chaemixac-blog · 9 years
Fateful Encounter (Chaemi + Luka)
“Get back here!” she heard a voice screaming at her from behind. She hurriedly limp away from the scene, taking one last glance behind her shoulder and went to hide from the other pack members. 
It was another ordinary day where she gets surprise attacks from other wolf packs from the neighbouring towns. This doesn’t not surprise her much anymore. But because the werewolf side of her was too tough even for herself to control, she needed to get out of the scene before the other side of her comes out. 
She pulled her hood back up to cover her face and limped into the city area where there were more people. The route back to her apartment wasn’t a far one but however, her strength was nearly at zero percent. She didn’t eat enough nor had enough sleep the night before so her energy was running low fast. I. Need. To. Get. Home. Fast. She chanted in her head. The last thing she wanted was to faint right in the middle of the street, in front of everyone. She plan was to live low-key lifestyle in this new town without getting weird looks constantly from outsiders just because she was a hybrid, and fainting in the middle of a busy street is never going to help.
After taking a few more steps, her mind started to spin uncontrollably. She knew she lost quite a bit of her blood plus the fatigue, her body was on the verge of breaking down. Before she could even continue with her escapade, the last thing she remembered was her mind going black and she fell to the ground, unconscious. 
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
"Oh dear, do you need help?"
“I-It’s fine, i think i can manage this,” she brushed him off and attempted to push herself of the floor to stand but failed to fell back down onto the ground. “Ow,” she groaned. Of all days to meet her neighbour it has to be today when she just got back from a brawl with a neighboring vampire pack that hates hybrids. Chaemi wasn’t that badly injured but she has totally lost all the strength on her legs. This is embarrassing, she thought
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
Chaemi muttered a string of curses under she breath as she carried the stack of books all the way up to the third level. It was almost eleven at night and she was still stuck in school completing her detention. Lessons ended late for her that day and moreover, she got stuck in detention with some other 2 students. However, apparently both of them ditch the detention and left her all alone to clean the entire level 2 classrooms. Even though there was only 3 classes, it still took her forever to get all 3 done by herself. She swore if she ever sees the other 2 anywhere in school she’ll rip their heads off, literally. 
Just as she walked down the dark hallways, she noticed a light coming out from one of the rooms. Curiosity got the best of her as she slowly approach the room and luckily, the door was left ajar and thus giving her an opportunity to peek in. What she saw was a group of dancers, as she assumes, judging from their outfits. However, something was peculiar was happening in the room. It seems like one of the dancers were getting cornered by the other group. Chaemi pressed her ears closer to hear their conversation, although she knew it wasn’t right for her to eavesdrop, she was just utterly curious. 
Things in the dance studio got even more tense when the bigger group started shoving the other single dancer continuously. Unconsciously, Chaemi’s fist started to clenched until her fingers were literally digging through her palm. Of all the things in the world, bullying was the one thing she detest the most. Being a victim of such for the longest period of her life, seeing it happening on someone else was something she could never accept either. 
She dropped the pile of books she was carrying onto the floor with a loud thud and slammed open the door so hard, the knob nearly fell out. Being a hybrid herself, her strength was something to never be messed with especially when she is angry. She stormed up to the guy in the middle and shoved him on the chest so hard, he stumbled a few steps back. She walked up to him and gave him a strong punch across the face and she could hear everyone in the room gasping. It didn’t bother her since it was a common sight for her. She may look tiny but her strength is nothing compared to her size. 
“I’ll give you guys 5 seconds to leave this room before you guys have to end up crawling out of the studio,” she threatened. Just as she started counting, the group of dancers scrambled out the door, leaving her and the victim just now alone in the quiet studio. As soon as everyone else was out of sight, she turned around and asked the guy, “hey, are you alright?” 
Shared Pain. [ Chaemi & Jae ]
It was about eleven at night and Jaehyun was still traipsing around campus. He was waiting until the dance room was free and well off usage hours so he could practice some things. The dance studio he usually attends near his job has been undergoing renovations so he was in denial not being able to dance freely about a dance room. Jaehyun wasn’t one to normally sneak into places, especially since he likes to always be in the right lane but he couldn’t help himself. Dancing was a way for him to release pent up stress and he was stressed beyond belief for the past week due to tons of school work and studying. 
The building was thankfully still open but the place was pitch black, not that that bothered him. He pushed the door open and walked into the dark hallway, eventually the motion senseored lights turned on as he made his way towards one of the dance practice rooms. “Yes!” The coast was clear and the door to the room was still unlocked so Jaehyun let himself in. Throwing his bag to the side he turned on the song from his phone. He didn’t want to touch all the equipment, breaking something while he was in the room after hours is something he rather not have to worry about. 
He managed to get about a half hour of dancing in before he was interrupted by the door opening. He immediately stopped, cursing himself under his breath for not noticing them until they were already in the room. It was no one other than the dance team. He sighed, throwing his hood over his head and bowed deeply. “Sorry,” he spoke and the captain laughed. They drew closer to the vibrant haired boy, unpleasent looks upon their faces. They questioned who he was, why he was there, and ask how he could dare use their practice room. No one not on the squad was allowed to use the room freely like he was doing. They shoved his shoulder over and over, waiting for him to answer but honestly they didn’t care what he had to say. He heard rumors about the dance team before, they said that they were talented but rather bitchy and Jaehyun couldn’t agree more. “I don’t want any trouble. I just wanted to dance.” The team laughed in unison, questioning how he couldn’t want trouble and still be standing in the dance room. He just sighed not sure what to do. They could easily report him for trespassing so he didn’t want to fight with them. he just wished they could let him off the hook this once but they had no sympathy.I regret all my choices.
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
Chaemi has no clue what has happened the night before. Her mind was still blank, or pitch black for that matter of fact.
The last thing she remembered was drinking a little too much alcohol, and dancing with her unexpected best friend, Haneul, Kang Haneul. They’re friendship was an unexpected one and a story like that could be left for another time but right now, all she wanted to do was remember what she did last night, secretly hoping that she didn’t cause a huge problem or anything.
She heard a groggy female’s voice, assuming it was Haneul’s, she slowly cracked open her eyes and groaned in pain as she was attempted to climbed out of the bathtub. How did i end up here? she thought and she pushed herself out of the bathtub and attempt to stand up properly. Luckily for her, being a hybrid means that she gets to miss out on the terrible hangovers, not that she ever wants them either, so she could have as much alcohol as she wants and not get a hangover the next.
“Ugh, w-where are we?” her voice cracked. She rubbed her eyes and scanned her surroundings for awhile. Bodies sprawled all around them. Her eyes widen in shock, “W-What on earth happened here?”
Odd  { chaemi + haenul }
Haneul woke up lying in a bath tub. And she’s not alone.
Her clothes was a little damp and her hair reeks of alcohol, but luckily everything aren’t ripped and her shoes are still on. Squished in the same bath tub across her was the ever-so-charming Kang Chaemi—who Haneul befriended after she accidentally threw an ice cream on Chaemi’s chest a couple of months ago. The small presence doesn’t look like that charming with her head pressed against the faucet. Haneul’s first thought was where is her cellphone; because the sight of the younger kid was too good not to be recorded—unaware that her face was also a mess with stains of mascara on her cheeks. But she couldn’t find her cell phone anywhere, and was terribly disoriented and dizzy, so she just nudge the short-haired girl’s legs with the tip of  her oxblood boots, trying to wake her.
“Yah,” she called, “Chaemi-ah. Yah, wake up.” She kept jabbing the younger gently until Chaemi gave a sign that she’s alive before she stopped and closes her eyes. A party. She was at a party. She doesn’t remember who had it—a friend of a friend, maybe—but she remembered finding Chaemi here and had danced and drunk a tad bit too much. “Chaemi, the sun is up.”
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
After getting a call from them, she immediately took off and hurried left her apartment to meet up them while stuffing the thumb drive deep into her pocket. They were part of a group of hybrids that went around breaking the law and Chaemi didn’t have a choice but to join them because of a foolish decision she made when she was younger. And now, she can’t get out of it. This was one of the only few regrets that she has in her life.
She stuffed her hands into her pocket and briskly walked down the pavement leading from the apartment. Normally, she would be cautious about her surrounding however this time round, it slipped out of her mind because of the call she received. She was certain that whatever that was inside the thumb drive they have given her the previous time was extremely important to them, judging from the tone of the voice of the opposite caller used and so, all she could think of was what could be inside. 
Approaching the alleyway she was called to meet up at, she was about to hand over the thumb drive when she realise her pocket was empty. She pat onto every single pocket compartment she had and felt nothing. She swallowed her saliva and slowly looked up at them thinking of how she could break the terrible news to them and also at the same time, mentally prepare herself for the punishment that was coming. However before she could even say anything, she heard a harsh run coming from one of them. 
She didn’t have the time to react when one of the members in the gang ran past her with another man in uniform hot on her heels. She was about to run the other direction when she felt a harsh tug on her arm and she was pulled towards the other direction. Every part of her body screamed danger but all she wanted was to get out of that place first. She pulled her hood off her head and stared at the stranger in front of her. She tried to look at her face but the stranger was only looking forward and not turning at all. She didn’t say anything but only to follow behind the stranger. 
Chance { Haesoo & Chaemi }
Haesoo rolled her shoulders back as she strolled down the sidewalk. She was trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the day since she didn’t have work that night. She had just gotten off the bus returning from the animal shelter for her weekly volunteer work, and was feeling the need to find something to do. Desperately, for some reason. She didn’t really understand how people were able to do the same things everyday for the rest of their lives. Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat. With the exception of those who went to school. 
As she neared the apartment complex, she saw one of the newest tenants leaving. She had yet to introduce herself to the girl, she assumed. She couldn’t quite catch onto who it was since they immediately pulled on their hood as soon as they walked out of the building. Haesoo couldn’t help but take another look at the person as they walked away before she noticed the shape of a black rectangle falling out of their pocket. 
She looked around to see if anyone else noticed before deciding to chase down the person. She quickly picked up the item to see it was their phone. When she looked up, they had already crossed the walkway onto the next block. 
Hurriedly, she ran after the person, carefully dodging strangers on the way while trying to keep her eye on them. When she finally reached the corner they turned, she stumbled taking the turn before noticing that they had led her to a secluded alleyway. She almost walked away when she noticed the tops of a few heads behind a few rusting dumpsters pressed up against the brick walls. 
As she cautiously entered the alleyway, she caught sight of two officers across the street, walking casually. The hushed whispering got louder and louder as she got closer to the crowded group. She quickly picked out the hooded figure she had been following before hearing a few shouts come from behind her. Before she could comprehend what was happening, another hooded figure ran past her and the voices of officers followed suit, immediately dispersing the group. 
Haesoo could see the startled look on the girl’s face as she stood there silently. She couldn’t figure out for her life why she was doing what she did next, but she jumped forwards and grabbed the girl by her arm before yanking her after her, leading them out of the alleyway after the others. It wasn’t her problem. She didn’t even know the girl. In fact, she hadn’t even done anything wrong. Yet here she was, running away just like the others. She couldn’t have had a better plan.
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
(/tapes a rose on your door along with an orange post-it with little hearts scribbled all over it/) I don’t have any chocolate, but I always have too many flowers. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Just as she was about to unlock her door to get into her apartment, she notice a rose taped to her door. she picked the rose up and read the message that was enclosed with it. she smiled to herself a little and uttered a soft “thank you” under her breath. she entered her apartment excitedly and placed the rose into the vase next to her window.
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
Chaemi snaps her head up to where the voice came from, and she was visibly in shock. “h-hi,” she uttered, “n-no i mean, um, i’m kinda of locked out of my house because i left my keys in school. Dumb move, yeah, i know” she let out a loud sigh and slumped her shoulders. She was well-known for being the most careless person in her previous home, and coming out to live by herself maybe starting to backfire on her. She thought about the times where she misplaced her personal stuffs and keys to her room the last time. And no matter how many times she reminded herself about it, she somehow still manages to slip out of her mind. 
Chaemi turned to the girl beside her and sheepishly smiled, “um, i’m alright actually. It’s pretty late, i think you should head back to your room first. I’ll just call the locksmith tomorrow morning to get my door open.” It was pretty late and Chaemi was worried that it might be dangerous for the girl to be out here alone with her. Chaemi knew what she herself was and never has to worry about that, but the other girl looked a little helpless and didn’t want her to get into trouble. 
Chrystal’s descending down the stairs from a friend’s apartment upstairs with a bounce in her steps. She had a good day in general and she’s glad to be able to just go back to her apartment tonight to rest. Although despite relaxing for the majority of the day, she really can’t believe that she had the ability to loosen up and not think about the hours she should’ve spent on studying. She doesn’t regret her decisions today though.
As she reaches the landing of the fourth floor, she senses a great aura that makes her feel down and intimidated all the same and that’s where she spots the girl who seems to be freezing cold, cuddling herself to keep warm. She looks around and sees that no one is there other than the two of them so she decides to approach the other, her caring side taking over than anything. She really doesn’t want this girl to die in the cold… especially with the weather and how soaked with rain water she is right now. She walks to her slowly, then greets her softly as to not surprise her. “Hi? Are you okay?” She asks as she sits next to her on the ledge. That’s the wrong question, but she hopes that the other would let her be a help. 
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
{ open }
It was night fall, and the rain was falling hard down on Chaemi. Things was just not going right for her that day. After running late for class in the morning because she woke up late, she realize she left her assignment at home again. Just when she thought her day couldn’t get any worse, on her way home from school, it started to pour heavily and she didn’t have an umbrella with her. “God dammit,” she muttered in annoyance. In the end, she ended up running all the way back.
“Finally,” she muttered under her breath as soon as her apartment was in her sight. She reached into her pocket for her keys but to her horror, there was nothing. After anxiously fumbling through all her pockets and bag multiple times, she gave up looking for it. She groaned and pulled her hair in frustration. She glanced at the steps leading to the apartment and sighed to herself as she sat down on the ledge, hugging her arms close to her body. She pulled her knees closer to her chest, laying her forehead on them, praying she wouldn’t end up dying out in the cold that day.
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chaemixac-blog · 9 years
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at the flow
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