chainedflower · 4 years
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          “I… Have never actually flirted with someone before.” The truth comes out. “I will have Sir Owain teach me how, please wait a little bit.” She can have a kiss on the forehead instead for now.
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“I am told you simply must be able to compliment the person you wish to flirt with, while also alluding to your intentions?” Looked like Merlyn wasn’t doing much better than Lucan, but she will happily accept his forehead kiss with a soft smile.
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chainedflower · 4 years
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Soft music fills the air as Merlyn hummed to herself, hands kept busy not with magic, but with the simple task of keeping her prodigiously long hair in good maintenance. As a Servant she knew it wouldn’t matter all that much, but the simple act of brushing and sometimes braiding her pale locks did much to soothe the mind.
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chainedflower · 5 years
The day Merlyn met Fou...
Fou: ! Merlyn: ??? Merlyn: reaches out hand... Merlin: Other me watch out! Fou: JUMPS! Fou: snuggles uwu Merlin: THAT’S UNFAIR
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chainedflower · 5 years
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Merlyn, meanwhile, with the real Fou....who actually likes her. Oh, what a cute fluff. She loves Fou so much....it’s so soothing to pet his fur. 
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chainedflower · 5 years
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          Her hand waved again and Arthur, once more, prepared to be turned into something cute like Fou… Only to have his outfit changed again. Though this time there was some sort of helmet over his head and the boy couldn’t help but flail a bit, “Merlyn! This isn’t funny!” Not to him at least. 
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           He pulled off the helmet, having to hug it in order to hold it properly, while pouting at her. “Fine, I will go and ask a different teacher to do it.”
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“Now, now dear. Honestly, should you be wanting to turn into such a Beast? Fou is not something you should consider turning into just like that.” Who knows what might happen if Arthur became like Fou -- Merlyn had no problems doing that bit of magic. However, she wouldn’t be sure if he would have the body of the small and docile version tamed by Merlin, or when turning into Cath Palug, would he be turned into the monstrous beast? That was the worry there, because when Merlyn turned you into something, you really became it.
But she could do an easy illusion for him. That was harmless enough.
She snapped her fingers and his clothes returned to normal, but there was now a glamour around his form. Conjuring a mirror she showed him that to the normal human eye, he was Fou’s doppleganger, even though his body had not changed at all. “Now this is just an illusion. So don’t try to do the same things Fou can, cause his body is built differently than yours.”
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chainedflower · 5 years
          Arthur was really excited when his teacher gave in, barely refraining from bouncing on his toes. His blue eyes squeezed closed when she poked him on the nose and then… Nothing happened. Well, ok, that wasn’t true his clothes felt different, but he was still definitely Arthur shaped. Opening his eyes Arthur looked at his… New weird outfit that resembled the little creature he wanted to turn into.
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          “Merlyn! This isn’t right!” He waved his sleeved with their paw hand covers at the woman, “I wanted to be Fou shaped! You know, about this big and this tall and all covered in fur… Like a cross between a dog and a cat! What kind of animal is Fou anyways?”
Oh, what a needy child he was. She’d almost forgotten how little Arthur could get. Or should she call him Wart when he’s like this? It kind of made her giggle a little, seeing him fretting so...and while wearing what was essentially a very cute animal onesie!
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“Yes, yes, I understand,” he stated, sounding amicable and placating. She did as she had before, waving her hand now to transform Arthur to how he wanted to be! Fou shaped!
Congratulations, Arthur. You are now in a Fou mascot suit!
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chainedflower · 5 years
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          “Why not? He’s fluffy and cute, and he helps Master and Miss Mash. I know sometimes he beats up the other Merlin but I’m sure he has a good reason.” He gives a small pause, “Can’t you at least make me look like Fou? I think it would be fun, and i could play a prank on older Kay.”
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“Well....if you just want to look like Fou...hmmm...how about this?” She twirled her finger, gathering some ambient mana and with a bit of biippity-boppity-boo, she went the way of many Disney wizards (Ritsuka showed her some things) transformed him when she poked his nose....!
Sort of. What happened was, she transformed his clothes into a Fou kigurumi.
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chainedflower · 5 years
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                                “I am Caster class, Merlyn.”
                                                                    loved by Kei
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chainedflower · 5 years
Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs
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chainedflower · 5 years
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           Oh? Oh? How cute. “He’s very sweet and gentle. Believe it or not we tried really hard to get him to settle down with a nice young woman, but it was impossible.” All those nice women picked out by him, Kay, and Bedivere and nothing. His butler really had been a lost cause, totally hopeless… “Heh?” Hold on, seriously?
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           “Wait, wait, wait.” His hand waved for a moment before he lifted a finger. “Did you seriously just tell me you’re not going to marry the one person who you’re actually willing to marry because… humanity has to be saved?” This is a problem, he has a problem with this Merlyn.
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“Well...when you take into consideration that we are all Servants -- temporary existences....I would not wish to make Lucan sad if something were to happen to me in the quest to save humanity. Do men not lose their minds if they lose their spouse?” That was the impression she normally got, especially since most of her examples came from the Round Table. Not a single one of them didn’t react extremely to a lose of a loved one in some manner. She figured gentle Sir Lucan would be utterly crushed if his wife were killed.
So it would be better if they didn’t get married, right? They were definitely lovers, of that she did not argue and would continue as such. And, as of this moment, there were no such mentions of marriage...
“Sir Lucan has never expressed such with me, anyways. It was difficult enough for him to admit to seeing me as someone he loves, so I do not doubt he will wait a while before even thinking of taking the next step. On top of this, I am Fae...marriage is not something we Fae do explicitly...”
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chainedflower · 5 years
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A reminder that from her Singularity, Althur was originally summoned to kill her and when that failed, Wart separated from Althur so he could go get people from Chaldea to come and kill her. And yet, she doesn’t hate either of them for trying to stop her.
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chainedflower · 5 years
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          “Ah, I’m glad. I think you’re better off marrying Lucan if you’re going to marry anyone. He’s a good person.”
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And the switch is flipped! 
“He is wonderful, isn’t he? He’s sometimes a bit down, because he’s not his usual Lancer self, but...I much prefer this Sir Lucan. His Lancer self was...” Well, best not to think of it, since her own Lucan from her world, while not a sore spot, somehow brought thoughts of sadness to her. “Well, Sir Lucan here is very wonderful and if marriage were viable, surely I would, but alas -- the quest to save humanity comes first.”
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chainedflower · 5 years
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          “I’ve sworn off marriage, Merlyn.”
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“Fear not, tis but a jest!”
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chainedflower · 5 years
crnunnos replied to your post: Merlyn Ambrosius has appeared! What to do? Cuddle...
where is the option to like just sit & talk about things is that like confessing …
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Literally, just sit down and talk about whatever’s bothering you, she’s good at lending an ear.
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chainedflower · 5 years
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When summer rolls around, summer servant Merlyn will have a charm skill ready. A good Stun for 1 turn and stealing your NP charge by 25%.
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chainedflower · 5 years
adastraluminis replied to your post: Merlyn Ambrosius has appeared! What to do? Cuddle...
Lucan here to cuddle
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Tackles to the ground in cuddles!
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chainedflower · 5 years
Send 💋 for a kiss from my muse
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