Garage Door Maintenance, Spores
You know that mold grows in your bathroom if you don’t keep things very clean and moisture-free at times. You know how unappealing it is to look at. You likely also know that it is can be dangerous for your health. But have you thought about mold spores in your garage or on your garage door? If you haven’t, you aren’t alone.
If you have a garage then you will have to make sure you have a garage door that is mold-free, and of course fully functional. Our company is Chamblee Garage Door Repair. We are proud to be a local business serving Chamblee, Georgia and we travel to areas nearby, too. We provide all of the services you are looking for so that you can enjoy your garage door for many years to come. We often get phone calls for problems such as malfunctioning garage door openers. We get calls about light sensor problems, motor problems and so on. But did you know that mold spores can become a problem over time? Many people don’t really think about this. But you need to notice if there are any signs of mold growing so that the problem can be eradicated as quickly as possible, before it comes worse.
You might not be in the area we service. That’s okay. You should be able to find competitive rates and flexible appointment times with another garage door repair company that does service your location. Look for key factors like 24/7 availability so that if an emergency comes up, they will come to you no matter the time. And if you are in our service area, please give us a call so we can answer any questions you have or discuss your concerns with you.
Damp Weather Leads to Mold Growth
Georgia can see damp weather conditions. This can cause mold growth. Sure, we love being in the south when it is freezing elsewhere in the United States. We get to enjoy warmer temperatures! But there are downfalls to this. Mold spores, unfortunately for us, thrive in moist, dark places. This means that you can end up seeing mold spores in your garage because the garage tends to be fairly stuffy (depending on how you use the space) and dark. We know that some use their garage as an extended living space, which we find to be wonderful. But most just use their garage to store items and to keep their vehicles. Therefore, it is mostly dark and doesn’t see much airflow, and mold can grow.
Stop Mold Spores!
Certain materials make it easier for mold to grow. So if you have the choice between wood and metal studs, choosing metal studs might be better for you because it isn’t as easy for mold to grow. Traditional wood garage doors are absolutely beautiful and still a great choice – you just have to pay attention to any mold growth. Also, keep your garage ventilated! Air flow can make a world of difference.
If you see any leaks, deal with them quickly. Moisture can collect and lead to mold growth. These simple steps can end up making your garage door stay in great shape for much longer.
Uh Oh - You Have Mold Spores
If you noticed there is mold in your garage or on your garage door, don’t panic. We know you want to get rid of it fast, and this is a good thing. The longer you wait to have it removed, the more harm it will do. Do you have drywall in your garage? Concrete? Mold is attracted to these things. While you might have heard that cleaning products such as vinegar and bleach will do the trick, we urge you to think again. Have you ever used bleach to get rid of mold in the shower? What happens next? Days later, you have mold growth all over again. It’s the same idea with your garage door. Not to mention, using bleach or toxic chemicals in your garage or on your garage door can be a health hazard – they can also damage your property! We recommend that you hire a garage door expert for assistance with mold spores.
When you hire a garage door repair expert, take the right steps and see to it that the person you are hiring is licensed and insured. Our business is insured and certified, because we want to protect our customers. You don’t want just anyone working on your garage door. It’s heavy. It’s expensive. And it’s made up of a lot of different components. Making a minor mistake can yield a lot of damage. It’s better, even with mold spores and general maintenance, to hire an expert who is licensed and insured. This way you and your garage door are protected!
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On a final note, we recommend that you use waterproof paint and mildew resistant paint in your garage and on your garage door. As mentioned, pay attention and if you notice mold spores, clean them right away. But overall, be sure to protect your garage door and to have someone you can trust to help you to do this. Our expert company is here to serve locals in Chamblee, GA and the surrounding area. We are here to help with all sorts of garage door problems. So go ahead and save our phone number so you can reach us fast if you ever need us. Mold spores are not fun to deal with, but if you deal with them fast, you can prevent them from worsening over time.
Protect your valuable garage door. Reach out to a garage door expert in your location to help you accomplish your goals. Whether you need 24/7 emergency service or just have questions about garage doors, an expert is your best bet. Remember, anyone can post online – so you can’t believe everything you read. It’s best to reach out directly to a licensed and insured business. Thanks for learning more about garage doors and spores – and why maintenance is so important!
ARTICLE: Garage Door Maintenance, Spores
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Tips to extend the life of your garage door
Life extension applies to more than just people; inanimate objects can enjoy longer life, too. This includes household appliances like toasters, dishwashers, stoves, and even garage doors! Contrary to many opinions, you don’t have to fully replace your garage door every so often; you can maintain it and therefor extend the life of your garage door with minimal effort and cost. Read on and see what our Chamblee Garage Door Repair techs recommend; we promise it will be worth your while! There are many factors involved when the life of your garage door is taken into account; how old is your garage door? How often do you and others use it? Have you applied any maintenance to it in the past? What about previous owners or occupants of the property; how did they treat the garage door. Then there’s weather; here in Chamblee, Georgia, we have hot and humid summers and pretty cold winters; was your garage door treated with weather sealant or ever painted?
Let’s crunch some numbers
Often, ideas become clearer when some actual figures are examined so let’s do that with garage doors. On “average” a garage door will last roughly 30 years with regular use. Don’t forget now; your garage door consists of more than just the metal frame and the panels or sections; it’s the entire ensemble consisting of opener unit, springs, pulleys, cables, rollers, hinges, safety sensors, tracks and more. Let’s take your springs for instance. There are two main types of springs; torsion and extension. Each has their own life cycles. Your torsion springs are the newer, more popular spring types and can last for about 20,000 cycles. The less expensive and older springs are the extension ones and they last about half of that. A spring cycle is counted as one garage door opening and one closing so if you used your garage door twice a day, your torsion springs would last roughly 27 years with minimal maintenance. Of course you would adjust those figures to better match your own garage door usage and spring types.
Don’t let the word “maintain” bother you!
Ugh! Maintain conjures images of hard work, time consumption and rolled up sleeves; definitely not for everyone; or is it? The kind of up-keep we are talking about is nothing like that! In fact, our maintenance tips require little time, very little money and no bother at all! Consider the alternative; no up keep combined with basic wear and tear can force you to replace instead of service and THAT gets time consuming and expensive. The problems with poor or no maintenance goes way beyond your garage door replacement costs. A poorly maintained garage door will show it in appearance as well as performance. Not only will it be less safe, but it can actually affect your property values. This is bad news if you are trying to sell or rent your home or business. Property associations can also fine and even lien real estate that is not kept up. All in all, it makes sense to apply basic maintenance to keep your garage door looking and working great!
Why maintain at all?
Good question; why maintain a wall made of wood or metal at all? Isn’t it already tough enough to withstand heat, cold, wind, rain and snow? Yes and no! Even the best built garage doors are durable and can last for many years. The maintenance we recommend is for upkeep only. Remember, even the mighty pyramids are showing their age and they are made of millions of tons of solid stone!
Clean up!
Let’s start by cleaning up. Wipe down your garage door; inside and out. Remove spider webs, mud, paint, food spills, grease and dirt wherever and whenever found. Your garage door will look better, and the absence of spider webs will keep your safety sensors working better and more reliably. Not only are spiders and other bugs not welcome inside your garage but they can get inside your home via the inside garage door. Be sure to clear the path around your photo electric safety eyes. Something as innocent as a garden rake or tennis shoe can cause your opener unit to work erratically. You may even think you have opener problems or spring issues when in fact, you don’t! This is because your sensors will send your garage door back up if something gets in the way of the transmitted beam.
Tracks need to be kept clean and free of debris. A tiny bit of dried chewing gum or clogged dirt can stop the rollers from moving inside your tracks. This is enough to stop the up or down movement of your garage door. It’s wise to give your garage door rollers a checkup now and then. Use an old toothbrush and clear out any debris that may have accumulated inside them, including mud, spider webs, gum, twigs, leaves, mud and rocks.
Wash with soap!
Remember your Mother telling you that when you were a kid? Well, it applies to garage doors, too! Most debris that clings to metal garage doors can be easily cleaned off with a mild detergent; nothing fancy; just a periodic wipe down is all that is needed. If your garage door is made of wood, just apply paint touch ups as needed and wipe down with a cloth beforehand. Use a soft cloth for wiping safety sensors and treat your lenses carefully so that they don’t scratch or break. Think of them as valuable and sensitive as camera lenses and you’ll be fine.
Keeping your garage door lubricated is important. Just a light spritz every so often is great for your garage door springs, hinges and rollers. No need to go overboard; in fact, apply sparingly. Too much lubrication is pointless and just leaves you with a mess to clean up. Contrary to popular opinion; don’t use WD-40. Use instead a silicon spray and use sparingly. These tips when used together are simple, easy to implement and not expensive. Try them out and see for yourself!
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Identifying Garage Door Spring Issues
If you own a home, chances are that you have a garage door too. As a homeowner, you may have installed your garage door because you love the curb appeal that it adds to your house. However, a garage door does way more than that. It is also a means of protection for your home and some of your valuable possessions that you store inside.
When something goes wrong with your garage door, you should get it fixed right away. As a matter of fact, you should do all you can to prevent damage to your garage door. But, if something goes wrong, it is helpful if you can identify the damage as it may save you time and money. Chamblee Garage Door Repair in Chamblee, GA has a great team of garage door repair technicians who are knowledgeable and certified to handle all your garage door needs. If your garage door is giving trouble, give us a call.
 Types of Garage Doors Springs
One of the most common problems that homeowners tend to face with their garage doors is damage to the spring. In some cases, the damage can be repaired but there are instances where the spring must be replaced. The type of damage that you may experience with your garage door may depend on the type of spring that your garage door contains.
There are two types of garage door springs: torsion spring and extension springs. Torsion springs are the ones that you find on the header above the garage door. Extension springs are typically found on both sides of the garage door. In most cases, it is easier to repair extension springs. This is partly because it is extremely dangerous to work with torsion springs.
If you find that your torsion spring is damaged, call a professional garage door repair technician immediately. It is a big safety hazard, especially if you have children around.
 Diagnosing Garage Door Spring Issues
Your garage door should work smoothly. You shouldn’t notice a lot of noise and you definitely should not have to assist the door to close or open. It should be able to do that on its own. If you notice that your garage door is acting a bit weird, you should give it a check.
One of the things that you could do when you start to notice malfunctions in your garage door is to operate it manually. When you open or close the door without using the opener or remote, it may close or open without any trouble. If this happens, it may not be a problem with your springs. However, if you realize that it is still difficult to maneuver, it may be time to call on the spring repair experts so they can confirm that your springs are causing trouble to your garage door and offer effective repair solutions.
In some cases, your garage door is clearly broken because of damage to the spring. Of course, it may not make sense to operate it manually. Instead, call and schedule an appointment or request a garage repair technician right away.
 Dealing with Garage Door Spring Issues
If you have a broken garage door, the best thing to do is call the experts. While it may be possible to diagnose what has gone wrong with your garage door, you may not be as qualified to handle it as the professionals. One of the reasons for hiring a professional is because of the danger that is associated with handling garage doors.
Do you know how heavy your garage door is? If you attempt to repair damage to the springs on your garage door and it all comes tumbling down, that could be a big tragedy. Not only will cost you a ton of money to replace your garage door, but someone can get injured. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant the repair to your springs seem, always seek professional help.
 Adjustment of Garage Door Springs
There are several repair services that can be performed on your garage doors. One of these services includes adjustment of the springs. If you realize that your garage door spring isn’t broken or damaged, chances are that the spring just needs some adjusting.
Our garage door repair specialists can make all the adjustments that your door needs to function like it is new. Unfortunately, this repair service is only available for garage doors that are equipped with torsion springs. If you have extension springs on your garage door, you may have to just get them replaced.
If you have checked the garage door and realize that the spring is broken, adjusting the cables will not make a difference in how it operates. Instead, you may end up replacing your garage door spring.
 Replacing Your Garage Door Spring
This is one of the most common repair services that is carried out on garage doors. In most instances, the spring is broken and cannot be salvaged. This means that a replacement of the spring is unavoidable.
If one of the springs on your garage door breaks, chances are extremely high that the spring on the other side will break shortly afterward. What this means is that once you need spring replacement, you usually end up replacing both springs as a precaution. The type of spring that is on your garage door will determine the exact way that they are replaced.
 Many homeowners use their garage for storing their vehicles. If this applies to you, it may be very inconvenient for you when your garage door decides to act crazy. This is especially so if you had already parked your car inside and now you are unable to get it out.
If this is a situation that you are currently facing, call us at Chamblee Garage Door Repair in Chamblee, GA. Our garage door repair experts can repair, replace or adjust your garage door springs to have it running like new in no time. Just give us a call today! You will love our amazing service and garage door repair options. If you are not in Chamblee, try to find a garage door company in your area that you can trust.
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Here's Why You Should Always Close the Interior Doors In Your Home Before a Hurricane
This tip could ensure that your roof stays intact.
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There's no such thing as being over-prepared when you know a natural disaster is headed your way. Especially when a hurricane is quickly approaching, preparedness is key to staying safe.
Whether you evacuate or decide to wait it out at home, there's an important way to protect your home from damage during a hurricane that you may not know about.
After rigorous wind testing, the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety is recommending that homeowners make sure to close all interior doors, as well as all windows and exterior doors.
This may sound like simple advice, but when a storm like Hurricane Irma brings strong winds, homes are under extreme pressure. When wind enters through any open door or window, it can create even more pressure on the roof. Essentially, the pressure in your home builds like the air in a balloon, which can eventually cause your roof to cave in and allow water into your house, according to IBHS.
Closing all interior doors helps disperse the pressure throughout your home, reducing the effect that all of that force can have on your roof—basically the one thing that separates you from the storm.
To ensure that your roof stays put and that you and your family stay out of harm's way, close all interior doors, windows, and exterior doors of your home.
For more ways to stay safe during a hurricane, bookmark this tropical storm and hurricane preparedness checklist.
(h/t Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety)
Original Article: Here's Why You Should Always Close the Interior Doors In Your Home Before a Hurricane
Related Article: Garage Door Makeover!
Whatever you need for your garage door, PLEASE CLICK HERE!
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Now that you’ve chosen Chamblee Garage Door Repair, how can we help you? We proudly provide the area’s best residential and commercial garage door repair and installation services to local residents at amazingly affordable rates and with all work done at your convenience. From repairing your bent frame to adding a new garage door opener model, our service is just right for anyone wanting a better looking and working garage door.
Call Us: (770) 884-7831
Only the best of garage door brands are represented by Chamblee Garage Door Repair. A few of these include:
Wayne Dalton
CHI Doors
Not only do we work with quality brands, our Chamblee Garage Door Repair staff provides the best of services, too! Choose from:
Garage Door Repair
Out of track doors
Garage door sections replaced
Garage door springs new installation
Cable replacement
Replacement for garage door panels
24-hour emergency service
 Bent or broken rollers
25 point safety inspection
Replacement for damaged tracks
Service for broken cables
Call Now: (770) 884-7831
Garage Door Installation
Residential garage doors
Same day service
New garage door selection
Overhead garage doors and gates
All major brands of new garage doors
Commercial garage doors
Convenient installation times
Rolling doors and fire doors
Attachment to tracks, cables and rollers
Garage doors in wood, steel and aluminum
Garage Door Opener Installation
Noisy garage doors silenced
All major brands and models
Selection assistance for new garage door openers
Out of track doors
Noisy garage doors silenced
Garage door opener diagnostics
Vast selection of new opener models
Gate opener models
Garage Door Spring Repair
Installation of new garage door springs
Torsion springs experts
Snapped springs repaired
Residential and commercial springs
 Performance and safety checks
Replacement of broken springs
24/7 emergency spring service
Now that you’ve chosen our shop; call us! Chamblee Garage Door Repair will work hard to make your garage door workable, safe and better looking!
Call Today: (770) 884-7831
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