cha0s-aint-me · 2 years
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Love Death+Mecha by Ehsan Fazeli
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
Update: Hey I know I haven't really been active much here, its cause of the rona and 3 mf hurricanes so I yeah. I'm still alive 👁
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
God i wish all real life billionaires were more like tony stark 😩
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
I don’t know music, so I don’t understand what I’m looking at (though I do like it), but I just showed this to my husband, and his jaw hit the floor.
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
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Johanna Puhl on Instagram
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
Okay, so when are people gonna stop calling Vodou, Hoodoo, Santeria, and every other Traditional African Religion black magic and by black magic, I mean evil because it’s 2018  2019 2020 and people are out here still thinking these religions are evil all because it’s not “Love and Light.”
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
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THEY LIVE — 1988, dir. John Carpenter
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
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Pass the blunt to your followers
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
😍 how I'm Tyra look
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she’s got the looks that kill
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
The legendary Peruvian death ray!
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Eric Ladd, 1978
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
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June 7 2020  - Black Lives Matter protesters in Bristol, UK, tear down the statue of 17th century slave trader Edward Colston, and dump it in the harbour. Protestor John McAllister, 71, said: “It says ‘erected by the citizens of Bristol, as a memorial to one of the most virtuous and wise sons of this city’."The man was a slave trader. He was generous to Bristol but it was off the back of slavery and it’s absolutely despicable. It’s an insult to the people of Bristol.” [video]/[video]
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
I want you, if you are not black, to consider a life like this. Every single time you walk past a cop, you do so fully assured in the knowledge that if he wanted to, he could kill you, and he could do it in broad daylight, and he could do it by suffocating you for several minutes while people walked by on the street and his partners watched, and that even if someone recorded all of this (and managed not to be assaulted while doing so) the video that includes your lifeless corpse could spread worldwide and your face could be on thousands of tee shirts and still nothing might happen to that cop. He doesn't have to do it. He probably won't. Individually, he probably has no desire to. But he could, and so could everyone who wears his badge, and the knowledge that they could is a small background terror in your life. I want you to imagine that this is true for everyone you're related to, for your mother and your father and your brother and your sister, and that it was like this for all of your ancestors back to the first ones who were stolen from their home and shipped to be somebody's chattel and that those owners are the people whose names you bear. I want you to imagine that every single day you live with the knowledge that your skin tone and features are quite likely the result of one of your female ancestors being raped by someone that owned her. I want you to imagine that you live every single day of your life under this kind of terror, and that when 200 years of pressure explodes you see white people who love you, white people who vote blue no matter who, white people who have never spoken ill of black people, expecting you to answer for some stolen televisions and broken windows. It is awful in a way you will never understand and that I would not wish for you to understand. It is a deeply and psychically devastating way to live. I'm not interested in talking about a vandalized building when my psyche is vandalized every single day and so were those of my parents, and their parents, and their parents, and theirs again.
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
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if you’re white and are protesting, please, please listen to this. if you’re white and have white friends protesting, let them know
this all blows in the face of Black and brown people protesting
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cha0s-aint-me · 4 years
Reasons Why Fans of Color Leave/Don’t Interact with Fandom
Casual racism that is brushed off as “an innocent mistake” or “they didn’t mean it” and then everyone pretending like it didn’t happen and moving on with their day (repeat)
Speaking over fans of color about issues that pertain to them specifically
When fans of color speak out about something that makes them uncomfortable or why that don’t interact with it (usually because of the racial/ethnic bias) they are accused of being anti’s or pro-censorship
Characters of color being used as scapegoats/bashed/plot devices 
Characters of color never getting happy endings/real development
Backlash against characters of color if they do anything other than be a white character’s side kick/best friend
Actors of characters of color being harassed for something their character did or didn’t do
White characters/actors getting all the attention/credit despite the fact that they are a side character to a POC or on the same level as the POC
Fanfic authors patting themselves on the back for writing a “realistic” character of color and it’s just a bunch of stereotypes
Being told that they should be happy they were even included when they call out the above people
White fans crying about persecution/exclusion because their fav character/trope/kink/ship isn’t loved by all 
Fan artists re-imaging characters of color as white/lightening skin tone
Everyone rushing to a white fans defense after a well deserved call out while the fan of color receives hate
Never having a safe fandom space and always having to be on guard with new people/fandoms/chats etc because they’ve been burned before
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