chanwaifo · 3 years
Tonifying the kidney and activating blood circulation to protect the prostate
Just after the Spring Festival, many elderly friends are busy with socializing, irregular life, and eating spicy and greasy food, resulting in prostate disease attacks or exacerbation. Prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis are persistent diseases that plague middle-aged and elderly men. Paying attention to dietary conditioning is of great benefit to the prevention and treatment of prostate diseases.
In addition to frequent urination, urgent urination, weak urination and increased nocturnal urination, prostatic hyperplasia also shows microscopic hematuria, urinary retention and other conditions. Dietary therapy is mainly tonify the kidney and promote blood circulation.
Peach kernel porridge: 50g walnut kernels, 80g japonica rice. Cook porridge with japonica rice, peel and mash walnut kernels into human porridge, boil over low heat; see that the porridge noodles are oily, and add a small amount of brown sugar to season according to your personal taste. Eat it in the morning and evening.
Lamb spine soup: 1 mutton spine, 50g Cistanche, 10g. Crush the mutton spine, wash the Cistanche and slice it, boil it with the ridge, remove the dregs and take the juice, add green onions, ginger, cooking wine, salt and other seasonings, and thicken it into a soup. Eat it once a week.
Zhidi duck: 30g raw ground, 20g Zhimu, 20g ox knees, 1 duck (about 1,000g). Remove the hair and internal organs of the duck, wrap the medicine in gauze and put it in the abdomen of the duck. Put it in a casserole together, add water and stew it over low heat. Season it. Eat duck and drink soup once a week.
PROSTATITIS IS DIVIDED INTO CHRONIC PROSTATITIS AND ACUTE DINGDENITIS ACCORDING TO ITS COURSE AND MANIFESTATIONS. The symptoms of chronic prostatitis are pain or discomfort in the perineum or rectum. The pain often radiates to the lumbosacral region or pubic bone, testicles, groin, etc. It can also have urination discomfort, burning sensation of urination, milky white secretion at the urethral orifice, etc. In terms of dietary therapy, more methods are selected to promote dampness, regulate qi and promote blood circulation.
Loach stewed tofu: 500g live loach fish and 250g fresh tofu. First, cut open the loach to remove gills and viscera, wash and put salt, ginger and water on the mouth of the stew cup. First, bring it to a boil on high heat, then stew on low heat until it is 50% cooked, then add human tofu cubes, and continue to stew on low heat until the loach meat is cooked. Add seasonings to accompany meals and eat them 2-3 times a week.
Shenqi berries porridge: 10g each of Dangshen, raw Astragalus and Lycium barbarum, and 100g of rice. First, put Dangshen and Astragalus together in a casserole, add water and fry sauce over medium heat; at the same time, put goji berries and rice into another pot to cook porridge. When the porridge is half cooked, pour in the astragalus juice. After boiling it again, take it in the morning and evening, 2-3 doses a week.
Magnolia lean meat soup: 30g fresh white magnolia (also known as white orchids) (10g dried), 150g fresh pork lean meat. First, wash and cut the lean pork into pieces, put it in a casserole with magnolia, add water and cook soup over medium heat. After the soup is ready, add a little salt and season it; eat it twice a week.
When suffering from acute prostatitis, it is characterized by frequent urination, urgent urination, painful urination, terminal hematuria, perineal swelling pain, and radiation to the vagina, lumbosacral or thighs. It can also cause symptoms such as high fever, chills, headaches, general pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. In terms of dietary therapy, you can choose to clear away heat; detoxify, diuretic and drizzle.
Car front grass sugar water: 100g of car front grass (400g fresh), 10g bamboo leaves (30g fresh) and 10g raw liquorice each time. First, put the three drugs into the casserole and add: 1000ml water, boil on medium heat for about 40 minutes, add 20g of white sugar, and cook for a while. Drink tea for 1-2 weeks every day.
Dengxin bitter gourd soup: 6g lantern grass, 200g fresh bitter gourd. First, wash and remove the pulp of balsam pear, cut it into small sections, and fry the soup with Dengxincao to drink. Take 1 dose a day for 10 consecutive days.
Gongying honeysuckle porridge: 60g dandelion, 30g honeysuckle, 100g rice. First, put the dandelion and honeysuckle into the casserole, add water to fry the juice, remove the dregs and take the medicinal juice, and then add rice to cook porridge. After the porridge is cooked, add an appropriate amount of sugar for seasoning, twice a day, and serve for 2 weeks.
For the dietary treatment of prostate diseases, more peaceful and tonic foods should be selected in the choice of food. Avoid or eat less fried, spicy and hot things. Drinks and cigarettes such as coffee and spirits are also banned.
知地鴨:生地30克,知母 20克,牛膝20克,鴨1只(約 1000克)。鴨子去毛及內臟,藥物用紗布包好放人鴨腹內,—— 同放進沙鍋,加水用文火燉熟,調味即可。吃鴨肉飲湯,每周1 次。
泥鰍魚燉豆腐:活泥鰍魚 500克,鮮豆腐250克。先將泥鰍魚剖開去除鰓及內臟,洗淨放人燉盅內口上食鹽、生薑和清水,先用武火燒開後,再用文火清燉至五成熟,然後加人豆腐塊,持續用文火燉至泥鰍魚肉熟爛。加調料即可佐餐食用,每周吃2~3次。
參芪杞子粥:黨參、生黃芪、枸杞子各10克,大米100 克。先將黨參、黃芪同放沙鍋,加清水用中火煎汁;同時將枸杞子、大米放進另一鍋內煮粥。待煮至粥半熟時倒入參芪藥汁,再煮熱後,早晚服食,每周 2—3劑。
車前草糖水:每次用車前草100克(鮮品400克)、竹葉 10克(鮮品30克)、生甘草10 克。先將三藥同放進沙鍋內加:清水1000毫升,用中火煮40 分鐘左右放進白糖20克,稍煮即可。每天代茶飲用,連服1-2 周。
燈心苦瓜湯:燈心草6克,鮮苦瓜200克。先將苦瓜洗淨除瓤,切成小段,與燈心草一同煎湯飲用。每日1劑,連服10 天。
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chanwaifo · 3 years
Health tea
Recently, the 1990s and 2000s, who like to stay up late, have a new favorite of health - "staying up late water". It contains ginseng, fetal chrysanthemum and other ingredients, and promotes the slogan "protect the liver and stay up late", which is very popular among young people.
Staying up late has become a new standard.
The reporter saw on the store menu that "small hanging pear soup", "green juice scraping oil water", "royal jelly staying up late water", "peach gum white fungus plain water"... There are many kinds of health tea.
The two milk teas in the series are also marked as "healthy girls", drinking and protecting liver juice every day.
As soon as these healthy drinks were launched, they were wildly sought after by young people.
Staying up late and health anxiety caused by staying up late makes young people start looking for unique "health methods".
Various health beverage products have been launched, including "roybee jelly staying up late water".
In addition to raw materials, bloggers must also emphasize the "benefits" of eating "natural herbs", "health care and nourishment" and "summer tonifying qi and health care can reduce liver fire and dryness." After drinking, you can drive away the fatigue of staying up late. The recall is full of vitality."
In the same "health army", brands that talk about "concepts" are more likely to stand out, that is, integrating health care selling points into new tea drinks and coffee that young people like.
The price of the product is between 15 and 25 yuan. Among them, traditional Chinese herbal medicine such as ginseng, pueraria root, wolfberry, chrysanthemum and Jinyinhua can be selected as raw materials to make drinks; raw materials such as yam, peach gum and red dates will be added to milk tea.
According to the clerk, royal jelly stay-up water and green juice oil are two main fresh products, and they are also the products that consumers are most willing to try.
On major e-commerce platforms, honey, goji berries, whey protein, health tea and enzymes have become the five most popular health foods since the 1995s.
"The older you are, you will experience the fun of making tea with goji berries." The water staying up late is not only a head, royal jelly + ginseng, physical health care ingredients, delicious nourishment "Staying up late party preparation is too suitable for me".
They must stay rational, healthy or sleep more, instead of relying on the psychological comfort brought by staying up late.
So, does health tea like staying up late really achieve health effects such as protecting the liver?
Another saying is that "no sleep overnight, metabolic collapse".
In a word, as a flavored drink, it is indispensable to drink "stay up late water" occasionally. However, it can't be used as an artifact to stay up late, let alone indulge in bad lifestyles because of staying up late. He recommends young people to eat healthily, exercise moderately, and maintain a good mentality and regularity.
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chanwaifo · 3 years
warm black tea
Drink a cup of black tea every day with a moderate amount of lemon.
Black tea not only tastes good, but also warms the stomach and warms the stomach, and has a more nourishing effect. A cup of black tea a day can help men reduce stress, which is good for heart health. A black tea experiment conducted by the University of London in the United Kingdom showed that people who drink a cup of black tea a day are less stressed. Drinking black tea can strengthen the kidneys and strengthen the body. For example, adding lemon to black tea can strengthen the bones. However, research also shows that drinking black tea should not be too strong, not more than 4 cups a day
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chanwaifo · 3 years
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chanwaifo · 3 years
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chanwaifo · 3 years
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