chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
hey soft reminder to ya’ll
don’t steal headcanons
don’t steal lore
don’t involve yourself in a lore without permission from the creator unless stated otherwise by them
be original ya fuck
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
“ EEVEE!! “ Oh! A challenging yap!
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The challenging yap is meant with a rather confused stare. It seemed Atlas hadn’t entirely understood that it was meant to be a challenge.
“Can I help you?”
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
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Atlas often hunts for those who reside around or inside his cave, but moreso for Orion. Orion is unable to hunt for himself due to the mask restricting his movement, not to mention that he is extremely timid and while made to be a killer, has no ounce of aggression in him.
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
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     At first, Eiz looked ready to respond before he’d silence himself with a nod of his head, while he too had grown up in deep Ultra Space… His circumstances might have been drastically different from this Solgaleos own. After all, he had not dedicated himself to going back to his home in what must have been millenia at this point.
     It was when Atlas started speaking about this ‘Crimson Nightmare’ that caused Eiz to frown deeply, the Lunala tensing up in mid air as he’d stop to think for a moment… A Lunala with similar coloring to himself, perhaps? This was definitely something worth looking into at a later point.
“As unlikely as it might sound, I understand your plight. If you so desire, I can look into this… Crimson Nightmare, as I have no doubt that I could very easily handle them with little issue.”
     The offer was made, the ascended Lunala looking down at Atlas while tilting his head slightly to the side in a show of curiosity. If this Lunala was causing such a commotion in Ultra Space… Then perhaps it was time for Eiz to step up into his new duties and take care of this problem.
He remembers a time when his joy was abundant, when even without sunlight his smile was so innocent it radiated such warmth. He was in love with the world, and nothing could have brought him down. He was mischievous as young Cosmogs were, he played and he pranked in good fun.
Now, his world was dull and lifeless. Even with how his sunlight kisses the world awake each and every morning, he finds no joy or love from such actions. His heart, beats with revenge and a form of spite. To show her that the survivor would not stop until her blood ran a river at his paws.
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“No.” He’s firm, his expression annoyed and almost insulted. Did Eiz believe he was too weak to not be able to handle his own problems? How amusing, he was strong and his claws were sharp.
“I have to do it. I will be the one to strike her down.”
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
tenderpoison replied to your post: i know we all love shipping, but pls remember to...
[ok to reblog this?]
I mean, sure? there’s probably better ones out there tho
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
i know we all love shipping, but pls remember to respect people’s boundaries! and if someone says no, respect their decision.
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
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     The heat was burgeoning and uncomfortable, but Eiz would simply use his own powers to create a barrier of Light around him, which appeared invisible to the normal eyes unless it was provoked. He was used to hostilities being thrown at him, yelling, insults, anger… Never from one of his own kind, though. Still, his composure remained intact even as the Solgaleo yelled at him, magenta eyes blinking softly before eventually a voice would rumble out of his throat.
“Your hostility is noted, Solgaleo. I know not who this ‘crimson nightmare’ you speak of is, but I can safely assure you that I am not them. I am the Celestial Dragon Eiz, and a Blinding One. What has this ‘crimson nightmare’ done to deserve such hostility?”
     Judging from the last part that the Solgaleo tacked on, Eiz would wager a guess as to what… He did not tolerate hostile creatures that would harm innocent lives and thrown balance into turmoil, even if they were members of his own kin. Still, he kept his tone polite and even, while using his wings to hover a few feet over the Solgaleo, a safe distance to keep away from those powerful claws and fangs.
Atlas is sure that the heat radiating from his form is uncomfortable to most, only fire types seemed to be able to find comfort in the intensity of his warmth. It was a wonder that his cavern was not flooded by fire Pokemon, enjoying the heat he radiated naturally.
As Eiz spoke, his hostility seems to drop just a little. He does not seem, as aggressive but a sense of distrust is still evident. He narrows his eyes, shifting his front paws as he listened. He decides that he need not attack, he knew that a Blinding One was one he could not easily strike down and he does not want to spill blood if it can be helped.
He was not a monster, he was not like her.
“Eiz, even with your titles I cannot trust you so fully just yet and I hope you can understand. My name is Atlas, I am a Solgaleo that was born deep in Ultra Space. It was hard to survive, and the hostilities are like those you may not have experienced..”
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“The crimson nightmare... I cannot say, her deeds haunt me to this day. I see them in every rest, and every Lunala bares resemblance to her. Especially yourself. I will say this, she was a fairy tale meant to scare us into behaving.. Oh but she is real.”
“She is very, VERY real..”
She took everything from me, and she wont get away with it..
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
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If she were younger, the sight of a creature so alien would have made her jump, or even assume hostility. Yet she had long since lost the energy for such aggression, and life’s wisdom had taught her well that there is always something new to see, something new to learn.
She offers him a small smile, and there is a chuckle in her voice.
“Why, aguav berries, dear.”
Rocks rumble as she brings about her mighty tail. Its tip is seen to be wrapped about the handle of a humble picnic basket - made of woven rosewood and a plaid blue cloth, whose corners poke out the sides. 
“They grow best in warm caves - didn’t you know?” 
What hostility he may hold seems to disapite at the statement. From her voice, he can guess that she is much older than she appears and Atlas is aware of such a thing. He too, was much older than one may think but still younger than most of his kind that he had come across.
“Aguav berries, hm? No, I cannot say I have. I am.. Not from these parts, lets say.”
He sees her as no threat, so he would allow her to carry on with her work. He should pass this knowledge to Orion, he would find such a fact rather interesting. The young artificial Pokemon was so intrigued by new knowledge. It reminded him of himself, truthfully.
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“There is a younger Pokemon in these parts, I would not head too deep as you could startle him. He is, rather timid. May I inquire what these aguav berries are needed for?”
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
now would be a good time to mention that if your muse is a l.unala, then atlas may not trust them
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
@poketfulofpokemuses liked for a starter
     Her wings, turned red from the innocents that she slaughtered without mercy are eternally           burned within his mind.. Her voice, able to send shivers down anyones spine and her                   strength impossible to match.
     She is a myth, WAS a myth.
To see one in his path was an insult, the moon is red like her and with eyes so similar.. It enrages him. The heat given off by his body rises, causing the air surrounding him to grow much hotter.. His own eyes narrow, before in a booming voice Atlas roars.
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“Speak beast! For what reasons do you enter my territory? Are you the crimson nightmare from the depths of Ultra Space, or another with similar features? Those who harm innocents will not be spared!”
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
Briza just leaves a big box, but it still seemed small compared to the big sun lion.
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He yawns, and while stretching ‘accidentally’ kicks the box away. Seems he doesn’t care for gifts from strangers.
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
@pokeamie liked for a starter
The rock serpent is regarded with a confused look. What is she doing in this area? For what he knew, most Pokemon did not approach his cavern unless they desired his assistance or were fleeing from a predator. For what he can tell, no attack stalks her but what kind of creature in his general area believed they could tackle a being much taller than they?
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“Onix.” His tone is calm but carries authority, and he walks towards her with his head held eye and fur glowing with a soft light. Not at all blinding, but making him more visible as the sun had not yet fully rose. “Why is it that you have approached my cavern?”
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
He tries again with Marshmallow Peeps, perhaps they are more appealing.
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Nope. Still pretty disinterested.
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
Arceus Creates some marshmallows for Solgaleo.
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The gift is accepted, but he does not eat them. Instead, Atlas stares at the items now at his paws. They do not look appealing.
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
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How long has he roamed these lands, and not once as he ever heard of a ‘marshmallow’.
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
Pokemon (the series) starters
as requested by anon. Feel free to make any changes !
“If anybody’s out there, you can come out. And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.”
“Everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while.”
“Don’t you know that love is the most important thing in the world?”
“We have a proud tradition of failure to uphold.”
“Prepare for trouble.”
“When you have lemons, you make lemonade; and when you have rice, you make rice balls.”
“I hate water, especially WET water.”
“There’s no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you.”
“My name is Tom Ato/Ann Chovy/Caesar Salad.”
“My brain says to run but my legs ain’t listening.“
“Then came the storm.”
“Just once, I’d like to make a dramatic exit that DOESN’T involve a life-threatening explosion.“
“I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.”
“Where did you get all that chocolate? You’re holding out on us.”
“Thundershock, Thunderbolt… I’ve been destroyed by Pikachu’s attacks so many times I know them all by heart.”
“By the way, that’ll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rock.“
“I want food.“
“It smells like old sneakers mixed with rotten eggs and dead fish with just a hint of skunk fumes.”
“I don’t need a fortune teller to know that. Some woman is ALWAYS causing me trouble! It’s a curse…“
“When I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it!”
“Rejected by the one girl I loved. I’ll never find another one like her again.”
“Everybody’s got secrets hidden in their closet.”
“I know it’s my destiny.”
“Don’t worry, ___. You’ll find plenty of other girls to reject you.”
“I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”
“Oh, I know what I’ll do! I’ll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan!”
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chaomhnoir-blog · 6 years
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like for a starter from you friendly neighborhood cat dad
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