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Recently I was approached by a lady older than me in age that asked me “what can I put on my hair to get it to grow back?”  Before I proceed let me first say that this conversation will be anonymous in name but I want to hopefully help someone that may also have this same issue or question.  
Every woman I  come in contact with needs to know hair products do not grow your hair alone.  Its just no way!  Think about someone that you may admire and think back to a style they did I assure you they didn’t just wake up with long thick healthy hair without putting together a regimen that was consistent.  A regimen is the environment that we provide to our hair follicles that promotes healthy cells for the hair to thrive in which then promotes hair growth.  It is my opinion that the Natural hair community makes it somewhat hard to remain focused on the facts which is why we need to always remember practices that we either have done ourselves on our hair or the tips that you receive from your hairstylist.  The basics never lead you wrong which are:
- Your hair needs moisture to promote healthy hair cells and also to lead to hair growth. - Shampoo is necessary to lift the old products and different harmful things that fly around in the air daily. - Massages to your scalp are SO beneficial to cell regeneration and we often want instant results and forget this step. - Everything in moderation.  Protective styling needs to be done in moderation try not to exceed more than 4 to 6 weeks on a style if your goal is healthy hair growth.
**Did you know: My background in Dermatology for 15+ years never left my brain :-)  and I have studied many issues with the scalp and skin in order to hold my Certification.  I am NOT a Cosmetologist or Dermatologist BUT I  highly recommend If you are having major scalp issues or Irritations that have been active for a length of time, please consult a Dermatologist.  For more www.channellnaturallyroyal.com
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“The Front Door”
"Never ever did I think that I'd write my thoughts about my experience when walking into A room that it would lead me to reflecting on how just A year ago I was asked to speak at My Sister's Keeper Women's Conference."
When I first started my website I ultimately wanted to be able to blog but it didn't happen initially. I started out writing motivational quotes and just sharing my experiences with people on my social media pages.  Then eventually I began to put more study and reflection into the words I wrote and then I realized that I could begin by sending out my thoughts to friends and family and allow whatever connections that happened to grow from there.  The way this post reached someone that wasn't on my email subscription list was simply God saying it was time.  My mom decided to discuss my email in her women's group and from there lets just say it took off.
This entry allowed me to get up in front of 60+ women and talk about how we sometimes can't come through the back door.  I remember one day I arrived to church late and went for my usual seat I the balcony. I like the balcony because this  is where I felt most comfortable Its where I can worship and not worry.  I love to sing and I'd look at the praise and worship team and say "I would want to be apart of the worship team but I'm never going to end up in front of the congregation". Well! Can I tell you I've been apart of the worship ministry for about 3 years now and this definitely forced me in through the front door. You see, coming in through the main entrance in life requires you to be Audacious and Shameless. You cannot let fear hold you back from anything your heart desires and I am still learning that. I wanted so badly to say "can I just sing from the balcony" but NOT anymore since I am InTentional in my beliefs as to what God can do for me... I'm kicking doors down before I come through, with nerves and all!
In Royal love
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Working on self can be a task that everyone around yoU may not understand and it may bring questions like this. I went through a point where I felt my direction wouldn't be understood by everyone I would explain and lecture my WHY which in the end wasn't needed at all. After I begin to allow the shift to happen in every aspect of my life , I felt a complete peace and calm come over me. In the grand perspective it will one day not matter to yoU what changes aren't accepted by others. This peace will come with no anger or bitterness... That's when yoU know growth has happened 💙. Believe and trust yoU , it will cause InTentional people and situations to align as it should.
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| FEEL GOOD FRIDAY | Friday's I feel my motivation increases ! I can't explain it to the "T" but I do no I don't beat myself up about things that are incomplete yoU shouldn't either...simply move them over to the next available due date ! 😉 👑 💙Be | Act | Do U 💙 👑 #NaturallyYouAreRoyal #BeGreatOnPurpose #BeInTentional #SheIsRoyal & so are you #WomenBoss #Attitude #confidentwomen #WomenSupportWomen
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You can't stop a woman with a goal she's focused on finish, start and the breaks in between so can you imagine the magic that happens when WOMEN UNITE?!?!? There was a shift that happened when I decided to devote myself to myself. It's a lively experience that happens daily. I fight with the old me from time to time but it's beginning to be less and less as days come and go. I appreciate when I see togetherness because we're better together than we are apart.... please believe it!!
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If yoU have found your purpose that is the first big step once yoU know it yoU have to pursue and even if yoU don’t in the beginning when God says it’s time it will happen. If you’re placed on earth to walk in your purpose then all will be aligned by God . When I think about IF my relationship comes before my purpose I can answer that my purpose allows room for my relationship and in walking towards and in my purpose it makes my relationship FAR more stronger and healthy because I first have to be happy within in order to bring happiness to my relationship. So is it really a “ranking” of who’s “first” to me I say no. What are your thoughts? Are yoU walking in your purpose yet??? If not, yoU will be soon… I believe I’m almost there and I believe yoU are too… besides I am yoU 👑 💙Be | Act | Do U 💙 👑 #NaturallyYouAreRoyal #BeGreatOnPurpose #BeInTentional #SheIsRoyal & so are you #WomenBoss #Attitude #confidentwomen #WomenSupportWomen
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When I ran in middle school it was always hard for me to run the long races like the 800 so I never ran it. It's because I'm a "sprinter" so quick and easy races like the 100 yard dash gave me my best results on time. No matter what race yoU run yoU have to go through Endurance... be willing to Evolve and not stay the same. This is hard for people, it encourages the unknown and it can sometimes be scary but believe in your abilities and stand by Faith and just Be. Act. Do. U. #NaturallyYouAreRoyal #BeGreatOnPurpose #BeInTentional #SheIsRoyal & so are you #WomenBoss #Attitude #confidentwomen #WomenSupportWomen
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I got into my lesson on SUPPORT when I started talking about my dreams before I started working on them. One of the things I did when I started focusing on Authenticity was I made sure I was okay with no one supporting IF people didn't support my goals. I realize that they are MY dreams and it starts with self first. Support is given and received in many ways that can be draining to keep up with . The best way to accept whatever support is given is to STOP expecting it. It may sound harsh to the average mind but it really isn't. Once you take your focus off of what yoU lack and focus on GIVING that very thing yoU want all this in alignment will come... and the ones that should support will and the ones that don't weren't meant to...at least not in the current season. So spend time cultivating and less worrying about who isn't there. Spread love and genuine care and who is suppose to be there will.
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👑 💙Be | Act | Do U 💙 👑 • representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified: • • • • Being true to oneself is a daily lesson. You don't just conquer it and BOOM lesson learned and on to the next. Being true to yoU is a constant check and balance. Back I the day people used "Im just being real" and it use to annoy me but as I got more focused and realized the self work I needed to take my time with I realized that being real was a fraction of being authentic. This week I want to talk about what I did to become focused on Authenticity. Today I challenge yoU to stay and apply what you need & leave what you don't. #NaturallyYouAreRoyal #BeGreatOnPurpose #BeInTentional #SheIsRoyal & so are you #WomenBoss #Attitude #confidentwomen #WomenSupportWomen #authentic #authenticliving
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YoU asked for clarity, you asked for a meaningful end one that you will be able to accept so you can MOVE ON. Time passed and you’ve learned to accept what it is and out of nowhere you begin to contemplate RE opening a door that yoU watch close. Don’t Re-open a healed womb you deserve to remain healed.💙 👑 💙Be | Act | Do U 💙 👑 #NaturallyYouAreRoyal #BeGreatOnPurpose #BeInTentional #SheIsRoyal & so are you #WomenBoss #Attitude #confidentwoman
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Wearing this installation turned out to be one amazing ride let me tell you! I got many looks, stares and also smiles from all types of people and most of the time I forgot why they were staring!
Lets start with WHY I chose to wear a purple crochet?!? Well, besides the fact that Purple is a color that signifies Royalty and it is simply gorgeous. I’m usually never able to wear it on a daily basics because of my profession. Working in Corporate this color honey is DEFINITELY a NO in there books.
I decided to wear this color for the Christmas and New Year season since Ive been on vacation for the past 2 weeks. I got looks from men, women, children and it created this dialogue about my hair! I cant understand why colors are restricted from being worn by certain successful individuals but yet they are “expected” by individual not as successful. I wanted to CRUSH this stereotype. When I have consultations with my clients I am often presented with the question of “will that color be considered ghetto” or is it too much for the workplace my answer is and will remain “the color doesn’t make it these stereotypes the person wearing the color does! So this purple install has been in front of hundreds of people in the last few weeks which I’m sure if I could go back and take a survey MOST will say they didn’t notice that it was purple OR that I wore it in a way that it was appealing to the eye.
Don’t let any color hair shy you away from it. Select the appropriate time and ROCK whatever color or hair style you want to. Besides, its JUST HAIR!
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The first thing I did today was take a deep breathe and meditate on clarity. I realize that this year I've had several accomplishments and several failures in my personal and business life and before I remove I have to acknowledge what it is I've been through good and bad. This year I : Started my own website, became a certified braider of natural hair, worked in a professional salon, performed with a live band, performed on a stage for thousands of people behind a local artist, led several songs, became a wardrobe stylist for about 100 individuals, started my own blog, been one with nature, joined a network of over 100 motivating and empowering women that arent afraid to see or help each other WIN! I've been invited to speak at my very FIRST event for a group of women that believe in "Keeping your sister" coming in 2017! I've grown tremendously in my relationship and gotten more open with communicating what I want . I've also gained more exposure to InTentional clients as well as positive women. I learned where I lack knowledge in my business , I've double booked and had to overwork myself to compensate for it. I learned where lacked rules in my business which caused much frustration. I've changed careers and I'm able to use much of my daytime duties in my business so all and all I've accomplished a lot of mini things and I'm grateful for EACH of them. I want to get rid of ALL doubt! I want to get rid of ALL shame... Feelings of shame doesn't come from me being insecure but it does come from the concern of my family. A lot of times it ...the things I don't disclose is not because I'm ashamed it's for other people to not be that I care for. Until you experience it you won't truly understand. This year I want to say NO more I want OTHERS to be okay with me continuously being authentic and free. 2017 is so open and ready for me and my family...it has to be because we're ready for it💙
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👑 💙Be | Act | Do U 💙 👑 I use to keep a low profile on what ALL I can do. Even when it came down to doing it. I'd do things as a kid that nobody knew I could and mainly because they'd never see me do it but knew it was done. Being an only child I learned to do a lot of things when no one was looking and the bad side of that is I took it with me into adulthood and it hasn't always been comfortable saying or sharing ALL the talents that I have because I use to think one would look at me and say "she's not good at ALLLL that" well! These days I say proudly there's much I can do and I am good at, just ask Im sure I can do it! God didn't make me to do just ONE thing...We just weren't made that simple.... there's complexity to you beauty! Embrace it! #GodsLove #madeinhisimage #SelfLove #liveInLight #NaturallyYouAreRoyal #BeGreatOnPurpose #BeInTentional #SheIsRoyal & so are you
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You can’t fix everyone, you cannot bring them all WHY? Because we’re not built to bring or carry every load! Focus your mind on people that ARE doing great things instead of the ones that aren’t. Greatness attracts greatness but not without your effort! Happy Monday All! 👑 💙Be | Act | Do U 💙 👑 #NaturallyYouAreRoyal #BeGreatOnPurpose #BeIntentional #SheIsRoyal & so are you
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