chaotic-loon · 1 year
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i’m only on reddit for r/Kevin
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chaotic-loon · 1 year
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
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Inkres's Family
1. Gly (His Biological mother)
2. Sycle (his biological father)
3. BlackHole (little brother)
4. Xzule (little cousin)
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
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Your welcome!
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
This is a WIG he wears btw-
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Undertale OC I've called Jinx, there's no reason for his white markings, I just thought they'd hit his character
He also works in delivery's, he is also a minor, 17 to be exact-
Hope you like him-
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
While I'm at it-
*holding a box of tissues for Silver*
You want one?
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Silver: I really appreciate it
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
Holy- That looks awesome!
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
Post something.
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
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Undertale OC I've called Jinx, there's no reason for his white markings, I just thought they'd hit his character
He also works in delivery's, he is also a minor, 17 to be exact-
Hope you like him-
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
I like spamming people
Also because I like to see if anyone would actually get pissed off at me for the shit I do here-
The fact you post so much shows you have less of a life than I do-
and yet u still want my attention
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
Because your reactions are funny and I know your lonely enough that you'll respond-
I'm a degenerate- what's your excuse-?
The fact you post so much shows you have less of a life than I do-
and yet u still want my attention
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
Your both on a level of dumbass that I do not worry because
- It's expected from you two
But also, I worry because there's a chance you could fuck up and actually get severally hurt.
You've both ascended to a level that nobody can even phathom
My knee still hurts cuz I hit it straight on on the floor,,, but mostly,,, Yeah,, this'll just end up on my list of stupid ways I injured myself without breaking a bone,,, honestly when we meet up irl,,, I'm going to show you all my scars,,, I have about... 13 burn scars on both my arms lmao,,,
sweetheart please be careful 😭 im gonna have to wrap u up in bubble wrap and carry u around. but I'm not really. accident prone. I have a scar on my index and middle finger joint from missing my knife sharpener once but that's about it so i think we'll balance each other out
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
This is why I both worry and don't at the same time
My knee still hurts cuz I hit it straight on on the floor,,, but mostly,,, Yeah,, this'll just end up on my list of stupid ways I injured myself without breaking a bone,,, honestly when we meet up irl,,, I'm going to show you all my scars,,, I have about... 13 burn scars on both my arms lmao,,,
sweetheart please be careful 😭 im gonna have to wrap u up in bubble wrap and carry u around. but I'm not really. accident prone. I have a scar on my index and middle finger joint from missing my knife sharpener once but that's about it so i think we'll balance each other out
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
Unfortunately there's still Taco and the Hotdog here in one way or another my dear tormented soul
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
You say that like your new to the Internet-
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
Your literally a simping clown for my sister, I'm stuck with you regardless whether I like it or not-
Not exactly sure of it'll work but take it-
I'll have to open it whenever i get off of work 😭 give me like an hour or smth
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chaotic-loon · 2 years
It's a talent what can I say
do I really post that much I came back to forty notifs
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