chainofmoon · 1 year
In the Shadows of Our Disoriented Love - Chapter Two
A Sebastian x Ominis x Reader story originally published on my AO3 under the same pseudonym. If found elsewhere, it’s not posted by me. This work will only be found on my Tumblr and AO3. Do not repost, but reblogging is welcomed.
“Most people are lucky to have even one great love in their life. You have found two.” -Clockwork Princess
one || two
After getting nagged by the Head Wizard for surpassing curfew, Sebastian finally enters his dormitory and silently shuts the door. He crumples the small detention slip and tosses it in the waste bin on his way to his bed. 
“Where were you this time?” A stern voice questions. 
Ominis is sitting on his bed while having a book in hand. His fingers trace the words on the pages while a voice in his head speaks whatever text he was touching. It was a simple spell he was taught when he could first yield a wand; having a voice in his head read out the page for him. It reminded him of the times when his Aunt Nocua would secretly read him fairy-tales from The Brothers Grimm. It was something his parents disapprove of since it tainted him with false stories from the Muggle world. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Sebastian responds as he slips into his night attire. 
Ominis sighs and he closes his book. “Look, you can’t break curfew every time. The Head Wizard is starting to get pissed off.”
Sebastian tends to disappear a couple times during the room inspection that ensures everyone is in bed on time. Ominis would make an excuses for Sebastian’s absence every time, saying he either was in the restroom or was running late from a study group.
Sebastian lays in bed and pulls the covers over himself. He turns his back to Ominis, not wanting to take the discussion any further. To that, Ominis shakes his head and places his book on his nightstand before laying down as well.
Normally, Sebastian wouldn’t mind sharing his whereabouts, so it was odd that he was being quiet about it now. It worried him at times when Sebastian would be secretive with him especially since they share everything with each other. He hopes Sebastian will come back to his senses tomorrow.
Ominis Gaunt never exactly met you. Most of his knowledge about you were from whispers and rumors from his classmates and Sebastian. Especially from Sebastian.
Sebastian could not stop talking about “the new student who single handedly took him down” and he opted to keep a close eye on you. Ominis couldn’t bother with the new student, but he was starting to get annoyed with hearing about you and that dragon attack as he passed the halls. The incident with the troll made it worse.
Bloody hell, Sebastian could not stop talking about that event. Giant trolls tearing down Hogsmeade and both of you took it down without the assistance of an Auror. You were too good. You threw barrels and spells Sebastian had never even seen. 
The blonde is starting to get rather annoyed with hearing about you constantly and needs to clear his head. He makes his way towards the Undercroft and hears the familiar sound of the clock clicking. 
“Hello, Sebastian.” He greets, but immediately pauses. “Wait.”
The footsteps were nothing of Sebastian’s. His is quieter when exiting the Undercroft since he doesn’t want to alert anyone nearby. These were heavier and careless. 
“You there! I can hear!” Ominis calls out as his blinking wand is directed at the intruder.
“Oh, hello Ominis.” You greet as you try to keep your voice to sound like a casual manner. “I think we have Potions together…and Herbology?”
“I recognize that voice.” Ominis mutters in a low grumble. “You’re that new fifth year. Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?!”
You slightly jump at the sudden demanding outburst. The Ominis you’ve observed in your classes was quiet and collected. Your mind scrambles to come up with a reasonable excuse. 
“That room’s called the Undercroft? Ah, well. I was exploring- a-and I suddenly found myself in a strange passageway-”
“Don’t lie to me!” Ominis interrupts as he grips his wand tighter in anger. You can see his knuckles turn paler. “No one just stumbles upon that room. You breathe a word about this place to anyone, not even your precious Professor Fig would be able to help you.”
Even if Ominis’s eyes didn’t meet your own, you can still feel the frustration lace in voice.
“My father is friends with the Headmaster. I’m not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to.” 
Ominis hated using his Pureblood status in order to get his way of things, but at times like this, it was necessary. The Undercroft was his place of security. A place where he holds fond memories and having it threatened by someone he doesn’t know frustrates him to no end. 
“Sebastian is going to get an earful about this.” Ominis mumbles as he passes right by you, but not before his shoulders hit yours (an indication that you must tread carefully around him now).
Sebastian hears the elevator dig and his head pops out from his book. He was sitting on the floor while his back was rested on a pillar. He smiles upon seeing his Slytherin friend.
“Ah, Ominis! How lovely-”
“We need to talk.” 
“I assume you ran into my new friend.” Sebastian nervously laughs when he notices the serious tone in Ominis’s voice. His breathing is a bit more heavy and his shoulders are tense. 
Ominis stomps over to Sebastian as the brunette stands up from the floor. “Look, I know it seems bad, but we can trust t-”
“You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone!” Ominis cries out. His voice cracks slightly from hurt. “You swore that this place stays between me, you, and Anne!”
Sebastian’s composure remains calm. “I know I did, and I’m sorry.”
Ominis paces back and forth, a small habit of his when he’s overwhelmed with emotion. His hands are buried in his face in order to hide the tears swelling his eyes.
“First, you wouldn’t stop talking about that new student. Then, you wouldn’t tell me why you were out late that one time and now, you show them the Undercroft.” He wipes the tears from his eyes. “What is going on between you two?”
“Nothing!” Sebastian responds almost too quickly and defensively.
Ominis says calmly, “I’m worried about you. I’m worried that your new friend is causing you to be more reckless.”
“I can assure you, I'm staying safe.” Sebastian reassures. 
“Anyways, that’s not what I’m here for. My father sent me this.” Ominis hands a folded piece of parchment over to Sebastian.
I manage to open its doors, but I hesitate to enter. The corridors are dark, so I couldn’t see anything beyond the stairs. I need a moment to rest, so I’ll continue my journey tomorrow. 
Slytherin won’t make it easy for just anyone to access his scriptorium, so I expect some sort of challenge ahead. I’ll leave notes for you as I progress through the corridors. In case something happens, I can at least leave a little something behind.
Yours truly, 
Noctua Gaunt
P.S. Please continue to reassure Ominis that I’m doing well. I’m sure my sudden disappearance has caused him great worry. Tell him I’ll return soon.
“That was the last letter Father received from Aunt Noctua.” Ominis explains. “He finally sent it to me after I kept pestering him about what happened to her.”
For weeks, Ominis wrote letter after letter demanding his father to tell him what had happened to his aunt. He refuses to believe the tale of her leaving the Gaunt family like his ancestor Rionach Gaunt did. He knew his aunt and she would never leave Ominis, at least not without a proper explanation. 
He receives the letter, but not without a threat from his father; Do not enter that scriptorium. I will not hesitate to withdraw you from the school if I find you doing so.
“So, what this letter is saying is that Salazar Slytherin has some sort of secret scriptorium?” It wasn’t a question, but rather clearance to see if he read the words on the paper correctly. 
“Yes and it’s here within Hogwarts.” Ominis responds with a nod. “It’s no secret among the Gaunts, however, no one has ever venture there. That was until my aunt did.”
“And now us!” Sebastian perks up excitedly. 
“Absolutely not.” Ominis says. “We are not going anywhere near that scriptorium.”
Sebastian’s smile dies. “Why not?”
Ominis’s expression turns serious. “Slytherin plays around with dark magic. Anything to do with the Dart Arts should be avoided. It’s too risky”
Sebastian was well aware of Ominis’s distaste for the Dark Arts. His past has caused him to fear dark magic. He could never forget the physical pain of the Cruciatus Curse along with the mental pain of inflicting that kind of torture on a Muggle.
“But what if that scriptoruim holds the answers we need?” Sebastian pleds. Ominis was still pacing back and forth. “What if we can find a cure for Anne-”
“I lost my aunt, because of that place. What would I do if I lost you too?”
Sebastian pauses. Ominis stops moving and is now silent, processing what he just said. The thought of losing one of his only friends pained him. Aunt Noctua was nowhere to be heard and the curse might take Anne eventually. 
Ominis clears his throat as his cheeks are slightly flushed in embarrassment. “I-I don’t want you getting hurt. Let’s just drop this whole scriptorium talk.”
“Fine.” Sebastian reluctantly agreed.
Sebastian’s eyes are fixed on Ominis as pulls out his wand. The tip pulses red and it guides him towards the elevator. Sebastian hears the heavy door close in and his friend disappearing behind it.
End Note: when i have writer's block, i read other books to get inspiration. it doesn't help when i'm in a reading slump :,))
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chainofmoon · 1 year
In the Shadows of Our Disoriented Love - Chapter One
A Sebastian x Ominis x Reader story originally published on my AO3 under the same pseudonym. If found elsewhere, it’s not posted by me. This work will only be found on my Tumblr and AO3. Do not repost, but reblogging is welcomed.
“Most people are lucky to have even one great love in their life. You have found two.” -Clockwork Princess
one || two
What a very peculiar situation you’ve gotten yourself into. First and foremost, you were attacked by a dragon that caused your delay to Hogwarts. Thus, you made a bit of an entrance to the sorting ceremony (being the last student, and possibly the oldest, to get sorted).
The other students bombarded you with questions about your whereabouts once the Head Wizard and Witch settled everyone down to the common room. You kept the explanation veg as Professor Fig – the man that brought you to Hogwarts and the one who taught you the basics to prepare you for starting the school term so late – had requested.
It was a simple story; you were immediately knocked out upon impact from the dragon biting the carriage in half, so you don’t remember much. Although, you did recall catching a quick glimpse of the Thestrals – your permanent reminder that you have witnessed the death of the Ministry wizard and the poor, innocent driver. Professor Fig had rescued you and safely brought you to the castle grounds. Most were satisfied with that story whilst the rest had expected something along the lines of fighting off spiders and poachers.
Now, your current situation; you are to sneak into the Restricted Section of the school’s library along with your fellow Slytherin classmate, Sebastian Sallow.
You first met Sebastian during your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. You both dueled each other and to everyone’s surprise, you had the upper hand. He was rather impressed with how you easily took him down and you admitted that it wasn’t your first duel. It’s sort of true if you count fighting off those armored guards at that strange place you and Professor Fig somehow stumbled upon. There, you discover you possess the sight to see some sort of “Ancient Magic”.
You invited Sebastian to accompany you to Hogsmeade to replace your lost school supplies – sadly, your books and robes could not be saved, but you're happy your owl found its way back to you.
“You’re the only one who’s ever bested me in a duel. The way I see it, I’d be wise to keep an eye on you.”
True to his Slytherin nature, he would want to keep his competition nearby. It was the perfect opportunity to discover your secrets whilst being an excuse to get out of detention.
Of course, your trip wouldn’t end on a good note and you both had a run in with a troll and Victor Rickwood. You later explained your story, not the made up one, and asked him to sneak you into the Restricted Section.
“See there? That’s the door we need to reach”.
Sebastian didn’t need to point to which door since it was obvious to tell by the two prefects in front, standing guard.
“And those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to rat on us to Scribner”, he informs with slight annoyance in his voice. “So don’t let them see us – understood?”
“I can be sneaky. Let’s go.” You say a bit too eagerly as you immediately head for the last flight of stairs.
“Hold on now,” Sebastian pulls your sleeve a bit to stop you before you could go anywhere. “There’s a spell you should know – The Disillusionment Charm. Good for getting you’re not supposed to be.”
He quickly goes over the incantation and you successfully cast it on your first try. Thankfully, it’s a simple charm. To your disappointment, it doesn’t turn you fully invisible, only camouflage with your surroundings.
Sebastian leads you down the stairs and around the Gryffindor prefect that was standing guard at the bottom. Luckily, it was easier to get through the library entrance since the prefects were distracted with chatting about their weekend plans.
“Blast, the librarian is still here.” Sebastian says and grabs your arm to pull you behind a bookcase.
“You told me the librarian would be gone by now.” You whisper to him.
“I said “usually”,” he whispers back. “Alright, new plan; I’ll distract her and you grab the key from her desk. We’ll meet at the Restricted Section.”
“Wait, why do we need a key? Isn’t there a spell for it?”
“Alohomora? That’s how I always used to get in, but the librarian twigged that I knew the spell and cast an Anti-Alohomora charm on the lock.”
“And now we would need the key, right?”
“Right, but don’t worry. I said I’d get you in, and I always keep my word. Trust me.” He winks before swiftly making his way towards a stack of books to knock them over. Taking advantage of the librarian investigating the source of the sound, you crawl to the desk and fish in the drawer for the key.
You notice that Sebastian was already at the Restricted Section – which wasn’t too far from the front desk. You hold up the key and he nods, indicating that it was the right one.
As the librarian approaches her desk, you practically sprint to Sebastian and hand him the gold key to finally open the lock.
“Don’t get too comfortable, we have ghosts.” He mentions as you were ready to remove the Disillusionment Charm.
“You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was – now, silent as a grave.”
Maybe this was a bad idea after all. Maybe you should’ve waited until Professor Fig and Headmaster Black were finished with their business, so Fig could easily let you in and you wouldn’t need to do all this sneaking around. But alas, you need that book as soon as possible and you don’t have time to wait.
Sebastian was an expert at this type of situation and you were both able to make it safely around the ghosts. He then gives the signal to remove the charm once you’re out of sight.
“So, what is it you’ve been looking for?” You ask. You take notice that Sebastian is already digging through a stack of books, hidden on the lower shelf. You wonder if he left it there to continue searching for whatever he was looking for. You took this as a sign to explore the room a bit while keeping an eye out for the book.
“I’ve been looking for a cure to help my sister, Anne – so she can return to Hogwarts.” He answers while flipping through the pages of the book he has laying on his lap.
“Why do you think you’ll find a cure in the Restricted Section? Does the Hogwarts matron have nothing that can help Anne?” You didn’t mean to pry, but curiosity got the better of you and you couldn’t help but ask questions.
“No! We’ve tried everyone from Nurse Blainey to St. Mungo’s.” He sounds frustrated and fed up, but it wasn’t directed towards you. It was the memory of going through countless nurses and all were unsuccessful. “But, I can research on my own. Let’s focus on what you’re after – which is what, precisely?”
“I’ll know it when I see it.”
“You’re being awfully cryptic.”
After nearly an hour of searching, and going through every nook and cranny of the Restricted Section, you weren’t even close to finding that damn book. Eventually, you reached the attic – which was mainly used to supply outdated textbooks and storage.
You wonder if you missed it somewhere while you and Sebastian were laughing at some of the ridiculous titles of the muggle novels or you simply weren’t looking hard enough.
An all too familiar, annoying voice announces; “Who have we here?”
Damnit. Not now, it can’t be–
“Damnit, Peeves.” You utter under your breath as the poltergeist ghost appears above you and Sebastian. It was obvious Sebastian is annoyed by his furred brows and him groaning, “Fucking Peeves.”
“Sebastian Sallows and his new little friend, out exploring where they shouldn’t be!” Peeves the Poltergeist laughs as he starts chanting, “I’m going to tell. I’m going to tell. I’m going to tell.”
“I’ve got to stop him or at least have a good excuse for all of this.” Sebastian says as he starts to chase after Peeves.
“Wait!” You stop him before he could get too far. “I don’t want you getting into trouble for me.”
“I have a way with the faculty when it comes to disciplinary matters. Besides –” He grins. You don’t like that look; that mischievous grin that all Slytherins seem to possess when they appear to be scheming something. “I like having friends who are in my debt.”
You were going to question what he meant, but he already applied his Disillusionment Charm and darts towards Peeve’s direction.
It felt like you had been in that strange Antechamber for hours. You did not expect to be led to a hidden room and you also did not anticipate to fight off more of those enchanted armored guards. But it was good practice for the new Incendio spell you recently learned from Professor Hecat.
When you returned back to Hogwarts, it seemed as if time didn’t even move – like it picked up right where you left off.
You hurry to the front desk and you hope you can catch up to Sebastian, but it appears Peeves got to him first. You scurry under a table when you see the librarian approach Sebastian.
“Sneaking in the Restricted Section – again!” Scribner scolds and there’s no indication she is going to stop any time soon. “That being said, Peeves informs me that you didn’t come alone tonight.”
Her expression softens and she leans to whisper, “If someone has coerced you, I would have you tell me. You’re a bright boy, don’t waste this.”
Sebastian looks in your direction and instantly makes eye contact with you. You cower back a bit, ready for him to point at you and rat you out.
He looks back at Scribner. “There was nobody else. I came alone.”
“Oh, Sebastian. What will your uncle say?” Scribner shakes her head and walks to her desk to write an Owl to Headmaster Black and Sebastian another detention slip.
You crawl out from under the desk and quickly leave the library. You are ready to retire to your dormitory for tonight. You don’t remember the last time you got proper sleep due to the stress of discovering your new capability while balancing school work on top of it.
As you walk to your common, the lingering question of “Why?” played in your head. Why would he jump in and easily take the blame for you even though he barely knew you? He knew you were hiding under the desk and he could’ve easily ratted you.
Perhaps in true Slytherin fashion, he saw some sort of potential in you, thus needing a reason to keep you around.
End Note: i just finished reading The Atlas Six and my brain is fried but i feel so studious :))
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