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Chantel’s Kindergarten is situated within the Sutherland shire opposite a primary school and surrounded by a beautiful natural environment. We have a lovely purpose-built nursery for babies aged 0-2years. The nursery is specialized to care for your babies every need. The level of care in the nursery is exceptional and is very individualized to cater to your infant's sleep, meal times, playtime and routine times. We offer a range of freedom of choice experiences for our bubs and plan a curriculum around the emerging development of infants.
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Chantel’s Kindergarten Menai has recently opened it doors to the Menai community. We have been providing exceptional care and education within the Sutherland shire for more than 13 years. Opening our second branch has been a dream come true. We believe in education and care that is individualized within a trusting, happy and nurturing environment.
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Our highly dedicated team has designed a curriculum that focuses on infant preschool education to ensure growing babies get the best start to life. We provide a daily program that entails careful planning and implementation of a play-based curriculum. We ensure that preschool learning activities include music and movement, storytimes and small group activities.
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Young children and infants grow and develop more rapidly than at any other time of their life. It is crucial that children are being educated about leading healthy lifestyles and the importance of physical activity and nutrition. Chantel’s Kindergarten provides the best childcare in Australia. To find out more information about Chantel's Kindergarten, Sylvania and Menai, Sutherland Shire enquires with us today.
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The importance of early childhood education in today's world is crucial. With so much gang violence, limited child care centers, latch key kids, and even divorce playing a factor, is there any hope at all that the future of our world will change for the better? So, preschools and child care centers Sydney need to focus on a new generation that will be taking over this world in the next twenty years. With caring, love, and kindness, education can be a beautiful thing learned that will last a lifetime.
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We were chosen to be featured in the Sydney Morning Herald to represent Sydney in QUALITY Childcare. We are honored to have been awarded such a prestige title. This year is our kindy's 10 years of service and what a remarkable way to mark this wonderful milestone we have reached.For all your child care needs please contact us On 9522 7031 or email us on [email protected]
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Young children and infants grow and develop more rapidly than at any other time of their life. It is crucial that children are being educated about leading healthy lifestyles, Here at Chantel’s kindergarten, we believe that children should be supported to reach their full potential. Our educators are your children’s biggest supporters!
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Young children and infants grow and develop more rapidly than at any other time of their life. It is crucial that children are being educated about leading healthy lifestyles and the importance of physical activity and nutrition. Chantel’s Kindergarten provides the best childcare in Australia.
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Our pre-schoolers enjoy learning in a variety of ways that capture their attention to further develop and refine their skills. They are decision-makers within our classroom, where educators encourage them to make informed decisions about their own learning. To find out more information about Chantel's Kindergarten, Sylvania, Sutherland Shire enquire with us today.
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Finding the Best Childcare for Your Children
Choosing the right childcare for your children should not be taken lightly. In order to find the best provider of childcare for your children, there are a number of factors to consider.
Firstly you should endeavor to find out how well qualified the staff that will be responsible for looking after your children are. Not only should you enquire about their exact qualification but this equally important to discover if they're cable of providing your children with the emotional development they require. The ratio of careers to children is of importance as it will provide you with an idea of how much individual attention each child will receive. This is significant for health and safety supervision as well as ensuring that the children enjoy their experience and receive the attention they desire
The range of facilities on offer will also help inform your decision. You should look for centers that provide both indoor and outdoor play areas. Some centers with outdoor facilities have been known to feature vegetable patches, water features, and even pets. These centers can provide a much more stimulating experience for your children who will be able to make the most of the good weather while gaining an understanding of nature. As for the indoor facilities, those which are spacious, well lit and brightly colored will appeal to the children's sense of adventure and offer a more diverse experience.
The extent to which the childcare centre provides a full and varied range of activities is a good indication of the quality of the center and their standard of childcare. Those centers offering a range of activities are able to deliver more fun, educational and exciting experience for your children. Balances between those activities which can educate, bring out your children's creative side and provide physical stimulation are by far the most beneficial.
The standard of health and safety practiced by the center cannot be overlooked. The temperature of the rooms should be carefully monitored so that the optimum temperature for the children is maintained. All of the furnishings and equipment that the children will be exposed to should have passed all the required safety checks and should feature the latest safety features. The center should have an effective protocol in place to ensure that every member of staff is fully informed of what happens in the event of an emergency. Not only should staff be briefed on the correct procedure in emergencies but they should be aware of the day to day demands and requirements to guarantee that the center runs as efficiently as possible.
For a safe, professional and dynamic childcare environment, visit Chantel's Kindergarten.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6503954
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Childcare Centre — What to Ask on First Visit
While inspecting a Childcare Centre for the first time that potentially your child may attend you should get a feeling for the centre. What type and quality of care are they providing? In your own mind you have to decide if this care is what you want for your child. Will the environment they provide make your child’s time at the centre a happy one. A content child will connect and learn much faster.
To achieve this I suggest you spend as much time as you possibly can in the centre on your first visit. This is one of the most important decisions you will make for your young child.
The Childcare Centre Surroundings
The atmosphere of the childcare centre is so important. Your child will learn and grow much better in a relaxed and happy one where staff give them the attention they seek at that age.
A very good sign to look for is if you can hear laughter from the children while they play. It is a certain trait that some caretakers have that let children enjoy themselves while they play and learn. Another sign of a good childcare centre is if everything is clean, tidy and seems well-organized.
Staff Introduction
When you first arrived, did you and your child feel you were made feel welcome immediately by someone? Were you introduced to the main person that your child would spend the majority of their time with at the centre? It is this person as much as the management that is so important to how well your child settles into the childcare life and how well they learn.
Copy of Centre License
While there ask to see a copy of their license as it will tell you a lot. If the license has been issued by the authorities for a 2 year period, the centre has a rating with a high standard of care. If the license has only been issued for 1 year it could mean the centre has had problems meeting the minimum standards.
Childcare Centre Policy
While discussing your needs with the centre director, ask questions about their policies, their procedures, their values and their operational procedure guidelines. You should be able to obtain a written copy.
Before making a final decision, read through them and if you have doubts about anything, now is the time to ask them to explain further until you are happy with the explanation you receive.
Childcare Centre Equipment
The quantity and type of play equipment that the children can use are very import and reflects on the standard of the centre. The play equipment must be age-appropriate as well as having enough for each age group. If the centre is lacking in equipment it will only cause upset among the children as they all want the same item.
An important factor today is the number and quality of the digital devices available to the children including computers. Ask what software programs they have and what the learning outcome of each program is. Observe if the children are well supervised while using the devices.
Outdoor Play Area
The centre should have a well planned outdoor play area protected from any harsh weather that your area may encounter such as hot sun, snow or cold winds. A well-maintained sandpit would be an added feature that I would suggest that you consider as a need.
You must be comfortable that you can trust the Childcare Centre to be your child’s minder, caretaker and teacher for possibly the next few years. Think beyond the age your child is today and be convinced that this childcare centre will take your child’s learning to their full potential over the next two to three years.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7777471
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Learning Curriculum & program
Our early learning centre curriculum is based on outcomes of The Early Years Learning Framework with a strong emphasis on the Emergent curriculum and the National Quality Framework, which mainly focuses on children’s interests, home, and community experiences and their emerging development.
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Our teachers have a greater level of expertise in delivering programs to maximise children’s potential and develop a solid foundation for our young learners. Educators make every effort to ensure that each child’s interests and needs are being fully met in a secure and relaxed environment.
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Relationships with Children
Here at Chantel’s kindergarten we believe that children should be supported to reach their full potential. Our educators are your children’s biggest supporters! Teachers aim to build and maintain responsive relationships  with every child in their care.
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The interactions between teachers and children is always open and relaxed, encouraging children to establish trusting and secure relationships.
We believe that children are resourceful and valued learners and teachers. Quality area five encourages educators to build trusting and respectful relationships where children and teachers work together as a team as they develop new skills.
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