cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
johnston, skylar ❁
“It seems as if I do, the rest of you are treating this as if it were a normal competition. It is not, we have only been here for a few weeks and we are already fighting harder than any of you.” The fact that the New Directions seemed to put rehearsal last was something that almost blew his mind. How they managed to win so many titles was beyond him. “I am also doing what a leader should do, which is stand up for what the Warblers believe in. We are a well respected show choir with morals and tradition, a far better image than the ‘band of misfits’ that the New Directions hold.” Crossing his arms over his chest, Skylar rolled his eyes. “Oh please, you are forcing us to give things up because you aren’t willing to make the slightest change. We understand that McKinley and the New Directions are your home, but Dalton was ours. Perhaps you can be a little lighter on the nitpicking.” 
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Marley sent out a huff in frustration. This was a roundabout argument that was never going to end -- and she was getting too dizzy of this ride to stay on it. If this warbler wanted to stick by his morals, so would she. Regardless of the progress -- or lack thereof -- they made today, she had to be the bigger person and walk away. Giving him the satisfaction of getting under her skin was not on her agenda. “I’m not doing this with you.” She muttered at him, spinning on her heel to collect her sheet music by her bag. “If you guys want to do things you way, have at it. But I’m not turning the New Directions into a group of militant robots just because you’re too scared  to -- I don’t even know what you’re scared of.” Marley pushed a folder into her bag, ignoring the sound of the crinkling paper in favor of getting out of that room as quickly as possible. “If you want to talk about this later, you know where to find me. Just know that I’m not backing down on this.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
{{ @cfwallflcwers }}
“Forget that boy, and find another.”
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“Super easy for you to say. It’s not like there’s a long line of guys at McKinley that even want to look at a glee club girl.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
st. james, jesse ❁
Despite thinking better of it, Jesse couldn’t fight the smile that came over his lips as soon as he heard Marley speak. Working with the Glee club had been a less than stellar experience, if he was being perfectly honest with himself, but it was only until his hiatus from Broadway was over, and frankly, he needed the money. “Looks like the wallflower finally grew a backbone.” Jesse remained by his spot at the piano, as he was carefully combing through sheet music for the Glee club’s next performance. “If you want a solo, I’ll consider it, just not for this round of Sectionals.”
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His comment stirred even more anger inside of her. Spending twenty minutes in the McKinley kitchen getting ready for this confrontation got her adrenaline running and her blood lightly simmering, a feeling she was not used to having since coming to McKinley. “Marley,” She corrected him, keeping her stance strong and her eyes unfaltering. “And yes, I did.”
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She could hear her mother’s voice in her head, “Stick to your guns, Marley” constantly repeating on a loop between her ears. If there was any point in time where she needed to take those words to heart; it was now. “You say that, but I don’t believe you. If you have something to say to me, I can take it. If you have a problem with what I do in glee club, tell me. That’s all I want.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
wilde, kitty ❁
Kitty watched Marley’s face intently, “Maybe that’s all they are – theories,” she said, shrugging with a slight smirk. “I have an eye for these things though, chemistry and all that, you know?” She said, “And I have a feeling that you don’t like Jake, you just want everyone else to think you do,” Kitty didn’t know what she was doing, it wasn’t like she was out herself, and ever more than that, it wasn’t as if Marley owed her an explanation. Still, she’d been feeling things for the girl for months and it was almost like she couldn’t help herself, “That’s just what I think, feel free to tell me I’m wrong, and a bitch, or whatever else.”
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Marley gave a warm smile, happy with the turn of this conversation. With all the things happening in her life, getting to the defensive was her first instict and became her first line of protection from taunts. This -- however -- turned out to be much better, showing a nicer side of Kitty. “I don’t like Jake,” She said with a small nod, “He’s cute and all, but I don’t think I’m on his radar. I’m about as likely to start flying than to feel any sparks there.” It was the truth. Things like that may have happened in the movies, but this was reality. And she didn’t intend on that changing anytime soon. “And no, you’re not a bitch. Sorry for overreacting. Can I make it up to you?”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
Adaptable / out of context angst starters.
Feel free to add to the sentences. Parts in brackets show optional additions you could make.
❝ No! ❞
❝ I can’t do this. ❞
❝ I don’t even want to look at you right now! ❞
❝ (you’re) Pathetic. ❞
❝ I hate you! ❞
❝ I’ve always hated you! ❞
❝ I can’t live like this. ❞
❝ I can’t believe you’d do this! ❞
❝ I just want to go home. ❞
❝ Who said I wanted to exist? ❞
❝ Don’t touch me! ❞
❝ Stay away! ❞
❝ Fuck (off/you/them/it)! ❞
❝ You lied to me? ❞
❝ I’m sorry. ❞
❝ I didn’t mean to upset you. ❞
❝ You can’t go back. ❞
❝ I’m not leaving (you like this). ❞
❝ I’m bleeding. ❞
❝ I’m monster. ❞
❝ I didn’t mean to! (I still love you.) ❞
❝ Don’t (touch/look at) me. ❞
❝ You disgust me. ❞
❝ Just go! ❞
❝ Who would want to be around me? ❞
❝ They’re dead… ❞
❝ You’re dying! ❞
❝ I’m fine. ❞
❝ I need to get you help! ❞
❝ It’ll (all work out/be okay). ❞
❝ I need an ambulance (right now). ❞
❝ How could you do this (to me)? ❞
❝ Don’t hurt me. ❞
❝ I wish you never existed! ❞
❝ We’re not going to make it! ❞
❝ Stop acting like we’re going to get out of this. ❞
❝ You’re so (pessimistic/optimistic). It needs to stop. ❞
❝ We can’t stop this. ❞
❝ Goodbye. ❞
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
johnston, skylar ❁
With narrowed eyes, Skylar let his glare sit for a moment before letting out a breath. “The Warblers are not the problem here.” He jumped into defense mode, he was not going to sit here and be told that they were uptight and causing issues.”The Warblers are simply doing what a show choir should, rehearse to perfect the set list. Need I remind you what is at stake?” Pinching the bridge of his nose, Skylar let his guard down for a moment. Maybe she had a point, but he was far to angry to listen to it. “Well if your group wasn’t so set on their ways maybe we could bond.” 
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“You don’t need to remind me what’s at stake.” Her words bit through her teeth, another nerve being struck like a guitar string by this blazer-wearing jerk. A million questions were running through her mind; who did this guy think he was, why was he acting like this, why couldn’t they agree on just one thing? “Because I’m doing what a leader should, by looking after my friends. I could push them to be as perfect as can be, but I don’t want them to push themselves to the point you guys do because I don’t want to see them break. Nobody wins when we leave some teammates out to dry, not even you guys. That’s the difference between you and me.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
wilde, kitty ❁
She shook her head, “Did you completely miss the compliment hidden in there, or?” Kitty said, laughing lightly. “The thing is, you look at Puckerman a little too hard, almost like he isn’t who you want to be looking at at all,” Kitty told her thoughtfully. She didn’t know if Marley liking girls was just wishful thinking or if there really was something there, but Kitty had been in the closet long enough to know when something didn’t look quite as natural as it was meant to; she had the feeling that the mooning over Puckerman that Marley was doing was meant for someone else in the room, but she was afraid to show it, “That’s just my theory, anyway,” she said coolly.
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Marley’s eyes shot down to the floor, a small smile on her face. “Sorry, thank you. I’m glad you liked the performance.” She was too busy thinking about her comment about Jake to realize that there was an actual comment mixed in. Internally, she kicked herself for getting so worked up, she could swear up and down she wasn’t giving puppy eyes to Jake. “You make a lot of theories about who I look at,” She pointed out, furrowing her brows at Kitty and trying to wrap her head around what she was trying to say. “I was just trying to perform, that’s it. What did you think I was doing?”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
i got that 98/100 on my sociology test nobody touch me i’m vibrating with happiness and joy (not if my school could just give me money that’d be great)
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
quinn, tobias ❁
He scratched his forehead as she spoke. “Saying that I don’t have to talk to you again is unnecessary. I know I won’t have to. But you know what else is a waste of time? This whole conversation. I can write up the essay. You can made up some sort of diagram or something to create a visual representation.”
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Biting the inside of her lip, she hesitated in responding for a moment. Instead, she turned her head down and pretended to scan over the page for just a moment. “I guess that can work,” She said with a small nod, knowing that this might have been code of not wanting to deal with her or the project longer than he had to. “If you need any help, just let me know? I read over the chapter a few times last night to make sure I got it.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
johnston, skylar ❁
Her snap seemed to stir more anger inside of him, it was as if everyone in this dead beat school seemed to be insensitive. None of them actually cared if the Warblers were okay, they were only here because the New Directions needed them. “Winning is all we have.” Skylar replied bitterly, he knew she was trying to be easier with him yet he couldn’t bring himself to go to that level. No, he was still upset. “We have already lost plenty, I am not going to let the Warblers lose more because your group is not willing to work with us.”
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Her jaw tensed, but she bit back another snap that was trying to work to the surface. Their argument kept going around in enough circles that she was getting dizzy, but she was too stubborn in the head to give up now. “Well, I’m not going to put my members under that much stress about winning just because your group isn’t willing to enjoy things once in a while,”She turned her eyes down to the sheet music, flipping her fingers over the corners as if she was counting and recounting -- over and over again. “We do best when we bond as a team, I think we need to focus on bonding everyone before teaching them every note and step of every song ever written.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
quinn, tobias ❁
Toby raised his brows slightly, trying not to seem surprised. “Well good for you. Being a doormat complicates things.” The words he used seemed to convey care, possibly even concern. However, he spoke them in his usual dry, disinterested tone of voice.
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She tried to swallow the small lump in her throat, holding her ground and trying to stand against his indifference. “If you’re trying to get me to give up, it’s not going to happen.” It was so frustrating to work with someone that didn’t seem to care -- not about her or the work -- but she couldn’t let him get under her skin. “Once this is over, you don’t have to talk to me again. I promise.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
johnston, skylar ❁
Skylar wasn’t willing to back down, since the Warblers arrival at McKinley they had been forced to push back their usual ways of rehearsal. They didn’t want to be here, they were not given a choice. “I am saying that if we stop now we have no chance of winning, which is not something I think either of us want.” He replied the annoyance clear in his tone. He was tired of everyone else saying that the way the Warblers were doing things were ‘wrong’, they ran their show choir for hundreds of years and no one had a complaint until this year. 
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“Not everything is about winning!” Marley snapped at him, her eyes widening just moments after at her own lack of control. With that small outburst, she had to take a step back. Get this Warbler out from under her skin and be the leader everyone was wanting out of her. “I’m just saying,” Her voice was calmer now, and she diverted her eyes to ease some of the tension growing between them. It might have been a small apology to him too, she wasn’t even sure. “It’d be a little easier to compromise with everything if I had a little give from your end.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
wilde, kitty ❁
“Oh my, Marley Rose knows the word ass? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear,” Kitty mused, smiling devilishly. “Listen, you took my comment out of context, I was trying to say that I thought you did great in there – despite making puppy dog eyes at Puckerman the whole time.” 
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Her cheeks hinted with a blush, it was like being taunted at recess all over again. Except this time she was supposed to be able to stand up to herself, be her own person. Quickly, she shook her head, mentally denying any and all puppy eye accusations. “I -- definitely -- was not making any puppy eyes. The last thing -- “ She stopped herself, knowing she was falling into a trap. “That’s all beside the point.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
puckerman, noah ❁
@cfwallflcwers liked this for a starter!
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“’Sup, Marley?” Puck asked as he leaned against the door. “Jake isn’t here right now. He’s out with Ryder doing god knows what,” he said with a smirk. “You’re welcome to come in and hang out with me until he comes back, if ya want.”
"Thanks, that sounds nice” She murmured to him, giving him a small nod and taking a step inside. It was always weird interacting with Puck; sometimes he acted like a second Jake, but a second Jake that had to pay taxes. It was weird, but he was nice enough to her that she didn’t feel on edge whenever he was around. “Do you know when they’ll be back? It’s not a super emergency or anything, I just don’t want to bother you too long if they’ll be gone for a while.”
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
con’t from here ♥ @indiekiera
The morning came much harder than usual.
Ten fourty-five, pounding headache, and her head bent over her toilet long enough to leave a lasting butt print in the tile. The sounds of Unique snoring from her bed were echoing through her ears, barely beating out the ringing and internal groaning that had been constant for the past fifteen minutes. 
Yet that wasn’t the worst part. With messages unread on her phone, the sinking feeling of “Lord, what happened last night” was twisting enough knots in her stomach to bring on a whole new kind of pain. All from Jake, reminding her of the compulsory text she sent last night after her and Unique finished off the bottle. 
Should she even respond? Yes, she was drunk. Yes, she was angry. But the fact that he could still read her like a second-grade book only stirred up more anger inside of her. There was a time when it was charming, now it just rubbed her the wrong way, in every way. 
The taste of swallowing her pride was worse than the bile still lingering in her mouth, but there was no getting around it at this point.
[ text : Jake Puckerman ] You’re not dead to me. [ text : Jake Puckerman ] But I still don’t like you that much.
Sliding her phone across the tile, she found a small amount of comfort in resting her head against the wall. It eased the pounding slightly, although not entirely. Yeah, she sadly thought, that’ll show him. 
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cfwallflcwers-blog · 7 years
johnston, skylar ❁
His tone was even as he spoke, keeping his composure as he continued the argument with the brunette McKinley girl. “I am simply acting as anyone would in this situation. You are not exactly sunshine either.” His actions before were uncalled for, and he was sure all of this would come back to bite him, but right now he just couldn’t get it within him to care. “Maybe it is best we just stop speaking, since you seem to jump to conclusions rather quickly.”
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She resisted the urge to walk off in a huff, taking his offer of never speaking again and hoping that would be enough to ease her mind. “At least I’m actually trying here,” She retorted, her arms folding tightly across her chest. Her mind kept telling her to stay strong, stand her ground, and hold out for some kind of apology. It was a part of the “woman fierce” mindset Kitty was forcing her into. “We’re already halfway through the assignment. I’m not saying we have to give up, I just need a little bit of slack here. I’m not a Warbler, I’m not going to practice like one.”
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