chaosheart1234 · 11 months
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
Want 😍🥰
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
I was with a friend when suddenly my stomach ( my guts ?? 😂) made such a loud noise , like if I had a monster waking up inside of me 😂 my friend couldn’t stop laughing and for a moment I was thinking what if our hearts were audible when they are beating stronger ? But then I thought and realized that there are some hearts I don’t wanna listen to 😂 and quickly changed my mind 😅
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
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Steven Cordes
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
A few years ago , my friend’s son was around 2 years old and as any normal kid he was always playing . He was a boy with a lot of energy.
One day they came to my house and he was jumping and running around while my friend and I were in the kitchen talking about women’s stuff .
Suddenly he came running to his mother scared , sat on her lap and hugged her crying.
She asked him what was wrong . And he said he could feel a “thing” in his chest and he was afraid of it . Obviously he was talking about his own heartbeat.
She told me sometimes when he was running or when his heart would beat faster he started to cry .
I asked if I could feel his heartbeat and she said ok.
I put my hand on his chest and felt his cute little heartbeat so fast , which was normal for a kid at his age. By the way he was crying I thought he was sick or something worse and I got worried , that’s why I wanted to feel it .
So I told him that there was nothing wrong with his heart , he shouldn’t be afraid of it .
Of course he didn’t hear me . His mom said she always told him the same, but he was always too terrified listen to her as well.
I had this idea , to let him listen to his own little heart beating. I ran to my mother’s room ( I was still living with my family at the time ) where she had a stethoscope which she used to check my grandma’s blood pressure .
I brought it and put the earpieces on his ears . Gently , to not scare him even more , I put the diaphragm on his chest and he suddenly stopped crying and was amazed with his own heart sounds .
I explained to him that when he does some activity like running and jumping , his heart would beat faster and it was totally normal to feel it .
His mom was so surprised by his reaction and how fast he stopped cried, she even considered getting him a toy stethoscope.
When I was a kid I was the opposite, I loved the feeling of my own heart beating inside of me . Even if I didn’t know what it actually was .
I was wondering if we are born cardiophile or an event in our lives turned us into this world . Or both ?? 🤔🤔
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
Yesterday I had two Red Bull and I slept for only three hours ☹️ woke up with my heart pounding . And today I had to meet a friend and after meeting her I couldn’t wait to come back home to listen to my heart beating because it was beating strong the whole time . The beats are steady but very strong.
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
This is a short story about a vampire . I looooove vampires 🩷
In the realm of the undead, there exists a solitary vampire named Mark, once a respected doctor in his human life. His existence was punctuated by the rhythmic symphony of heartbeats - his own, those of his patients, and most importantly, the steady pulse of his beloved wife, Anna. He loved the way her heart would race during their passionate kisses, and how its calming rhythm would soothe him after a challenging day.
However, his transformation into a vampire brought an end to his heartbeat, leaving a hollow silence in its wake. His beloved Anna, too, was no longer among the living, her once vibrant heartbeat now a mere echo in his memory.
Mark craved for the sensation of a beating heart. Often, he would place his hand on his chest, hoping against hope to feel a pulse. But all he felt was the cold stillness of his undead existence.
Every night, as he ventured out in search of sustenance, he was haunted by the heartbeats around him. The forest animals' rapid pulses, the steady rhythm of tavern-goers, and the frantic beats of his victims' hearts. It was a bittersweet experience - the sound of life that he so desperately missed, yet could only experience through the act of taking it away.
One fateful night, he encountered a young woman whose beauty reminded him of his late wife, Anna. Her name was Karen, a stranger in his land, and he was instantly captivated. He desired her heart, not just for sustenance, but for the connection to life it represented.
Under his hypnotic gaze, Karen found herself unable to resist his command. She followed him to his mansion, her heart pounding with fear and confusion. Mark reveled in the sound, a cruel reminder of the life he once had.
In the dimly lit room, he asked her to undress and lie on the bed. As she complied, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Mark, too, shed his clothes, revealing his pale, lifeless body under the moonlight.
He sat next to her, his cold touch sending shivers down her spine. He placed her hand on his chest, where his heart should have been. When she confirmed she felt no heartbeat, he moved his hand to her chest, closing his eyes as he lost himself in the rhythm of her pulsating heart.
As he lay on top of her, he instructed her to calm down, to slow her breathing. He wanted to savor the steady rhythm of her heartbeat, a cruel imitation of the life he once had. As her heart rate slowed, he rested his head on her chest, absorbing her warmth and the rhythmic thump of her heart.
For a moment, he allowed himself to reminisce about his past life with Anna, wishing he could trade his eternal existence for one more chance to hear her heartbeat and feel his own pulse again. But he was cursed, forever barred from the simple pleasure of a beating heart.
His predatory instincts soon overpowered his nostalgia. Hunger gnawed at him, and his fangs extended in anticipation. As he sank his teeth into Karen's neck, her heart pounded in terror, filling his ears with the tragic symphony of her final heartbeats.
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
If you could choose between being invisible and having the ability to see and hear people’s heartbeats what would you choose ?
Such a difficult question 🤯🤯
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
One more
Christopher and Helen, two childhood friends now in their early twenties, found themselves navigating the complexities of adulthood. Despite their busy schedules, they cherished the rare moments they could spend together. One such occasion was when Christopher, or Chris as he was fondly known, visited Helen for a week.
One morning, while Helen was brewing coffee, she noticed Chris's nervous demeanor. She probed him, knowing her friend well enough to sense his unease. After some hesitation, Chris confessed a secret he had never shared with anyone before. His fascination with heartbeats.
Chris explained that his interest came from his childhood when he had a minor heart condition. His mother would frequently monitor his heart using a stethoscope, and one day, she let him listen to his own heartbeat. This sparked a curiosity in him that grew over time. He would seize opportunities to listen to the heartbeats of his cousins and neighbors, often playing doctor to avoid seeming strange.
Helen recalled how Chris used to bring his stethoscope over and they would listen to each other's hearts. She remembered the sensation of his heart pounding after running up and down the school stairs. Chris blushed at the memory, admitting that his fascination had evolved into a sexual kink during his teenage years. He confessed that he owned several stethoscopes and enjoyed listening to and feeling the heartbeats of his romantic partners.
As he shared his story, Chris admitted that his heart was racing. Helen, amused, asked if this was an excuse for her to feel his heartbeat. Without waiting for his response, she placed her ear on his chest, noting his rapid and irregular heartbeat. Concerned, she asked if he was okay, to which he nodded.
Chris revealed that he had chosen to share his secret with Helen because he loved and trusted her. He knew that despite his unusual fetish, she would not make fun of him. Touched by his confession, Helen smiled broadly and invited him to listen to her heartbeat, attributing its fast pace to the coffee she had drank .
Overwhelmed with happiness, Chris embraced her, his ear pressed against her chest. Their bond deepened that day, transcending the boundaries of friendship without crossing into romantic territory. Helen suggested that next time, Chris should bring his stethoscopes so they could listen to their heartbeats together like they used to do in their childhood , marking the beginning of a new chapter in their unique friendship.
Who doesn’t want a friend like Helen ? 😁
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
Another short story
Mike, a young man only 18 years old, had a childhood marked by hardship and abandonment. His father deserted him and his younger brother when he was just a toddler, leaving their mother to shoulder the burden of raising two children single-handedly. She worked tirelessly, juggling two jobs to keep food on the table. Amidst this turmoil, Mike found solace in music, a passion that filled the void left by his absent father.
His dream was to become a rock singer, a dream that gave him strength and purpose. Music was not just a hobby for Mike; it was his lifeline, his sanctuary. It was the rhythm that kept his heart beating amidst the chaos of his life.
The day of his first major festival arrived, and Mike was a whirlwind of emotions. Excitement coursed through his veins, his heart pounded like a drum in his chest, and his hands trembled with anticipation. As he stepped onto the stage, he was overwhelmed by the sea of faces before him.
He stood at the center of the stage, his heart pounding so loudly he could hear it in his ears. He asked the crowd for silence, a hush fell over the audience. Taking a few deep breaths to steady himself, he moved his microphone to the left side of his chest, right over his heart. The powerful thumping of his heartbeat echoed through the speakers - BOOM, BOOM, BOOM.
The crowd erupted into cheers, their excitement palpable. Mike, with a smile on his face, told them that his music came from his heart. As the sound of his heartbeat continued to reverberate through the crowd, he thanked them. His journey had been tough, but standing there, on that stage, he knew every struggle had been worth it.
Note : I mean … who wouldn’t ?
Damn , I would love to hear my favorite musician / artist / singer’s heartbeat pounding like crazy during a live concert .
Every time I go to a concert and watch them running , sweating I keep asking myself how hard their hearts must be working 🥵
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
Just tried to write some romantic short stories .
Tommy and Kate, two inseparable childhood friends, had a unique bond that began when they were just toddlers. Their friendship took an unexpected turn one day when they were around ten years old. During a playful race to the beach, with the loser obliged to buy ice cream, Tommy, being a soccer player, unsurprisingly won.
Exhausted from their sprint, they collapsed onto the sandy shore, their hearts pounding in their chests. In a moment of shared laughter and heavy breathing, Tommy placed his hand on his chest, drawing attention to his racing heartbeat. Kate, intrigued, did the same. They exchanged heartbeats, each placing a hand on the other's chest, feeling the rhythmic thumping slow down as they caught their breaths.
In a spontaneous moment, Kate laid her head on Tommy's chest, causing his heart rate to spike once again. She found his reaction amusing and commented on the strength of his heartbeat and the sensation of blood flow she could feel. Intrigued, Tommy asked if he could listen to her heartbeat. As he laid his ear on her chest, he was captivated by the sweet rhythm of her heart. The sound of her heartbeat, her body warmth, the rise and fall of her chest with each breath - it all mesmerized him. He confessed that he had never heard a human heartbeat so closely before, except for his parents'.
As Kate gently stroked his hair, she asked if he liked what he heard. His affirmative response marked the moment he realized he was in love with her. From that day forward, they made it a ritual to listen to each other's heartbeats, a tradition that continued even after they got married.
When their first child was born, Kate saw Tommy with his ear pressed against the newborn's chest, listening to the tiny heartbeat. Tommy confessed to Kate that hearing their baby's heartbeat reminded him of that fateful day at the beach when Kate allowed him to listen to her heartbeat. It was a poignant reminder of the love story that started with the simple act of sharing heartbeats.
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
Do you do RPs?
I don’t
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
I’m kinda busy lately , so I don’t have much time to go to the gym. The only way to exercise is when I go to work by bike and when I’m riding it fast and stop at the red lights , I feel my heart pounding and I love the feeling of having it beating so strong inside of my chest
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
So the most weird and random thing happened to me tonight .
After work I was drinking with a couple of friends at the counter of a bar near our workplace .
I usually don’t drink that much , max 2 or 3 beers , I was having my first one when this strange guy came and sat next to me .
My friends were talking about work and I was just chilling , listening to the music and sipping my beer when he started talking to me . He wasn’t drunk or anything , it seems he only wanted to talk .
We were having a nice conversation and he put his hand on the right side of his chest and mentioned something about his heartbeat ( to be honest , I wasn’t even paying too much attention to him). I laughed and said his heart was on the left side and put my hand on his left chest to feel his heart. I told him I couldn’t feel it and then he mentioned he had a heart surgery 2 years ago .
My first reaction was to pretend that I wasn’t surprised , then i asked a few things like how long did he stay in the hospital , if he felt a lot of pain after the surgery this kind of stuff
He unbuttoned his shirt and showed me the scar on his chest . Again , I put my hand on his bare chest and still couldn’t feel it
I kept touching his chest trying to feel a pulsation , it was kinda hilarious .
Then I said I didn’t believe he had a heart and put my ear over his chest and listened to his heartbeat for a few seconds .
I looked at him and said his heartbeat sounded so steady and nice . And it really did .
I put my ear on his chest for the second time and listened to his heart again 😂
After listening a little longer I mentioned how slow his heart was beating .
And put my ear again , for the third time ! 😂 to check if his heart had sped up , but no.
For my sadness he wasn’t a cardiophile ( my heart would burst out of my chest if a strange person suddenly put his head on my chest in a bar 😅)
So after listening to it again , I mentioned that he seemed to have a very healthy heart and we changed our topic .
My friends who were distracted the whole time didn’t even realize I was earstething a guy I just met . Lucky me .
We talked for about 1 hour but then I had to go because my friends were leaving .
I’m still thinking about it , I can’t even understand how come I listened to his heartbeat 3 times ! And I still remember how his heart sounded like
How lucky I was !
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
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Every time I watch a fight scene like this I wonder to myself if they can feel each other’s heartbeats . I mean their hearts must be pounding due to the exercise and excitement 🤔
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
A short story that happened to me
A couple of years ago, I was invited to a friend’s party .
I drank 1 bottle of vodka and not only that , but I also had a few jager shots.
I don’t know how , but I ended up passing out in the couch . My friends couldn’t wake me up and one of my best friends was trying to check my pulse and since she couldn’t she had to put her ear over my chest to listen to my heartbeat, which according to her was slow and a little irregular.
They called an ambulance and I was taken to a near by hospital.
My friend who was with me all the time probably saw the paramedics stething me . I never dared to ask her about that .
I woke up a few hours later with a needle stick to my arm. At first I was so confused , but she explained me what had happened and I felt so ashamed .
They sent me home on the same day and I felt like I had a hangover for almost a week.
Even nowadays I still feel weird for having my heart listened in front of all my friends when I was passed out , lol.
And after that day I avoid vodka , even the smell makes me sick . Ugh
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chaosheart1234 · 1 year
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Listening to my heart makes me happy ♥️
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