chaosbuzz · 8 months
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3 Months of Chaos Theory: Highlights
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chaosbuzz · 8 months
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True evil is never loud. But now is not a time for truisms. We know that evil resides in the hearts of all men. We know of its insidious nature, its wretchedness, its banality. But how does one coax it out into the open? How does the rot take root? Sometimes it is only a matter of asking the right questions at the right time. Why them? Why not me? Why not us? We know this too is a form of evil. It blooms. It eats. It grins.
CHAOS THEORY is a 21+ highly AU Marauders era roleplay set in 1986, focusing on political intrigue and Tom M. Riddle’s rise in the Wizengamot Parliament. There is no prophecy, no horcruxes, and no Chosen One to save us from the rapture. 
index | guidebook | canon list | classifieds | discord
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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Then, in Yorkshire, the villages around Leeds have a nocturnal terror called the Padfoot. He is described as about the size of a small donkey, black, with shaggy hair and large eyes like saucers; and he follows people by night, or waylays them in the road which they have to pass. My friend, the Rev. J. C. Atkinson, of Danby, speaks of the Padfoot as a precursor of death; as sometimes visible, sometimes invisible, but ever and anon padding lightly in the rear of people, then again before them or at their side, and uttering a roar totally unlike the voice of any known animal. Sometimes the trail of a chain would be heard, accompanying the light quick pad of the feet. It was certainly safer to leave the creature alone, for a word or a blow gave it power over you; and a story is told of a man, whose way being obstructed again and again by the Padfoot, kicked the thing, and was forthwith dragged along through hedge and ditch to his home, and left under his own window.
William Henderson, 1879
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
"he's burning falling in flame leather-clad phoenix sacrificial pyre lost all that he was became all that he is eternal and transitory now and forever then and never was and is and will be but what? warrior sword-wielder berserker leaping into the fray with blade and wand shields are for the weak retreat just running away he does not run cannot will not he is the front line alone so fearfully alone so fearlessly alone so much lost so little gained but so much potential can be so much, will be so much, might be something at least call him father, protector life-giver killer humanity's paradox in one carcass tomb fighting onward, always onward for he knows dare not see does not want what is behind him his past may creep up on him and what oh what will he do then what have you been where have you been who were you what have you become and the questions echo on and on into the endless night and answer find they none what have you become warrior man of steel of fire and fury burning scouring scarifying the heavens so that gods may tremble and weep as they look down on what you have made what you have unmade and undone and unwritten there is a vacancy in history history needs its butchers as well as its shepherds and which oh which are you? once, there was now, there will be which"
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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chaosbuzz · 9 months
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chaosbuzz · 10 months
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chaosbuzz · 10 months
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Chaos Theory: First Month Highlights
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chaosbuzz · 11 months
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“time was not passing… it was turning into a circle.”
wisps of smoke from a snuffed out candle • goblets misting on a table • a sudden storm on the high seas • sundials in moonlight • a flash of claws and teeth • skulls on the mantlepiece • a beating heart • fungi on a damp log • “checkmate” • fairy circles • the winning hand in poker • a murder of crows • dragon scales • sharpening a knife • hidden treasure in murky pond water • a glittering gem
“i still tend to decay / back into myself.”
quiet smiles • new ideas • freshly baked cookies on christmas eve • dried flowers pressed between pages • blowing dandelion seeds • green fields far as the eye can see • dog snuggles on a sunday • guided meditation • laying in the sun • listening to the universe • folding an origami crane • learning from history • friendship bracelets • being tucked into bed • a doe with her fawn • an old polaroid
“i ask god to send a swordsman / and god says ‘look at your hands.”
dried blood under fingernails • knife to a gun fight • thorns on a rose • tearing down barbed wire • the screech of a hippogriff • the oncoming storm • three rounds in the ring • “in peace, vigilance” • stepping on broken glass • intense eye contact • adrenaline rushes • leather jackets and combat boots • crime scene do not cross • onyx statues • bitter nightshade
“I do not know what hunger is for / or what to hunger for.”
wire-rimmed glasses on the bedside table • dog-eared pages • candles burning all night • to do lists • unorganized nightstands • piles of unread books • the crunch of autumn leaves underfoot • cozy sweaters in the fall • clear crystal balls • goal trackers • the scratching of a quill • untested potions • ivy on old houses • keeping multiple journals in leather notebooks • late night regrets
“the truth would be death-dealing and i prefer fairy tales.”
stepping out of your heels • gold tassel curtains • surprise birthday parties • bright strawberry dresses • popping a balloon • a swipe of paint • glowing neon signs • bookshelves arranged by colors • getting a song stuck in your head • old things made new • listening to the universe • champaign rose • dancing in the rain • “what’s your poison?” • riding a horse on the beach
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chaosbuzz · 11 months
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Playable Species
Werewolves can only come into being via a bite from an existing werewolf. They are able to have children naturally, but the idea that they could pass a “werewolf gene” on is scientifically unfounded and born of superstition and fear. Wolfsbane Potion does exist, but is very expensive and difficult for most individuals to acquire without external assistance of some sort.
Vampires similarly can only be created via an individual being bitten by another vampire. All vampires can sustain themselves on animal blood if they desire, but will not be at full strength unless they consume human blood. Although vampires can eat human food, it does not provide adequate nutrition. If they do not imbibe blood daily, they will become fatigued. Vampires cannot exist in sunlight nor procreate with other vampires (or non-vampires, for that matter).
Half-giants are the offspring or grand-offspring of a full giant with a human. They are able to use wands and produce magic, but they also have a higher natural physical resistance to spells. Additionally, they are stronger than the average wixen and capable of more physical feats (within reason). Half-giants generally retain a taller and larger height and build from their giant heritage.
Half-veela are the offspring of a full veela with a human. Although half-veela have the natural charm and allure of a full veela, they do not have the ability to transform into harpy-like creatures or throw fire at will. However, they do seem to have more of an affinity for fire spells generally, and there are stories about individuals who find themselves in a somewhat hypnotic state after interacting with a half-veela. It is unclear whether these are only stories or truth.
Special Abilities
The following abilities are available for play on Chaos Theory. Please be mindful when creating characters with these abilities; the application should touch on how they worked on or naturally arrived at these abilities as appropriate. Staff have discretion to ask for additional details if they feel like the ability was not sufficiently explained in the application.
Please note that seers are not allowed to have any visions about Riddle at the moment. Seers and Legilimens must have full player consent if they want to have visions or see into the minds of another character.
Legilimency & Occlumency
Wandless or non-verbal magic
Supplementary Lore
We are a highly AU setting open to making significant modifications to canon to reflect our goal of reclaiming JKR’s universe. We would like to actively encourage members and guests to reach out to a staff member if you have any other suggestions to adjust canon.
Below is an overview of notable canon divergences and the supplementary lore that form part of our collective world building.
No House Elves or Goblins
In order to avoid having to engage with any part of JKR’s anti-semitism and use of the “happy slaves” trope, house elves and goblins do not exist on Chaos Theory. Gringotts is fully run and owned by wix folk.
Educational System
Secondary Schools
We do not follow canon lore on magical secondary schools outside of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang for a multitude of different reasons. However, we do allow members to create their own schools and colleges based anywhere around the world as long as these are mindful and do not engage with closed cultures. These schools are subject to final staff approval.
Further Education
After Hogwarts (and most other European Wixen secondary schools), the tradition is for young wix to either begin full-time work, training in paid or partially paid apprenticeships, or pursue further education. Apprenticeship is the most common route post-secondary school.
Magical universities exist for more academic or technical skill-based work that cannot be fully trained into through apprenticeships alone. Undergraduate degrees last for 3 years and are typically pursued for the following careers (though are not necessarily essential for such careers): academia, intelligence services (e.g. Department of Mysteries), curse breaking, advanced potions and alchemy, law, healing, etc. This is not an exhaustive list.
There are three Wixen magical universities or colleges in Britain and Northern Ireland in our universe:
the Nicholas Flamel Institute of Higher Education in Bristol, England;
All Souls College of the University of Oxford in Oxford, England;
Whitecliff College near Belfast, N. Ireland.
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chaosbuzz · 11 months
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The Wizengamot serves as the parliament of Wixen Britain. It is a composite chamber made up of 25 Elders, as part of a hereditary peerage system, and 50 elected Members of the Wizengamot. 
There are no formal political parties in the Wizengamot. However, the Minister typically relies on the support of certain loose factions and patronage networks in the legislature in order to pass laws. For an Act of Wizengamot to be passed, it must be voted in by a simple majority. For laws relating to constitutional changes, a two thirds majority is required.
Elders of the Wizengamot
The twenty five Elders (who are granted the title of Lord, Lady, or Liege) represent certain ancient constituencies which are determined by family origin. These twenty five peerages are represented by Britain’s noble Houses.
The current noble Houses are as follows:  Abbott  Avery  Black  Bulstrode  Burke  Carrow  Crouch  Fawley  Flint  Greengrass  Lestrange  Longbottom  Macmillan  Malfoy  Nott  Ollivander  Parkinson  Prewett  Rosier  Rowle  Selwyn  Shacklebolt  Shafiq  Travers  Yaxley
The inheritance rules of such peerages largely adhere to the Peerage Act of 1963: descent is always to the heirs of the body, regardless of gender. A person who is a possible heir to a peerage is said to be "in remainder". In the past, peerages were sometimes forfeit or attainted, as determined by the other Elders. This was the case with the Weasleys and Potters whose titles were forfeited due to their historical practices of “diluting” magical blood. 
A title becomes extinct when all possible heirs have died out; i.e., there is nobody in remainder at the death of the holder. A title becomes dormant if nobody has claimed the title, or if no claim has been satisfactorily proven. A title goes into abeyance if there is more than one person equally entitled to be the holder.
Members of the Wizengamot
Following the Reform Act of 1892, the Wizengamot was modestly expanded to enfranchise part of the population. Today, two thirds of the Wizengamot are now elected by the public. 
There are a total of fifty elected Members of the Wizengamot, each one representing a particular constituency of voters in the United Kingdom. These boroughs do not reflect the Muggle Parliament’s constituencies due to the much smaller wixen electorate. 
Each MW is elected during a general election which takes place every five years by custom. However, the Minister of Magic has the power to call an early election, though they cannot delay or postpone one without the consent of the Wizengamot.
In Wixen Britain, the executive branch comprises the Minister of Magic and their Cabinet. The Minister of Magic acts as the head of state and is appointed by the Wizengamot from within their own ranks through an internal vote.
Once voted in, each Minister selects their own Cabinet, a group which acts as the Ministry of Magic’s senior decision-making body. Cabinet members are typically civil servants who by virtue of their appointment are granted a vote in the Wizengamot. However, if a Cabinet member is already a voting elder or member of the Wizengamot, they do not have an additional vote. 
The Cabinet is made up of the Heads of the ‘Big Five’ Departments in the Ministry of Magic: the Treasury, the DMLE, the Department of Mysteries, the Department of International Magical Co-operation, and the Home Department. 
Unlike in the HP canon verse, all trials, courts, and tribunals operate independently of the Wizengamot.
The Wixen Supreme Council is the highest court in Britain and is the final court of appeals, established to decide on the most important or controversial points of law. It is made up of eight judges who are initially appointed by the Minister for Magic from a list of recommendations put together by the Wixen Independent Judicial Commission. A Supreme Council judge’s tenure is for life. Judges do not sit on every case but are allocated cases from the docket so that there is an odd number of judges for each trial.
Beyond the Supreme Council, Wixen Britain’s judicial system by and large follows that of the muggle version. For matters of criminal law, prosecutions are carried out by the Wixen Prosecution Service operating under the DMLE. The WPS’ duty is to make sure that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence, and to bring offenders to justice wherever possible. Their work ultimately relies on the co-operation of the Aurors and other DMLE offices in terms of evidence and coordination. 
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