chadotea-blog · 7 years
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The Home of blooming teas, black teas, white teas, green teas, chai teas, earl grey teas, oolong teas, yellow teas, matcha, herbal teas, rooibos teas, honey bush, custom teas blend, fruit tisanes, herbs, mate teas and assorted teas accessories.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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SADO is the word used to describe the Japanese Tea Ceremony or the Japanese way of tea. The word 'Cha' means tea in Chinese and a host of other languages, the word 'Do' means path or way in Japanese put them together and you have 'Chado' the way of tea.
Established in 1990, today Chado has revolutionised how Los Angeles drinks and thinks of tea. Sharing our love of tea and refinement has made Chado a force in the American Tea Renaissance and made Chado customers, with over 300 premium loose leaf teas to choose among, a privileged elite among world's tea lovers.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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Buy hand crafted mellow soothing best oolong tea and get special health benefits online tea store in india.
Buy oolong tea online from our website.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
The Home of blooming teas, black teas, white teas, green teas, chai teas, earl grey teas, oolong teas, yellow teas, matcha, herbal teas, rooibos teas, honey bush, custom teas blend, fruit tisanes, herbs, mate teas and assorted teas accessories.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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It is traditional Chinese tea that is produces from the leaves and branch’s. It is work as effectively as green tea for weight loss and sometimes it effectiveness even exceed that of green tea.
The best Oolong tea consists of combined qualities of green tea and black tea that makes it one of the healthiest drink with amazing health benefits.
Fights cancer cells
Strengthen immune system
Diabetes management
Prevent tooth decay
Promote Heart Health
Promote healthy skin
Improve brain functions
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
Green tea is dried and rolled, but not oxidized. The leaves are rolled or twisted in a variety of ways. Pan-fired greens undergo three treatments at the same time: roasting, rolling and firing. Roasting kills off the enzymes responsible for oxidization and involves heating the green tea leaves to approximately 212°F, at which point the leaves become soft and flexible, 5 ready for rolling. The leaves may be rolled into various shapes. Japanese greens are manufactured differently, by steaming rather than pan-firing. Green tea is an excellent thirst quencher and can be drunk throughout the day. Nearly all green teas come from China or Japan. Although India, Sri Lanka, Argentina and Vietnam have started producing green teas, China still remains the leader in manufacturing green teas.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
Interesting facts About Tea Must Be Understood By Tea Lover - Chado Tea
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As a Tea lover, you must know everything about tea, but what I will share with you probably didn’t know about tea. These wonderful tea facts are collected from tea tips, historical facts and tea trivia. So now understand some of facts about tea along with warm, comforting cup of tea.
Have you know about Ice Tea? I think you may have heard that, what is Ice Tea and from where it was originally came from? Ice tea was invented in the 1904 an Englishman named Richard Blechynden at st. Louise world’s fair. Till that time ice tea was not too much popular but Richard had the idea of pouring it over ice and it was an instant success.
However you will feel wonder when you came to know the Richard wasn’t the first person who had invented Ice Tea. Then who actually founded it? It was founded by Marion Cabell Tyree in Housekeeping in old Virginia.
Now tell me who was invented Tea Bag? Number of times we are using it but have you discovered anytime that why tea bags have a thin rope tied to a silk bags. If you know the answer of tea bag, then as a tea lover you must be lucky about your tea knowledge. But don’t worry I will tell you. Tea bags were actually invented by Thomas Sullivan who is a resident of United States in 1908. He invented these small tea bags to give samples of tea to his customers. You may feel wonder after knowing what tea customers thought that tea bags were supposed to be put directly in tea pot like a metal infuser.
The tea’s that are coming in major tea types is Black, White, Green and Oolong. But all kinds of tea come from one plant name Camellia Sinensis. The different flavour of tea is depending on that how tea leaves were treated that different flavour it creates.
“Tesseography” is the art of reading tea leaves.
The history of tea is that it was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2737 BCE. The actual incident is that a tea leaf accidentally fell into his bowl of how water and the rest is history.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
5 Quick Tips About Japanese Matcha Tea
5 Quick Tips about Japanese Matcha Tea:
Before the Tea plantation of Japanese Matcha Tea, The tea fields must be fertilized for better Tea flavour. The stronger flavour of Japanese Matcha Tea is highly dependent on a heavier fertilization of tea field. This is reason why Japanese Matcha Tea is purchased in a high price from super market.
Price of tea varies depending upon the strong flavour of Japanese Matcha Tea. In order to provide best Japanese Matcha Tea through our website of Chado Tea, We have already recruited a farmer person who never uses fertilizer and pesticides for Matcha Tea plantation.
As soon as new buds come out through Matcha Tea plant, the whole harvesting field is shaded for 4-5 weeks. The smallest Matcha tea leaves which is originated in spring season has a strongest tea flavour. But Apart from small bud, lower quality Matcha will also come in summer and autumn flushes of leaves. Through the progression of year, now Japanese Matcha Tea is coming which have less and less flavour and colour. The Matcha Tea is shaded in order to reduce the level of antioxidants in the leaf, thereby reducing the bitterness of tea leaves. Other benefits of shading are it preserves the theanine, creating the Umami savory flavour.
After the plucking of Matcha Tea leaves no matter whether it is harvested of machine or by hand, immediately taken to a factory for further process. In the factory tea leaves are steamed and dried in a special kind of oven. The difference between Green tea and Matcha tea is that, No rolling is done in case of Matcha tea which it makes it different from other Black tea. The resulting tea leaf product from factory is called “Tencha” because it is still in its rough state. To preserve the tea for processing at a later date, it can be flash frozen after steaming and before drying.
After the leaf processing Tencha is refined- stems and dust are removed, after that leaves chopped into smaller flakes. In order to create more bitterness in Matcha Tea, the Matcha will be stored in refrigeration for another half year.
If you have desire to enjoy the best Matcha tea, you must go through our website of Chado Tea. Write your comments in order to enhance the quality of tea and do not forget to share Chado Tea.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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What is Chai?
That’s a good question!
is the second most consumed drink beverage in the world. Chai is surpassed by water only means the most used ingredient in the Chai (Teas) is water. As all you know the other synonyms of Chai is Tea. Tell me, how many of you know what the different flavors of tea are? Ok forget; first tell me Chai is originated from which plant. So for your knowledge I will tell you what exactly it is. The Tea (Chai) is originated from the plant named as Camellia Sinensis. The scientific name of all kinds of tea in the world, no matter whether it is black, white, weight loss and other tea is Camellia Sinensis. Today I will share some health benefits offered by different kinds of tea in the world. Apart from normal Milk tea, there are other different flavors of tea. If you have desire to find more that you have never seen, please go through chado tea.
Today I am here to discuss about some most useful and healthy drink beverages, which give you 100% good health if you consume it on daily basis. So let’s start with the first one and most useful, healthy tea beverage known as Darjeeling Tea.
Darjeeling Tea:
You can buy
best Darjeeling Tea online
through the website of chado tea. But before you buy and use it, must understand the fact about the Darjeeling Tea. Darjeeling Tea is sometimes also called as champagne of tea. In order to take it in use Darjeeling tea must under goes with several processes like Rolling tea leaves, Oxidization and fermentation. Darjeeling Tea offers you several benefits like it provide cardiovascular benefits that mean it directly affect on cardiovascular health. Increase the density of your bone.
Now a day’s Darjeeling teas are found in two flavors. One is first flush and other is Second flush Darjeeling tea. First flush Darjeeling teas  colour is light and clear with bright liquor. The leaves have floral scent, with a lively character. After first lush now come to second flush Darjeeling tea. In contrast with first flush, second flush is dark in colour and has a strong flavour.
Nilgiri Tea:
Nilgiri tea
is also known as black tea. Nilgiri tea is generally found in Southern India (Tamil Nadu and Kerala). Nilgiri Tea provides you several health benefits like consuming lots of Nilgiri tea leads to high weight loss within some weeks. Nilgiri tea contains very less amount of caffeine and hence it does not have any side effects. Now you can easily buy green tea through our website name Chado Tea. Nilgiri Tea reduces LDL cholesterol and the risk of heart attack.
Benefits of Black Tea:
Oral Health:
Daily consumption of black tea enhances your oral health. Black Tea reduces plaque formation and reduces the growth of bacteria that promotes the formation of cavities and tooth Decay.
A Better Health:
who consume 3 or more cups of tea had a 21% lower risk of a stroke than people who consume less than 1 cup of green or black tea per day.
Black tea contains large amount of polyphenols, which are also antioxidants that help block DNA damage associated with tobacco or other toxic chemicals.
Cancer Prevention:
The antioxidants like polyphenols and catechins present in the tea which helps in cancer prevention. Through a research it has been proved that the women’s who drink black tea may prevent ovarian cancer than their counterparts.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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The Home of blooming teas, black teas, white teas, green teas, chai teas, earl grey teas, oolong teas, yellow teas, matcha, herbal teas, rooibos teas, honey bush, custom teas blend, fruit tisanes, herbs, mate teas and assorted teas accessories.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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Green tea is dried and rolled, but not oxidized. The leaves are rolled or twisted in a variety of ways. Pan-fired greens undergo three treatments at the same time: roasting, rolling and firing. Roasting kills off the enzymes responsible for oxidization and involves heating the green tea leaves to approximately 212°F, at which point the leaves become soft and flexible, 5 ready for rolling. The leaves may be rolled into various shapes. Japanese greens are manufactured differently, by steaming rather than pan-firing. Green tea is an excellent thirst quencher and can be drunk throughout the day. Nearly all green teas come from China or Japan. Although India, Sri Lanka, Argentina and Vietnam have started producing green teas, China still remains the leader in manufacturing green teas.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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Imperial Earl Grey (Darjeeling Base) Pyramid Tea Bags 
Steeping Instructions
tsp per cup
Water at
Steep Time:
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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Christmas Tree
Green tea with chrysanthemum and amaranth flowers. When steeped it unfurls to a shape of a Christmas tree.
Steeping Instructions
1 pc tsp per cup
Water at 80 - 85 ° C
Steep Time: Steep till full bloom
Milk not Recommended 
Can be reinfused up to Three times 
Can add Sugar
VISIT US: http://chadotea.in/  
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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Japanese Matcha 30 g pouch
Powdered tea used in Japan's formal tea ceremony. Top-grade Matcha is a bright shade of green. As a rule, the lighter green varieties are sweeter and the darker ones, more astringent. Matcha completely dissolves in the water when well mixed and thus the leaf is consumed in its entirety, providing more nutrients. Matcha is also a popular ingredient in savory dishes, desserts, ice creams and chai.
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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White Tip Smokey Earl Grey
Smoked black tea from China (Smoked black tea from China (Smoked black tea from China (Lapsang), white tea, bergamot flavor.), white tea, bergamot flavor.), white tea, bergamot flavor.
Earl Grey Buy darjeeling tea Buy chinese Teas online Buy oolong tea online Buy white tea online Buy green tea online Online Tea Store
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chadotea-blog · 8 years
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Classic Assam with golden tips and Malty, Rich and Creamy body. It produces deep red coloured liquor. The aftertaste lasts for long.
Buy Nilgiri Tea
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