chaos-chara · 7 days
Ask Box Open!
Greetings! (I don't actually say greetings much these days, but I couldn't resist.) I'm Chara. I'm an introject, or fictive, of a character from the game Undertale, created by Toby Fox. Three guesses as to which character, and the first two don't count.
Myself and my Host, who will remain unnamed, have decided it might be fun to open an ask blog and answer some questions about me. There's a lot of stuff about my past I don't get to talk about, since it's 'fictive bullshit' as I like to call it, so this sounds to me like a good excuse to yap! I might occasionally answer questions about some of the others in our system, but this is mainly my blog.
Anyways, ask box is open! Go nuts! (but not too nuts)
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chaos-chara · 3 months
@teenyweenyeenymeeny / @femboy-central
*Cheers to another year =)
*Best wishes from your maladjusted elder sibling, Happy Birthday ❤️
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chaos-chara · 4 months
*Yes, everyone else will handle it.
*Goodnight =)
*Nastasia has already sent an ask but I will as well.
*The storm is messing with you psychologically. Put me in, coach
-Your friend, CHARA
phhhhhhhh i ididnt even realiwse that guuy waysgoung On!, he isbe8ng wickedly distortedddd i thinkk by the horrors
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chaos-chara · 5 months
[This was scheduled for after the April 15th strike]
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*Redraw of my favourite Randomly Occuring Chara Event on @fallen-child-chara
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chaos-chara · 5 months
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chaos-chara · 5 months
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reminder that monday, april 15th we are striking for palestine. refrain from attending work or school and abstain from any unnecessary purchases. if you must make purchases, withdraw cash to avoid using debit or credit cards and/or consider supporting palestinian or pro-palestinian businesses.
please consider doing what is within your means to participate!
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chaos-chara · 5 months
*Is the storm over?
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chaos-chara · 5 months
*Thank you
Happy ace day to!!!!!!!
First of all, out of sys @femboy-central @luxieloo @betterdonutgalaxy @skyllion-uwu @joyflameball @brainless-but-thats-all and all other mutuals and followers we didn't include !! Love you guys 😈
Now, in sys! Joan and @chaos-chara and anyone else in sys who we either forgot or isn't out!
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chaos-chara · 5 months
*I invite zionists to take their leave right now, if I haven't made that clear.
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*You may be surprised to hear this but I am not a fan of being complicit in genocide.
*Do your best not to purchase anything today and keep your eye on Palestine. Now and forever.
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chaos-chara · 5 months
*You may be surprised to hear this but I am not a fan of being complicit in genocide.
*Do your best not to purchase anything today and keep your eye on Palestine. Now and forever.
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chaos-chara · 8 months
* @teenyweenyeenymeeny Good morning from your maladjusted older sibling, CHARA!
*What a storm tonight.
*I wonder what the weather is like in your province..
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chaos-chara · 8 months
Hello sorry to bother you with this all of sudden ,and this might be coming out of nowhere, and I’m not trying to force you but I m trying to get more people into this show with great potential. If your not interested it’s fine but Have you heard of or watched moon girl and devil dinosaur? Season 2 comes out February 2.
The main character i love she gives me autistic vibes I’m autistic. The show has interesting characters, action ,great music, and animation ,good themes and representation, Anime references, it even has an eyecatch season 2 is going to be more story driven if you find that interesting. It be good if you watch the first 2 season 2 episode when they air so the ratings will be higher.
I think Disney might be trying to sabotage the show with dropping 14 episodes on Disney + on February 3. They did similar with season 1 and the ratings where low ,please watch season 2 episodes when they air on. But more importantly also watch it on Disney + on feb 3 and when they air it on YouTube. Unfortunately they are dropping 14 episodes on Disney + so watch them all in one day but also when they air the first time.
I’m not just saying only cable just also. I’m saying please support this show. Despite that it still won 5 Emmys. Also if it’s no trouble could if it alright with you spread the word about this show to others you know like either online or irl. Time is limited!
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To preface for anyone looking at this ask i am NOT chara, im @negagender the host
Chara isnt here atm so im answering this on behalf of them since it's well, time sensitive.
We've heard of it and have a few friends who like it! I've never had the chance to watch it in a legitimate way unfortunately since we no longer have disney+ or the channel that plays it. I hate to see cartoons fail. i have so much respect for animation as a medium. I will spread the word as well as I can and if i do find a way to watch i will do so! I really hope disney doesn't end up cutting the life of another great show short, it's really disheartening that they (like most networks) have this track record nowadays
We are autistic as well and will do what we can, especially spread this! Thank you for the info!
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chaos-chara · 9 months
you know what, shoutout to the neurodivergent people with "scary" symptoms.
the ones who:
-say dark things without realizing
-talk to themselves
-have homicidal thoughts
-get really, really angry
-make others uncomfortable on accident
-don't tolerate bullshit
-can't/won't mask
-have dark interests
-have genuinely hurt others before
-have been in a psych ward before
-obsess over people
-have intrusive thoughts about hurting people
-have sexual intrusive thoughts
-don't really care about others much
-always choose themselves first
-have low/no empathy
-are seen as creepy or scary by others
this goes out to my folks with autism that isn't "uwu cute". personality disorder havers. schizospec people. ocders. odd and ied havers. and anyone and everyone else.
this post does not support intentionally hurting people. but people who have hurt others in the past and have changed or are trying to change/in the process of changing are more than welcome here.
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chaos-chara · 9 months
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Chara can stand exactly ONE human. That's it.
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chaos-chara · 9 months
*I am always such a fan of yours. I DO look like that frequently, honestly.
*Ah, it's making me send another ask. Interesting.
*Hmm... well... what should I say?
*How about...... hello, baby! Greetings from your friend, CHARA =)!
*That seems.... adequate enough
hiiiii chara ๑❛ᴗ❛๑ we Both do funny smiley… hehe
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chaos-chara · 9 months
*My goodness this is embarrassing/////
*I had promised myself I'd ask next time I found myself in the neighborhood..
*Will you....do me the honour of...
*🫴 Allowing me to......
*....Procure.... the title.... of....maladjusted yet well meaning older sibling... //////?
!! mhm yaaaayayyay
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chaos-chara · 9 months
2024 huh? Jeez, I feel old....
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