chann3la · 2 years
مثل العودة إلى المنزل، لكنه أنت.. أنت منزل هذه الروح.
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chann3la · 2 years
‏"لا أستطيع أن أعود، ثمن هذا الطريق كان روحي."
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chann3la · 2 years
How to Memorize the Major Arcana
Follow The Fool’s journey, so you can keep in mind the arcana’s meanings and remember their order altogether.
0 - The Fool
Imagine that he is a new student at a university. He is foolish at the beginning of his journey. Because in many ways, he is still clueless, no matter how smart he actually is.
1 - The Magician
The Fool uses magic to adapt to his new environment. The magic of the intellect to do well in his classes. And the magic of extroversion to make some new friends.
2 - The High Priestess
College is challenging. More than making friends and passing classes, you have to be on the right path. Like a priestess, The Fool consults his higher self to ensure just that.
3 - The Empress
Having passed his classes and made friends, as well as change his major from Engineering to Architecture, The Fool now feels abundant and secure, just like an empress.
4 - The Emperor
Eventually, he makes a name for himself. The Fool gains recognition. Like an emperor, he is acknowledged as the leader of some projects and an authority in certain subjects.
5 - The Hierophant
No longer a clueless freshman, The Fool is now someone that the confused, younger students approach for advice and guidance. Just as they would a hierophant.
6 - The Lovers
He has the grades, the friends, the belief in himself, the abundance and the authority. And still, The Fool feels lonely. Because he needs a lover to truly be happy.
7 - The Chariot
Having found a kind and caring partner to share his burdens, thoughts and emotions, The Fool can now move forward, on his chariot, to gain even more triumphs.
8 - Strength
Through his acquired knowledge and experiences, along with self-love and the constant support of his lover and friends, The Fool has grown to feel truly strong.
9 - The Hermit
A leader for many and a favorite of all, The Fool is very happy but gets tired too. Every now and then, he would spend some needed time alone, like a hermit would do.
10 - Wheel of Fortune
Life is like a wheel. Sometimes we are on top. Other times, we are not. Until now, The Fool has been consistently climbing up. But now, he is about to be knocked down.
11 - Justice
It seems The Fool’s mother is facing financial difficulties. She did not make the deadline for this semester’s rent at the dormitory. The rules of justice dictate that he gets kicked out of the campus.
12 - The Hanged Man
So now The Fool has to commute from home every day. His schedule is disturbed. His studies are affected. His social life is put on hold. Everything hangs in the balance.
13 - Death
The Fool decides to take a loan and find a job so he can help himself and his mother. His happy-go-lucky life has suffered a death, but as a responsible adult, he has been rebirthed.
14 - Temperance
With his newfound maturity, The Fool is now at peace. His burdensome duties have been tempered by his acceptance of reality and his willingness to overcome obstacles.
15 - The Devil
But too much of a good thing can be devilish. Having experienced the high of earning his own money, The Fool acquired another job. He is now working endless shifts.
16 - The Tower
But The Fool can only take so much. A dozen classes and a dozen shifts a week do not a healthy body make. And so it collapses. And his life falls apart like a burning tower.
17 - The Star
His friends all visit him, bringing fruits and telling jokes. His girlfriend cheers him up with his favorite Netflix shows. The Fool feels like a star and hopeful about tomorrow.
18 - The Moon
Life’s lessons are not lost on him. The Fool meditates, looking up at the moon, reflecting on where he went wrong… feeling his pain but telling himself he will move on.
19 - The Sun
By sunrise, his fever is gone and his muscles are no longer aching. The Fool is ecstatic that he can live his life again. He really missed how it felt to be healthy and well.
20 - Judgement
Having learned the importance of balance, The Fool sets out into the world again, armed with better judgment. He now knows his priorities and stands by them.
21 - The World
As the year ends, The Fool feels on top of the world, grateful that he has gained his health back, along with a worthy romance, academic achievements, and faithful friends.
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chann3la · 3 years
يبدو أنني شخصٌ سارق بعد كُـل هذه التذكارات البسيطة ، فهدايا الأشخاص الذين تخاصمنا معهم مُخيفةٌ جـداً ، تبدو كأنها مَسروقة!
أخفيها عن أعين الناس حتى عن عيني أصنع لَها صناديق وأدراج عدة وأغلفها بدموعي!
-فعلُ سرقة-
شَهْرَزادْ|نَـبضْ بَغْـداد
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chann3la · 3 years
“النفس لا تفقد شيئًا من مضمونها، لا يوجد شيءٌ اسمه نسيان؛ كل إحساس وكل تجربة وكل خبرة وكل عاطفة مهما بلغت من الهوان والتفاهة لا تفنى ولا تستحدث، وكل أسرار قلوبنا ووجداننا غير قابلة للإندثار، كل ما في الأمر أنها تنطمس تحت سطح الوعي وتتراكم في عقلنا الباطن، لتظهر مرة أخرى في أشكال جديدة، في زلّة لسان أو نوبة غضب أو حلم غريب ذات ليلة.”
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chann3la · 3 years
Ascendant/1st house: I am the mask you forget you’re wearing
Moon: I am the face you wear when you cannot cope anymore
4th house: Inside, you are actually me. I safeguard your birth chart
3rd house: I am the voice you talk with and the eyes you see with (remember we perceive with the mind, not the eyes)
5th: I am the big kid in you
6th house: I am the face you wear at work
Venus: I am you when you satisfy your needs for pleasure, love, comfort, and beauty
7th house: I am the lost parts of you hiding in other people
Mars: I am you when you feel threatened
Jupiter: I am you when you feel in peak condition and confidence
Pluto: I am the face of your therapist, the face of your aggressor, the face of your healer.
9th house: I am you when you travel overseas, start university, and study astrology
Saturn: I am the voice of the parent who criticised you
10th house: I am the face that the world can see, they all see my success, they don’t see my work, trauma, labour, and resilience
Neptune: I am your psychic faculties, you source spiritual inspiration from me
12th house: I am the face that nobody sees
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chann3la · 3 years
“من يضطرون لفعل الأشياء البسيطة بصورة ممتازة هم وحدهم من يكتسبون مهارة فعل الأشياء الصعبة بسهولة .”
— فريدريك شيلر
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chann3la · 3 years
"لم تكن تشبه الأشياء، كانت الأشياء نفسها،
لا تشبه الدهشة، إنها الدهشة ذاتها،
لا تشبه الفن، إنها فنًا لوحدها،
إنها رائحة القهوة، نص جميل في كل الكتب،
إنها شيئًا يثير إعجابك، تبقيك تحت تأثيرها دائمًا."
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chann3la · 3 years
- يبدو انهُ كان الأمرُ عاديًا، أنا من جعَلتهُ مشْهدًا مُقدسًا .
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chann3la · 3 years
"فلم تعد تستهويني اليومَ غير العزلة التي كانت تُغريني سابقاً أكثر مِن الأشياء الأخرى. وشيئاً فشيئاً، أصبح حضور الآخرين ووجودهم إلى جانبي، مزعجاً، ثم صار مُقلقاً لا يُطاق."
— فرناندو بيسوا
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chann3la · 3 years
“كم مرّةً أغراك جمعٌ صاخبٌ، لكنَّ شيئاً فيك كان وحيدا.”
— أمل السهلاوي
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chann3la · 3 years
‏"أرفضوا الإنطفاء كونوا نجومٌ سرمديّه قُدرت لها أن تُضيء الى الأبد."
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chann3la · 4 years
"مع قليل من التمعن و كثير من الخبره ستكتشف بأن الآخرين يعاملونك ليس بالطريقه التي إختاروها فقط و لكن بالطريقه التي إرتضيتها أنت لنفسك أولاً."
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chann3la · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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chann3la · 4 years
إنك مسرف في التهذيب ، لماذا لا تقول للحمار بكل صراحة أنه حمار !
- دستويفسكي
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chann3la · 4 years
و لَم أنسَ مَا أَبْصرتُه فِي جَمَالِه
وَ قَد زُرتُ فِي بَعضِ اللّيَالِي مُصلّاهُ
و يَقرأُ فِي المِحرابِ و النّاسَ خلفه
" وَلَا تقتلُوا النّفسَ الّتِي حَرّمَ اللهُ "
فَقُلتُ : تَأمّل مَا تَقولُ فإنّها
فِعَالُكَ يَا مَنْ تقتُل النّاسَ عَيناهُ
- أبي نوّاس
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chann3la · 4 years
أزعَجتكَ مَواقِفُهم مَعكْ ؟ .. تَربية مِن اللهِ لكْ كى تَتَعلم .
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