew the consequences but their love was stronger, and she wouldn’t let him get himself hurt for defending their relationship. She would even risk exposing herself if it meant to protect him. “If they try to hurt you..”, Kalista started but stopped herself, shaking her head and removed her hand from his cheek, reaching for her own drink. Taking a good swing from it, she savored the taste of the alcohol on her tongue and dropped her gaze to their hands, perfectly fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. “You really know how to flatter me, love. I have a feeling that I’ll get to keep this youthful appearance for quite a long time.” The possibility of living forever sounded quite alluring to her, being together with her fiancé for many more years and perhaps at one point having children, it was like a possible dream.
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Her words had a smile pulling across his lips, gaze softening as he shook his head and pulled his digits from her own, hand rising to turn her features back to face him before allowing his touch to rest against her features. “I will be fine, Kals,” Chris assured her. “My brother can either let me go or follow me here. If a fight ensues then it ensues but I told him I had made my mind up and that I was leaving.” His digits dropped, lacing their way through her own digits once more as he turned his frame further towards her own. “Wanna go for a walk,” he questioned. “Show me around the town?”
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
Listening to him, she playfully rolled her eyes upon hearing his words yet it made her heart skip a beat. Chris could be very protective and cold one moment but in the next, with her only, he’s soft and would say the right words to make her fall for him all over again. “Oh stop it, you’re making me blush”, Kalista chuckled in return, the brightest smile on her lips now, “And I say, I will. Technically I could reach over and do the drinks myself, you know.” She watched as he briefly took his gaze off her, knowing that he was checking the bar and the moment when he placed his hand on her knee, she could freely thread her fingers through his hair and cupped his cheek. How she had missed being with him, the time spent apart only made her long for him more. “It’s okay, love. I’m just so glad that you are in one piece. Well, you can thank that to face masks and some other beauty products. And Yoga. ” Kalista joked with a small cheeky grin now, brushing her thumb across his skin in a loving manner while their drinks were finally served. 
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Blue hues rolled playfully at the brunette as he shook his head, sighing in defeat as she threaded her digits through his own and a hum of content fled his lips. It was almost habitual as he raised their hands, lips pressing gently to the back of her hand before returning them to her knee, grip tightening against her digits ever so slightly as he leaned into her touch against his features before his brows knit together. “One piece for now,” Chris sighed softly. “If they don’t already know, they’re gonna find out eventually.” As the drinks were placed in front of them, Christoffer’s free hand moved to grip his glass, lifting it to his lips as he downed a bit of it before returning it to the bar top, his gaze softening as blue hues returned to her features and a faint smile pulled against his lips. “Oh please, we both know that your beauty is all natural, doll,” he chuckled. 
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cfsolemnsoldier · 2 years
Once he was seated in, she let out a soft laughter at the other’s reaction to Chris’ words, her focus solely on him now. “I already told him that I’m taken but somehow being an engaged woman is very attractive to some men. But why, I still don’t understand..” She lifted her hand up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, the stunning ring clearly on her finger before she waved the bartender over. “And I still insist on buying you the drink, handsome.” Knowing his favorite drink, she ordered two for them and smiled warmly at Chris, wanting to reach out to cup the side of his face but she knew that there was a possibility that any of his pack members could be in the bar in that moment. “How are you settling in so far?”
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“Well I can’t say I blame them,” Christofferson countered, brows raising animatedly as her hand rose to tuck hair behind her ear, icy blue hues catching onto the ring he had slid on her finger two years prior, a secret that was hard to keep but done out of the sheer need to protect her. “You are a very attractive taken woman.” His hues soon rolled at her insistence, shaking his head defiantly as she waved down the bartender. “I will not have you buying our first round of drinks, Kali,” the wolf countered, voice lowered as his gaze met hers. A quick glance around them was enough for the male to note that he was the only Blood Moon pack member in the bar, a soft relieved sigh easing from his lips as his hand sought placement against her knee. “Fine now that I’ve found you,” he admitted. “I would’ve called but- ears everywhere and I barely get a chance to slip away for alone time. How is it possible that you look even more breathtaking than the day you left?”
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